MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 14

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Until the end of the banquet, Su Jin and Lu Xi have always been the focus. If it is not because Su Jin is one of the protagonists today, she must have sneaked away Lu Xi.

Because of the recent residence, Lu Xi stayed in the last place, and Su Jin sent him out in the eyes of a family.

Under the warm yellow light in front of the villa, Su Jin looked up at the man in front of him, and took out the jade that had been pinched in his hand.

Lu Xiyi, picking an eyebrow.

"Well..." Su Jin thought for a moment and seemed to pause for a moment: "The song is very nice, but this gift--" She lifted her hand holding the jade, "I can't accept it."

Lu Xi bowed his head slightly and thought for a moment, reaching out and taking over the jade of her palm.

The fingertips collided, and the warmth of the breath passed through the contacted skin. Su Jin sighed, but the bottom of his heart was inexplicably suffocated.

Lu Xi hooked his lips and untied the red tether of Yu Pei in his hand. His body leaned forward slightly and was worn on the girl's white jade neck.

Because it was pinched in the hand for a long time, the jade that was originally only lukewarm was slightly warmer, but the warm touch was just as timely. The man's slender fingertips crossed the neck and gave a slight itch.

Su Jin took a long time to react.

She reached out and touched the jade between the necks, and looked up at the man who had stood up and looked at her. She opened her mouth and finally found her voice.

"Lu Xi..."

The words have not been finished, the opposite man suddenly laughed, Yingying's eyebrows filled with joy, warm yellow light fell on his beautiful peach eyes, smudged a soft color.

Even Su Jin, who is used to the beauty, is inevitably stunned.

"Jiner, I am very happy." He whispered openly, and did not hide his emotions. Because of his close proximity, his tone was softer and softer than before, and he became more and more confusing.

"Well?" Su Jin returned to God, some doubts.

Lu Xi didn't answer, but she looked at her for a while, and smiled and said: "I never thought that my name is so good."

Su Jin responded fiercely.

Just because of too much accident, she blurted out the word "Lu Xi".

Speaking of it, for so long, she has always been polite and alienated to call Mr. Lu, this is the first time to call his name.

Because of this, is he so happy?

Su Jin has some accidents and some are difficult to understand. So how do all the emotions are tied to an outsider? She has always been indifferent and self-sufficient, no matter how gentle and polite the appearance is, but the heart is plain, such a strong emotion, she is puzzled, and even ... the bottom of my heart faintly gave birth to a few fears she did not know.

Once she fixed her mind, she touched the jade pendant on her chest again and said, "This piece of jade..."

"Where is the thing sent out, there is a reason to recover it." Lu Xi shook her head, no longer gave her the opportunity to refuse, and said goodbye to her, turned and walked toward her villa.

The tall and straight figure of the man gradually merged into the darkness. Su Jin bit his lip and finally recovered his gaze and turned back home.

When I went upstairs, I happened to see the familiar figure on the second floor balcony.


She squinted a little, and suddenly thought of the scene where she had pulled her brother away before the banquet. In the original book, this birthday party was so confusing that Su Jin had lost everything. Su Shi naturally had no time to meet with Ming Hao. Now...

She stepped forward and shouted: "Brother."

Su Shi rarely went back to the front, still half-squatting on the railing, holding a thing that could not be seen in his hand.

Su Jin frowned, and walked a few steps forward to Su Shi, which only saw the hands of Su Shi in his hand, turned out to be only a bottle of liquor at the bottom of the bottle.

Su Shi lowered her head and could not see her look.

"Brother!" Su Jin reached out and pushed him, and shouted again.

The man seemed to be aware of it. He looked up and slammed the person in front of him for a long while. He said, "It’s Xiaojin."

The voice was a little hoarse, and the man who had always been calm, the collar was a little scattered, and the tie seemed to be pulled apart. Even the top two buttons on the shirt were missing.

"Brother, what happened?" Su Jin wrinkled and asked.

"No, hehe..." Su Shi shook her head and said after a cellar: "It's okay."

Nothing? Su Jinmei's wrinkles are getting deeper and deeper. Is this okay? Ghosts believe!

"What did Mingjie say to you?" she asked quietly.

"Alum..." Hearing this name, Su Shi seems to be stunned, and the black singer is a little bit shiny, "Alum..."

He whispered softly.

"What happened to Ming Hao?" Su Jin softened his voice and said in a low voice.

"Alum said that she is about to get engaged."

got engaged?

Su Jinyi, and Shen An feast, the Phoenix man?

"She wants to get engaged..." Su Shi whispered, suddenly holding the hand of brandy, the crisp crack of the glass rang in the ear.

