MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 156 Time to talk about compensation!

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  Chapter 156 It’s time to talk about compensation!

  Kane followed without hesitation.

   Combat at this level is not that simple at all.

   BIGMOM's physical strength is also at its peak, unlike Rayleigh.

   Maybe Kahn can suppress the opponent, but it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

   Even Raleigh was suppressed by Kahn after a fierce battle with the yellow ape.

   And BIGMOM has another feature, the defense is really scary.

  The battle between the two sides continued like this.

  Destruction is also happening.

  A naval base not far from the Sea of ​​Nations.

   "Lieutenant General Prodi, there seems to be a terrible battle in the sea of ​​​​all nations."

  The old man, who was still resting, was shocked instantly.

"what happened?"

  This naval base was originally established to monitor BIGMOM.

  The Four Emperor Pirates, even if there is a turmoil, deserves the attention of the Navy.

   What's more, it is still a very sensitive period.

   "Report to Lieutenant General Prodi. According to our observation, it seems that Lieutenant General Kahn has entered the sea area of ​​​​Wan Guo, and now there is a fierce battle between the two sides."

   "What?" Lieutenant General Prodi almost jumped up.

   "You said it was Kahn?"

   "Yes, what should we do now?" Haibing had reverence in his eyes.

   Lieutenant General Kahn, that suppressed the Golden Lion, and even legendary pirates like Pluto Rayleigh.

   "Is Kahn the only one?"

   "No other people have been found so far. This is only because of the chaos within Wan Guo, so we have the opportunity to get news."

  Prodi immediately realized that things were getting worse.

   This guy Kahn didn't know what went crazy.

   "Lord Lieutenant General, what should we do now?"

   "This is no longer something we can decide. I want to report to Marshal Warring States. In addition, you go to sound the alarm, gather the sea soldiers, and put them on standby."

   "Yes, Lieutenant General."

  The call was quickly connected.

  The voice of the Warring States Period came out.

   "What's going on? Prodi, is the BIGMOM Pirates doing anything?"

  The tone of Warring States is a bit heavy.

  During this special period, the movement of the Four Emperors was the most concerned about the Warring States Period.

   "Sengoku Marshal, it's not good. I got the news that Kahn has invaded Ten Thousand Kingdoms. He is currently engaged in a fierce battle with the BIGMOM Pirates. The current battle situation is still unclear."

   "What? That guy Kahn is in Wanguo? Damn guy."

  Warring States was instantly annoyed.

  Prodi was also taken aback.

   Marshal of the Warring States Period seems to have a lot of resentment towards that guy Kahn!

   But he also knew that what Kahn did was indeed like this, which was a headache.

  Warring States was only annoyed for a moment.

  He immediately thought of the reason why Kahn went to Wan Guo.

   It should be Nicole Robin.

  Thinking about it carefully, it is not a good thing for Nicole Robin to fall into the hands of the Four Emperors.

  Then Kahn's action is very necessary.

   And, now things have happened.

   Even if you want to investigate, you can only wait for Kahn to finish.

  Warring States who thought of this place directly issued an order: "Contact all the nearby naval bases, mobilize all the sailors and warships that can be dispatched, and go to the seas of all nations to cooperate with Kahn's actions."

   "Yes, Mr. Sengoku!" Prodi immediately agreed.

  The phone hung up, and Prodi was a little envious.

   But soon became excited.

   Such a large-scale battle has not happened for many years.

   And when the navy takes action.

  The battle on Kahn's side also lasted for three hours.

  The battle between the two has come to an end.

   BIGMOM is no match for Kahn after all.

   Mainly because Kahn's attack power is too strong.

  Top three-color domineering, plus god-level fruit.

   It's hard to imagine Kahn losing.

  These elements, even the color of knowledge, as long as they develop to the peak, they will be extremely powerful in the new world.

   Kahn is all at the peak.

   Although not at its peak.

   But it is still no problem to deal with BIGMOM, who is currently the weakest among the Four Emperors.

   "How is it possible? Is mom going to lose?" Perospero looked horrified.

  In the entire territory of the nations.

  The battle between the two has destroyed several islands.

   "Why are you so strong?" BIGMOM was also surprised.

  At this moment, she is much more embarrassed than before.

  Hair is disheveled.

   There are also many scars on the body.

  The momentum of the whole person dropped a lot.

   Napoleon already has a rift.

  Zeus had already been cut in half by Kahn, and Prometheus was the worst.

  Because it is Homiz of the flame, it almost becomes Kahn's energy supplement source during the battle.

