MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 544 Extra 4: Into the bridal chamber! 【New article open update notice】

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   Chapter 544 Extra 4: Sent to the bridal chamber! 【New article open update notice】

   Wanqing said that after the competition in the academy, she did not choose to go to other places to experience, but stayed at the Bingling Academy until graduation, and later stayed in the academy.

   She knew that she carried the blood of a certain family in Shenxuan Island, but she didn't know which family it came from.

  Because when she was a baby, she was placed on the ocean of stars and traveled all the way east to the Moonlight Forest.

   Fortunately, at that time, I met Liangzhai and Ming Song, two elves, and survived.

   Shenxuan Island does not have profound energy. The exercises they cultivate are the same as the illusory Daqian of the general plane, all of which are spiritual energy.

   But Wan Qing discovered that she actually possessed ice-type profound energy, and the purity was extremely high, which made her even more confused.

   But she doesn't care about this either. She is an outcast, who was alone in the past and will be alone in the future.

   Until later, someone found her.

   She seems to know this person, as if he was once the prince of Xuanwu Kingdom.

   is obviously a face without any expression, but inexplicably made her feel a touch of kindness.

   He said she was his sister.

   He also said that he only knew about it a few days ago, so he immediately sent people to look for it in the entire nine clans.

  Dan people.

   This is the race of their parents.

  Wan Qing never expected that she was still a half-blood, the descendant of a unicorn and a human.

   But the fact is in front of you, when your cultivation reaches a certain level, you can feel the blood fluctuations of the same family.

   At that time, Ye Jiangchen's cultivation had reached the high level of the Holy Order, so he could naturally judge.

   This is the younger sister he has been looking for for a year.

  She is still alive.

   "Brother said, when everything is settled, take me over." Wan Qing recalled and smiled slightly, "But I never thought that things would turn out like that."

   This incident naturally refers to the battle of gods.

   "What happened later?" Su Muyan asked.

  Today is a festive day, and no one else can be overwhelmed by sadness.

   So the moment Wan Qing opened her mouth, she arranged the barrier.

   "I thought my brother was dead." Wan Qing touched the head of the man beside him, but he looked like a sister, "But just eight years ago, I found my brother who was unconscious outside."

   "Eight years ago?"

   Hearing this time, Su Muyan, the Lord of Nine Serenities and the others looked at each other with a little understanding in their hearts.

   Eight years ago, when Qing Yunge and Rong Jinhuai returned, not everyone knew, because in the eyes of many ordinary people, they had always been in the world of the Nine Clans.

   "After my brother woke up, he forgot everything." Wan Qing went on to say, a little embarrassed, "and his temperament seems to be stuck in his teenage years."

   Mu Yue was silent for a while before slowly saying: "This kind of result should be the best."

  Forgetting is often because of too much pain.

  Sometimes people suffer because they remember too many things.

  It is not a new beginning to do it all over again.

   "Wait, Captain Wan." Su Muyan was a little puzzled, "Since your brother has lost his memory, why did you just say that he was coming to the wedding banquet?"

  Wanqing hesitated for a while before saying, "I don't know, but recently when I was walking around Chaos Continent with my brother, I saw the dragon and phoenix sedan chair."

   "My brother's expression became excited for some reason, and he pulled me and said he wanted to see it."

   "I brought him here."

  The teenage Ye Jiangchen still looks indifferent, he doesn't cry or laugh, just stares at everything with such indifferent eyes.


   A loud phoenix roar resounded outside the door.

   The movements of the guests stopped at this moment, and they all looked out at the same time.

   saw Ling Luo dragging on the ground, the scarlet skirt dragged on the red blanket like water, ripples.

   There are beautiful ladies and gentlemen coming hand in hand, step by step, showing dignity.

  Feng Guan Xia Pi, red clothes and plain hands.

  The son is like jade, and his face is alluring.

  Qing Yunge has always been wearing a red dress, but she has never worn any embellishments. Today, she is wearing a phoenix brocade Liuguang wedding dress sewn by Feng Langhuan stitch by stitch, and through the hijab, it also makes people feel the thrilling beauty.

   Rong Jinhuai had the greatest impact on the senses of the guests.

   The red color lined him, and the cold face was actually embellished with a trace of enchantment.

   Inky hair was not draped over his shoulders as usual, but was tied high by a red streamer, revealing his fair neck.

   The noble atmosphere is natural, and the Xia Ziyue rhyme.

  Real, the elegance is unparalleled in the world.

   Even if he had presided over many weddings, the emcee couldn't help but be stunned.

   After he came back to his senses, he stood up straight and shouted loudly: "Please invite the newcomer to Shengxitang—"

   Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge's palm was sweating, and her heartbeat couldn't help speeding up a bit.

   Although she is already the mother of three children, this is the first time they are married.

   "Don't be nervous." There was a low laugh in the ear, "Take my hand, that's enough."

   "Shut up." Qing Yunge's eyes twitched, "Grandpa and the others are watching."

  The hijab couldn't block her sight. She had already seen the happy faces of Mr. Qing, Qing Fengya, Feng Langhuan and...

  Rong Qing and Rong Nian.

  Although he hasn't grown up yet, he can already see that he must be a handsome boy when he grows up.


  Qing Yunge was a little puzzled, why didn't she see her naughty girl, where did she go to play?

   Before she could think about it, the voice of the master of ceremonies came from above.

   "One Worship!"

   As soon as these words came out, both of them stood still.

   Neither the sky nor the earth can afford the worship of two Chaos Masters.

   "Two worship high hall!"

  The two turned to the direction of Qing Fengya and Feng Langhuan, and bowed deeply.

   "Happy husband and wife!"

   After the two bowed to each other, they still held their hands.

   "Qingqing." Rong Jinhuai raised his eyebrows slightly, "I seem to see you blushing."

  Qing Yunge glanced at him: "That's because I put on makeup today."

   She wouldn't give this guy a chance to laugh at her.

   Hearing this, he leaned down and whispered in his ear: "But Madam today, she is really good-looking."

  Qing Yunge blinked: "You too."

   Coincidentally, when the two looked at each other, the master of ceremonies spoke again: "Now, please allow me to serve the bride and groom..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Rong Jinhuai interrupted him: "No, let's go directly to the bridal chamber."

   Master of Ceremonies: “…”

  People: "…"

   Give some face, please!

  The emcee was very tired, but he didn't dare to disobey, so he said weakly: "Send into the bridal chamber—"

   After discussing with the editor, we decided to open the update ahead of time.

   The opening time originally scheduled on the 22nd is now changed to the 14th!

   That's right, a week earlier!

   We will see you at zero on the fifteenth! 【This time is the earliest】

   If you come to review more, I will open the motor update~

   In the next book, I will write a different fantasy for you!



   (end of this chapter)