MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 13

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The South Qin envoy's face turned green. After choking for a long time, he reluctantly replied: "General Long has clearly observed that our Southern Qin Dynasty has never sent secret agents to your country."

Long Dao: "That's going to be difficult. So how can the prefect and I let you meet the emperor? The emperor asked us why those disputes have not been resolved. Tell me, how should we answer?"

The South Qin envoy opened his mouth, he wanted to see the Great Xiao Emperor just to explain these things and clear up the misunderstanding between the two countries, isn't this an easy answer? The Southern Qin envoy gritted his teeth and said this.

Long Da glanced at Yao Kun, the prefect, and asked seriously: "You haven't explained it clearly to us, how can you explain it to the emperor?"

The Southern Qin envoys were at a loss for words.

"Well, you go back and have a good discussion with your Southern Qin Emperor. I don't need all of your detailed names, just give me two. I have a job to do, so naturally I can let you enter the capital to face the saint."

The South Qin envoy's face is as black as coal, the great general of the Great Xiao Kingdom, is he such a rascal? ! What is the difference between handing over two and handing over all?

The envoy walked away. Yao Kun, Jiang Hongqing, Qian Shixin and others looked at each other, thinking to himself that General Long is really cunning. In this way, it is not only to test whether the other party has meticulous work, but also to clarify the relationship. It is not that the other party is refused to enter the capital, but that the other party is unwilling to cooperate.

Yao Kun was hesitant, and asked Long Da in a low voice: "Is General Long sure that Nanqin has placed secret agents in our Pingnan County?"

Long Da looked around, looked at the officials in the room, and replied softly: "It's strange that they didn't arrange detailed work."

"Any clues?"

"Recently, Xiaoxiao took advantage of the thieves' rebellion to commit crimes frequently in the city. The border trade matter involves various aspects. The prefect is busy with affairs, so he should concentrate on dealing with them. As for the fine work and military affairs, let me handle them."

Yao Kun was choked by Long Da, but he couldn't refute.

After Long Da left, Qian Shixin walked up to Yao Kun and asked in a low voice: "My lord, my lord closed the border trade, but is it a trick to lure the enemy with General Long?"

Yao Kun didn't say a word, he hasn't decided whether to get involved in this matter.

Qian Shixin looked at his face, but said again: "General Long doesn't take you seriously, or does he not trust you?"

Yao Kun frowned slightly.

An Zhifu waited eagerly for the news these two days, but what he waited for was the result of the Southern Qin envoy being driven away and the negotiation failing. An Zhifu's heart sank to the bottom, extremely disappointed. I'm afraid that those jade goods will not be brought back in a short time, and I don't even know what will happen in the future. He was fidgeting, worrying about how to deal with those relentless merchants from other counties, and thinking about the money he had paid for nothing, it was heartbreaking.

Just as he was looking through the ledger in distress, a servant came to report that it was Mr. Qian Peiqian who begged to see him. An Zhifu's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly went to pick him up at the gate. Qian Pei came to visit suddenly, could it be that he brought good news?

But at first glance, An Zhifu's heart went cold. Qian Pei followed An Zhifu into the study with a serious face, neither sat down nor drank tea, just walked back and forth. An Zhifu was terrified, nothing bad would happen again, right?

Just as he was about to ask, Qian Pei said, "I have found a solution to your matter."

An Zhifu was taken aback, overjoyed. "What's the way?"

Qian Pei shook his head: "I can't tell you this. I can only tell you that this matter is extremely risky. If you make a slight mistake, it is not as simple as losing money. I am afraid that you will be convicted of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and your life will be in jeopardy." Save."

An Zhifu opened his mouth, too shocked to speak. After a while, he squeezed out a sentence: "Then, what is the solution? If Mr. Qian doesn't explain it to me, how will I know whether I should take this risk or not."

Qian Pei stared, and shouted: "Did you take the risk? It was me! Something happened, and this matter is on my shoulders! It's just me, and my son will be involved, he Fu'an County Ling is doing well, the people love him, and has a bright future, if he knows that I have such an idea..." He pursed his lips tightly after talking about this, and his face became even more ugly.

An Zhifu was in a panic. It sounds like something can really be done, it's just risky. An Zhifu's mind was spinning, he knew Qian Pei, he was well-connected and had a lot of skills, the prefect also relied on him back then, maybe now he really has a way to do this.

There is a risk, what is the risk?

An Zhifu carefully asked: "Master Qian, look, we are going to be a family soon, and there are no outsiders here. As a family, if there is any danger, why don't we bear it together? Don't make friends with me. This matter really has to be done." It’s up to Master Qian, tell me, how can this matter be done? What’s the risk? Let’s discuss it together.”

Qian Pei didn't speak, but seemed to be thinking. Then he looked at An Zhifu and said: "I really can't tell you how to do this. The fewer people who know about it, the greater the possibility of success and the smaller the chance of getting into trouble."

"Yes, yes." An Zhifu accompanied him with a smile. As long as he is willing to do things for him, he can do whatever he says. "You can't tell me about this method, so let's not talk about it. Just don't worry, Mr. Qian, there will be risks in everything. We are a family, so we will share the responsibility together. If you need me to do anything, just take orders. "

Qian Pei looked at An Zhifu, shook his head suddenly, and said: "Forget it, let's forget it, I'm not sure." After speaking, he turned his head and left.

An Zhifu's face turned pale with shock, he chased all the way to the gate of the mansion, trying to persuade him to stay: "Master Qian, everything is easy to discuss, everything is easy to discuss."

Qian Pei didn't stop, but after getting on the sedan chair, he seemed to think about it for a while, and said to An Zhifu, "Let me think about it again." After saying that, the sedan chair curtain was lowered, and the sedan chair was lifted up.

An Zhifu stood in a daze for a while, then suddenly came to his senses, and called a servant to follow quickly, "Let's see if Master Qian is going back to Fu'an County, or staying in the mansion in Zhonglan City." The servant hurried away.

An Zhifu turned back to the study, thought and thought, and felt that Qian Peiding must have a solution. He must seize this opportunity.

The servant turned back and said that Master Qian had entered his mansion in Zhonglan City and had not returned to Fu'an County. An Zhifu pulled himself together, prepared the ceremony, tidied up, and rushed towards Qian's mansion.

Seeing Qian Pei this time went well, but Qian Pei looked helpless: "Master An, why are you doing this, I didn't just say it, let me think about it."

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "Master Qian just think about it carefully, it's just that this matter concerns my family and life, so I have to come. I didn't realize it just now, but now my mind is clear. Master Qian has difficulties, I understand. Master Qian It doesn't matter if I can't explain it in detail, but I hope Master Qian can give you some advice on what concerns I have and what I can do. If this matter can be resolved, how about I give 60% of the profit of this batch to Master Qian? "

Qian Pei said nothing, his eyebrows lowered in thought.

An Zhifu said again: "Master Qian, I mean it sincerely, and I am really anxious about this matter, otherwise I wouldn't be able to follow suit. We are all a family, not to mention 60% profit, it is this batch of goods. So what if 80% of the profits and 10% of the profits are all given to Mr. Qian? Line, this can be regarded as Mr. Qian’s business, right? Now that I’m in trouble, I still ask Mr. Qian to help me. Mo Jiao’s hard-earned business has been ruined like this. What does Mr. Qian want me to do? If there is any risk, if I can share it, I will definitely not refuse. The whole family has nothing to say, really."

Qian Pei looked at An Zhifu, and said: "Master An is anxious, I know, but it's really not easy for me to do this, the risk, as I said, Master An can't share it, I have to carry it myself, it's not good to make a fuss , and also implicated my son. The 60% profit, 80% profit and 10% profit are not very interesting to me. If I were greedy for this profit, I would have started my own business a long time ago, so why bother to set up a line for others?"

An Zhifu nodded and bowed, with a smile on his face.

Qian Peidao: "It is said that it is a family, but I know that Master An's own family is not easy to be."

"How can it be!"

"The eldest girl will come into my house in a month. Logically speaking, she is indeed a family, but I know the status of the eldest girl in the An family. If something really happens by then, Mr. An will definitely not How can this in-law be considered as a family if you care about the life and death of the eldest girl. When the time comes, Mr. An will leave him alone, so what should I do?"

