MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 152

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Meng Jiayue doesn't know the taste of these solar eclipses, and can't sleep at night. She tried everything, but failed to find out about Yao Kun. Whether he is alive or dead, and where he is now, she doesn't know. What worried her more than Yao Kun's disappearance was that Qian Shixin sent someone to the prefect's mansion to look for Zhu Rong a few days ago, and took him to the Yamen to identify the body. He said that he found an empty carriage and several dead body of a man. After he inquired, he learned that those men were the guards of the prefect's mansion. Then let Zhu Rong go to recognize it.

When Zhu Rong came back, his face was solemn, and Meng Jiayue was like a thunderclap, only then did he realize that all those who escorted Yao Wenhai out of the city that day were all killed.

"They asked me why these people left the mansion and what they were doing. I just didn't know. It was not arranged by me. I had to go back to the mansion and ask my wife." Zhu Rong said.

Meng Jiayue couldn't speak, and grabbed Zhu Rong's arm in shock.

Knowing her doubts, Zhu Rong hurriedly said: "I haven't seen the young master's body, and there is no news. I asked, but the yamen only said that the carriage is empty. There is nothing other than the bodies of these people."

Meng Jiayue fell on the chair and murmured: "Is it Qian Shixin? He took my son away?"

Zhu Rongdao: "In the past, my lord investigated the case, and I waited on the pen and ink, and I knew a little bit of the way. I saw that the corpses were all scarred, and they were not fatal. In other words, they must have gone through a lot of fighting. In this way, there will always be people left behind." These clues, even if no one saw them, but there are always traces of fighting desperately, such as weapons, number of people, riding horses, carts, sedan chairs, etc. But I asked about the case carefully, and the officials didn’t know. I want to read the case records, the officials Also refused. I wanted to see Mr. Qian, but said Mr. Qian was too busy. I went to Mr. Jun Cheng and others to inquire about it, but they all refused to know."

Meng Jiayue gritted her teeth with red eyes: "Now that the lord is gone, it's not what it used to be. At this juncture, anyone who Qian Shixin dares to use is obedient."

"Ma'am." Zhu Rong said: "If Mr. Qian kidnapped the young master and threatened him with this, then he asked me to identify the body to let the madam know that the young master is in his hands."

Meng Jiayue closed her eyes, panicked. "What is he going to do?"

Zhu Rong was silent, and he didn't know either.

Meng Jiayue waited for a long time, and told Zhu Rong: "Ask the guards outside to pass a message to Mr. Qian, saying that I want to see him."

She gave him a chance to put forward his conditions in person. As long as her son is safe and her husband is safe, anything is fine.

The message was sent out, but there was no reply. Zhu Rong asked every day, but the guards only said that Master Qian was busy and would arrange for his wife to meet him when he was free. But this waited for a few days.

The more you wait, the more tormented Meng Jiayue will be. She speculated on thousands of possibilities, guessing what Qian Shixin asked, and as time went by, she felt that she could agree to more and more things. As long as you give her a definite message and tell her the safety of her husband and son, she is willing to give her life.

Just when Meng Jiayue felt that she could no longer hold on, Qian Shixin came. Not only Qian Shixin, but also Jiang Song.

Meng Jiayue was very surprised.

Qian Shixin came here not to negotiate terms with her, but to tell her that General Long had won a great victory at the front line. He heard that Lord Baiying had been assassinated, and he detained Lord Prefect in the front barracks. Now Zhonglan City is dangerous and the yamen is not safe. There may be many spies lurking. In order to ensure the safety of the front line and the rear, General Long asked General Jiang to temporarily govern Pingnan County with him. What will happen next depends on Master Liang's orders.

Meng Jiayue couldn't figure out their intentions, but she grasped the most important point: "My lord is in the hands of General Long? Is he safe?"

"When General Long was going from Sixia River to Shilingya, he captured the prefect and other people on the way, and escorted them back to Shilingya." Jiang Song said.

