MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 174 from the new world

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The sudden shelling made Peibo hesitant to move forward. Was it a misfire by his own people or an intentional attack by the enemy? How could he be clear?

But even if it's my own, it's not incomprehensible to see such a thing swimming up from the water, and when I don't see Peibo on the snake's head for a while, it's not incomprehensible to fire suddenly - although the two sides have talked on the phone, but God knows Did Qiu Bai explain this matter clearly?

Well, that's actually the case. According to Qiu Bai's words, Peibo will ride a small snake to greet him, but who knew that the small snake in his mouth would be so small?

Although he encountered a little danger, Peibo couldn't turn around and left, and he began to move towards the ship more cautiously.

At the same time, the sails of the boat were also raised, and the two sides began to gradually approach.

As the distance decreased, Peibo felt more and more vigilant, because he saw a lot of figures moving on the rigging and deck of the ship... This shows that the ship is very likely to be The enemy's ship, because if it is one's own, there should be only two people on the ship at this time.

Just when Peibo was hesitating whether to launch a counterattack, fortunately, the people on the hull seemed to make a sound through something like a loudspeaker:

"Hey~ is that Peipo on the opposite side?"

The voice seemed a little unfamiliar, but at the same time there was a sense of familiarity that had not changed. So Pebble took a deep breath, then put his hands behind his mouth and shouted towards the boat:

"Is Ellen?"

His voice was full of wild power... and wild lung capacity. This rhetorical question spread far in the open sea, and directly covered the opposite voice.

Yes, this is to eliminate the crisis into the invisible, the identities of the two sides have been matched, one side is his own person, the other side is his own bear, naturally it is impossible to fight again.

This unfamiliar ship was carrying Ellen, who had returned from the future, and Guina, the "swordsman" who had been kidnapped from the East China Sea. Today, they have finished their studies.

Soon the two sides leaned together, the giant snake Linna lowered her head, and Peibo stepped onto the deck of the ship.

"Peibo, Brother Qiu told me that as long as a small snake comes with you, are you sure it can be called a small snake?" Ellen looked up at the big head looking down from the sky with a bit of depressiveness. , can this be considered a snake? If it was true, he would like to see what a big snake looks like.

"...his words can only be heard halfway, but compared to its parents, Linna is really not that big, it is still in the growth stage-oh, Linna is the name of this snake." Peibo explained Said, and he also beautified Qiubai.

Can you only listen to half of what Qiubai said? It would be nice to have a quarter of what is authentic and worth listening to in his words.

"Ellen, you seem to have grown a lot, is it okay for your arm?" The snake asked the question, and Ellen at this time seemed to have grown quite a bit compared to the last time they parted. The changes... Last time he was a kid, so many years have passed, and now he can be called a "youth".

"Well, it's alright. My time in the future country was not in vain, but Peibo, you have really grown." Ellen clenched his left hand and threw an uppercut upward, while his right hand made an uppercut. It was placed in the position of the "biceps" of the left arm. It is a pity that there doesn't seem to be any flesh and blood there - because of the pirate attack, Ellen lost an arm and a calf, and now the missing limb has passed through With the "mechanized" transformation, it seems that the flexibility of these accessories is no different from the natural limbs.

Ellen is not only a maintainer, but also a personal user of the mechanical arm... Indeed, as he himself said, the time he spent in the future country was not in vain.

And what Qiubai told him before is true, that island is indeed the hometown of the world's greatest scientist, Dr. Vega Punk, although the other party is no longer on the island for a long time, but the other party's presence is full of With the entire island, semi-mechanized transformation in that country is not a difficult job.

Moreover, the various research materials he left behind are enough to make any half-knowledgeable person feel ashamed and amazed when they see it, and if they can learn some of them, they will naturally benefit a lot.

That's why they have this boat under their feet.

If they really knew each other, Peipo and Ellen knew each other before they knew Qiubai and Ain, because the earliest Peibo was hooked to his father's boat by Ellen with a fishing line. They're all brats, if we look at them now... Ellen's height is already approaching two meters, while Peibo has already had three meters to spare.

"Guina, long time no see..." After chatting with Ellen for a while, Peipo greeted Guina with an "elderly style".


This reaction made the other two involuntarily look at each other and then shake their heads. It's not that she is too indifferent, but... Sure enough, swordsmen have this kind of problem. When they saw the big, thick and hard meat column , I always want to cut that knife to see if I can cut it off.

At this time, Guina was looking up at Linna's triangular head and staring at the neck slightly below her head, faintly looking like she was about to shoot.

And Linna also felt the hostility conveyed by a certain little point has been swallowing snake letters... Well, this is still better.

So, just before Guina asked "Can I slash it?", Peipo quickly said, "After entering the Whirlpool Island, we have to rely on Linna, if you want to compete with such a beast , there are many snakes bigger than it on the island."

Not to mention the juvenile Linna, for the sake of the fact that even a meteorite can't be stunned, Guina can cut it... After all, Qiubai can't cut it either.

The joy of reunion is still very high, and now everyone is finally coming together.

"I just wanted to ask, what are those things?" In the process of communicating with each other, there was always something running around them as a background wall. Those were what Peibo saw on the boat before. Those figures, and if you look at them from such a close distance, it is natural that they are definitely not human beings.

"They? The crew and boatmen I hired." Ellen said with a smile.

But this statement is not accurate, because it is better to say that it is domesticated rather than hired. 8)