MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 123

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Hou Yu doesn't trust Qian Pei very much. Who would trust a greedy old pervert?

But the name of every emergency contact that Mr. Xie gave him was Qian Pei. Even after Tang Xuan was arrested, Qian Pei actually had the right to decide his life and death. Hou Yu was very surprised when Qian Pei uttered the code word to make him obey the order.

Those who have the power to decide Mr. Xie's life and death can directly bypass Mr. Xie and communicate with their superiors. Hou Yu didn't understand why it was Qian Pei, and he didn't understand what Qian Pei wanted. Qian Pei doesn't want to be an official, and he doesn't want to work hard in business. He prefers to make a profit in the middle, and he likes the way others respect and fear to flatter him. This old man is mentally ill. This is Hou Yu's conclusion. In his opinion, Qian Shixin was much safer than his father. So what he didn't understand the most was, since the father and son surnamed Qian were both doing the same thing, why did they hide it from each other.

But that has nothing to do with him. He just needs to get the job done, get the money, and spend the rest of his life full of gold, silver, and food, without having to look at anyone's face, even many people will look at his face. He shouldn't be just a yatou, it was Yao Kun who mistreated him. For many years, it was obvious that he was the best at what he did, but it was always someone else who promoted him.

Hou Yu returned to the Yamen according to Qian Pei's instructions, waiting for Qian Shixin.

There are indeed a lot of secret agents lurking in this city. Hou Yu feels that he is the one who knows the most names. According to the instructions, he is the contact person of several people. If there is any problem with Mr. Xie, those people have to contact him. He's here to deliver the message. As for him, he needed to find his contact person—Qian Pei.

Now that the Qian family father and son want to pass on the message through an outsider, it is really ironic.

Qian Shixin discussed with Yao Kun for a long time before coming out. He also went to see the corpse and asked about his work. When Qian Shixin left, his heart was very heavy. The murderer's methods are brutal, but he is also calm. The first sword cut off the neck to ensure that the opponent could not call for help, and there was no possibility of survival. The murderer was so powerful that he almost broke his neck with a single blow. Wu Zuo thought that the murderer should be a man, but he also heard that witnesses who witnessed the murder said that the body of the murderer looked like a woman, so Wu Zuo changed his words and could not judge whether the perpetrator was a man or a woman based on the scars.

Qian Shixin saw Hou Yu, and Hou Yu gave him a wink, so Qian Shixin seemed to casually ask the yamen on duty who patrolled the streets last night and met Qian's nursing home to hunt down criminals together. The Yamen was not very clear. Seeing Hou Yu's presence, he hurriedly said: "Who is on duty, Hou Yatou knows best. You can ask him."

Qian Shixin passed in the direction pointed by Yachai, and exchanged salutes with Hou Yu.

There was no one around, Qian Shixin said: "Do you have any news? Is it a butcher?"

"Sounds like it should be her."

"Why did you attack my father?" The dead old man was a stand-in, it was obvious.

"My lord, have you asked Master Qian?" Hou Yu pretended not to know.

Qian Shixin frowned, of course he had to ask again when he got back, it's a big deal to mess with the butcher. When Tang Xuan asked him to investigate whether the butcher was hiding something, he suspected that Min Dongping's disappearance had something to do with her. Now it seems that the butcher has indeed betrayed them.

"Does the butcher know each of us?" Does killing his father have anything to do with this matter? "She has betrayed her heart, and we are all in danger."

"I don't think so." Hou Yu said: "Although the butcher is moody, she will not do things that are thankless. Firstly, she doesn't know who we are, and secondly, what is she killing us for? This is harmful to her. Nothing to gain."

"What good does it do her to kill my father?"

"Young Master Tang said he had doubts about the butcher, now I understand it. It's An Ruofang."

"What?" Qian Shixin was surprised.

"Although it can't be confirmed with 100% certainty, it is indeed possible. An Ruofang has been missing for such a long time. If she doesn't show her whereabouts, she is dead. But An Ruochen received the news that An Ruofang is still alive. Who is it? It was revealed to her? She searched everywhere and even went to a nunnery."

Qian Shixin connected all the clues and understood. "An Ruochen doesn't know about the butcher, but she has a clue that An Ruofang is in the hands of the butcher."

"Maybe she knows about the butcher now. The butcher wants to kill your father, not because of any rebellion and revenge, but because of An Ruofang or An Ruochen."

Qian Shixin frowned, then his father's life is in danger, if he escaped this time, can he escape the next time? And the butcher became An Ruochen's helper, so what's the matter? Qian Shixin thought for a while, calmed down, calmed down, and said: "Mr. Tang said that the butcher is cold and arrogant, and she will definitely not obey An Ruochen's orders. Besides, if she contacts An Ruochen, Zi There will be news from the other side of the Yunlou. But the butcher is always a scourge and must be eliminated. Mr. Tang's suspicion is right, Mr. Min's disappearance may have something to do with the butcher."

