MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 198 Link vs Golden Lion

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The moment he started, the ground trembled violently.

The two stepped on the ground, and a heavy force fell.

As if two violent ancient beasts launched a charge, countless rubble burst open under their feet, and a huge deep pit appeared.

Like a floating shadow, the two figures collided with a long sword!


The metal clashed, and a powerful domineering swayed between the blades of the two.

There was a surging pitch-black lightning, making a 'crackling' sound, and the thunder and lightning were densely covered.

The long knives held each other, and the two looked at each other. The golden lion grinned excitedly, and Sakura Ten in his left hand pierced the space and slashed towards Link!

clang! clang! clang! clang!

The long knives slashed continuously, and the two famous knives turned into continuous blade light in the hands of the golden lion, and fell towards Link.

It collided with the autumn water in Link's hand and burst into surging power!

The two of them turned into lightning-like afterimages with their fast fighting and fast figures. On the deserted island, only the light of the sword flashed from time to time, and the domineering lightning that exploded.

After the golden lion's body returned to its peak state, its combat power truly stood at the peak level.

As a great swordsman, the swordsmanship is even more vividly displayed in the battle. The two long knives are like unparalleled openings.

Link blessed the autumn water of decomposition power, and the long knife with absolute sharpness was extremely condensed on the edge of the golden lion, and the high-density domineering entanglement was no longer as sharp as it used to be.

Link also knew that this was the inevitable result.

In such a high-level battle, the strengthening of the decomposition ability, in the face of the domineering blessing of the peak powerhouse like the Golden Lion, is not an easy task to cut off the opponent's blade.

At this level, the competition is more about its own strength and fighting ability.

The kendo level of the Golden Lion is undoubtedly the most experienced, skilled, and powerful enemy that Link has encountered so far.

This also caused the result that he was faintly suppressed by the opponent as soon as the fight started.

"Boy, is that all your strength is? If it's just like this, you can't make me happy! The warm-up should be over, use all your strength!"

The golden lion pressed Link with both knives and shouted at him,

"If that's the case, then as you wish!"

Link came here to improve his swordsmanship, and naturally he didn't want to just watch himself being beaten by the golden lion.

The black light of autumn water flickered in his hand, and the power of decomposition broke out instantly!

There was high frequency vibration above the sharp blade, the space was decomposed, the power of the original stalemate suddenly increased, and the double sword of the golden lion was cut open.

at the same time.

A flash of lightning flashed in his eyes.

The arc of the whole body began to move, the black hair rose from root to root, and the golden arc burst out with all its strength, stimulating Link's body and pushing his physical fitness to a peak again.

The surging domineering also continuously surging out from the body and covering the Qiushui, so that the blade of Qiushui can be derived from the ability!

Link's whole person turned into a golden thunder **** shining with electric light, and a long knife that could cut through space in pitch black slashed at the golden lion!

The terrifying power spurted out a sword light of more than ten meters.

The pitch-black sword light slashed through the space along the way, tearing the ground in front of it and heading towards the center of the golden lion.

"Good come!"

When the golden lion saw Link's full-strength attack, he was not surprised but delighted.

The muscles of the arms were raised, and the Sakura Ten and the dead wood in their hands faced the knife light and made two chops one after another.

The chopping of the golden lion was extremely powerful, and it collided with Link's sword light.

A loud roar in mid-air!

The terrifying air waves exploded, and the surging waves impacted in all directions.

However, the golden lion still underestimated Link's full-strength strike. After the blade that could cut through the space smashed his two cuts, it still slashed towards him!

Seeing this, the golden lion's eyes lit up.

He has not encountered such a powerful blade for a long time.

He didn't choose to dodge, he stepped forward, and immediately rushed up to meet Zhanmang. The power of the two swords was not large, but it directly smashed the Zhanmang belt and roared through the air and flew into the sky.

And he himself, also rushed in front of Link again.

A knife fell, and Link, whose speed was increased, flashed sideways, and raised Qiushui to the head of the golden lion.

And the golden lion calmly held the dead tree in his right hand upside down, blocking the direction of Qiu Shui's slash, and at the same time, a swept out under his feet!

Link also raised his legs to meet the attack, and the two kicked and collided!


The muffled sound spread, and the two of them separated as soon as their legs touched. Link's movements were slightly stiff, but the golden lion turned around with the help of strength, and slashed with both swords!

Sakura Ten and dead wood are in the hands of the spinning golden lion, like blooming petals, they look delicate and beautiful, but they are actually extremely dangerous.

The sword light turned into a terrifying storm, slashing at Link's line of defense.

It was like a heavy hammer, constantly beating the iron ingot, and each blow collided with Link's long knife.

It seems like the stormy waves are hitting the eucalyptus, the turbulent waves impact, and the surging power slams into the reefs one after another.

Under the action of the golden lion, Link kept blocking, but was unable to fight back for a while, and could only parry with the rapid speed of the arc stimulation.

This wave of offensive, the continuous attacks also fully demonstrated the old and hot fighting experience of the Golden Lion.

As long as he catches the gap, he will be able to break out a powerful combat dominance, constantly squeezing Link's potential.

Forcing him to continue to become stronger, to fight with himself.

And Link soon found out.

From the beginning of the battle, he was like a stag that fell into a spider's web and was targeted by a male lion.

The step-by-step attack suppresses your movements and attacks, and the old hunter waits patiently, even if you burst out, you can quickly take the attack and continue to suppress.

Link knew that this was neither a talent nor an ability. It was entirely based on the experience accumulated in the battle after continuous battles and collisions with powerful enemies.

He had also seen such a feeling in Hades Rayleigh.

It's just that he was not as powerful as he is now, and his feelings are naturally not as clear as they are now.

At this time, the strong suppression was clearly felt, and Link's heart was beating violently.

He felt a huge pressure, and his swordsmanship was obviously far behind such an older generation of overlords.

But isn't that what you want?

Break through yourself under pressure, be tempered into fine steel under adversity, and finally forge a peerless and sharp long knife!

this moment!

Rayleigh's teachings, Shiliu of the Rain's experience as a great swordsman, and Kosaburo's kendo experience came to his mind.

Under the pressure from the golden lion, Link began to frantically absorb this knowledge, and began to try to integrate it in battle!

And as Link continued to absorb experience like a sponge, his swordsmanship and sword skills began to improve visibly to the naked eye!

This kind of improvement, the real effect of the real performance is.

Under the continuous suppression of the golden lion, he began to fight back!

Sakura slashed at ten, and the dead tree that had just collided on the other side spun around behind the golden lion, ready to slash.

Link seized the opportunity in the gap at this moment, and swung the long knife vigorously, and at the moment when the blades were about to collide, Qiu Shui's blade gently deflected Sakura Shi's slash.

The golden lion's movements also appeared flawed!

Link's eyes gleamed, and the long knife that was dashing forward and the blade of Ying Shi rubbed against the palm of the golden lion,

Cut off his left arm!


The golden lion immediately noticed Link's change, and the dead wood horizontal knife held upside down in his right hand stopped in front of him.

And this attack also indicates that Link has started the clarion call for a counterattack!

next moment!

The two clashed with each other!


"Jie ha ha ha ha~ boy, show your strength to the fullest!"

The golden lion shone brightly and laughed loudly!


At the same time.

On the main island of the floating island, Lilith and her party were standing on the edge of the island, watching the battle on the deserted island not far away.

Seeing the two golden figures constantly colliding, the whole group was extremely excited.

"Lilith, Link won't be defeated by the golden lion, right? He really doesn't plan to use the ability in that field?"

Yamato looked at Link, who had been suppressed since the beginning of the fight, and frowned and said worriedly.

"That's right. This kind of battle is not fair at all. Even though Brother Link helped the old man of the golden lion return to his peak state, he himself had to be tied."

Baby-5 folded his arms around his chest and made a comment like a little adult: "If you want me to say, Brother Link should use all his firepower and beat up the old golden lion. He is obviously the most powerful one."

"Don't talk nonsense, Link is pursuing kendo. Only by fighting against such a strong kendo can he see a breakthrough. This is a man's romance!" Luo was dissatisfied with Baby-5's words and took the initiative to explain to Link. road.