Meng Jiayue hurriedly yelled: "My lord is innocent of the assassination of Lord Bai. General Long, please investigate clearly."

Qian Shixin said, "General Long has found out that Miss An's Lu is a spy."

Meng Jiayue was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Song. That Mr. Lu turned out to be a spy? He is the one who has been protecting An Ruochen. He is a spy, what does that mean?

Jiang Song was really angry, Qian Shixin's dark sword stabbed him! He said: "General Long captured Lu Zheng. He was directing the people sent by Master Qian to capture Miss Xia'an, no, he wanted to capture General Xia's wife and kill the prefect." Jiang Song paused, Said: "Ma'am, Miss An is married to General Long, she is the general's wife."

Meng Jiayue didn't pay much attention to this important news, she only cared about Yao Kun. "Want to kill my family?!"

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "I didn't know that Lu was a spy at that time. He said that Yao Kun locked him in the mechanism and took Miss An away. I sent someone to him to take Miss An..." Song glanced at it several times, and Qian Shixin changed his words, "Let him bring the general's wife and Yao Kun back together. I didn't know that he falsely passed my instructions on the way."

Meng Jiayue stared at Qian Shixin, looked at his calm and composed appearance, and suddenly realized the meaning of Jiang Song's words. She looked at Jiang Song, then at Qian Shixin, and asked, "So, my lord was wronged?" Conspiracy, Lu Zheng led people to murder him, is General Long on trial?"

Jiang Songdao: "It's a matter of detailed work, and it will naturally be handled by the military."

Qian Shixin's tone was much gentler than Jiang Song's. He said: "I have reported all the matters to Mr. Liang carefully, and Mr. Liang will discuss with General Long how to deal with it."

Meng Jiayue was suspicious, but still asked: "I want to meet my lord, can the two lords arrange it?"

Qian Shixin replied politely: "The matter has not been clarified yet, and the road to Shilingya is far away, and the war is not over, it stands to reason that it is not suitable for Madam to go."

Jiang Song said: "The general didn't let me arrange for my wife to go."

Meng Jiayue asked again: "Since my lord has not been convicted, can the two lords release the imprisonment in my mansion so that we can live a more convenient life?"

Qian Shixin said: "On the day Mr. Bai was assassinated, many people in the prefect's mansion went to the yamen to kill. My wife has not explained these things clearly. Although it is said that Fang Guanshi did it privately, there are many servants in the prefect's mansion, and spies may be lurking. If the suspects of all the people in the mansion have not been investigated, they may not be allowed to come in and out freely, otherwise neither I nor General Jiang will be able to explain the criminals to abscond."

Jiang Song nodded without retorting.

Meng Jiayue was not sure, she knew General Jiang Songjiang, but she didn't even say a word in her impression, and now she suddenly came to give her some news to make her feel at ease, but she was still the same as Qian Shixin With her whole family under house arrest, she can't see the adults, so how can she know if their news is true or not? Lu Zheng has always been by An Ruochen's side, he is a spy, what about others?

The more Meng Jiayue thought about it, the more suspicious she became, her heart seemed to be cut by a knife, where is her son? They talked for a long time, where is her son? She gritted her teeth and shouted, "Master Qian, why don't you just say it straight..."

"Madam." Zhu Rong came in with tea, interrupted Meng Jiayue, and said: "Madam and adults have some hot tea and talk slowly." He said, asking the maid at the side to exchange hot tea for everyone .

Meng Jiayue regained her composure, knowing that she almost lost her composure just now. She pursed her lips and watched the girl pour tea for her. The tea was full, and she didn't know how to react yet.

At this time, Zhu Rong said: "My lords, my wife is worried and exhausted these days. If there is any disrespect or negligence, I hope the two lords will forgive me."

Qian Shixin and Jiang Song naturally said it was fine.

Meng Jiayue looked at Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong said: "Ma'am, since General Long and Lord Liang have made a decision, your lord's grievances will be cleared. You need some time, so don't worry, madam. Now that you know your lord is safe, you should calm down and rest well. Your health is important." .”