"Perhaps Mr. Min found out that the butcher was hiding An Ruofang, and that's why he was murdered."

"We have to lure her out and dispose of it."

Hou Yu asked: "Use your father?"

Qian Shixin's face darkened.

An Ruochen was shocked when he heard that Qian's mansion was attacked in Ziyun Building. What happened was a murder case, and the case record was sent to Ziyun Tower. An Ruochen looked over and frowned. Lu Zheng asked her: "Miss, are you going to the county government office to see the situation?"

An Ruochen thought for a while: "The prefect must be busy investigating the case at the moment, Qian Pei and Lord Qian must be there too. I'd better not add trouble."

Tian Qing also asked: "Is the girl going out today?"

Lu Zheng glanced at him.

An Ruochen also looked up at him, and thought for a while: "Don't go out. Go to Zhaofu Restaurant for me, tell Qi Zheng about the case, and remind them to be careful."

Tian Qing agreed and left soon.

An Ruochen asked Lu Zheng to go down as well, and she went to visit Aunt Lu. Aunt Lu's neck injury has healed a bit, and it still hurts when eating and talking, but she is already anxious to go out for An Ruochen. Hearing about Qian Pei's case was also surprising, and wanted to plead for orders, An Ruochen pressed the back of her hand and stopped her: "Your injury is not healed, so it's not appropriate to go out. Besides, it's not appropriate for us to go out now." Zhao Jiahua had a little You are right, the closer you are to each other, the safer you are. Everyone stares at each other, and the person who is anxious to make a move will show his feet, so he will be cautious instead. There are spies in Ziyun Tower, although Li Changshi was planted, but An Ruochen knows that the spies are still lurking here.

Things haven't been quite right lately. She has feelings. It's not about Zhonglan City, but about the general. The general must be doing something, this kind of timing, with secret actions, made An Ruochen very alert.

"Ma'am, take good care of your injuries and be patient." An Ruochen said, "The most strange thing about this case is not that there is an assassin, but that there is actually a substitute."

Aunt Lu was startled, but she also came to her senses.

"What kind of person would prepare a substitute for himself?" An Ruochen asked as if talking to himself. Qian Pei may be more complicated than she originally guessed.

The murderer couldn't identify the sex, which meant a woman was more likely. She could only think of one person—Master Jingyuan. When thinking of Mrs. Jingyuan, I would naturally think of Fourth Sister.

"We have to find a way to intervene in Qian Pei's place." Aunt Lu said with difficulty. This is something she has never done, and she is even more anxious at this juncture. Last time Zhao Jiahua said that the girl from the Qian family only dared to reveal a little bit of news after accepting the benefits, but she had no chance to ask her to find out more. Qian Pei replaced a group of servants in the mansion, and that girl was among them. The closest one that can be found to Qian Pei can only be seen from a distance outside his door, which is really useless.

"We have people." An Ruochen said.


"My father." She had a guess. Whether this guess is right or not depends on whether Qian Pei has been to Anfu in the past two days.

Qian Pei went to Anfu.

An Zhifu almost jumped up in fright when he heard the porter's report. Just after hearing Anping's report about Qian's mansion being attacked in the middle of the night, Qian Pei came to the door? An Zhifu's first thought was that he didn't find the assassin.

An Zhifu welcomed Qian Pei in carefully. For a while, I didn't know whether I should express my condolences when I heard about the tragedy. Because Qian Pei's expression didn't look like someone who needed condolences, nor did he look like he came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes. An Zhifu ordered someone to serve tea, feeling a little anxious, "what's the matter" is not easy to ask.

"I'm here to make amends." Qian Pei spoke. These words startled An Zhifu again. Did an assassin scare Mr. Qian into a different shape yesterday?

Qian Pei smiled and said: "My porter went out to collude with some bandits, and instigated the Fourth Madam of your mansion to deal with Ms. An, which frightened Ms. An, and made Mr. An and the Fourth Madam suffer. I feel really sorry .”

"Ah, ah..." An Zhifu laughed, and reluctantly replied: "It's all in the past, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning. Don't take Master Qian to heart."

Qian Pei waved his hand: "I'm really sorry, I didn't discipline my servant well, I must have provoked his resentment when I sent him away. At that time, I was reprimanded by the prefect, and I quarreled with my son. I was very unhappy, so I went out to relax, I didn't consider that Mr. An was dragged down, I didn't deal with it well. I hope Mr. An has a lot of people, so don't care about me."

An Zhifu hurriedly waved his hands: "No way, no way. Don't blame Mr. Qian for this matter. If it's my concubine who lost her head, how could she do such a thing and make Mr. Qian unhappy, so don't blame Mr. Qian. "

Qian Pei smiled: "Master An is being polite. Since you have made it clear and there is no misunderstanding, then it will be fine."

An Zhifu laughed along with him, feeling terrified in his heart.

