MTL - People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets-Chapter 391 I admit, I'm a colorist

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it's clear.

Blue sky and white clouds.

A white cruise ship was slowly driving on the sea. Wherever it passed, the propeller stirred up the calm sea, as if dragging a white tail, and the water waves did not dissipate for a long time.

Occasionally ships pass by.

The whistle sounded extremely loud in this calm, extremely empty sea.

Standing on the deck and looking into the distance, as far as the eye can see, the sea and the sky are in a line, and the insignificance of human beings in the sea not only shocks the stalwart of nature, but also makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Lobby on the third floor.

The floor of the sandalwood furniture has a fragrant wood scent, and it is covered with a layer of cashmere carpet with exquisite patterns. Stepping on it gives a feeling of sinking in comfort.

Walking inward along this sense of comfort, the eyelids are greeted by sets of exquisite sofas, tables and chairs, above which are hung bright glazed lamps, and strands of soft golden light refracted by the edges and corners are sprinkled.

In the middle area, there are two exquisite bar counters.

On one side is a traditional Japanese-style wine house. Girls in kimonos are drinking wine. When someone comes over, they will bow and say hello.

On the other side is a Western-style bar decoration style. Several hot blonde babes are wearing thin shirts and skirts, revealing large white skins, and their extraordinary strength is even more imaginative.

The decoration style of the whole floor is no different from the high-end wine houses in Ginza.

It must be said that there is a difference, that is, order a drink and sit down on the sofa, turn your head and you can enjoy the blue sky and white clouds outside through the glass window beside you.

Of course, the most special thing is the blue pool above.

Large and small fish swim in it, and there is a great white shark that flutters twice, which can not only appreciate the beauty of marine life, but also have a unique sense of freshness.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen such a luxurious cruise ship!"

"Dayue Benshengbao is too good! It would even arrange such a local interview."

"But it's mysterious, like being a spy is a bit exciting!"

"Idiot! Is it exciting to see that big blonde babes! With your small body, do you want to be mercilessly squeezed by the juicer?"

"Damn it! What are you talking about? Wasn't the pair of tan-skinned eyes staring at other people's Opie drooling?"

"But it sounds strange, since it is said to be the last round of interviews? Why is it in such a place."

"Yeah! And I have repeatedly told me to keep it secret!"

"How can I be so rude!"

A group of interviewers gathered together, and after the luxury of the cruise ship, they were a little curious about the environment of this interview.

Before I came, I mysteriously took everyone to a place for a meeting, and then ran to the sea. Such a strange interview always felt mysterious.

Because they have participated in several rounds of interviews, they have already become familiar with each other, and one of the guys who looked very unsocial sneered: "You guys who have never seen the world, can't you be unable to contact other clubs when you are interviewing at sea? As a result, it is natural to be forced to sign an employment oath."

"Nani? You are too rude! Even if you seem to know something, don't you know how to share it?"

"Be polite, Dawu! Nishikawa-kun is a senior who has participated in several interviews. It's not harmful to hear him talk about it!"

"Ha, just kidding. In fact, I have interviewed at Tokyo Life Insurance and Sanye Securities, Mitsui Marine Insurance and Industrial Bank, and Bank of Tokyo. So if you guessed correctly, we have already got an internal decision, this time I hope we If you can sign an employment oath, you will be able to work for Da Yue Ben's life in the future."

"No! Nishikawa-kun has participated in so many interviews? He has too much experience! Haven't you considered which club to work in?"

"Of course you can't worry about this kind of thing. Work is a life-long matter, so you must be cautious. Besides, you lose your freedom after you start working. You must earn enough money for traveling and horses before you become a horse. Let me explain to myself, who has become a bull and a horse for half a lifetime!"

"Carriage fee? Could it be Nishikawa-kun, you..."

"Shh! It's better to keep quiet about this kind of thing. After all, hehe..."

"How much money have you earned?"

"About three million!"

"Nani? How come there are so many?"

"A lot? I heard from the seniors that last year, a guy made more than 10 million yuan just for driving and horses! Hey, the business situation has suddenly become a little bad, and this year's extra money is only 500,000 yuan!"

"Then, if you say that, Japan Health Insurance will also pay us for the car and horse?"

"Of course. But Saiben Shengbao has always been very stingy. If you want cattle and horses to pull the cart, the cost of the cart and horse is always only 200,000 yuan, so don't hold out too much hope."

Two hundred thousand.

There are also fifteen hundred dollars.

Americans earn so much a month, is it less?

I don't understand how the Yamato nation has such a shameless guy as Nishikawa.