Su Jinyi looked up, only to find the man with his hand on his eyes, his face faintly flashed a trace of water.


Su Shi... crying?

Su Jin did not respond. In the original work, Su Shi’s and Ming’s feelings have always been a dark line. The two people’s ignorance has never been revealed because of the family’s family. Later, Ming married to Ming’s business department. The manager, who went into the Ming family and entered the Ming family, was born in the bottom of the talented Phoenix Man Shenan Banquet. Su Shi also smashed the door to Chen Feifei. Although he couldn’t speak the piano and the sound, he could be regarded as respectful.

There is no written in the book, Su Jin does not know, Su Shi ... used to be so sad.

"Brother..." She opened her mouth but didn't know how to speak.

Yeah, what is the solution for her? Even if she is familiar with the direction of the plot, Ming Ming is the only heir to the Ming family. Such contradictions are simply irreconcilable. What's more, the world has already had an unpredictable change when she arrived.

"My brother wants to cry and cry." Su Jin sighed and reached out and hugged the man half-lying on the balcony, whispered.

Su Shi touched her sister's head and slightly raised a bitter smile. The wine seemed to wake up a little. More perhaps... the wine is in the stomach, he just needs a way to vent the feelings that have been suppressed for too long.

"The world is suffering, life, old age, illness, death, love, separation, resentment, and refusal. Wuyin is flaming." He closed his throat and whispered softly. "Until today, I really understand what is called and cannot be ""

Su Jin listened in the ear, only to hear the sound and comfort: "Brother will meet someone who is more suitable for you."

"More suitable..." Su Shi stunned and shook his head with a smile. "Yes, you will meet a more suitable person."

Su Jin bit his lip, but did not open it again.

Yeah, after all, it’s just more suitable, not the most loved.

I don’t know... I used to be a sea, but Wushan is not a cloud.

"Well, Xiao Jin, my brother is fine." Su Shi took a shot of her sister's head and stepped back. She smiled and said, "It's too late, go back to rest."

Su Jin looked at it carefully. He felt that Su Shi’s eyes were clear and clear, and he just lost his heart. Then he let go of his heart and nodded and said, “Well, that brother will go to bed early and go to work tomorrow.”

"Know it." Su Shi reached out and pointed her nose. "Good night."

"Brother good night." Su Jin slammed back and then turned and left.


"Well?" Su Jin looked back.

"Although I don't want to influence your choice, I still want to say something," Su said with a sigh of lip: "Lu Xi really likes you."

"If you like it, don't miss it like your brother..."


Su Shi looked at Ming’s eyes... exactly the same as I saw you.

The ear suddenly echoed the words of Lu Xi before the party. Su Jin squatted for a long while, shook his head and walked toward his room.

Turn on the lights and pull the curtains.

The opposite room was still lit with bright lights, and a vague figure leaned against the rocking chair on the balcony.

Su Jin was so good that she went to bed, and her brother’s request could not reverberate in the ear. She suddenly made a WeChat message to the opposite person.

"good night. 』

On the opposite balcony, Lu Xi happened to end the conversation with the mother, told him that he would send Yu Pei, and made a guarantee that she would win the daughter-in-law of Miss Su, only to exchange her satisfaction with Mrs. Lu. hang up the phone.

At this point, he looked at the sudden appearance of the message on the phone, could not help but hooked his lips, smiled alone for a long while, this returned a word.

"An. 』


love you.

Under the silver moonlight, the man with the color and clearness is half lying on the rocking chair, the thin lips are slightly hooked, the eyebrows are full of smiles, and the eyes of a pair of peach blossoms are clear and bright, which seems to smash the starlight of the whole world.

It is a pity that this scene is not appreciated.

The girl who made him show up, after receiving the reply, fell into a dream.

The next day, Su Jinyi climbed up early and stuck in the doorway of Su Shifang.

When Su Shi pushed the door, he saw the wall leaning against his door. It seemed that there were still some girls who were sleepy. He was hot in his heart and smiled slightly.

Little girl appeared here early in the morning, what else does he not understand?

"My brother is fine." He reached out and licked Su Jin's somewhat messy long hair, softly said.

Su Jin looked at it carefully. The man in front of him was wearing a light gray suit. His posture was pretty, his face was clear, and he couldn’t see yesterday’s sadness and Sui and Tang Dynasties. He has already recovered his usual calm.

"Oh..." She let her heart down, nodded, and watched him go downstairs, preparing to go back to sleep.

The phone suddenly sounded.

Su Jin frowned and looked down.

"Xiao Jin, can we have a chat?" 』

It is the number of the alum.