Meng Jiayue's eyes were red and she was on the verge of tears, but she understood the meaning in Zhu Rong's eyes. She choked up and said, "Then, then I will wait for the news from the adults." She got up and asked Qian Shixin and Jiang Songxing I saluted and said that I was impatient and lost my manners, please forgive me. She hoped to meet Yao Kun, and hoped that the adults could arrange it. I also hope to confirm the innocence of everyone in the family as soon as possible, and live a quiet and peaceful life.

After Meng Jiayue finished speaking, she left. Qian Shixin and Jiang Song wanted to arrange the defense of the mansion, and Zhu Rong came forward to deal with it. Meng Jiayue returned to her room, covering her face and crying bitterly. Her elder girl entered the room, wiped her tears, and whispered: "Madam, Manager Zhu asked me to wait for you to come back, and I will tell you quietly, go to the Westinghouse."

Meng Jiayue was taken aback for a moment, and her tone was cautious, could it be that her son escaped a catastrophe and came back quietly? She quickly wiped away her tears and rushed to the Westinghouse. When he opened the door, he saw a man in military uniform inside.

The man called himself Gu Wenda, served in the army, and was entrusted by An Ruochen.

Meng Jiayue knew this name, and she even remembered that this person was to succeed Xie Gang, but she didn't know his appearance. "How did you get in here?"

"Of course he came in with General Jiang and Lord Qian."

So is it real Guvinda? "What did An Ruochen entrust you with?"

"Miss An..." Gu Wenda paused, and changed his words: "The general's wife entrusted me, if the situation in the city is not good, if the prefect or the prefect's wife needs help, I will provide help."

"So I didn't entrust you with any specific tasks at all!" Meng Jiayue simply went crazy and smashed the house, do you think I'm a fool? Who is real and who is fake? It's just taking advantage of the emptiness and taking advantage of the chaos to murder. "Where is my son?" Meng Jiayue yelled, with her hands on the table, almost kneeling on the ground. "What are you going to do, tell me clearly, don't torture me like this anymore."

Gu Wenda calmly said: "Madam, don't make any noise, it's not good to attract other people's attention."

Meng Jiayue stared at him, she didn't believe him. Worst of all, she doesn't know who to trust. She wanted to find Zhu Rong and ask him what was going on and why he asked her to come here to meet this man.

Before Meng Jiayue could speak or act, Gu Wenda quickly said again: "Ms. An really asked me to come. Madame doesn't believe me, so you have to believe her?"

Meng Jiayue was about to say, let An Ruochen come, and let An Ruochen talk to her face to face. But she saw Gu Wenda back away, and a person walked out behind the screen behind him. Meng Jiayue widened her eyes and looked at the man in surprise.

Gu Wenda said: "The search and arrest order in the city has not been lifted, so we have to hide her."

Meng Jiayue didn't listen to what he said, she rushed forward, grabbed the man, and called, "Ms. Lu."

Aunt Lu supported Meng Jiayue, put her on a chair, and said, "Does Madam trust me?"

Meng Jiayue looked at her with tears in her eyes for a while, then squeezed her hand tightly: "You are alive."

Aunt Lu nodded: "I heard about Fang Guanshi. He saved my life, and I owe him a debt of gratitude."

Meng Jiayue thought of Fang Yuan. It was crying again.

Mrs. Lu said: "I escaped from the government that day and went to a hiding place that only Miss An and I knew about. Yesterday, Lord Gu contacted me with the code words that the girl asked, so I know that the girl trusts him and told him some things. "In fact, Gu Wenda left a message for "Master Tian" at the liaison office. Only An Ruochen knew the code name "Master Tian".

Gu Wenda rubbed his nose, he was almost frightened when he saw "Master Tian" turn into a Mrs. Lu, okay? Mr. Xie really taught Miss An all the skills, no, Mrs. General.

Meng Jiayue looked at the two people in front of her, wiped away her tears, calmed down, and asked, "So, what do you want me for?"