But thinking that if he gets an internal appointment, he can become a staff of Dayueben Health Insurance, and he will be responsible for national welfare and pensions for the elderly in the future, and Morita can't help but straighten his chest.

If the treatment given by Dayue Bensheng Insurance is better than that of Changxin Bank, then give your soul to it!


This is the final key interview.

Come to the fourth floor.

Compared with the decoration style of the cooking house on the third floor, this floor looks like a serious interview place.

There is a sofa seat in a business suit, a secretary in a suit and leather shoes is standing by, and a job seeker who has chatted with him before is sitting in front of the interviewer and nervously answering some questions.

Morita was taken to the door.

Quietly glanced at the interviewer inside.

A suit of great value, with a long scar on his face, looks like a gentle beast.

was pronounced by name.

Shengtian Roy quickly approached.

The animal interviewer made a gesture of invitation, picked up his resume and looked at it and asked: "Mr. Shengtian's resume looks very good, and he is very competitive in major companies, so why did he choose to join the company? What about the life insurance?"

This is a scoring question.

And the same question Morita has answered many times.

However, the sound is not too loud, but there are no warships.

Holding his chest up and holding his breath, Sheng Tian shouted in his loudest voice: "Because Da Yue Ben Sheng Bao is responsible for the public welfare of this country, any young person who has a responsibility will feel that joining Da Yue Ben Sheng Bao. pride."

"Normally, it's business that talks about doctrine, so is there a more pragmatic reason?"

This is so embarrassing.

The most basic political correctness didn't seem to work, and it was dismantled in person. Sheng Tian couldn't help but blushed and lowered his head in shame.

But in the end he was a student at Kyoto University.

With embarrassment, Morita said in a much quieter voice: "This... mainly because I heard that the benefits of Japan Health Insurance are very generous, and newcomers will have at least 5 million yen salary in the first year, and... in personnel The assessment system is also more willing to promote hard-working young people, so..."

"So, salary and promotion?"


"Why is it so quiet?"


With an aggressive attitude, Shengtian didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to see his thoughts and said, "Is it because it feels shameful to talk about salary and promotion?"


"Why do you have such a strange idea?"

Strange idea?

Shengtian was stunned for a moment, then raised his head subconsciously and said, "Because I often hear that young people must abandon jobs with high wages and good welfare benefits, and have a spirit of enduring hardships. Too short-sightedness is not conducive to struggle..."

"What did your teacher say?"


"What's this guy's name?"


"No matter what the name is, I just want to say that in the future, I will work in a society. If I have a chance, I will go back and clean up this **** and tell him that an excellent expert should donate all the money, so that it will be beneficial to the economic development and social progress.”



Several rounds of interviews.

By the time it was over, the morning was over.

Several of the promising talents have not yet chosen to sign the oath of office.

Naoo Nagano was not in a hurry, and when he learned that lunch was ready, he notified him to start eating.

"Wow, so many delicious dishes!"

"No! That looks like bluefin tuna sashimi! It's too extravagant!"

"That looks like a yellowtail!"

"This is too rich! There are more than 20 kinds of sashimi alone!"

"That seems to be the top snowflake and beef!"

I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf!

Even the cruise ship has been used, and of course the food cannot be saved. Now the newcomers are all monkey spirits. If they are not allowed to be completely corrupted by capital, where can they find cattle and horses.

Therefore, seeing the dishes prepared by the chef, a bunch of children who have never seen the world are stunned.

What's more is that the sashimi is still sprinkled with sparkling gold, which is attached to various sashimi dishes, making people dizzy.

Kazuo Morita came from an ordinary family. Although he had seen gold leaf in a Tokyo cake shop, he still could not understand how gold could be eaten.

Quietly asked the person next to Nishikawa: "Nishikawa-kun, this, can you really eat gold foil? There won't be any problems, right?"

"Why ask such a strange question? Of course you can eat it! And you can still beautify your skin and prolong your life!"

"real or fake!"

"You won't die anyway! But doesn't it look great?"

"Makes sense!"

with this thought.

Kazuo Morita was holding a tray. He didn't choose delicious food, only the most expensive one. After a while, the tray was filled with all kinds of exquisite food.

Come to the window by the sea.

Looking at the seascape outside, Moral Education, who was interviewing together, ran over with a bottle of red wine.

"Shengtian, Rafi!"

"No! Are you even prepared for this kind of wine?"

"What's this, there are more than a dozen floors there."


Look along the line of sight.

Lafite's position in his heart plummeted in an instant.