An Zhifu shouted: "Master Qian is right. How could I do such a thing? That is my own daughter." Speaking of this, An Zhifu's face was a little ugly. He didn't care much about his daughters, but Qian Pei took this What did he mean by that? Everyone knew it well, could it be that Qian Pei still cared about the life of the girl he married back home? joke!

Wait, what did An Zhifu suddenly realize, and he asked: "Then what should I do to teach Master Qian to feel at ease?"

Qian Pei picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea slowly, and said slowly: "How about this, Mr. An's family has four daughters, and I will marry another one to me to live with the eldest girl. The sisters will become a pair, and the relationship between our two families will be better. Be more reliable. What does Master An want?"

An Zhifu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Marry two?

An Zhifu changed his mind, if the jade business was ruined, most of his money would be gone, even if he talked about a marriage with his daughter, he probably wouldn't be able to get back these benefits. Two is two! "If Master Qian can help me get back the goods smoothly and solve this difficulty, I will marry my second daughter to you too. It is also a good thing for two daughters to serve one husband."

However, Qian Pei shook his head: "The second girl is about the same age as the eldest girl, and her appearance is somewhat similar. What's the point of me marrying two similar girls?" He paused, looked at An Zhifu, "It's still the fourth girl, right? .”

An Zhifu was stunned again, opened his mouth, choked his words, the rumor of Qian Peixi's young daughter flashed in his mind, his fourth daughter was only twelve years old. He hesitated, thought for a while and proposed: "Fang'er is too young, why don't you make an appointment first and wait for her to grow up..."

Qian Pei waved his hand, blocking An Zhifu's next words. He said: "Master An, go back and think about it, but don't think about it for too long. You also know the current situation. The Nanqin envoy was driven back by the prefect. It's hard to say what will happen afterwards. After two days, even if I’m willing to take a risk, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take out that batch of goods.”

An Zhifu's mind was so anxious that he hurriedly said, "Master Qian, don't misunderstand, this is a very good thing. I don't have much to think about, of course it is good. Let the two sisters get married together. What does Master Qian think?"

Qian Pei laughed: "Master An said so, then the matter will be handled easily."

"That's good, that's good. As a family, everything is easy to discuss." An Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief, "In Master Qian's opinion, when can I get my shipment? What else do I need to do?"

"When Mr. An prepares the engagement letter of the fourth girl, he will naturally get the goods."

An Zhifu was a little suspicious, but when it came to this, he had no choice but to believe it.

An Zhifu returned to the mansion, after thinking about it, he called Mrs. Tan, the second room, and explained the matter to her in detail. He told her that Qian Pei would arrange for a matchmaker to come to the house for the ceremony, and that all preparations for the wedding dress and dowry would have to be made, but this matter should not be publicized for the time being, let Tan handle it carefully, and just say to the outside world that it is to handle An Ruochen's marriage. Don't let us know at the other end of the fourth room, so as not to cause trouble, we will talk about it after he gets back the goods and everything about the business is stable.

Tan was shocked when he heard that An Zhifu said that he originally wanted An Ruoxi to marry, and then he was relieved to hear that Qian Pei had taken a fancy to An Ruofang. She and An Zhifu said: "Thinking about it, Mr. Qian has taken a fancy to the fourth girl, but he was afraid that he would say that the master would not agree to marry the fourth girl, so he decided on the eldest girl. He must be thinking that there will be a chance to marry the fourth girl in the future." Entering the door, with the eldest girl here, the fourth girl will not be too flustered, and the master will have a better chance of agreeing. This time, I am afraid that Master Qian just found an opportunity."

An Zhifu was distraught, anyway, now that he has another daughter, he is quite unwilling. Among the four daughters, An Ruofang was the youngest, but she was the most beautiful. She was ashamed at a young age, and she was somewhat better than her mother. He also planned to use this daughter's appearance to find a good marriage in the future in exchange for good benefits, but now it is wasted on Qian Pei.

An Zhifu waved his hand, he didn't want to listen to Tan Shi's nagging anymore, the matter was settled like that, she just took care of it.

