MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 9 Ancient **** of light

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Volume Nine Chapter Nine Ancient God of Light

Soon after Li Yi and Jiao Jiao set foot on the suspended island, more than a dozen players made use of the corpses, and the two followed closely behind. .

Recently, Hua Feihua was also doing the task on the suspended island, but she had no strength, no skills, and died no less than a hundred times, and she was not able to board the suspended island.

The **** forgot to show in front of his beloved Huahua sister, he has been wandering on the hanging island for several days, and it should be his luck that he actually saw Li Yi and Jiao Jiao.

The **** forgot to inform Hua Feihua immediately, and then Hua Feihua brought a dozen male players to the place.

"Sister Huahua, who are they?"


"Huahua's friend is my friend. Hello, my name is Wanger ..."

The **** forgot to affectionately came forward and shook hands one by one, but those people looked at him, but there was no trace of goodwill. He walked over and some people avoided it. In the end, no one shook hands with him.

"Fuck, what do you mean?" The bitch's forgotten self-esteem was humiliated and he quit.

"They ... they ... oh, you go there and wait for your sister, and I'll tell you later."

Hua Fei fluttered and fluttered, pointing at the grass in the distance.

The **** forgot to react immediately: "Touch the big white ass!"

Three steps and two steps, the **** forgot to run into the grass and waited.

In this way, Hua Feihua lay on the ground with a dozen "good friends" to load the corpses, and successfully boarded the suspended island.

All of this, Li Yi and Jiao Jiao who first reached the suspended island, are not aware of it yet.

Li Yi and Jiao Jiao were not interested in ordinary bird eggs, so their goals were determined from the beginning.

Get the Golden Winged Egg!

Li Yi led the way, Jiao Jiao followed closely behind, and the two darted towards the wingman mother tree in the center of the island.

No battle was encountered all the way, Li Yi once again came to the Wingren mother tree, using the wind sword, to peel off the healing bark.

"Come in!"

Li Yi drilled into the wormhole.

"Your kid is not easy. You can find such a secret place."

Jiao Jiao is very admired.

The two went straight up, and soon reached the end of the wormhole. Li Yi knocked and listened, making sure that there were no wingmen guarding outside, and then he was assured that he had cut the bark.

The large winged man's lair on the outside trunk has now renewed a golden egg.


Before Li Yi spoke, Jiaojiao drilled out, put the golden eggs into the backpack, and ran back quickly with two long legs.

The whole process is faster than when Li Yi stole the eggs last time

Li Yi was angry and funny: "Brother didn't want to grab you, what is it?"


"Who stole my child?"

An angry voice came from above, and Li Yi pulled Jiao Jiao and quickly slid down.

The owner of the Golden Winged Egg is back. It's time to run for safety.

Li Yi and Jiao Jiao returned to the ground along the wormhole. When they got out, almost thousands of gold-winged men gathered above their heads, roaring and hovering in anger.

The golden winged human egg is very rare, and every time it is stolen, it can cause the strongest anger of the winged people.


Li Yi pulled Jiaojiao and ran away from the Wingren mother tree.

If you want to steal the golden eggs again, you can only wait until the emotions of the Yi people have stabilized, otherwise they will fly around and there is no chance to start again.

"Quack quack--"

Just as Li Yi and Jiao Jiao hid in the forest, the wing tribe above their heads suddenly barked and flew in one direction.

Li Yi squinted and analyzed, "There are other players on the suspended island."

"Why do you see that?" Jiaojiao didn't believe it.

"All the winged men rushed in the same direction. This is a manifestation of the enemy's whereabouts. Ms. Jiao, our opportunity is here."

"What chance? Also, I'm not Gillian!"

"I like to call, can you manage it?"


Jiaojiao lifted her feet and shivered. Li Yi had already prepared. She held her long legs in her arms on one side of her body.


"It must have been the shameless invaders who stole the starry eggs, and we rushed over to get them back!"

"Kill the invaders!"

When the two were in trouble, the thousands of golden-winged wingers who were originally hovering in the winger's mother tree also flew in the same direction.

"The opportunity is here, you are waiting for me here!"

Li Yi loosened Jiao Jiao, hugged her waist, and touched the Wingren mother tree again.

Some players attract the attention of Wingren. Now the number of Golden Winged Wings is greatly reduced near the Wingren mother tree. This is a great opportunity to steal eggs.

Li Yi knows the location of the golden winged human eggs on the wingman's mother tree. You must know that he was lonely in the previous life and has never enjoyed the benefits of teammates and buffs. In order to strengthen himself, he must hand in the golden tasks daily Wing human eggs.

蹭! 蹭! 蹭!

Li Yi scrambled up the Wingren mother tree, using both hands and feet, and quickly climbed diagonally on it.

