MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 15

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When An Ruochen left, Xie Jin became anxious.

Previously, Xie Jin had been staring at An Ruochen cautiously, wondering how he could talk to her in the crowd. This place is full of generals and servants, and he doesn't want to cause any trouble. Before he could think of the way to convey the message, the soldiers rushed out in a line. The scene was really majestic, and his attention was diverted. When he came back to his senses, he found that An Ruochen was no longer in the tent. This startled him, he ran out and saw An Ruochen heading west from a distance. He intuitively felt that this was an opportunity to talk to her alone, so he followed her all the way. In his mind, he wondered if he should go up to stop her to finish that sentence and then quickly get the money, but he was afraid that An Ruochen's yelling would provoke the officers and soldiers.

Just as he couldn't make up his mind, he saw An Ruochen looking back, he flinched in fright, and then his heart broke, he just said a word and did nothing else, even officers and soldiers could not do anything to him.

But An Ruochen actually wanted to run away, Xie Jin seemed to see that his money was also running away, so he quickly chased after him.

An Ruochen walked more and more hurriedly, and then started to run.

"Miss An!" Xie Jin called.

He actually knew her surname, An Ruochen was even more flustered. She was alone, but she didn't dare to get entangled with him. Gritting his teeth, he ran faster.

"Be careful with your life." Xie Jin chased after him, drinking while running, with a hint of intimidation.

An Ruochen was so frightened that she ran into the woods and got into the bushes.

"Stop!" Xie Jin yelled and chased after him, but saw a branch suddenly yanked towards his face. He was caught off guard, oops screamed, and squatted down covering his eyes.

An Ruochen seized the opportunity to pull the branch of the dwarf tree and yanked it hard. The branch bounced back, and she heard the man screaming, which seemed to hit him in the eyes. An Ruochen didn't stop stopping, then got into the next bush with a low body, turned a corner and continued to run after coming out, changed direction and took advantage of the terrain to hide, watched the terrain and quickly got into the bush on the other side, squatted behind a big tree to hide Go to your own figure.

Xie Jin cursed, stood up, blinked his eyes hard, and was about to continue chasing, when suddenly a big hand covered his mouth from behind him, and a sharp knife was pressed against his waist. A voice came from behind: "Don't make a sound, or you will die."

An Ruochen hid her breath quietly, not daring to breathe. She didn't hear the footsteps of someone chasing after her, nor did she hear that person's yelling. The surroundings were too quiet, so quiet that it was frightening.


A branch was trampled not far from where she was hiding.

That voice seemed to step on An Ruochen's heart, making her tremble in fright.


It was the sound of stepping on fallen leaves. Someone is walking near her.

An Ruochen covered her mouth, fearing that she would make the slightest movement.

After a while, someone walked up to the bushes where she was hiding, seemed to be looking around, walked away, and came back again, looking around in circles. An Ruochen saw the man's shoes and trousers, but not the hem of his clothes, so he should be dressed in short clothes, not the man who was chasing her just now.

"Girl, it's okay, come out."

The tone is kind, and the voice seems strange.

An Ruochen wasn't sure, she didn't move.

The man walked a few more steps, away from the bushes where she was hiding, and said: "It's dangerous here, come out, I'll take you to see the general."

An Ruochen hesitated.

The man walked forward, getting further and further away from her. An Ruochen still didn't dare to move, but felt that hiding like this was not an option. She reached out to push aside the branches and leaves of the bushes to observe secretly, but she heard the sound of shouting and chasing in the distance. An Ruochen suddenly withdrew his hand back.

The yelling gradually disappeared, but it seemed that more people rushed into the woods. Someone shouted: "Search carefully, beware that he has accomplices hiding."

It sounded like this "he" was talking about the man in the dark blue clothes who was chasing her. An Ruochen wasn't sure what happened, and she wasn't sure if she should go out. While hesitating, she didn't squat firmly, kicked a stone, and the stone rolled out of the bushes, and she almost fell, instinctively waving her hands to stabilize her body, but bumped into the bushes, making a rustling noise. Thinking it was going to be bad, several people had already rushed over, two spears parted the bushes, and two soldiers suddenly appeared in front of An Ruochen.

An Ruochen shouted: "Master Jun, help me, there are thieves trying to harm me."

An Ruochen was escorted to a tent outside the venue.