The wine glasses stacked on top of each other were filled with red wine, but there were more than ten meters of boxes around, which seemed to be all Lafite.

It turned out that this thing is actually very cheap!

with this thought.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera! Otherwise, it's worth taking a photo."

"What a shameful thought, a manly man, shouldn't you focus on the beauties over there?"

"I bet that blonde is American."

"Idiot! In your eyes, don't you know other foreigners except Americans? They are obviously Middle Easterners."

"Are Middle Easterners blond?"

"It's not normal for foreigners to have blonde hair."

"Oppai seems to be just average, that is, those legs are very interesting."


The color batches are eating delicious food.

Admiring the etiquette sisters at the bar.

With the sea breeze blowing again, the wretched heart has been corroded to the point where it cannot be found.

Even if there are some strong-willed guys, they will recite the Great Compassion Mantra in their hearts, but when a girl with slender legs and melancholy eyes comes over, these strong-willed guys are sluggish for a while, and then go crazy.

"Wow! That beauty looks like a famous Nakamori dish."

"It seems to be really a famous dish!"

"Are you dreaming? Why did Cai Cai come here!"

"No, you see, it really looks like a famous dish."

"Wow! Seems like it's true... those legs..."

"Nakamori famous dish?!"

"Famous dish!"

"Cai Cai!"

That's right.

You are not a high-ranking profession in Japan, but it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't like it!

As one of the three major singers of the Showa era, Nakamori Famous Dish is known as the "Yuanzu Singer". With her sweet singing voice, she is very popular among young people.

In the music status of the entertainment industry, he once kept pace with Yamaguchi Baihui, and he was often compared with Matsuda Seiko, who was similar in temperament.

to this end.

The fans of the two actresses are also divided into the Nakamori faction and the Matsuda faction. They not only compete in Japan, but also have influence in Hong Kong and Macau.

No one thought of it.

The first beautiful leg who can dance the most, the Yuanzu singer, would appear together in such a place.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

A group of otaku actually forgot that they were interviewing, and desperately shouted at their idols with unconcealed surprise and excitement.


Lighting changes.

The bright yellow glazed lamp above his head was turned off and turned into a colorful light.

Music echoed in the cabin.

Nakamori Akina held the microphone, smiled and waved to others, and sang her title album - "Water に Insert し た Flower".

A pair of talking eyes, in the dark light, conveys a kind of sadness and melancholy from the bones.

Because he changed into a white dress, standing upstairs and looking down, it was like looking at a pair of angels with broken wings, helplessly pouring out his loneliness and depression.

The color critics were shocked by the melancholy in their bones, and listened to the song quietly, forgetting to shout.

Until the end of the song, applause came from the first floor upstairs, and the people below woke up like a dream and applauded together.

Sing a cappella.

Just today's special.

Mission accomplished.

Akina Nakamori went back upstairs.

Naoko Nagano applauded and said, "Miss Nakamori has worked hard. I wonder if Nagano has the honor to invite you to dinner."


Famous Nakamori no longer relaxes downstairs just Facing the existence of Naoo Nagano, I can't help but feel nervous and dare not refuse directly.

But the entertainment industry!

If you want to get along, you really can't afford to provoke Japan's life insurance.

The brokers have already warned, if it is not too much, try to exercise restraint.

I hesitated.

Nakamori Akina swallowed her nervous saliva and said, "Famous dishes did not dare to refuse Nagano-kun's invitation."

"Miss Nakamori looks very nervous! Are you worried that I'm a sexist?" Naoto Nagano shook the wine glass in his hand and said playfully.

Nakamori Akina dared to answer, and hurriedly denied: "It's not like this! It's because...because..."

"Miss Nakamori, don't be nervous. I know that in the eyes of many people, I may be a big slut!" Naoo Nagano said, and paused: "For this reason, I have to clarify! Well! I'm just a lecher. Critic, I am Naoo Nagano very self-aware of this."

Nakamori Akina covered her mouth and snickered.

Men love face, especially capable men. I have never seen such an interesting guy as Naoo Nagano.

Nao Nao Nao's face also smiled: "As a real **** critic, he is very principled! So Miss Nakamori don't have to worry, a principled man will not do anything against the ideas of girls. Miss Sawaguchi is also there, Nagano The main reason is to thank the two of you for your tireless efforts to help this time, and I would like to invite the two of you to have a drink to express my gratitude."

"Nagano-kun is very kind, there is just a schedule, I can have work to do, and I still do things for Dayueben Shengbao. It is the famous dishes who should be thanked."

"Haha, it's useless to thank you here, please be sure to drink a few more glasses later!"