MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 458 This is not a negotiation, it is an order! 【3 more】

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   Chapter 458 This is not a negotiation, but an order! 【3 more】

  Dragon God sighed faintly: "It is estimated that the answer that guy Gaia gave you is that he can't bear to kill them."

  Rong Jinhuai smiled and said, "Not bad."

   "This is one of the reasons." The Dragon God said softly, "But the most important reason is that Qingying and I chose to let the dark orcs go."

   Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai's eyes suddenly sharpened.

  The golden mandala flower embroidered at the bottom of the white clothes flickers slightly, which is charming and magnificent.

"You must be thinking, why do we want to let go of these demonized orcs." Although the dragon **** couldn't feel the sight of the man in white, he knew very well what the people in front of him were thinking, "It's not because of our kindness, but because of our kindness. Because of…"

   Having said this, his voice paused for a while before continuing: "We owe Moya a life."

   "Fate?" Rong Jinhuai repeated the word softly, "One life, can it be worth the Nine Clan?"

  The Dragon God heard this sentence and was silent for a while: "Yeah, it's not worth it, but this life must be paid back."

   "Otherwise do you think that with three Chaos Spirit Weapons in hand, can't we wipe out the Dark Orcs?"

   On the dark orc side, Moya's strength is the highest.

   But on the side of the three royal families, there are three Chaos Beasts.

  Although the demonized orcs will be stronger than before, because the magical energy from the phantom demons will stimulate all the potentials in the body.

  It is ironic that, in a certain sense, being demonized is not a bad thing.

   "I can only tell you that we owe Moya a life." The Dragon God said in a low voice, "But what is it, I won't say."

   "I understand." Rong Jinhuai nodded and smiled, "The sad things of others really shouldn't be publicized too much."

   In the next second, his voice was slightly cold, as cold as the snow in the deep winter: "But the Dragon God, you let them live because of guilt 7,000 years ago, and now—"

  Dragon God was startled suddenly.

   "We probably won't let it go again."

   After being silent for a while, the Dragon God said: "I know that Moya has done a lot of wrong things and should be punished accordingly, but you..."

   "Can you guys beat Moya now?"

   Now in the entire Nine Clan World, the only Chaos Beast with fighting ability is only the six-star unicorn.

   But the current six-star unicorn will definitely not be Moya's opponent.

   The unicorn book has been recognized as the master, and even if the six-star unicorn consumes all the source of life, it cannot be used again.

   The masters of the three Chaos Spirit Weapons, two of them are still growing.

  If the dark orcs and the phantom demons attack together, even Rong Jinhuai might not be able to stop him.

   "Not now." Rong Jinhuai smiled lightly, "But that doesn't mean it won't work in the future."

"Hey, I can't get out of here either, the world belongs to your young people." The dragon god's voice was exhausted, "I just don't want to see that the world we have guarded for so many years will fall into ruin again. "

   Hearing these words, Rong Jinhuai raised his eyebrows slightly: "Once again plunged into destruction?"

   That time with the dark orcs, it wasn't the destruction of the world, right?

   Even if the four spirit guardian beasts fought against the phantom demons back then, it could not be described as the destruction of the world.

   "It's exaggerated, haha, it's exaggerated." The Dragon God didn't realize it was wrong, he laughed and said, "You know, people like to talk big when they get old."

  Rong Jinhuai did not ask any further questions, but kept this sentence in his heart.

   When you go to Shenxuan Island in the future, you can ask the group of people on the island.

   He leaned over slightly and touched the white skeleton again: "Dragon God, wait for me to come back."

   "Go." Dragon God smiled heartily, "When you are sure to get the key of the plane, it will not be too late to come back."

   Rong Jinhuai nodded and walked out of the cave.

   Outside the cave, there are flowing clouds blowing in the wind.

  The sky is blue and everything is peaceful.

  He looked up and looked into the distance.

   In the distance, is a piece of land floating in the sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the continent is looming.

  The huge urban agglomeration on the continent is reflected in these golden pupils, carrying thousands of lights, brilliant and sacred.

   In the depths of his pupils, he could vaguely see a four-hoofed horse with a spiral angle in front of his forehead gliding in the air on a cloud.

   On the other side, there is an angel with white wings behind his back, playing the flute and singing.

   City of the Holy Sky.

  The domain of the angel family.

  Sacred, graceful, pure and inviolable.

   The pure white tone is exactly the opposite of the dark city where the demons live.

   "The Floating Light Pagoda has not yet recognized its owner..." Rong Jinhuai looked at the City of Sacred Sky and raised his eyebrows, "I don't know who its owner will be."

