MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 368 Obito vs Gana

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The dark door frame, the complicated patterns on the edges spread strangely, the tentacles of black silk thread closed and engulfed the surrounding of the door frame. .

The frantic struggle caused a trace of black ripples on the door frame, like the ripples on the surface of the smooth black mirror!

Door? Mirror?

The figure emerging from the pitcher plant is like a weird blend of black and white. A pair of eyeballs stared straight at it, and something was wrong in my heart; the ripples floating in the space were burned, and the threaded mask came off. Weird ripples swayed, revealing a scarlet and strange Shaker's eye squinting at a shadow that appeared behind him.

The illusory overlap is like countless mirrors pulling at each other and can't tell the difference between reality and reality. The left eye turns scarlet and weird, and the right eye is white and indifferent, revealing a morbidly pale face.

Seventh Apostle! Gana!

Hei Jue and Uchiha Obito had a very dangerous name in their hearts at the same time, their faces were extremely gloomy, and when they turned their eyes, they saw that the original black gate had turned into a black mirror, and the ripples spread, like black The satin stretches around into a circle, enclosing them in the middle.

"It's actually possible to deceive Sharinyan!" Uchiha Obito watched the black door turn into a mirror and then expanded strangely. He was slightly shocked. Sharinyan could see all illusions, but... he didn't notice this black door in advance. Outsider golems are false mirrors.

"And that eye, the purple pupil, and the black windmill phantom overlapped like the folds of countless mirrors, as if countless kaleidoscope writing wheels were overlapped..." Obito saw from Gana's eyes. The terrifying pupil power that is like an endless abyss, that terrifying pupil power even surpasses the reincarnation eye, and should not appear in this world.

"The essence of the eye is a mirror, and the mirror..." Gana took a step forward, and the black robes around him swelled and twisted with black flames, and even his whole person seemed to be swallowed in the black flames, making people indistinguishable. To know whether he is real or fake, only a strange and gloomy voice echoes faintly: "Is it really fake in the mirror, how do you know that it is not another real world?"

The burning body merged into a mirror, and a black door opened strangely in the mirror. The outsider golem struggled and fell in it but could not escape the bondage. In the end, all the images disappeared, only a strange mirror eye was revealed: " I make him real, and I make him fake!"

"I am the strongest apostle - Gana!"

The moment the words fell, the hairs on Uchiha Obito's whole body exploded, and the terrifying coldness invaded his body. The great terror between life and death made his soul tremble, and his body immediately turned into a whirling vortex, pulling his body away. In place, **** and pull into the different space.

Where Obito stood just now, the black and cold flames burned silently, and even the air and space seemed to be eroded by darkness. The picture rotted into a black hole.

"Is this your ability to write round eyes?"

Gana stared at Obito who had disappeared in place, and the corner of his mouth evoked an interesting arc, and the shadows in the left eye socket suddenly flowed with black light, as if countless mirrors were spinning frantically, and suddenly, a scarlet kaleidoscope The writing wheel eye emerged from the rotating mirror, and it was the eye of Uchiha Obito.

With the appearance of that eye, a vortex of ripples also appeared in the space behind Gana, and his whole person was also pulled away, appearing in a dead space.

Before Uchiha Obito could catch his breath, he stared in horror at Gana, who was chasing after the alien space, his eyes shrank into pinholes, and his vocal cords were trembling uncontrollably: "You... your eyes !!!”

Each kaleidoscope is a reflection of the pupil of the spiritual portrayal, because everyone's spiritual portrayal cannot be exactly the same, so each person's awakened kaleidoscope will be different.

There is no such thing as a completely identical kaleidoscope in this world!


The eye in Gana's pupil is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in Uchiha Obito's eye, and the muscles on both sides of Uchiha Obito's cheeks stiffened.

"One of our two eyes is real and the other is fake, right?" Gana grinned, his voice was filled with excitement, but it made those who heard the voice feel the chill of falling into an ice cave, and the words he said It is also horrifying with heart palpitations: "Play a game, it's called Guess, whose eyes are fake?!!"

The different space was shrouded in gloom, and a mirror appeared silently, covering Uchiha Obito in the middle. The mirror exudes a strange wave connection, as if to seal the fluctuation of the different space, preventing Uchiha Obito from escaping. the way to go.

Gana's whole person instantly turned into countless black crows, and his sharp beak made a surly cry, which reflected overwhelmingly into Uchiha Obito's eyes, and then suddenly all the crows were burning, like the black people in the underworld. The crow's wings are burning with soul-devouring flames.

"I eyes are the only real ones, don't you think?"

The eerie and life-threatening voice entered Uchiha Obito's ears. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his eyes twirled frantically, but the space seemed to be a viscous liquid. But it is not a passage of shuttle, but a cold and dark mirror.


An arm pierced out, and five fingers scratched at the mask on the latter's face like lightning.


The evil chakra shrouded the whole The materialized chakra condensed into a huge armored samurai and wrapped himself. At the core, the mask on Uchiha Obito's cheek was torn off, and there were several sharp and ferocious claw marks. The eyelids were almost scratched, the blood was overflowing from the stinging pain in the eyes, but the bridge of the nose was broken and bloody.

Only one inch away, it is not the bridge of the nose that is broken, but the entire eye will be gouged out!

"What a pity, the battle could have been resolved immediately!"

The black crows lingered in the air and gathered together to reveal Gana's figure. There were some pieces of meat hanging on his fingers, which he wiped off the black robe with disgust, and then he snapped his fingers gently. In the mirrors blocked around, countless All Gana were revealed at the same time, each of them staring at Uchiha Obito with different weird expressions.

Rao is under the protection of Susanoo, and being stared at by so many Ganas, Uchiha Obito still feels the hairs in the bottom of his heart...

"Let's hurry up, don't let your companions outside wait!"

All the Ganas spoke at the same time, and the voices overlapped in the space to form a surrounding three-dimensional echo, flocking to the Uchiha Obito...