MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 46 Simple clearance

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Volume 19 Chapter 46 Simple customs clearance


"No way……"

"No way……"

Because it's too easy, many people can't believe this is true. TXT eBook Download

From beginning to end, the seven demon gods behave like mentally weak white-name mobs, except for the high attack power, there is no difficulty at all.

A paladin mt asked Li Yi: "Head, what should I do?"


Li Yi is not at all familiar with the Seven Demon Gods. The experience he gained in previous lives is to stop here. To say that he is much stronger than the team members, probably only his super equipment and technical awareness.

Whether you want to believe it or not, now that the customs clearance mén has been opened, the road is there, and it doesn't make sense to not move forward.

The team led by Li Yi was the first to enter the copy and was the first to clear the customs.

When stepping out of the copy mén, Li Yi and others returned to the Mountain of Gods, listening to the sound of Ding Ding for a while, and all team members themselves had a small improvement.

"It really passed ..."

"It's so **** easy."


A group of people shouted loudly. Until now, they couldn't believe it was true.

Theoretically, the copy on the mountain of gods should be extremely difficult. How could this abnormal situation occur?

"Buzz buzz ..."

When the system reward is issued, several white lights will be shè from the top of the mountain of Gods. All team members except Li Yi will be teleported and disappear. For a moment, there will be only Li Yi on the mountain of gods.

Li Yi shouted on the team channel: "Where have you been?"

"Here ... is the Seven Demon Hall!"

"Ah, ah, we're teleported back."

"The Seven Demon Gods are resurrected, dizzy, and pulled into battle."

Li Yi could not see the situation inside, or Zhang Yan sent the live video to him.

In the Seven Demon Temple, all the fallen seven deities were resurrected, and began to release powerful magic. The players who sent them back forcibly rushed, and there was no power to fight back.

Li Yi was shocked.

The mts organized and prepared to hold hate like last time. Unfortunately, this time the situation has completely changed. The Seven Demon gods do not use physical attacks dumbly, and wave their hands, all with super destructive magic.

One shot of half a barrel of blood, two shots is a tube, the treatment has no chance to replenish blood ...

Soon, all 49 people in the regiment lay down.

The mission is over ...

哧哧 哧哧 哧 ——

As soon as Li Yi's work, another team teleported from the copy.

"Too fucking, right?"

"What junk copy?"

"I don't understand hahahaha."

"No difficulty at all."

This team, like Li Yi's team, felt that the Seven Demon Gods were too weak after customs clearance.

But it didn't take long for the same thing to happen again. In addition to the leader, the remaining 49 members were thrown back to the Seven Demon Temple and continued to challenge the Seven Demon Gods.

Seeing here, Li Yi understands a bit.

It seems that the 50 players in the God of War ranking can easily clear the level, but the team members are not.

The seven demon gods facing the team now are the seven devil gods in the normal state.

"Dark Wing, what's going on?"

The head of the delegation asked Li Yi.

Li Yi shook his head. This time, he really didn't know the situation ...

哧哧 哧哧 ——

Several more rays flew from the copy, and the number of players who cleared the level was gradually increasing.

Except for the second round of metamorphosis experienced by the players, the 50 players on the God War leaderboard were all cleared without exception.

"Fuck, we're all here, but what's the matter with our group?"

"Fuck, who can tell me what happened?"

More and more people are confused.

"Zulfina! Zulfina!" Someone shouted.

There was no response, and even the gods disappeared.

Someone was worried: "No bugs, right?"

Fengyun Jiu came over: "Dark Wing, do you know what happened?"

Li Yi shook his head. He looked away and looked in the crowd.

"What about ghostwalkers and weapon warriors?"

Fengyun Jiuyi said for a moment: "Well, I just saw them coming, why did I just disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"You guys, don't luàn!"

Li Yi shouted and was quiet all around.

"Has anyone seen a ghostwalker?"

"I was still here ..."

"Why are you missing?"


When Li Yi asked, those talents reacted.

Li Yi checked the number of people present, leaving 50 of the God Warriors alone, and the ghost walkers and weapon fighters were missing.

Li Yi asked again, "Dashan, have you seen them?"

Dashan smiled and held his orange stick in front of Ziling Piaoxue. However, Ziling Piaoxue didn't even look at him. He heard Li Yi asking, and he said, "Will they go up the mountain first Anymore? "

There is only one road to the mountains of the gods, which is very similar to the Golden Twelve Palace of the Saints, except that the number of temples on the mountains of the gods is two less than that of the Golden Twelve Palaces, and there are only ten temples in the temple of the King of Gods.

Li Yi thought for a moment and said, "Let's go up the mountain, too!"

The 50 teams are still challenging the Seven Demon Gods, but because the strength of the Seven Demon Gods is too perverted, many members have automatically retired.

"Miss Zhang, Binger, you go on, remember not to group savages this time, only acquaintances."

When Li Yi decided to go up the mountain, he sent a message to Zhang Yan and Huo Binger.

He vaguely felt that his team's challenge to the Seven Demon God's success was related to his success in the next level, because the team has not been dissolved until now, and whenever the team and the Seven Devil battle, they will be forced into the battle. .

The team will not dissolve, join the powerful players, and continue to challenge!

Qian Er, Jiao Jiao, and Xiao Yu from the Demon Domain are all on the list of 50 people. Now they cannot be counted on, because their own team is also fighting the Seven Demon Gods.

After sending the message, Li Yi greeted his friend to go up the mountain together.

The stairs on the Mount of the Gods are spiral-shaped, gradually extending upwards and circles, and there are no monsters on the road. Li Yi and others smoothly came to the second temple.

The name of the second temple is ‘Fantasy Temple’.

The big mén flashing colorful lights reminds the entrants at all times that this is another 'copy scene'.

Brother Fengyun laughed a few times: "Looks like we have to fight again!"

"Come on!"

The Jiaojiao giant sword flashed, and the first rushed in.

"Take care!"

"Must go!"

"Xiaozi, I have a word in my heart for a long time, I have always wanted to tell you, but I have no chance, hey ..."

Dashan gazed at the orange stick ~ ~ with a sincere look at Ziling Piaoxue, but this confession seemed to have no effect. Before he finished speaking, Ziling Piaoxue entered the temple.

Li Yi stepped forward and patted Dashan's shoulder: "I can see that she doesn't like you at all."

"You do not understand."

Dashan shook his head, humming Xiaoqu into his copy.

If you want to say that the most different people on the 50-person divine list, I am afraid that it is none other than Dashan. Other people's teams also have at least a few jīng Ying, but his team, in addition to the second goods, is the second goods, even one can be called a master None of the characters.

Dashan was able to advance through his own strength.

"Good luck everyone."

Li Yi posted a message on the World Channel and headed up into the 'Fantasy Temple'.


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