Soon, another winged man's lair appeared in front of him. Inside the lair, a golden egg was quietly placed.

Li Yi crawled over and put the golden eggs into the backpack.

"Damn man, let go of my child!"

With a roar above his head, Li Yi felt a strong wind beating at him, and he evaded subconsciously.


A feather arrow sank into the trunk and almost penetrated his body.

Li Yi looked up and watched. A golden-winged female winged man looked at herself with an angry face, holding a long bow in her hand and pulling the bowstring.


Another feather arrow shot over, and Li Yi drilled under the bird's nest and eased away again.

"Squeaky squeak--"

Li Yi pulled the charge arrow and waited until the golden-winged female winged man flew down to enter his sight. Then he hit the charge arrow that had been issued for a long time.


The charge arrow penetrates the golden-winged man's chest, and the force continues, nailing it firmly to the trunk.

"Abominable man, give me back my child!" The Golden-winged man struggled angrily.

Li Yi slipped down and ran into the forest before the Golden Wing man broke free.

Instead of rushing to join Jiao Jiao, he fled in the other direction.

The Golden-winged Wingman has a very high IQ, and even if the player is out of combat, it can track by track.

In the vicinity of the Wingren Mother Tree, you cannot go offline and use any space teleporting props, so Li Yi can only rely on her legs to escape the pursuit of the Golden-winged Wingren.

A gold-winged winged man Li Yi is certainly not afraid, but if you fight for a long time near the winged man's mother tree, the legendary winged man will appear. By then, it will be difficult to predict the end.

Just stay away from Wing Man Mother Tree.

Li Yi ran out of the distance at a distance, stopped and waited patiently for the Golden Winged Man to arrive.

"All human beings **** it, the Wings will rule the world!"

The golden-winged winger flew over, it had golden blood flowing out of the chest, and his expression looked a little distorted.

"Time-Spike Arrow!"

Li Yi concentrated his field strength on one point and suddenly broke out.


The arrow in the golden winged man's head exploded at the same time with countless words of damage, and instantly killed it instantly.

The golden-winged man fell to the ground, his body turned into smoke and disappeared.


A purple ring flew out, Li Yi stepped forward to pick it up and clicked to use.

Wing Man Storage Ring

Special props that disappear after use.

Role: Increase the space of the backpack by 10 squares.


Li Yi found Jiao Jiao and found that the wingman above his head was still flying in the same direction.

"It's a little bit wrong, so long, haven't they died yet?"

"They? Who are they?"

"Stupid, when it was other players on the island, so many wingmen have run over and have not stopped. There is only one possibility. That is, the players on the island have not died, otherwise the wingmen cannot do this."

"Oh, I see."

"Let's go and see."

"it is good!"


On the periphery of the suspended island, the dozen or so "good friends" brought by Hua Feihua are struggling to fight the flying wingmen.

An ancient **** of light, whose body is more than fifty meters in size and covered with light, guards these players, which is why this group of players has not fallen.

Someone used the scroll of summoning the ancient **** of light to give this group of players the ability to fight against the winged army.

More than a dozen players including Bao Shihua Feihua were covered with holy light all over their bodies, and the wingmen's attacks on them, whether they were divine or ordinary attacks, have all become invalid.

The ancient **** of light is one of the highest order gods. To exaggerate, even if you use ten ‘Elder Thunder God Scrolls’, it ’s difficult to downplay a player who uses one ancient light **** ’s scroll.

The ancient scrolls of the **** of light are very powerful, and the number of such scrolls is also the rarest. The weak point is probably the duration. The duration of the **** of light is only half an hour.

More and more wingmen came here and have surrounded these dozens of players. It is not that they do not want to escape, but they cannot escape at all.

Yan Shi blocked in all directions, how to escape?

"God said, I will give you the power of the ice, gather it, the power of God!"

"God said, I will give you the power of fire, gather it, the power of God!"

"God said, I will give you the power of thunder, gather it, the power of God!"

The white-winged wings flying in mid-air can't be attacked for a long time, they sing one after another, they are launching the magic!

Launching divine magic and using realm power are different ~ ~ realm power is its own power, with instant super powers, and divine art is given by gods. When using it, you need to borrow from divine people Power, so every time you use it, you have to chant a spell to succeed.

The magical power of ice condenses the arrow of ice, and the power of fiery fire condenses the arrow of fire. Wing people fly in the air and shoot downwards.

The attack with additional divine power is not trivial. Although the player below is protected by the divine power of the "God of Light", the divine shield on the surface of their body is weakened when they are attacked by the additional divine power.

In this fight, they will not support it for long.

Li Yi and Jiao Jiao stood in the forest, watching the battle scene from afar.

"Ancient God of Light scroll, Jiao Jiao, our luck is here again!"

Li Yi's eyes flashed a fiery madness.


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