"A little bit, it's still a man's romance! It's obvious that you were still too happy to get the space fruit sent by Brother Link before. Where is the pure appearance of pursuing kendo." Perona sneered.

"That's not the same! How can the matter of fruit be mixed with kendo? In short, I believe that Link can defeat the Golden Lion. His kendo will definitely become stronger at that time! Look! Link is just letting it go now. ." Luo said.

Lilith smiled and didn't care about the quarrel between the three little ones.

Her eyes still stayed on Link's fighting figure, and in her heart she always firmly believed that Link was the strongest.

Even a strong enemy like the Golden Lion will not hinder his growth, it will only make him stronger enough to fight the emperor of the new world.

The white-haired girl has always believed in this.

But it has to be admitted.

This battle is destined to be very fierce.

As Link's skills began to grow, his battle with the Golden Lion became more intense.

Under the watchful eyes of the friends, the battle between Link and the Golden Lion began a new phase.

Rumble boom!

A powerful chop started to fly.

Standing on the deserted island, Daomang cut a crack that was 100 meters long, and such Daomang began to fly around in the battlefield.

The violent movement began to shake the entire deserted island with their battles.

"Kid, come and try my trick! Two-knife flow. Cross Meteor Slash!"

The golden lion's Sakura Ten and the dead wood were staggered and crossed behind him. Under the domineering arrogance of the highest level of armament, there seemed to be some kind of connection between the double-knife and the cross.

The golden lion's eyes also widened at this time.

Facing Link, he swung out this cross Meteor Slash!

A cross shooting star seems to have taken away the light around, people's attention is attracted by the slash at the center of the cross, and a strong sense of crisis is revealed from the slash.

The staggered position of the pair of knives is facing the figure of Link!

This kind of slash is definitely not as simple as one plus one. The skill of the two-sword style lies in the quick and wind-like swordsmanship and the superimposed attack that can exert far more power than a single sword.

At this time, Link faced such a blow.

Link's handsome face showed a solemn look, facing this oncoming blow.

He did not choose to escape, but faced the challenge head on!

Since it is to challenge kendo, what is the use of evasion?


With the sword in the scabbard, Link's strength made him understand the superposition skills of this cross meteor cut, but he couldn't really deal with him to the extent of the golden lion.

So he directly chose the sword-drawing style that was easier to superimpose power!

Seeing the rapid magnification in front of him, slashing through the clouds above 10,000 meters in the sky, tearing apart the deserted island, thinking that the domineering arrogance of Zhanman Link, who had attacked him, continued to converge on the blade.

The next moment!


Far surpassing the arc riot that the whole body had endured before, it turned into a dazzling light and wrapped the sword body.

Driven by Link's arms, he accumulated a peak power far beyond imagination, and the dark blade came out of its sheath!


There was only a sudden flash in front of everyone's eyes, and a fierce electric column shone out of the dazzling fire!

A thunderbolt rang out in mid-air.

Link's knife slashed at the center of the cross.

The fusion of lightning and flame blesses the domineering combination of domineering!

The power exploded.

rumbling —

In this collision, the deserted island under their feet finally couldn't bear the cathartic force. The ground was torn apart in the collision, and cracks appeared in a large area, turning into ground cracks and disintegrating the entire deserted island.

And Link slashed away the golden lion's slashing light, and the thunder and fire lingering around him like a long dragon, killed the opponent!


The golden lion is not surprised, UU reading can even see Link's rapid growth in the free battle, and is satisfied.

Waving the knife again to meet him.

Er Dao Liu. Extreme · Lion Song!

The two famous knives in the hands of the golden lion, Ying Shi and Kumu, burst out with dazzling sharp edges, and the roar of the male lion seemed to be resounding from the sky.

The golden lion is fiercer than the sword.

More and more violent, unreservedly showing how powerful the kendo of his peak skills is!

It's just that the current Link is growing up, facing the attack of the sword and slashing towards the golden lion.

Like a tough climber pushing the limits!

It is like a resolute brave man who challenges the dragon, waving the knife in his hand, cutting through the thorns to conquer the dragon!

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