Gu Wenda quickly said: "General Jiang doesn't know about my secret investigation, Madam please don't mention it to him."

"Madam should not tell anyone except Steward Zhu about our contact with Madam," Aunt Lu said. "We need to act in secret to return the prefect's innocence."

"What is An Ruochen doing? What about my family?"

"General Jiang and his wife are telling the truth. In fact, General Long arranged for him to suppress Lord Qian's power and bind Lord Qian's hands and feet. Lord Qian is just a **** in the game. His role is to control Pingnan, but Ruoping Nan is not completely in his hands, but the situation still gives him hope, so he will speed up his actions and make trouble, and the people behind the scenes will show their feet."

Meng Jiayue is also a smart person, she understands. That's why there is a result of this joint management.

Gu Wenda said again: "Master Qian needs a bargaining chip, but Miss An is no longer here, Mr. Taishou is no longer here, and Lu Zheng has fallen into the hands of the general again. His pressure is greater than that of Madam."

"My son is in his hands." Meng Jiayue said.

"The stolen carriage?" Fang Wenda asked.

Sure enough, he knew, Meng Jiayue nodded hurriedly. Said the matter again.

Gu Wenda said: "Hearing what madam said, I feel that the young master is not in Mr. Qian's hands. He asked Guanshi Zhu to identify the body. He probably wanted to make the madam feel that the young master was kidnapped by him, but if he wants to achieve this goal, the case file It will be more certain if you show it to Guanshi Zhu. But he didn’t do it because there must be something else recorded in the case record, and that ‘other’ would make Madam suspect that the son is not in his hands, and he doesn’t want that.”

Meng Jiayue was startled.

Gu Wenda rubbed his chin: "Actually, so what if he forged a case record to Guanshi Zhu, it's a trivial matter. He probably thinks it's unnecessary. As soon as Guanshi Zhu came back and said it, his wife rushed to see him, making him feel that the matter should be settled." It's done. Mother and child love each other deeply, not to mention the death and whereabouts of the prefect is unknown, Mr. Qian predicts Mrs. Zhun's mood, and if it takes a few more days for Mrs. Madam, she will definitely let him get whatever he wants."

Meng Jiayue gritted her teeth, it was true, she really planned to agree to any request of Qian Shixin. She hurriedly said: "Then my son's whereabouts, can Mr. Gu help to find it?"

Gu Wenda hurriedly said: "Naturally. Madam entrusted me, I will do my best. I just need Madam's help. I will pretend to be ignorant in front of Mr. Qian and listen to his request."

Meng Jiayue nodded hurriedly. Knowing what Qian Shixin is looking for, maybe he can deduce some clues.

Aunt Lu interjected at this time: "I think what Master Gu said just now is quite reasonable. So Madam might as well express suspicion. If Master Qian was negligent before, then in order to trick Madam, it may be true what Master Gu said , forged a false case record. Their officials all thought it was a trivial matter and didn't take it seriously."

Gu Wenda lost his face, Mrs. Lu, you hit this shot quite wide.

Aunt Lu continued: "Madam received the false case record, so she believed it to be true and obeyed Mr. Qian's request. But at this time, Madam already had evidence of Mr. Qian's crime in her hands. Black and white paper, this is physical evidence. Besides, Mr. Qian decided to If you don’t know how to write a fake case record yourself, let someone else do it, that’s a witness.”

Meng Jiayue cheered up and nodded vigorously. Gu Wenda looked at Mrs. Lu with almost admiration in her eyes. No wonder the girl said that if she was not there, she must find "Master Tian". This person would be an important helper, indeed a talent.

Aunt Lu said again: "Ma'am, don't panic, we will work together to expose their conspiracy. Mr. Qian thought that all the yamen in Quanpingnan were his helpers, but he forgot that there are people in Quanpingnan as well." .”

Gu Wenda really wanted to ask Mrs. Lu if she discriminated against the government. It is clear that the main force against the enemy is the army led by General Long. Forget it, it's better not to offend Aunt Lu. They have the support of the people of Quanpingnan.