MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 172 Sailing after 2 years

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The white horses passed the gap, and the time passed quickly.

Two years later, the time came to 1512.

On Ruskayina Island, not far to the south of Daughter Island, there is a small town deep in the jungle. In the largest laboratory, Link is in a white lab coat, looking at the experimental report in his hand.

In front of him was a huge test column with a height of five meters and a diameter of three meters. Inside was a tall man who looked like Kaido with his eyes closed and soaked in the greenish solution.

Luo was wearing a small white coat and a spotted hat on his head. He had grown a lot in the past two years and reported to Linkhui:

"Experiment 107 is the most suitable human cell that has been cultivated so far, but the degree of fusion with Kaido's demon factor can only reach 83.57%. With the awakening of consciousness, it still faces the serious problem of rapid collapse."

"Looks like something is missing."

Link touched his chin and nodded. He didn't stop in front of the experimental column, and continued to walk toward the laboratory. "How about other experiments? How about the artificial devil fruit?"

"According to Kaido's bloodline factor and other Devil Fruit experiments we have collected, there are still defects. The problem of lethality has not been solved." Luo flipped through the experimental record in his hand and said without looking up.


Having said that, Luo closed the record board in his hand and said to Link: "Miss Hancock said that there will be a celebration on Daughter Island, and everyone will come back. Let you and everyone here celebrate together."

"Well, is it the New Year's celebration so soon?"

Link put his hands up and stretched out, then turned to look at Luo and said, "It feels like time flies by so fast. In a blink of an eye, another year has passed."

"That's because you've been in the lab!" Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes and complaining.

"Okay, but we do need to go out and do some activities. The first stop should be Beihai." Link shrugged.

"North Sea?"

Luo looked at Link in confusion, "What is there to do in the four seas, why don't you go to the New World! I've long wanted to go to the New World, that guy Shanks, I'm going to try his swordsmanship with him! "

"Yo! Do you look down on the four seas so much? In the original sea area, there are also strong ones, Luo. For example, the bandit who can teach the naval hero Garp a lesson!"

Link smiled and did not inspect the situation of the laboratory, but walked out with Luo.

"Humph! What can be amazing. My current strength is not weak!"

"Haha. Let's talk when you can beat all the little guys on the island."



Two years ago, after Chambord identified the family power headed by Link, Link took everyone to Daughter Island.

However, different from the initial idea, because Link's men were not really stationed in Daughters Island after the expansion.

Instead, I chose the plot, not far from Daughter Island, and also in the windless zone, Ruska Yinna Island, where Luffy practiced domineering for two years.

This uninhabited island has huge and ferocious beasts, but the area is also huge. Link's powerful force quickly overcame the beasts here and established their official stronghold.

For two years, Link conducted research here, further developed his two abilities, and calmed down and developed with peace of mind in the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Link has many ideas for making money from his previous life. After finding a suitable trade commodity for Daughters Island, as well as many new items that he has researched and invented, making money is a simple matter. For this purpose, he even established a chamber of commerce. conduct trade.

It was only for two years that Link could keep squandering without worrying about a shortage of funds.

Not only that,

Link even fulfilled the agreement he made with Hancock, and began to gradually change the small country with a primitive atmosphere through business and trade, so that the life of the residents of the Nine Snakes has become more prosperous and modern.

At Link's side, except for Lilith who never left as a maid, Luo and baby-5 also stayed on Ruska Yinna Island, and everyone else had their own division of labor and growth in the past two years.

Luo, as Link's assistant, took the initiative to choose to stay, while baby-5 was more interesting, and the reason for staying was.

'Because this guy Luo needs my care, he is an idiot, there is no way! ’

The two sisters, Melize and Garrett, became the president of the chamber of commerce after Link established it. With Link's spokesperson and the identity of the aunt's daughter, one of the three emperors in the new world, they were invincible in business.

Melize seems to have an excellent talent in this regard. With Link's support, the two sisters quickly became new stars in the business world!

The Chamber of Commerce not only reaches trade with countries around the world, but also has tentacles throughout the park. It also cooperates with the Navy Headquarters with the help of the network, and even has done business in the New World and Fishman Island. Even the aunts who are far away from the world are aware of their achievements~www It can be said that these two sisters have achieved success on another level, and this has really changed their value of being a subordinate and become big shots.

Yamato and Perona, who couldn't be idle, followed the two Charlotte sisters as the force of force. They have been traveling in various countries and eating delicious food from all over the world, which can be regarded as satisfying their adventure dreams.

Even the three Hancock sisters, in the past two years, led the Nine Snake Pirates to go out to sea to catch pirates, and as they grew up, the title of Hancock's "world's most beautiful woman" really spread.

With Link's teaching and care, Hancock in this world is more powerful than in the plot, and the overlord's arrogance also grows with it.

Really have the arrogance of the empress!

Two years have changed dramatically, not only the growth of the people around Link, but also the growth of the Qixing family.

Although Link was silent, his strength was still spread after the battle in Luoyinda City.

The world's first powerhouse with the ability to double fruit, and even the 'Death Omen' who can stir up the situation in the new world, and even the world government succumbed to his strength.

With the development of two years, there have also been fanatical fans who worship Link, and even the slaves of the dragon people have joined Link's forces after escaping from pursuit.

It can be said that although Link did not appear on the sea, his legend still exists on the sea.

And after a short two-year silence, when Link reappears in everyone's field of vision, the influence he can exert will far exceed his previous imagination!

At the port of Ruskarina Island, Link took Lilith and Luo to board the giant ship, the Venus, which was specially built for the past two years.

After two years, Link will set sail again!