MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 231 thank you, thank you

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Chapter 231 Gratitude, thank you

The war at the top can probably be regarded as the destination chosen by Whitebeard for himself-of course he is not looking forward to his death here, but it should be said that as long as the goal is achieved, there is no regret in dying here.

And since the Golden Lion also came here, then Ma Linduo can be regarded as his destination, and they don't hate gorgeous funerals.

The war on the top should be said to be the war of these old guys. It is better for people like Qiubai to hide behind their backs, so he really hid in the back... Although he said before that he did not want to come back to the tower, but He quickly broke his promise. After a short battle with the golden lion, he went around behind the gate tower... The voices on the battlefield could still pass through the tower that had been split in half but still stood, but these voices were not It's not really like it's covered in a layer of fog.

The shadow cast by the tower shrouded this side, and the backside of Ma Lin's many was as quiet as if there were two worlds in front of it.

His right abdomen was still aching, but Qiubai had already removed his left hand, so why did he come here? Lazy to avoid war? Naturally it is impossible.

Just because there is someone he's looking for here.

Here Qiubai can see a lot of fallen jailers. Needless to say, it is easy to tell that they are from the advancing city. If you look forward, you can even see slugs lying on the ground in various poses. ——The four jailer beasts Minotaurs, Mino rhinos, Mino koalas, and Mino zebras in the advance city.

These four are animal-type awakening abilities. It stands to reason that they should have unlimited physical strength. Even if they are knocked down, they can wake up quickly... Although judging from their intelligence, these four should not be normally awakened. This may be due to It makes sense to be called Jailor Beast for some kind of experiment in Bega Punk. In fact, their mental retardation is similar to that of "Beast", and their average IQ is definitely lower than Luffy.

Perhaps they are not humans themselves, and it is also possible that they are animals that have eaten the fruits of the animal system, but in any case, the Awakened are the Awakened, but now they seem to be in a state of death that is completely unable to stand up.

Because the opponents they faced before were really bad.

"Thief ha, thief hahahaha, thief hahaha, isn't this Captain Qiubai? It's been a long time, you look like you're looking for me?"

Why is the jailer beast so humiliated and humiliated that he wants to die? Because a guy named Blackbeard did some unspeakable things to them.

"It's been a long time since Mr. Titch, that's right, I'm looking for you." On this side of the island, Qiubai found the Blackbeard hidden here... More precisely, it should be the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach, "Devil Sheriff" Lafitte, "Supersonic" Van Oka, "Fighting Champion" Chisas Bassas, Shiliu of Rain, "Death" Poison · Q, "Xuanyue Hunter" Katerina Daipen, "Bakery" Bacchus Choate, "Bad Government King" Abaro Pizarro, and the oversized pirate who hides most of his body in the sea" The giant battleship "San Juan Bad Wolf" is all here.

They should have brought the shabby ones out after fighting the previous war. I didn't expect that someone would come uninvited.

"Looking for me? look seriously injured." Blackbeard took a sip from the bottle tucked at his waist - unlike last time, this time he looked relaxed enough, Maybe it's because he has powerful companions on his side, and Qiubai only has one person, or maybe because "the brain is in my hand, I have the world", in short, this time he is no longer afraid of Qiubai.

"Well, it's really not easy to get a punch from Whitebeard in the front." Qiubai said simply.

"Really? Hahaha, thief, I'm very lucky to be able to stand up after being punched in the front." Blackbeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he continued, "Speaking of last time, although I was taken care of, but in the end I still want to thank you for your trustworthiness, and finally returned my precious brain."

Some of his companions seemed to understand what had happened last time, and they laughed rudely at their captain.

"Simply put... I admire you very much. How about joining us? I can appoint you as the deputy captain of the Blackbeard Pirates and serve as my right-hand man." Blackbeard suddenly invited Qiubai .

After not seeing him for a few months, this pirate's confidence has indeed surged, and his whole body has swelled up... In his own opinion, from catching Ace, to provoking the top war, and playing with the Navy and Whitebeard in applause, isn't it worthy of pride? ? He is a man who wants strength, strength, and scheming.

"The questions need to be answered one by one. First of all, why am I looking for you? The answer is very simple. I want to take back the chips that I put out. After all, it has completed its mission..."

"Secondly, when you speak, you must weigh your own weight. Pirates rely on strength to speak. I have no hobby of succumbing to trash."

Qiubai laughed dumbly. There are really many interesting things in this war. For example, the former Shichibukai Clarkdale, known for his cruelty, showed his arrogant Another example is that Blackbeard actually said it. If that's the case... If you take such an attitude towards the enemy, should you praise him for his magnanimity?

However, Qiubai didn't like this kind of superior tone and looking down.

"That means you refused my invitation, do you know what that means?" Blackbeard restrained his smile, "It means war and death."

"So... where did you get the confidence to say these words?"

What is war and death? Qiubai was already in the midst of war, and he would only bring death to others.

"I'm not interested in fighting people like you, but you can just use it to try your sword..."

Blue ring-shaped ripples emerged from behind Qiu Bai, and a sword with a handle extended from the land like the sky and the ocean, and finally covered the entire space with an arc.

For the first time, Qiubai showed all his weapons regardless of ABCD, and the thunder pattern scurried around in the sky.

"No, be careful about this..." Blackbeard just wanted to give a reminder, but he didn't have a chance to finish this sentence at all.

Qiubai against the Blackbeard Pirates, the war started, and then the war ended.

The moves he uses are very simple, nothing more than ejection, but the only difference is the speed and number of launches. Simply speaking, this is a saturation attack. He uses the Thunder Fruit to release a "Lei Ying" in the inherent enchantment. , and then emptied the arsenal.

Each sword was straight and attacked its target at an inexplicable speed, as if a light curtain shrouded the head of the Blackbeard Pirates.

At this time, Qiubai faces the south and the north, but it has nothing to do with the direction. This trick is called...

Thirty Sword Skills, "The East is White".

(End of this chapter)

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