She said that they came to watch the ceremony with the poster presented by General Zong Zeqing. She was not feeling well. There were too many people on the stage and she was a little out of breath, so she wanted to go back to the carriage to get smelling salts, and went to a place where there were few people. After a while, unexpectedly, she went in the wrong direction, and was about to find someone to ask the way, but met a thief who wanted to rob her and kill her. After hearing this, the soldiers went to report to General Zong Zeqing, and when they returned, they said that General Zong wanted to see her. An Ruochen breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Zong Zeqing would be fine.

When they arrived at the tent, the guard at the entrance opened the tent door, An Ruochen walked in, but saw Long Da sitting inside the tent.

"I have seen General Long." An Ruochen hastily saluted.

"You're getting more and more courageous, and every time you make a fuss, it's louder and louder." Long Da's tone was flat, with no emotion or anger.

An Ruochen blamed the dinosaurs, and quickly explained the matter in detail.

Long Da frowned, took the note about meeting and read it, and asked the guards to call Xie Gang over.

Xie Gang arrived soon, and kicked Zong Zeqing away from the tent with a curious expression on his face, and entered the tent. It will come out after a while. Zong Zeqing came over and put his arms around Xie Gang's shoulders and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with General and Miss An?"

"If it's related to you, the general will tell you."

"It has nothing to do with me." Zong Zeqing said angrily, "The general told me to do this and that, but he didn't tell me why."

"En." Xie Gang nodded solemnly.

Zong Zeqing waited for him to continue, and followed him for a while, but Xie Gang didn't say another word, and just walked away with a serious face. Zong Zeqing was so choked that he rubbed his face several times before he couldn't resist kicking Xie Gang a few times. After thinking about it, he had to go back to the tent and wait not far away, waiting for Long Da's orders.

In the tent, Long Da asked An Ruochen: "What do you think?"

Every time An Ruochen was questioned by Long Da like this, she felt a little nervous, as if the general was testing her on purpose. "Since the general didn't ask me to meet, someone must have known that I had reported to the general and used this plausible note to see if I would take the hook. The only person who knows this is Mr. Xie. If I take the tick, Going to the woods alone, I can silence you when I am alone. The man who chased me was wearing dark blue clothes. If I remember correctly, he seemed to be wearing the same color when I saw Mr. Xie meeting with Mrs. Xu that day. Clothes of color."

She stopped, looked at Long Da's face, and said: "But this is very risky. After all, the place where the oath assembly is held is heavily guarded, and there are soldiers and officials everywhere. If there is a slight mistake, it will be a dead end. .”

"It is indeed a dead end, that person is dead." Long said.

An Ruochen was surprised. She heard the sound of pursuit and knew that the soldiers would enter the forest to search, but she didn't know that the man had been killed.

"Before I brought you here, I got the news that the guards saw a suspicious person while patrolling in the west, so they went into the forest to search, but they were ambushed. They chased the suspect and stabbed him. The murderer ran away with injuries, and the guards followed the blood trail Hunted down, and finally found the body, the man had committed suicide by taking poison."


"Maybe he knew that he would be severely interrogated after being arrested, and he had a secret that could never be interrogated. He couldn't escape, so he simply took poison."

An Ruochen was stunned: "The general thinks so?"

"This is the usual method of careful operations. They carry poison with them. In an emergency, they kill themselves to avoid leaking their identities and information." Long Da paused, then looked at An Ruochen, "Miss An seems to be quite suspicious. What does Miss An think?"

here we go again. An Ruochen swallowed. "Since he has a secret that can never be found out, and his identity is so important, it is really reckless to use such a variable, extremely risky method to harm me in such a place."

Long Da didn't answer immediately, An Ruochen didn't know whether he thought what she said was right or wrong.

After a while, Long Da asked, "Miss, do you think he has a better choice?"

An Ruochen bit the bullet and answered: "Even if you sneak into my house and attack me, it's better than attacking here, isn't it?"

"Last time when there were thieves in your house, your father strengthened his defenses, and I also sent more people to guard secretly. He may not be able to succeed if he goes to attack your house."

"But it's easier to escape. No matter how many guards there are in my family, no matter how many people the general sends, they can't match the thousands of troops here. Didn't he suffer the consequences of himself and forced himself to commit suicide? ?”

Long Da didn't answer. An Ruochen was a little apprehensive, not knowing what he was thinking. She also wondered if he had helped her arrange a way to escape from home, but now that something happened, it was hard to ask.