Qian Pei said: "I have one more thing to do this time. I don't know if Mr. An has heard about it. Last night, some bandits broke into my mansion and killed my servants. I didn't live in the main house and escaped." Doomed."

An Zhifu pretended to be surprised: "There is such a thing?"

Qian Pei nodded: "I guess, maybe this is also the accomplice of the bearer. He was instigated by him to take revenge on me."

An Zhifu opened his mouth wide, this time he was really scared.

Sure enough, Qian Pei's next sentence was: "I don't know if he will come to Mr. An's house to take revenge, so I hurried to take a look and remind Mr. An. After all, the last case was because the Fourth Madam failed to complete it. After the incident, the bearer was so tired that he was found out. He hated me for the trivial matter of being sent away, and naturally he will also hate Anjia for that."

An Zhifu shouted: "That has nothing to do with our Anjia."

Qian Pei said: "Master An, don't worry, I told my son and the prefect to send more people to patrol outside An's house at night, so that An's house will not be poisoned by those bandits. it is good."

An Zhifu nodded quickly, and even said it was right.

Qian Pei said again: "I thought about it, but I didn't think of any clues about the bearer. I wonder if Fourth Madam can think of anything?"

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "She is crazy. The doctor saw her sick and asked her to drink medicine every day. If she could say something, I wouldn't suffer from that prison."

"Is that so." Qian Pei pondered for a while, and said, "Why don't you let me see her. I'll ask her personally, so I can rest assured."

An Zhifu thought about it, but it was really hard to refuse, so he asked someone to bring Mrs. Duan here.

Duan's without makeup and clothes, clean and dignified, her thin and weak appearance shows her beauty and delicate appearance even more. Entering the house, he politely saluted An Zhifu and Qian Pei.

Qian Pei looked at it carefully and said: "I look at the fourth lady, she doesn't seem to be stupid."

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "She's always like this, good times and bad times."

Qian Pei asked Duan: "Madam, do you know who I am?"

"Master Qian Peiqian." Duan answered fluently and glanced at An Zhifu.

Qian Pei also looked at An Zhifu, and said: "Master An, you are here, the Fourth Madam is a little nervous, and I am afraid she dare not answer. Let me have a few words with Madam alone. I will ask about the porter , if there is a clue, it can solve the troubles of our two families."

An Zhifu was stunned, looked at Mrs. Duan, and once again felt that it was not easy to refuse, he nodded and said: "Then I'll ask someone to arrange some food and drinks, Master Qian will stay for dinner. I'll be back in a while."

An Zhifu left, only Qian Pei and Duan's were left in the room.

Duan's posture and expression did not change, but Qian Pei put away his smile, sighed, and said: "I didn't expect to miss it in the end, and I was so tired that you and Mr. An suffered. I wanted to help you out , but if I intervene, An Ruochen will pester you even more, fearing that you will be in even greater trouble. But my son has gone to tell the prefect, and you will be fine. No, just go home safely."

"Thank you, Master Qian." Duan replied.

Qian Pei said again: "It would be even better if Fang'er could return home safely. I have no fate with her, but don't let your mother-daughter bond be taken away."

When An Ruofang was mentioned, Duan's face was immediately moved. She bit her lip and pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

"I received the news last night that Miss Fang'er wants to go home." Qian Pei looked at Duan, took a step towards her, and said softly: "She wants to go home, but she doesn't know that the engagement has been cancelled. I guess She won't believe anyone who tells her, but if you tell her, she will. You have to let her know that it's best to go back to her mother, there's no danger, there's no one she doesn't like. You have to tell She, you miss her."

Duan looked into Qian Pei's eyes, moved her lips, but couldn't speak.

"What you say must be heard by her. How about I arrange it for you?"

Duan blinked, his lips moved again, his eyes slowly turned red, and tears gathered in his eyes.

Qian Pei smiled at her, and was about to tell her what to do, when Duan suddenly slapped her across the face and cursed loudly: "An Ruochen, you bastard, give me back my daughter. Killed too!"

Qian Pei was caught off guard and received a slap, the slap was very loud.

"An Ruochen! You bitch!" Duan cursed, swinging her arms to hit Qian Pei again. Qian Pei hurriedly backed away.

"Bitch, you're going to die!" screamed Duan and chased after her. Qian Pei turned around and dodged.

"An Ruochen, you will pay for my daughter's life!" Duan picked up the vase and chased after Qian Pei to smash it. With a pounce, Qian Pei was forced to the corner. Duan slammed like crazy: "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!"

The An family servant who heard the noise outside rushed in and was dumbfounded at the scene.

Anping and An Zhifu also rushed over after hearing the news, ordered Duan to be pulled away, and escorted back to the room.

Qian Pei was not injured, but he was in a mess.

An Zhifu simply didn't know what to do. Too bad, Master Qian was not injured by the assassin, but was beaten by his crazy woman.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts