MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 11

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Su Chenghai announced the dinner with two daughters on the small stage. Such banquets are generally self-service, and the Su family is no exception. The pastry and other drinks have been placed on the table around the table. The cooked food is slowly sent by the chefs and waiters of the Han hotel.

Besides, on this occasion, who is really eating for food?

The name of the dinner was actually that the Su family announced some things, and then provided an occasion for everyone to get together and socialize.

Compared with food, now everyone is more concerned about another thing.

opening dance.

Since it is a birthday party, the opening dance is naturally responsible for the two small birthday stars.

Miss Su Jiada, Su Jin, has long been familiar with it. Although the news of the family was not released some time ago, from the reaction of the Su family, the love for this daughter has increased, and people have already With a well-behaved fiancé, nature is not within the scope of everyone’s observation.

As for Miss Su Erlin, Lin Xiyue... Everyone knows that this is the biological daughter that Su’s family has just recognized, but she has not entered her husband since she first entered the giants.

Su Jin and Lin Xiyue, who had just come down from the stage, were quietly talking.

"Sister, who is the dancer you are going to meet?" Lin Xiyue whispered.

Su Jin reluctantly hooked his lips. During that time, there were too many things happening in the Su family. When the peace settled down, the marriage contract set by the two fathers had spread throughout the circle. Now the marriage between Lu and Su is present. Everyone knows, who can choose her partner besides that guy?

However, she looked at her eyebrows and looked beautiful. Whether it was in the book or in reality, she always released her kind girl to her, blinked her eyes and frowned. "Women, do you still choose my brother?" ”

Lin Xi Yue stunned and then widened his eyes.

Looking at the girl around her, Su Jin did not hungryly hooked her lips, and then reached out for her crown, and smiled and said: "Well, don't tease you, my brother will let you."

Su Jin’s sudden relatives and jokes made a sigh of relief. When Lin Xiyue reacted, his face was a little reddish, and he spit out his tongue and whispered.

It’s not that she deliberately and Su Jin grabbed her brother. It’s just that the meaning of the opening ceremony of the birthday party is too important, and this is the first time she officially appeared in front of everyone. Except for her brother, no matter which man she chooses, she is tied together. may. Of course, she can choose Han Mingxuan as well, but his relationship with Sujia brothers and sisters has always been meager, and she naturally has no friendship.

Su Jin obviously understands and whispers: "Xi Yue, if someone invites you to dance, you will refuse directly if you don't want to go. Anyway, in addition to Mingjia and Han family in Shenzhen, other people will not offend Su."

The words were domineering, Lin Xi Yue could not help but smile, nodded at Su Jin.

Looking at the two daughters of the close Su family, some people who thought about the disagreement of the sisters and wanted to see the jokes could not help but be disappointed. Han Xueyan stood in the crowd and snorted, knowing that people knew each other, who knows the two privately. What does it look like?

The music sounded slowly, and Su Chenghai nodded at the two daughters.

Lu Xi looked at the girl who came straight to him. He pressed the hot flame of his eyes and smiled and greeted him in the past. Su Jin hooked his lips and reached for his arm.

On the other hand, Lin Xiyue chose Su Shi, and the young buddies who did not get the beauty in the crowd were disappointed, but they were also expected to step back and let the middle ground be opened.

The four figures slid into the open space of the center and danced with the music.

"Xi Yue's dance jumps well." Su Shi took the waist of her sister and smiled.

The man who is cold in the weekdays is always gentle and gentle in front of the two sisters.

When I heard my brother praise, Lin Xiyue smiled and returned: "Of course, I can't shame the Su family at the birthday party."

Birthday banquet... Lin Xiyue looked around in a circle, slightly lowered his head and covered the loss of the shackles.

"What's wrong?" I noticed the strangeness of my sister. Su Shi frowned and asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"No." Lin Xiyue shook his head slightly. "Just remembered Mom and Dad."

Mom and Dad... Su Shi snorted a little, then reacted, and Xi Yue said that Mom and Dad should be her adoptive parents.

"Don't be sad, it's all gone." He whispered comfortably: "You still have parents and brothers."

"Well." Lin Xi Yue took a deep breath and nodded his lips. "And my sister."

"Xiyue," Hearing this answer, Su Shi could not help but ask: "You are against Xiaojin..."

He paused. "After all, she replaced you in the Su family for 22 years of food and clothing."

"Is my brother afraid of my sister?" Lin Xiyue smiled. "My sister has no worries in Sujia. I have no shortage of clothes and food at Lin Family. Mom and Dad have always loved me."

"More than that..." She bit her lip. "I think my sister is more pitiful than me. The things of the year were wrong, and my sister and I were not wrong. I enjoyed the love of my parents for 22 years. I found my own biological parents at the most vulnerable time, and my sister," she turned slightly and looked at Su Jin, not far away. "The last side of my biological parents did not see it."

"You can think like this." Su Shi is somewhat pleased. "Xiao Jin has a bit of pampering before, but since his grandfather had an accident, he has matured a lot. You get along well, and my parents can rest assured."

Lin Xi Yue hooked his lips and nodded.

And another pair in the dance floor.

"Jiner is so beautiful today." Lu Xi felt the soft waist of the first hand, and pressed down the desire to press the man into his arms, slightly lip-splitting, whispering.

Lu Xi’s voice is low and elegant. Now in the soft music, it’s deliberately softened, and the tail is trembled, which makes it even more confusing.

Because of the distance, when Lu Xi opened, the warm breath fell on her ear.

Su Jin's cheeks were red and red. In the principle of losing people, the man in front of him looked up and his red lips were slightly hooked.

"Mr. Lu is also very handsome."

The beauty of the eye is flowing, and the phoenix is ​​slightly picky, it is full of feminine affection.

I saw that the green hills are more charming, and I expect that I should see you in Castle Peak.

Lu Xi’s heart suddenly appeared such a poem.