After being silent for a while, Long Da suddenly said: "I thought that General Zong would stay at your house for a cup of tea after the military training competition to avoid the chaos of the crowd exiting the field. Then you will have a chance to see me alone. Unexpectedly, this happened. Let's make a long story short. On October 15th, Shenshi, a grain delivery convoy will leave for Shaocheng from the south gate. The convoy manager is my old subordinate, surnamed Jiang and named Jiang Zhong. I will greet him. Your wit, you should be able to reach the south gate at that time. Lao Jiang will put you in a carriage and go in and out of the cities without interrogation. Shaocheng Bin County is Lao Jiang's hometown, where his wife and children live There are also contacts in the local area, and it is said that distant relatives have taken refuge, so it is not a problem to get a register and paperwork, and it should not be difficult to get a living with him. If you work hard, you will be able to survive. "

An Ruochen was overwhelmed with surprises, stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, her eyes were hot, knelt down and knocked her head a few times: "The daughter of the people thanked the general, the general has a great kindness, and the daughter of the people will definitely repay it."

"If you leave smoothly, you and I should have no chance to see each other again, and there is no need to pay back. In the future, you can live a good life and live as you wish. Then, it is not in vain for me to arrange this for you one game."

Live as you wish—

An Ruochen fell on the ground, tears almost welling up in her eyes. No one had ever said such words to her before, but it actually reached her heart. No one ever cared about how she wanted to live, even the old nanny who loved her the most would just tell her to bear with it, wiping her tears. It's not that she can't bear it, it's just that this patience has no end, it runs through her whole life, erodes her will, makes her look like a walking dead, and may even cause her to lose her life in vain. Like a doll that ends up broken and worthless.

She doesn't want to live like this.

After thousands of words, An Ruochen could only squeeze out one sentence: "Thank you, General!"

"Don't thank me first. This incident happened today, let's see what happens first. Before October 15th, if there is no other incident, you can leave. If not, I will order you to be detained."

"Yes." An Ruochen replied, feeling a little uneasy. Mr. Xie is dead, so she should no longer be in danger. But today's incident is quite weird, she has experienced it personally, but she can't figure it out. She felt that the general seemed to be planning something, but she didn't dare to ask.

An Ruochen gritted her teeth, if she could get out of here smoothly, what would the others have to do with her. Don't ask, don't get yourself into trouble.

"You yell for help, officers and soldiers search the forest, the prefect will surely receive the news and call you for questioning." Long Dao said.

An Ruochen hurriedly said: "I'm not feeling well today. There are so many people on the viewing platform, I can't breathe, so I want to go back to the carriage to get some smelling salts and breathe some fresh air. Unexpectedly, I lost my way, but met a bad guy .Thanks to the military men for their rescue."

Long Da nodded, this girl is indeed alert. He has never told Yao Kun about the details of his work. The relationship in this city is complicated. He has not found out the details of Mr. Xie, but from various signs and clues, he has connections and influence. The greater the chance. He doesn't want to make it public just yet.

After Long Da and An Ruochen gave instructions, Zong Zeqing sent someone to send her back to the ceremony tent, and reported the matter to the prefect Yao Kun.

After a while, Xie Gang came to report. Yao Kun has summoned the guards and An Ruochen for questioning, and Jiang Song has gone. Xie Gang himself has arranged for spies to secretly investigate today's events.

"It's not clear who the man who called Miss An was before the guards found her. The guards didn't find any other suspicious persons, but Miss An said that the man was not the same as the man in the black clothes. According to the situation at the time, more than a dozen The guards and several yamen servants have already entered the forest, but no one has seen the trace of that person. The guards guarding outside have not seen any other suspicious people coming in or out." Xie Gang said: "The voice may sound a little different from near and far, after all, shouting from afar You have to raise your voice to be lucky, and keep your voice down recently. It is reasonable for Ms. An not to be able to tell the difference. If the clothes are different, the other party knows that Ms. An is hiding, and guesses that her sight is blocked. Short outfits are also possible."

Long Da frowned and thought.

Xie Gang said: "At that time, the guards had already surrounded the forest. If there was really an accomplice, no trace of it would be revealed, except Miss An, no one else would have noticed it. The possibility of this is really small. Unless the person flew with wings. Maybe there was only one person from the beginning to the end. He originally wanted to lure Miss An to come out. Later, he heard someone entering the forest and wanted to break out of the siege, but after being injured, he felt hopeless, so he took the last step. Anyway, I have ordered it to go on today. Everything that everyone in the forest sees and hears will be carefully investigated, and if there are really accomplices, they will definitely leave clues."

