MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 119

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On this day, An's mansion and An Ruochen's head looked like two different scenes, they were beaming, they slaughtered pigs and placed wine and incense to fulfill their vows, because An Zhifu and Duan's family were finally released and returned to the mansion.

Mrs. Tan was busy all morning, prepared a sedan chair to pick up people, and welcomed An Zhifu to bathe, change clothes, burn incense, eat fast, worship Buddha, pray to ward off evil spirits, and so on. The whole house circled up and down, all the houses surrounded An Zhifu to ask for his health, trying to show consideration, An's house was actually as lively as Chinese New Year.

After Duan came back, she was thrown in the yard, and only two women fetched water, cleaned her body, changed her clothes, and ate food. Duan didn't seem to care, she didn't make any noise, and she would do whatever she was asked to do. Mrs. Tan thinks it is very good to save trouble.

An Zhifu was in a good mood, not only because he finally got out of the prison, but also because Qian Shixin took special care of him. In the past few days, Qian Shixin visited the prison, and arranged for him a separate cell, good food and clean water, and asked the prison guards from Zhuan'an to visit him casually. Yesterday Qian Shixin specially went to the prison and said to him: "I have made an agreement with the prefect, and I will let you out tomorrow."

Sure enough, the prison guard came to call An Zhifu early this morning, told him to get ready, and completed the paperwork, etc., without any difficulty, he and the Duan family were sent back home.

In this way, An Zhifu felt that it was a blessing in disguise. Qian Pei had tricked him, but it was good to get Qian Shixin's guilt to make up for it. After all, Qian Shixin is also an official, so if he takes care of him, he can be regarded as the care of the prefect. Look, this time Mr. Qian made all kinds of arrangements, and the guards listened to him. It can be seen that the prefect agreed to give Qian Shixin face. An Zhifu didn't dare to curry favor with Qian Shixin before because he was worried about offending Qian Pei. Now that this matter has not offended Qian Pei, and he has made friends with Qian Shixin, both of them are on good terms, which is really good.

Thinking of this, An Zhifu really comforted him a lot. When he returned home, he ate and drank a good meal, and with the concubines and slaves serving him, he suddenly regained his prestige. Seeing that everyone is pleasing to the eye, especially Mrs. Tan, who has worked hard these days and has done a good job in managing the family. An Zhifu's heart became hot, and he announced in public that he would help Mrs. Tan to be the main wife on this day, and asked Anping, the steward, to arrange some gifts, and the whole family would have a festive dinner together in the evening, which was considered a settled matter. The yard of the second room was also cleaned up, making it more cheerful. There is no need to move the yard, and the maids and servants in the second room yard will all be rewarded with some happy money and so on.

Tan was so overjoyed that she was so excited that she almost shed tears. She felt that she had endured the humiliation and tried her best for the family all these years, and now she finally got what she wanted. The Xue family of the third room and the Liao family of the fifth room were unwilling and gritted their teeth, but they also showed joy and stepped forward to congratulate. An Ruoxi and An Ronggui were also very happy for their mother. The whole family was laughing and talking, festive and lively.

Seizing this opportunity, Mrs. Xue said to An Zhifu: "Master, I received a letter from my uncle the day before yesterday, saying that the second son of the food store in their county is sixteen, and the family is planning to arrange a marriage. The owner of the food store is surnamed Du, There are two sons and two girls in the family. The eldest son is married and has gone to a separate business. He is doing business in the outer city and has become very popular. Boss Du's grain store is the largest in their county. The second son. The Du family is well-off and kind. The second son is also handsome and personable. My cousin said that it is a very good family. He thinks the second son is a good match for my Laner, so he wrote a letter Come over and ask, and see what we plan to settle down."

Xue Shi said, carefully looked at An Zhifu's expression, and continued: "Lan'er is also fifteen, it's time to go to Xu's family. This Du family is so suitable, I thought I could take the matchmaker to see Look, if it's really good, let's talk to each other. What do you think of the master?"

The whole family fell silent, An Ruolan lowered her head, looking a little shy.

An Zhifu asked, "Is that your cousin in Qi County?"

"Yes." Mrs. Xue hurriedly said, "The Du family in Qixian County, uncle said that the grain and oil business is quite big. There are branches in the surrounding counties and towns, and there are many lands. There are many farmers under it. Then Boss Du is a Generous, the bride price will definitely not be missing. My cousin also has some friendship with Boss Du, so that's why I got involved in this matter."

An Zhifu was in a good mood, and when he heard that the other party's family was prosperous and he was a landlord, his eyes lit up. Lian said it was a good thing.

Mrs. Xue hurriedly said: "Then I'll ask someone to write a letter to my cousin and ask him to talk about it. I'll find a matchmaker later on." As she spoke, she couldn't hide her joy.

Mrs. Tan gave her a dark look, and was very displeased at Mrs. Xue stealing the limelight. What's the point of "also" finding a matchmaker to join in the fun and make things difficult for others.