Tan went back to the courtyard, thought over the matter carefully, and felt happy after thinking about it. She has always seen that Sifang Duan's family is not pleasing to the eye, a savage village woman, illiterate, relying on her good looks to be favored by the master, she ran wild in the mansion and gave birth to a daughter, nothing to be proud of, but often Talk about your daughter's beauty. Tan Shi was very handy in dealing with his wife, Fan Shi, but Duan Shi was a difficult master, and he insisted on getting it back after suffering a bit of loss, so Tan Shi was very angry by playing tricks in secret. That An Ruofang's pity-like appearance was also disgusting. It's all right now, isn't it beautiful, hmph, being caught by Master Qian, there are good fruits to eat.

The more Tan thought about it, the more complacent she became, and she called her daughter An Ruoxi to speak. After telling her that Qian Pei could solve the problem of Nanqin's goods for the master, the master promised to marry An Ruofang and enter Qian's house on the same day as An Ruochen.

"You don't want to publicize this matter, just know it in your heart. Mother told you this because you wanted you to know. Your father originally planned to let you marry, and mother fought hard with the master to stop it. In this house, people's hearts They are all separated by the belly, and everyone in those rooms is full of bad intentions. I don’t know what happened to your father, and almost pushed you into the tiger’s mouth. Only your mother and your brother can treat each other sincerely. You remember these things, no matter what Whatever happens, mother and your brother are the ones to rely on."

An Ruoxi nodded again and again, she was really terrified that she almost had to marry that disgusting old pervert. Fortunately, fortunately, it wasn't her.

"This is a reminder to us that we have to be more careful in everything. You should be more careful when walking around with those sisters. If you feel anything unusual, you can tell mother. Mother will protect you."

An Ruoxi hurriedly agreed, hugged her mother and acted like a baby. Thinking of the fourth sister, but felt that she was a little pitiful. She is only twelve.

On the second day, a matchmaker came to the door. Mrs. Tan greeted her and took her to her yard to discuss the matter. An Ruoxi overheard it, and she was really talking about the fourth sister's marriage. The wedding date was set on October 24th, the same day as the eldest sister. At that time, the two bridal sedan chairs would enter Qian's house together. An Ruoxi listened to her mother and the matchmaker happily discussing the details of the arrangement, and remembered that the person to be married was almost herself, breaking out in a cold sweat.

On the other side, An Zhifu waited anxiously for the news, but he heard that An Ping, the steward, reported that something happened at the border.

It turned out that after the Southern Qin envoys returned home, they were deeply humiliated and filled with righteous indignation and told the matter to the guards and prefects of Wu'an County in the Southern Qin Border County. During this period of time up and down in Wu'an County, it was not smooth to discuss anything with Great Xiao and Pingnan County. They had accumulated grievances for a long time. They were enraged by the humiliation of the Southern Qin envoys. The soldiers cursed across the river. endlessly.

An Zhifu's heart was broken when he heard this, so can he get his jade goods back? Wouldn't it take another daughter to go in but it's still empty-handed. An Zhifu hurriedly went to Mrs. Tan, and asked Mrs. Tan to take the Geng Tie and other things slowly for a few days, and wait until there was news about the goods before finishing the engagement. Mrs. Tan reassured him that she had explained everything yesterday, and she knew it well.

Another day later, An Zhifu was summoned by Qian Pei and greeted him with food and wine, but Liu Deli was also there during the dinner. After Qian Pei dispatched all the servants, the three of them were left alone, and An Zhifu said that the matter was almost done, and then just wait. Let him keep quiet, and he will be notified to pick up the goods quietly. An Zhifu was overjoyed and doubtful, but seeing Qian Pei and Liu Deli's expressions, he didn't dare to ask more details. Liu Deli didn't say much about it at the banquet, he only drank and ate vegetables, joked and scolded Nan Qin, but his attitude towards An Zhifu was much softer.

After a meal, An Zhifu looked at his face and felt that things should be reliable.

Back in the mansion, she summoned Mrs. Tan to tell her about the situation, and let her know what to do with the matchmaker. Tan Shi was also happy to hear that things had turned around. Near dinner, a servant came to report that it was General Zongze Qingzong's visit. An Zhifu cheered up and went to meet him in person.