Soon after, Jiang Song also came to report the matter to Long Da.

Jiang Song is the general of the town guard, in charge of guarding the army, defending the camp, and acting cautiously. He thoroughly examined the matter before and after, inspected it carefully in the woods, and examined the corpse. He was on the sidelines when the **** Yao Kun tried the case, and he also questioned An Ruochen carefully, but he couldn't find anything for the time being. No one knows the identity of that person. An Ruochen didn't know the purpose of that person, he thought it was a bandit taking advantage of the chaos to rob money. That's what she said, but everyone wondered whether it might be the thief who had lustful thoughts. When the prefect was interrogating, An Zhifu was furious as he listened to the trial, he repeatedly scolded his daughter for being ignorant and dared to leave the meeting halfway, it was a disgrace and an insult to the family. The scolding made An Ruochen burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

Long Daneng imagined the scene at that time, he didn't ask much about An Ruochen, but was concerned about Yao Kun's plan. The prefect Jiang Songdao has arranged to investigate the whereabouts of the deceased, but since no post was found on him, it is unknown how he got into the venue. Yao Kun also strictly ordered the Yamen to inspect all parts of the venue, but found nothing unusual. The rest of the An family had never seen that person before, so they guessed that the other party saw that Miss An was on the order, and impulsively committed the crime. The man was skilled in martial arts. The guards went into the forest to search for him. He took advantage of the terrain and secretly wounded him with a dart. The guards outflanked and caught up with him and shot him into the bushes, stabbing him. The man fled all the way. The injury was serious, and blood flowed all over the ground. He thought he knew he couldn't run far, so he took poison and committed suicide.

"Does Yao Kun have other arrangements?" Long Da asked.

"The prefect ordered someone to carry the body back to the government office, asked him to conduct an autopsy, and ordered someone to check his identity. I didn't say much about the rest." Jiang Song was quite unconvinced when he mentioned this: "General, this person is suspicious, it should be us The military is investigating the case."

Long Da said indifferently: "There is no evidence that this person is a secret agent, so let Yao Kun investigate. Let's see how he makes a final decision on this matter."

An Ruochen returned home, and was reprimanded by An Zhifu again. Qian Pei heard the news at the venue, and followed An's family back to An's mansion. Instead, he softly expressed condolences to An Ruochen, asked An Zhifu what happened, and advised An Zhifu not to get angry, saying that the eldest girl was frightened and let her have a good rest.

With Qian Pei's attitude, An's family was both relieved and surprised. After he left, An Zhifu ordered An Ruochen to go back to his room and think about his mistakes behind closed doors. The second room, Mrs. Tan, was worried, and urgently asked An Zhifu what happened, fearing that An Ruochen's reputation would be damaged because of this, and Qian Pei disliked breaking the marriage. This is what An Zhifu was afraid of, he hadn't got the batch of goods yet, Qian Pei said there was no problem, but he couldn't feel at ease every day he didn't see the goods.

An Zhifu thought for a long time, and after a long time of secret discussions with the Tan family, he decided to quickly set the wedding ceremony between An Ruofang and Qian Pei, so that everything was settled, so as to please Qian Pei's favor.

When An Ruochen returned to the house, she didn't care about worrying about today's strange things, she just felt full of joy. On October 15th, she will escape from birth and live a brand new life. As long as it lasts for another half a month, don't cause trouble, and be quiet.

But that night, An Ruoxi came suddenly, angrily, and scolded An Ruochen angrily. Knowing that she didn't behave properly, why did she leave the meeting halfway? Get smelling salts? It's ridiculous. Do you want to see the general again, or is General Long unable to climb high and want to go to General Panzong? Didn't expect to attract Deng Tuzi, right? So shameless, it's fine if she ruins herself, dragging her family down, causing trouble, how can she afford it!

An Ruochen was puzzled, she looked at An Ruoxi. Normally, if she gets punished, An Ruoxi is glad that she is, and she is happy to see the joke, but it is strange to be so angry, what does it have to do with her what trouble she caused?

"What are you looking at?" An Ruoxi blushed from An Ruochen's stare, stomping her feet and shouting. "It's fine that Master Qian doesn't dislike you this time, if something goes wrong...I..." She gritted her teeth, "I won't let you go."