MTL - Peerless Pill God-Chapter 1656 Black Dragon Mountain Temple (2) (2)

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Red flame wood was split and split into two! !! !!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and the onlookers were dumbfounded.

Qin Sheng did it. He lifted the six-ring knife, and then split the red flame wood with a knife.

"No ... this is not true!"

"How could he do it."

Wu Yunlong's face paled, and what he had been worried about finally happened.

The lonely dust sword was also shocked. He had never thought about it. On the surface, it was plain and unremarkable. The martial arts repair was that Qin Sheng, who had only a hole in the sky, did it.

Raised the six-ring knife, which even his lonely dust sword could not do.


Shangguan Shiyu feels that she is living in a dream, which is extremely dreamy, but as a named disciple of semi-sacred realm, she can clearly distinguish dreams from reality.

"Sixth-class laborer, I returned to the temple this time, and finally I was able to raise my eyebrows and exhale." Shangguan Shiyu waved his fist and was extremely excited.

She is also a genius in the land of sin, but for those geniuses from the restricted area of ​​the north, it is really bleak.

In the northern restricted area, even the selection of disciples in labor is much better than the land of sin.

In fact, Shangguan Shiyu has been searching for geniuses who are qualified to perform the labor talent test in the Sinful Land for three consecutive years. Unfortunately, only one person is qualified to become a first-class labor disciple in three years.

Qin Sheng this time, Shangguan Shiyu was also not sure. I felt that this Qin Sheng was at most a first-rate laborer disciple. I did not expect to become a sixth-level laborer!

Is this the strongest disciple in the Black Dragon Mountain Temple this year?

For the first time in the talent test, you can become a sixth-class laborer disciple. This sensation, even if it is just a laborer disciple, Qin Sheng's name will be spread throughout the Black Dragon Mountain Temple.

"Qin Sheng, congratulations on being a disciple of the sixth grade!"

The lonely dust sword recovered from the shock the fastest, after all, he was qualified to become a true disciple of terror.

"No, I object!"

At this time, Wu Yunlong's face was gloomy. He pointed to Qin Sheng and said, "I suspect he cheated!"

"A little little caveman, how much he can master the Six Ring Sword?"

"Don't be kidding, say it, who wants to believe it?"

Wu Yunlong expressed the aspirations of all the onlookers and said, "I suggest that Qin Sheng's assessment qualification be abolished!"

This Wu Yunlong really couldn't afford to lose, and even directly slandered Qin Sheng for cheating, but also abolished Qin Sheng's assessment qualifications?

It's just a face away!

"Wu Yunlong, don't go too far!"

Qin Sheng didn't refute, Shangguan Shiyu rushed over and said coldly, "The altar was built together by the four heritage sites. Do you think that with the strength of Qin Sheng, you can hide the power of the four heritage sites." Altar under the cloth? "

"Shangguan Shiyu, you ..." Wu Yunlong was vomiting blood. He didn't know this situation, but he still had to grit his teeth and insist that Qin Sheng was cheating.


Suddenly, a palm fell fiercely on Wu Yunlong's face.

Wu Yunlong was directly pumped and Junlang's face became red and swollen.

"Who dares to smoke me?"

Wu Yunlong covered his face.

"Two more slaps!"

Suddenly, Wu Yunlong felt that the sky was turning upside down, slamming, two palms fell to his face ...

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