MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 191 fly higher

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Natrista is a small island in the first half of the Great Route. The products here are neither rich nor barren, and it is barely self-sufficient. Most of the residents are neither rich nor needy. If you are optimistic, you can live happily, as long as Not too lazy to starve to death.

To put it simply, this is a fairly ordinary island, not unlike the most popular island on the Great Route... except for one thing - the clouds here are very layered.

So it is a very famous tourist spot.

In terms of terrain, the west side of the island is a highland, the side facing the sea is almost a 90-degree vertical cliff, and the other side is a **** that climbs up at a 15-degree angle.

After the **** extends to the top, the terrain folds back and re-levels, forming the shape of a platform.

At the platform at the top of the island, a small river developed and extended into the sea. After the residents of the island remodeled the channel of the river, ships on the sea could sail from the river's estuary to the sea. top.

As for why it takes time to do this kind of transformation work, the reason is very simple...

"How much?" Qiu Bai, who never cared about money, asked Monet.

"One hundred thousand Baileys."

"Hey, why does the previous boat cost 50,000 baileys. In terms of load, it's about the same as our boat?" Money is a small problem, but it's not a big deal if it's slapped.

"The fee is based on the deck area," Monet said.

"Uh..." Qiu Bai was speechless.

No problem, this method of charging sounds familiar.

If you want to enter the river, you need to pay a fee, and it's not cheap - pirates also need to be reasonable, and they can't solve problems by violence at all times. At this time, they also need to pay honestly, which is considered to be saving Save character.

"Captain, there is unfortunate news to report. After these 100,000 Baileys, our finances have dried up."

This is indeed a bit unfortunate. Pirates who are so poor are also rare, but it is not incomprehensible. After all, everyone was naked on a desert island back then, and after they came out, they were busy doing things, how could they have the time to make money?

The activity funds for this period of time were still brought by Ellen and Guina with the ship.

In general, Qiubai's group is like a company that holds a large amount of fixed assets but the cash flow has been cut off. The worst thing is that those fixed assets still can't be realized... It's not going to sell any of them. In exchange for a bounty for the navy?

"Don't worry about this, I'm not saying, now we're going to find the treasure." Qiu Bai didn't worry about it. If you are short of money, you can do inter-bank lending. This is very common... Although the pirate's inter-bank lending method Just a little violence.

"The problem is that we need to wait here for 5 days..."

Monet didn't say anything else, but Ellen spit on the side.

Even if a huge treasure can be found in the future, what are you going to do in the days before the treasure is found?

Fortunately, there is still some supplies on board, otherwise, there are only two paths in front of Qiubai... Either he will sell swords, or everyone will happily eat dirt together.

At this time, the obstructions at the estuary slowly opened, and the Balubatos also lowered its sails. At the same time, the chimney of the ship began to smoke. Relying on the propulsion of the two propellers buried in the water on both sides, the ship began to flow upstream. And on.

After all the way to the top, there is a lake for boats to dock, and the lake is the only town on the island.

Although Qiubai needed to set off here as soon as possible because of poverty, but because the destination they were going to was too special, they had to wait here for the weather to set sail.

They have to wait for the full moon night.

"Friend, I'm going to eat dirt here. You still have money to drink. Can you lend me a few if it's convenient?" As a prisoner, Blackbeard still wanted to drink some wine and blow a little wind. A prisoner actually saw It was so moisturizing that Qiu Bai was a little unhappy.

"Thief hahaha," Blackbeard leaned on the side of the boat and laughed loudly... Little did he know that he was smiling, MMP in his heart, no brains pain and anxiety, who knows who lost.

"It's been a while since I've been with your ship. You should almost tell me what the purpose of looking for me is?" Teach asked in a normal tone that seemed "casual".

After following Qiubai's ship tossing for a while, Blackbeard didn't understand the reason why the boatman wanted to arrest him. Titch didn't know the details of Qiubai's robbery of the warship before. The only thing that Duiren did was to carry out an unsuccessful robbery...I can figure it out with my toes, what can I get by robbing a warship?

So now everyone is in the process of escaping after the failed robbery?

The only thing Blackbeard knows about now is probably Qiubai's identity. After all, Whitebeard paid attention to the Tianlong kidnapping incident back then, so as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard also knows something about it.

Therefore, Blackbeard can be regarded as confirming that the young man in front of him is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

Qiubai glanced at Tiki, who was still drinking. Although this man pretended to be calm, he was probably dying, so he said: "There is a relatively difficult natural ability person, if there is no reasonable strategy, it is difficult to deal with, Out of desperation, I found you... Your ability is also invincible, isn't it?"

After saying these words, Blackbeard felt a little bad. The "do a little favor" in this mouth doesn't seem to be a small favor, right?

Originally, Qiubai wanted to do this by but it would be a bit too wasteful for Blackbeard to poke here without using the ability of the dark fruit. You don't need to use the free labor, so he changed it temporarily. idea.

"Then where is that tricky natural tie?"

Qiubai stretched out his finger and pointed in a strange direction: "In the sky... More precisely, it should be the 'temple'?"


Over time, the lake began to thicken with fog, and then the fog thickened and eventually formed a dense cloud.

This cloud floats on the lake and rests on the bottom of the boat.

Finally, after the clouds gather to a certain will float to the sky, which is the tourist attraction of this island

Flying pirates is not a difficult task, Qiubai himself experienced the feeling of flying before encountering the golden lion.

Natrista Island is just a springboard, what matters is its next stop... that's at a height of 10,000 meters.