MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 5 Pros and cons

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Chapter 19 Pros and Cons

"The first 50 floors do not use resurrection, and they will stand by in place when we die. Let's fight for a clearance this time. (_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学) M"

When entering the second floor, Li Yi set goals for the team.

"This time it may take a long time to brush the tower, maybe one day, maybe two days and three days, please prepare in advance!"

The previous tower strategy has no difficulty for this team now. Under the leadership of Li Yi and Fengyun Jiujie, the team made an effort and rushed to the sixteenth floor in only one hour.

The number of casualties in the team was one, and 24 are currently alive.

When Fengyun Jiumei stepped on the trap on the third floor, all others survived.

When rushing to the twentieth floor, the team did not encounter ss, but encountered a gear level, but there were super players like Jiao Jiao, and the gear level became difficult.

The others didn't move, stood at the entrance and stood by, and Jiao Jiao went through the barriers by themselves. After the past, they used the team's rally to pull everyone all at once.

Through the twentieth floor, the team got five free resurrection opportunities, but with the unanimous approval of the team members, Fengyun Jiumei was not resurrected and continued to lie on the third floor.

It doesn't matter to waste a place for resurrection, but the problem is, it doesn't make any sense to waste it for nothing.

At noon, the team led by Li Yi broke through the forty-fifth floor, with five casualties. At present, twenty people have survived, and the number of free resurrections has increased to twenty.

Without resurrection, keep pushing forward. This is a tactic formulated by Li Yi.

He didn't want to grind here, this time he brushed the tower, what he wanted was a pass!

In this team led by Li Yi, there are two hidden occupations: Dark Knight and Magic Knight. He was curious from previous lives. Can hidden occupations be transferred?

He hasn't seen it in the previous life, so in this life he wants to see for himself whether the Dark Knight and the Penal Knight can also be transferred like ordinary occupations.

The Dark Knight is very rogue. Under the premise of the same level and the same equipment, the Dark Knight can definitely be called the king of melee. The rogue vampire magic skill once every 10 seconds, and fighting with melee profession will definitely make the other side collapse.

Compared with the dark knight, the **** punishment knight is more ferocious. This profession punished by **** has lost the ability to use mana. The **** punishment knight has no mana value. It is not mana that is consumed when using skills, but its own blood.

Each skill requires its own energy and blood. The more powerful the skills, the more blood and energy it consumes. Like Fengyun Jiujiang, clear the 'blood cross rage' of 180 skeleton mobs and release it once. Consume 10% of your blood and energy.

Divine punishment Knight was punished by God, unable to use mana, and the most tragic place is that this profession cannot add blood through ‘healing’, and the companion does not add blood to him.

Each blow consumes one's own blood and cannot be supplemented by external forces, which is a major drawback of the penalist profession.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although the punishment knights cannot return blood through ‘healing’, their ability to drink medicine to recover blood is incomparable.

The characteristics of the **** punishment knight, taking any blood-added agent to return blood can increase the blood return by 10%, and most importantly, the cooling time of any blood-added agent is 30 seconds.

Ordinary players need a 2 minute cooling time to drink a bottle of blood potion. The **** penalty knight does not need to. It only takes 30 seconds. As long as the potion is sufficient, you can drink it.

In the King of the Gods, the higher the level of the potion, the more expensive it is. For ordinary players, having a few bottles of blood potion on them is only to save their lives when they are in danger, but it is necessary for the magic penalty knight. Essential life sustaining props.

God punishes the knight, the legendary medicine jar, only the giant rmb players are eligible to play high-end ...

Li Yi has always felt that Feng Yun Jiu's transfer of his duties to the fine knight is really the most suitable.

When hitting the 50th floor, Li Yi and others met the golden ss, and Fengyun Jiujie re-emphasized again, using ‘Blood Red Cross—Sin’ to firmly anchor the ss to the ground and turn it into a pure wooden stake.

There were no casualties in the whole group, once passed ...

The Red Robe Caretaker appeared, and behind it, a lucky roulette emerged.

It's time to draw!


Li Yi used the "Resurrection Orb" to revive all five dead players including Fengyun Jiumei.

At the time of the draw, everyone is naturally involved. Even if it is a natural stay in the legend, you can't forget it.

Another draw started.

There are constant players falling, and there are constant players winning prizes. The odds of good and bad are each half.

This time, there is no orange martial arts. The best reward is only the top purple suit. Li Yi was not interested and gave up the draw.

Draw a skull and die directly, taking that risk, it's too difficult.

When the lottery ended, the death toll of the team reached ten. At present, they cannot be resurrected. They can only get their souls back until the next golden ss is killed.

At the entrance to the next floor, Fengyun Jiumei stretched out her scissors, and he gestured to Fengyun Jiujie with a little pride on her face: "My husband, I did not smoke, I did not die."

Fengyun Jiuguo touched his head with a headache.

At this time, the cat who loves singing came up and said, "You will die if you go in. You might as well smoke."

Soon after entering the fifty-first floor, Fengyun Jiumei lay down again ...

The team continued to move forward. This is a forest pass. As long as you walk on the road honestly, you can easily clear the pass.

Fengyun Jiumei will die because she slammed into a tree and spurred the organs.

The fifty-second floor,, is a desert gate. In the early days, all members of the team were scattered, and the clearance conditions were very simple. Just find the entrance to the next floor.

In the end, Li Yi successfully found the entrance and wasted a 'team calling order', pulling the whole team to the next level.

In terms of strength, Li Yi, Feng Yun Jiu Ge, Jiao Jiao and others are all the strongest kings of the gods. In terms of experience, Li Yi who has the memory of previous lives dares to call the second, and no one dares to call first.

This time, unlike the previous few times, this time the team is well prepared and everyone's strength has been improved, especially Fengyun Jiuge, who was transferred to become a punishment knight, which is several times stronger than before.

Fifty-third floor, glacier map, ten minutes to pass, fifty-fourth floor, hill map, five minutes to pass! Fifty-fifth floor, forest pass, no difficulty ...

From the morning to the evening, there was only a short rest for half an hour, when the needle was pointing at 0 midnight, Li Yi and they had reached the 79th floor.

A new brush tower record was born ...

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