An Ruoxi glanced at An Ruolan, she was turning her head to look at her mother, the mother and daughter smiled at each other. An Ruoxi felt a little uncomfortable. She understood, how could the uncle in Qi County and the third aunt be so close, and they didn't see any manners during the Chinese New Year. He probably didn't even know how old An Ruolan was this year. How could any family in their county make such a fuss about getting married? Someone must have asked them to do so.

It turned out that the third aunt was silent, and quietly helped the third sister to make arrangements. She even knew that she was going to marry in another county, and found a good family.

An Ruoxi lowered her head, pinched the corner of her clothes, and Xue Xuran's face appeared in her mind again. It would be great if she could marry Mr. Xue.

"What happened to the Xue family?"

An Ruoxi seemed to be overheard, and was startled. Looking up, it turned out that An Zhifu was asking Mrs. Tan.

Mrs. Tan replied: "I just met Mrs. Xue the day before yesterday, and she said that I would go back to discuss with Master Xue. I have been busy with Master's affairs these two days, so I haven't had time to ask. Besides, I was also thinking, so I can't seem Our family is in a hurry, and they will figure it out. But master, don't worry, I ordered Matchmaker Chen and asked her to keep an eye on Mrs. Xue. She is running errands for Mrs. Xue to discuss marriage, and will help our family find out when the opportunity arises. If there is any news, you will come and tell me."

After hearing this, An Zhifu didn't ask any more questions, but he was very interested in the Du family in Qi County, so he asked the Xue family a few more words, and then asked Anping to take the matchmaker to inquire about it. What to do, what conditions you want, he has carefully instructed.

Xue Shi smiled so much that she squinted her eyes, and agreed to all of them, An Ruolan lowered her head even more, and she couldn't hide the smile on the corner of her mouth.

Mrs. Tan really couldn't see them like this, her teeth itched with hatred, and the joy of being helped to be the main wife was shattered by the hands of the third room. That night, I finished my meal and completed the formalities in the main room. Tan asked someone to call Matchmaker Chen.

Matchmaker Chen came and said, "Oh, I was thinking of coming to visit my wife tomorrow morning."

Tan said with a smile: "I'm not in a hurry, it's just that there is a happy event at home today, and there are no fruit gifts and snacks here. I thought I would save a copy for Nanny Chen."

Matchmaker Chen naturally understood, first she said something nice and flattered Mrs. Tan, and then said: "What a coincidence, today I went to Xue's residence and asked Mrs. Xue what she meant."

Tan shi pricked up her ears while licking the melon seeds slowly.

"Madam, guess what, it's a coincidence. Ms. An also went to Xue's residence today."

Tan suddenly sat up straight, "What is she going to do?"

Matchmaker Chen waved her hands like a storyteller: "When I went, I bumped into Ms. Anda and left. She glanced at me and smiled. Oh, I didn't know that Ms. Anda was so ruthless before. look."

True or not, Tan resisted the urge to interrupt Matchmaker Chen. That **** An Ruochen is the best at putting on airs. In front of outsiders, she definitely pretends to be dignified and well-behaved. What kind of identity is Chen Matchmaker?

Matchmaker Chen continued: "I saw Mrs. Xue, and asked her if that was the eldest girl from the An family. Mrs. Xue smiled, but didn't answer. I asked if there was something wrong, and Mrs. Xue said nothing."

Tan frowned. Matchmaker Chen looked at her expression and said with a smile: "Madam, don't worry, I don't deal with Mrs. Xue once or twice. I just said it directly. I heard that Miss An and An's family are not compatible. Could it be that she came to hinder the marriage. Mrs. Xue sighed." I tried to persuade him, saying that since the eminent monk gave advice, this marriage is a good one, if it is obstructed maliciously, I am afraid it will cause trouble. I will tell Mrs. Xue what my wife told me in detail. I said look at An’s family, but they didn’t agree to it before, and a series of disasters happened, and they let go of their marriage proposal, and the situation will turn around immediately. I saw Madam Xue’s face immediately relaxed, and I was quite moved.”

Tan said: "Isn't that right? That's exactly the truth. This is not nonsense." Although what she said to Mrs. Xue earlier was quick-witted, but since she and Mrs. Xue expressed their willingness to get married, the happy event One after another, she herself actually felt that it should be like this. Being pressured by the Xue family again today, she is more determined about An Ruoxi's marriage to the Xue family. "Tell me, what does Mrs. Xue mean by this marriage now?"

Matchmaker Chen said: "Mrs. Xue said that there is a very suitable girl in the other county, but her family is not very happy. There are old and young, which is very burdensome. Mrs. Xue is quite worried that the girl will have to make a fuss when she enters the house." You also know that when the bride returns home, or visits her relatives in the future, if something happens to her family, she asks to go home and take a look. It seems unreasonable not to agree, and it is inappropriate to agree. Mrs. Xue is afraid that it will be difficult to control the request. Mrs. Xue means that marrying this lady for Mr. Xue is to help Mr. Xue's luck. I don't want the daughter-in-law here to leave home, it would be better if she is always by Mr. The girl's family background, I'm afraid that her family will talk loudly when they propose marriage. Mrs. Xue has this level of concern, so she should discuss it with Master Xue, but Master Xue was annoyed that he was rejected by Master An before. Master Xue thinks that Master An is not serious. I wish to marry this marriage, but now I just force it to ward off evil spirits and relieve disasters."

