MTL - Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet-v2 Chapter 2421 The family is happy

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It’s a pity... what the son is...”

Minister Liu said, "Yin, I am blunt, this servant can't plan such an important thing on his own, and he can't get such an important book. There must be others behind the scenes."

Yin Yuerong looked indifferently: "I know."

It may only be Yin Heng.

At this time, Ah Zhong seems to finally react to his situation and shouted for help. "Mrs! Madame, I am wrong! Not me! Not what I want to do! It is Master Yin Heng!"

It was he who ordered me to blame you. It was the way he thought that I would let the young master put the things into your study, and the books were also given to me! I can say anything! ”

At this time, A Zhong also knew that he was completely finished, so he directly blasted Yin Heng.

Yin Yuerong looked coldly at Azhong who kept on pleading. There was no temperature in the light, and even why he did not want to ask a word.

Yin Yuerong directly said: "Mr. Liu, you take it with you."

Minister Liu: "Well, I will take this person away. The rest of the things, including those involved in the book, will continue to be checked out, and I will be offended. Please forgive me."

Yin Yuerong: "You are welcome."

Minister Liu: "Farewell."

Yin Yuerong: "Qiao Ma, send Minister Liu."

"Mrs! Madame, save me! Please spare me! Raise me this time! Really all Yin Heng masters instructed me..."


A Zhong’s mourning was isolated by the gate and finally disappeared completely in Wanmei Mountain Villa.

See Yin Yuerong pale as paper, some lost, and he was busy holding her down on the chair. "Grandma, are you okay?"

"Grandma is fine." Yin Yuerong is gentle.

"Grandma, don't be sad, my mother has taught me, all those who have the heart to hurt you, are not worthy of your sadness."

Yin Yuerong looked at the little guy in front of her, could not help but think of her Ajiu.

In fact, as a mother, the girl named Nie Wuyou, she is so good that she will be better than her, it is a hundred times stronger than her...

Yin Yuerong: "Thank you, no matter."

I smiled and said, "Grandma, we are a family!"

Yin Yuerong listened to this family, but his heart was full of sourness. "Don't, if I really told those outside, what would you do?"

Dear: "What about those outside?"

Yin Yuerong finally said the truth. "I don't get along well with your father and mother. Because of some things, there are big differences and contradictions between us..."

She does not want to deceive again.

I thought about it very seriously, and finally said, "Grandma, I don't know because of what, you will have contradictions, but I think you must have your own reasons, and you can understand it. Just, you should still be sad. Ok..."

The little guy opened his mouth honestly and raised his face again, very small. "Grandma, can't we be happy with the family?"

Yin Yuerong is silent: "..."

Is the family happy?

How strange and distant it is to her...

She is very clear about her personality, and some things have already gone deep into the bone marrow, which she can't change and relieve in her life.

It’s just a matter of amending the bill. As long as she can’t reach a consensus with Ah Jiu, she will be in a state of opposition for the rest of her life.