   The man in white turned around and chuckled: "It seems that there will be turmoil in the Holy Sky City soon."

   Immediately, he jumped down from the clouds.

Behind    is the high firmament and the indelible sun and moon.


   Three days later.

  Casa Continent, Phoenix Valley.

   After the twists and turns of Dangan ended, it was finally time to re-elect the Great Elder.

   In the Elder Hall at the moment, apart from the remaining six elders, the patriarch, and some old ancestors, to the surprise of the other Phoenix people, the ancestors who had always cared about the affairs of the clan actually came.

  The old man in grey was sitting lazily on the side like a real retiree.

   Seeing everyone looking at him, he just waved his hand and said, "You guys are busy, don't worry about me, the old man, I just came to see the fun."

  People: "…"

  Dare you think this is a restaurant market?

   Are you here just for a stroll?

   But they didn't dare to say anything. Who made the old man in gray here the biggest?

  An old ancestor couldn't hold back after all, and asked the old man in gray: "Ancestor, today's choice of the great elder, will you..."

   was interrupted before he finished speaking.

  The old man in gray didn't know when he brought a plate of snacks to eat, he said vaguely: "I know nothing, everything listens to the Phoenix Lord, don't ask me."

   His tone was urgent, as if he was afraid that this matter would fall on him again and cause him trouble.

   The other ancestors couldn't help but turn their faces away. This move of the ancestors is really unimaginable.

   Mingming looked at the immortal style and moral character, but he turned out to be the same as those naughty children in the clan.

  Qing Yunge: "…"

   It's been so long for you guys to discover the true face of this old man.

   She can be considered miserable.

   Originally, she didn't want to choose any great elder.

   Just because that day in front of the tomb of the Divine Phoenix, when she was about to shake her hand and leave, the old man gave her a voice transmission and asked her to choose the first elder seven days later.

   said that she wanted her to establish the authority of the Phoenix Lord.

   The old man's attitude was very firm, and she wouldn't let her refuse at all.

   also said that only by her presence can the people of the Phoenix clan be honest and obedient.


  Qing Yunge suddenly wanted to return this Phoenix Lord Order to Divine Phoenix, but sadly, she couldn't enter the Divine Phoenix Tomb now, because that passage can only be used once.

   She thought to herself, fortunately, she did not take out the Phoenix Master Order according to her mother's instructions, or else it would definitely involve a bunch of other things.

   After a while, she quietly threw the Fengzhu Ling into the old man's house.

   "Everyone—" Qing Yunge sat at the end of the long table, clasped her hands, and glanced slightly, "I know that many of you are very dissatisfied with my junior."

   As soon as these words came out, several ancestors and elders were stunned. They never expected that such words would be said so bluntly.

   There was a moment of opportunity in the hall, and an old ancestor broke the silence first: "Why are we dissatisfied with the Phoenix Lord?"

   In fact, they were really a little dissatisfied.

   But in terms of face, I still have to pass, there are some things I can't say.

   "Well, just satisfied." Qing Yunge hooked her lips, "I'm afraid that my decision will make you beat me for a while."

  Ancestor: "?"

   Elder: "?"

  Wait, what decision are you trying to make?

   will make us dissatisfied enough to beat you?

  Fengxiao looked around at the people around, and suddenly a shudder, what is this bad premonition.

  Qing Yunge didn't look at them, then said, "Because I didn't plan to choose the Great Elder at all."

   "Phoenix Lord, you..." The second elder couldn't help but clapped his hands anxiously, "The position of the first elder cannot be vacant."

  The Great Elder is the core of the elders group. If there is no one, it is equivalent to the horse group without the leader, which will cause many things of the Phoenix Clan to be paralyzed.

   "Did I say that the position of the Great Elder will be vacant?" Qing Yunge glanced at the Second Elder, "Or do you want to be the Great Elder."

   "No no no!" The second elder was startled and waved his hands again and again.

   I thought to myself, this little girl's aura is too terrifying.

   "The next thing I say, you have to listen carefully." Qing Yunge narrowed her eyes and raised her eyes lightly, "Because, I am not discussing with you, I am ordering you."

   Hmm... This book is not as long as you think, but the pits will definitely be filled T0T

   There are a few chapters left in this volume, and the fourth volume "Storm" is about to open!

   I'm going to speed up the plot~

   Ooh, ask for a ticket, the 24th day of the ten thousand update, there are still six days left to promise you~



   (end of this chapter)