   In other words, he was almost eaten by Kahn directly.

   "Why can't the old man be so strong?" Kahn sneered.

  The consumption was still within his expectation, a bit high, but acceptable.

   "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, the old man hasn't eaten yet! After cleaning you up, go and discuss compensation with your sons."

"What did you say?"

   Kahn stopped talking, kicked his feet on the ground, and rushed up.

   BIGMOM has reached its limit, but it will not give up easily.

  She raised her knife and slashed.

   Kahn did not dodge.

  The fist is covered with blood-red lightning.

  The two collided again.

   But this time the result is more obvious.

  She no longer has the strength to fight against Kahn.

   was directly blasted out by Kahn.

  A slash suddenly appeared, heading straight for Kahn.

   Kahn looked cold.

  Laser roar burst out instantly.

   directly enveloped the sneak attacking Baron Eggy, and at the same time triggered a huge explosion.

   When the flames dissipated, Baron Eggy, who had a bounty of more than 400 million, was scorched black all over.

   "It's just a group of miscellaneous fish, stay there obediently, and come to clean up you later!"

  Kan's words changed the faces of others.

   It's hard to imagine that Kahn, who has been fighting with his mother for so long, still has such great strength.

  The gap between the Deputy Emperor and the Fourth Emperor is really huge.

   What's more, as the emperor's lieutenant, the four generals have been completely defeated by Kahn.

   "Kan, where are you looking?"

   BIGMOM appears again.

   "As expected of the Four Emperors, you are really tenacious! But your fate is already doomed."

  Kan clasped his hands together, terrifying flames mixed with **** thunder and lightning.

   "Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!"

  The nearly blood-colored flame went straight to BIGMOM with monstrous power.

   "I am the Four Emperors, how could I lose?" BIGMOM shouted loudly.

  The domineering look burst out.

   Later, it ran into Kahn's esoteric skills.

   "I didn't expect you to have such power, but it's not enough to defeat the old man."

  The next moment, the blood-red thunder and lightning surged, and even the flames became even more terrifying.

   BIGMOM was finally hit by Kahn's trick to the island below.

  The huge impact instantly wiped out the buildings on the island.

  The strong vibration shows how terrible the impact was.

  A terrifying crack spreads from the middle of the island.

   Seeing such a scene, Kahn rushed down without hesitation.

  A powerhouse like BIGMOM must never give the opponent a chance to breathe.

  In this way, everyone in the BIGMOM Pirates lost track of Kahn.

   But the shattered island does foreshadow the horrors of this battle.

   From time to time, there are strong explosions coming from the ground.

  The shaking of the island did not stop at all.

  The shock continued for another ten minutes.

   Then it stopped completely.

  Everyone knows that the result of the battle has come out.

   Their expressions became tense.

  The air is heavy.

   Another minute passed.

  A figure soared into the sky from the center of the broken island.

  Fiery red wings show his identity.

   "It's a lie!" Perospero said dully.

  The entire BIGMOM pirate group seems to have lost their souls at this moment.

  Because a person is caught in the dragon's claws.

   And that person is their captain, Sihuang BIGMOM, and their mother.

   "Mom lost!"

   "No, even if we die, we have to rescue mother!" one of the women shouted.

  She is Strong, the fifteenth daughter of BIGMOM.

  But the next moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in their field of vision.

   "It's Mom!"

   BIGMOM's huge body fell on the deck of the ship.

   Smashed a big hole in the deck.

   And Kahn's figure also appeared in front of everyone.

   Face Kahn again.

  They no longer have the arrogance they had before.

   In other words, Kahn has used his strength to completely wipe out their arrogance.

  Looking at everyone's fearful eyes.

   Kahn nodded in satisfaction.

   This is what a pirate should look like when he sees a navy.

  Even the Four Emperor Pirates are no exception.

  At this moment, Kahn also looked very embarrassed, even a little panting, but there were no injuries on his body.

   After all, in a short period of time, Kahn was already very satisfied with fighting against two peak powerhouses and winning them.

   Then, under the fearful eyes of many fear pirates, Kahn lit a cigar.

   After taking a deep breath, Kahn exhaled a huge smoke ring.

   Then he turned his head and looked at the many terrified pirates present.

   "Next, should we talk about compensation?"

   The monthly pass is doubled, ask for a monthly pass, everyone!

   Thank you Mo Ran @锦年大大 for the 1666 book coin reward!

   Thank you reader 1406574165089189888 for giving us 500 coins!

   Thanks to Long Ming for the 100-point reward!



  (end of this chapter)