MTL - Pirates: Silver King-Chapter 404 spoiler navy

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   Chapter 404 Spoiler Navy

   "Let's go, our opponent is over there." Jorah pointed his hand into the distance, and saw a group of warships heading towards them.

   "There should be an opponent that can satisfy you."

   At such an important moment, Jorah naturally cannot let the navy destroy it. What if Bigu Mum is rescued by the navy, the navy is not completely unable to do such a thing.

   "Let's go then."

   Then, Zoro ran in the opposite direction.

   Seeing this scene, Jorah covered her forehead, how did he achieve that the target was in front of him, and then he made a U-turn.

   "This way, this way."

   Jorah shouted at Zoro's back.

   Zoro turned his head and found that Jorah stood there and did not act at all, just watching him silently make a fool of himself.

   "I know, you don't need to say it."

   Zoro shouted and changed his direction.

   And the other pirates who were fighting, whether it was from the Straw Hat Great Fleet or from Bigumam, found these warships.

  Except for a few important characters who were still fighting, most of them stopped, or rather the members of the Bigu Mum Pirates stopped first.

  Because at the moment Bai Chuan appeared, they knew that Bigumam had no chance of winning. Those who joined the Bigumam Pirates had already made their minds to retreat.

   But there has never been a chance. Now, this opportunity has come. They can deal with the navy with these guys in the straw hat fleet, and then escape to this terrible place in the chaos.

   Everyone would have thought that this was just an ordinary battle, but unexpectedly, all the four emperors were pulled into the sea.

   In order to completely kill Bigu Mum, Bai Chuan's strength was not reserved in the slightest. The power of the King of Silver was burst out by Bai Chuan, and everyone present felt a rather depressing breath.

   "Is this the true strength of the Four Emperors Shirakawa?"

  This thought appeared in everyone's heart at the same time. Under this aura, they didn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance. It would be better to wait quietly for death.

   "It's scary, Shirakawa."

   The Navy's top commander for this operation, Kizaru, stood in front of the warship and muttered to himself.

He had known that he would also go to Mary Joa. He did not expect that such a big thing would happen during the period when he was stationed in the headquarters. He is the only person in the Navy headquarters who can take it. Akainu is the Admiral, of course, cannot leave the headquarters casually.

   And most of the lieutenant generals who came with him were leftovers from Mary Joa, and their strength was slightly inferior to the others.

   But fortunately, the reinforcements from their navy will soon arrive from Mary Joa. Otherwise, Kiabou wouldn't dare to appear in front of these people so swaggeringly.

   Bai Chuan and Bigu Mum are opponents to each other. Even if he finds out about Kizaru, he will not take action against him, so the only objects he needs to take action to deal with are those who have made up their minds.

   But things were obviously not going as he wished.

   Originally thought that in this battle, at most one or two people from the Silver Pirates would come, but I didn’t expect that all the high-end combat power would come.

   He still wants to paddle here, but it seems impossible now, because someone from the Silver Pirates has taken the initiative to find him.

   "Long time no see, Kizaru, I really miss you so much."

   A gust of wind blew through the sea area where the warship was staying, and Wen De's figure stood in front of Kizaru out of thin air.

   immediately aroused the vigilance of all the navies on the warship, took up the gun, and aimed the muzzle directly at Wende.

   "I don't want to see you at all."

  Kizuna is not as interested as Wen De, and now I don't know why, when I see Wen De and the others, Kizaru's heart is particularly uncomfortable.

   And a big battle is impossible.

   At that time, he declined the invitation to go to Mary Joa because of laziness and other reasons, but now that he thinks about it, he immediately regrets it.

   "Come on, Kizaru, let's start fighting, let me see if your strength has improved."

   Finished speaking, Wen De took the lead in launching the attack, and did not give Kiabou a chance to refuse at all.

  Wende kicked Kizaru in the face, but was stopped by Kizaru with his legs, and then the two of them turned into wind and the other into light, and launched a fierce battle in the air.

   Every now and then, a light-speed kick from Kizaru would land on the sea because it was dodged by Wind.

   If it falls on the sea, it is fine, but if it falls on a certain ship, it will really be a shipwreck.

   So most of the people immediately drove off their boats and kept themselves away from this place of right and wrong.

The    pirates finally launched a head-on conflict with the navy. The members of the Bigumm Pirates wanted to escape, while the people of the Straw Hats were used by them to hold the navy.

   They cannot retreat because their captain Luffy is still here.

   Soon, they found that Rayleigh quickly ran out of the cake island with Luffy on his back.

   "Everyone, board the ship and leave immediately."

  Riley shouted to the crowd.

   "Mr. Rayleigh, is Luffy okay?"

  Seeing Luffy in a coma, Brook asked.

   "It's alright, it's just that I fainted because of overwork. After a while, I'll be fine as soon as I recover my strength."

   "That's it, then I'm relieved."

  Brook patted his fleshless breast.

The children of    Bigumam also stopped fighting, although they wanted to stay and die with Bigumam.

   But they seemed to hear a voice in their souls that told them to run.


   Everyone glanced in Bigu Mum's direction, and Bi Gu Mum was the only one present who could do this.

Although Bikumam sometimes goes crazy and even kills his own children, but at this moment, it is true that Bikumam is one of the few sober moments in his life. He hopes that all his children can escape. go.

   "All on board."

   Perospero yelled at his siblings.

   "Brother, what about Mommy?"

   Someone asked.

   "Didn't you hear Mommy's voice, Mommy is ready to sacrifice, we can't stay and add burden to Mommy."

   "Damn, **** Shirakawa, damned Silver Pirates."

   If they hadn't suddenly appeared, the Big Mom Pirates wouldn't have gotten to this point.

   "Okay, don't be sad anymore, hurry up and organize people to leave, and see if there are people who can't act, try to take them away together, and never let any brother go."

"yes, Sir."

   (end of this chapter)