MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-Chapter 19 Devil's Embrace

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Four eyes facing each other!

The pitch-black shaking and the coldness of the white are two pairs of eyeballs.

On the side of the anchor, half of his body leaned his head out, and he did not return immediately and froze in place. Outside the anchor, there was a person hanging on the boat, his limbs curled up like a gecko attached to the wall of the ship, his bald head was thrown back, and his face was pale. Facing William, a pair of eyes were coldly reflecting William's ghostly face.

Bill's hands and feet were tightly adhered to the wall of the boat, and the sound of "threading a needle" came from there. The sky was so dark that William couldn't see the black squirming on the edge of the palm.

The sound seemed to be frozen suddenly.

If William was struck by lightning, his mind went blank, and the tragic death of Bill was still lingering in his mind. Then, what the **** is this "Bill" with his body intact and the eyes of the dead fish at this moment.

The chill was like a poisonous snake shooting out of his heels, sliding down his back along his tailbone, trembling goosebumps "groaning", William's body shuddered like an electric shock, his upper body retracted, and his feet were unstable and slipped to the ground. , the dagger fell from his hand and fell weakly, cutting a hole in the thigh.

The blood stained the trouser legs, and William didn't even notice it.

Shocked, horrified, fearful... Negative emotions like a collapsing avalanche swallowed it up instantly. After a full minute, William picked up the dagger and got up from the ground.

The sound of his own breathing was all in his ears. He gritted his teeth and slowly looked out. Bill was still there, maintaining the same posture.

Stiff, weird, shuddering!

"Dong dong dong!"

The oil lamp in the storage room was still on. Yaerlin closed the pocket watch, put it in his jacket pocket, and walked over to unlock the door from the inside.


Like greetings between old friends, Arlin said to William who was standing at the door.

William looked at Yaerlin's expressionless face, his eyes dodged through Yaerlin and saw three naked corpses lying flat inside, his heart twitched slightly.

"Come in and close the door."

Yaerlin walked back to the center of the room, beside the three corpses to be precise. William closed the door and looked at Yaerlin. Under the dim oil lamp, there were three strange corpses. Yaerlin was irradiated by the oil lamp on half of his cheek. A huge shadow enveloped William.

"Bill?" William wanted to ask.

"Death is sometimes not the end, but the beginning of a new life." As if to confirm Yaerlin's argument, the three corpses stood up straight, their heads turned sideways, and the three pairs of sharp eyes were emotionless. Stare at William.

William fell into an ice cave and felt cold all over his body.

"Don't scare my friends." Yaerlin snapped his fingers, and the three corpses lay down with their eyes closed again. Yaerlin took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, patted his index finger lightly, and half of it popped out and he held it in his mouth. mouth.


The match crossed, and Yaerlin exhaled a smoke ring, and his voice came out of the smoke: "Tobacco is a great invention, it can relieve stress and should not be wasted. If you tear off the cigarette paper, then the tobacco will be wasted. Is not it?"

William opened his mouth and his throat was dry.

Yaerlin smoked the whole cigarette unhurriedly, before snuffing it out and still on the ground, he sighed and said, "Last time I let you go, I thought you and I reached an agreement, we Became friends, so why are you doing this little thing behind my back?"

Yaerlin flicked his fingers, and a piece of cigarette flicked into William's wicked chest, bounced back and was picked up by him.

William opened the cigarette with trembling, and what caught his eye was a line of handwriting written by himself. He blurted out a denial: "No, Yaerlin, you misunderstood, it's not me, we are... Yes, you let me go last time, I Thank you very much, we are friends."

"Misunderstanding?" Yaerlin's voice raised an octave, just when William thought Yaerlin was about to explode, he grinned again: "Haha~ I think it should be a misunderstanding, don't be nervous William, I trust you, otherwise I won't let you meet Bill, that's my secret."

"You are the first person to know this secret so far." A cold voice penetrated William's eardrums, "because I always believed that there should be no secrets between friends."

Yaerlin changed his tone without waiting for William to speak, and sneered: "Guess, if someone on the boat accidentally saw Bill's back, guess how they would spread it, and if these rumors fell into the ears of the first officer , or fall into the captain's ears, what will they think?"

"His—" William, who was already terrified and frightened, took a deep breath at this moment.

"Tell the mate that you were the one who died, William, and then the mate said in front of the whole ship that you saw Bill die... tsk tsk tsk, this is really a pit of yellow mud, it's not shit, it's **** ." Yaerlin laughed strangely: "miserable, miserable, miserable!"

"You told me to say that." Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past William's heart.

"Hey, I didn't expect that someone was going to put me to death, and even spread rumors that I killed Bill. What do you think I can do? I have to find a way to prove my innocence." Yaerlin's tone was gloomy, Full of murderous intent: "It hurts you, William, if you want to blame you, blame the **** for wasting tobacco."

William stood there dumbfounded.

Yaerlin is not in a hurry. This is what he wants. He wants to use this overwhelming shock to completely destroy William's psychology and self-confidence, and plant the seeds of fear in the other's heart.

The fear of Yaerlin's bizarre methods, the fear of "suffering the bitter fruit" like today will accompany William's life, and every time he thinks about being clever in the future, everything today will be It reminded him of the lingering fear like a nightmare.

"Yarlin, I... don't want to die, save me!" William's legs softened and he knelt in front of Yaerlin, "You have a way, right, you must have a way, save me, I'm willing to do anything ."

"Hehe, hehehe..." Yaerlin half-squatted down, grabbed William's hair with his right hand, and looked at the tamed vicious dog, but his calm tone seemed to be the devil bewitching people in his ears: "First It's good to start with the strongest, I want you to do two things..."

When William left the storage bin, his entire back was soaked with his own cold sweat. His footsteps seemed to be poured into lead water as he walked on the deck step by step. He didn't dare to look back at all, as if there was no one behind him. A dilapidated room, but a lair where the devil lives.

The sound of the sea wind around it was hoarse and low like the whispers of the devil, and in the dark night that enveloped the Via, there were even more devil's minions, which would come out at any time and tear the crew of the Via to shreds.

Conspiracy and deviousness, resurrection from the dead, playing with corpses... Yaerlin is a devil in human skin! !

"Two things!" William thought about the two things that Yaerlin had ordered, and his heart froze. This is a vicious trick that only the devil can come up with. It's ridiculous that he wants to get rid of his control, it's ridiculous that he thinks everything It's all "the captain's plan".

"Captain Via, First Officer Lowe, you are still fighting openly and secretly. The real man behind the scenes is Yaerlin. He has put the noose around your neck." William let out a sigh of relief, but his heart unexpectedly emerged. With a little bit of luck, he said, "I probably won't die, because I've already fallen into the arms of the devil."