After thinking about it, Mrs. Tan understood. The Xue family found it later, so it's not because of her daughter. It's just that the girl from the outer county is definitely not as good as the second miss of the An family, so Mrs. Xue still has the heart to talk, but Master Xue doesn't want to show any more empathy. The worst thing is that there is An Ruochen who is fanning the flames. This **** must know that the master is going back to the mansion today, so he went to Xue's house to lobby.

Tan said: "Master Xue is not willing, so what does Mrs. Xue mean?"

The matchmaker hurriedly said: "Mrs. Xue asked me to come and inquire tomorrow to see if I can give you a certain letter of what the madam means. If she has made up her mind, she will go to persuade Mr. Xue. Mrs. Xue I feel that the two families are in the same city, and their family backgrounds are comparable, so they are well-matched. It will not be troublesome to communicate in the future. The second girl can accompany Mr. Xue at ease when she enters the house, and she doesn't have to worry about her family."

Tan Shi was overjoyed, it seemed that An Ruochen was busy all day, Madam Xue was devoted to her precious son, and she was not easily instigated by outsiders. Mrs. Tan put on airs: "I told Mrs. Xue about my master's intentions. But in the end, it depends on the Xue family's willingness. Otherwise, it will be said that my master wants to marry his family. Dear, his family doesn't like it, it's not pleasant to say it."

"Yes, yes." Matchmaker Chen said. "Madam, don't worry. Mrs. Xue said that she has made up her mind on this matter. As long as Mr. An makes up his mind, she will be able to persuade Mr. Xue to nod. After all, face is not as important as the life of a son. It's just that Mr. Xue was angry when he was rejected last time." , this time Mrs. Xue will be worried and wants to get a letter."

Tan has a plan in mind, and asks the matchmaker to wait. She went to An Zhifu, told him about the matter, and pointed out the meaning of the matchmaker's words, and emphasized that An Ruochen was still determined and was still planning to obstruct this matter.

An Zhifu drank a few more cups and became a little drunk. Hearing this, he was furious and shouted at Mrs. Tan: "This family must be married! Let that **** An Ruochen take care of it!"

An Zhifu went to the side hall in person and told Matchmaker Chen that if the Xue family still wanted to get married, they should do so quickly. Otherwise, there is no such shop after this village. The first thing he An Zhifu did after he got out of the prison was to talk about a good relationship with his daughter, and he was happy to go back and forth with bad luck. If the Xue family is not sincere and does not give an accurate statement within two days, then he has no choice but to find another marriage.

After hearing this, matchmaker Chen responded quickly and went to Xue's house to report the letter overnight.

When Matchmaker Chen reported the matter to Mrs. Xue, Xue Xuran was also listening to his secret agent's report in his yard.

"An Ruochen's guards killed a person, but the identity is unknown?"

"There is no news about who the deceased is in the yamen. It suddenly appeared today, saying that it was the young waiter of the Zhaofu Restaurant, named Qi Zheng, who he met in other counties. But Qi Zheng said that he had never seen this person. This person Lured him to a dark alley in the name of his adoptive father, and suddenly tried to kill him and Mrs. Lu. The military master named Tian Qing happened to bump into them and rescued them."

"Who is his adoptive father?"

"It turned out that the gatekeeper of the Jubao Gambling Workshop was an old acquaintance with Mrs. Lu's deceased husband. When the secret passage of the Jubao Gambling Workshop was discovered, the government opened the coffin for his adoptive father's autopsy. Fang killed him."

Xue Xuran rubbed his chin: "There is a story like this? An Ruochen's life is really interesting. Have you got the record of today's case?"

The man handed over the record. He is too clear about the master's temperament, if he doesn't investigate the matter thoroughly, he will be choked up by questions when he comes back, which will make the master unhappy.

"It's done very well." Xue Xuran took the record and opened it impatiently.

The subordinate calmly said: "Master, the medicine should be cold. After drinking the medicine, it's time to go to bed."

Xue Xuran frowned and gave him a white look, is there such a disappointment?

The subordinates continued to remain calm: "Madam will make rounds."

Xue Xuran choked. Suddenly, she was a little envious of An Ruochen. When she was researching the case record, no one made rounds to remind her to sleep, right?

Tian Qing and Lu Zheng escorted An Ruochen's carriage back to Ziyun Building. On the way, Lu Zheng asked Tian Qing, "What happened to Qi Zheng? What did I tell you?"

"It's nothing." Tian Qing smiled: "I was so young, I was scared to tears. I just comforted him."

"Oh." Lu Zheng didn't care, and stopped asking.

Tian Qing glanced at him, then at An Ruochen's carriage, and didn't mention it again.