MTL - Pivot of the Sky-Chapter 11 Prohibited past events

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011, Past Events Prohibited ()

"Nine ... Nine ... Nine ... Magic?" Amon opened his mouth and forgot to close, his speech became stuttered.

He heard it very clearly. The old lunatic was talking about a magician, not a magician. He was a person who had learned the magic without the permission of the gods. This kind of person is to be punished by the temple, and actually has the power of a demigod, which is incredible!

The old lunatic stopped talking, looking through the wall as if looking far away, wondering what he was remembering. After a long while, Amon returned to God, and carefully asked, "Are you also a 'magician'?"

"Yes, I am a magician. But my achievement is not as good as that of a student. I am only an eighth-level magician." The old lunatic replied with a certain tone, but did not turn his face to see Amon.

Amon had turned into a petrified state. After watching the old lunatic for a long time, he whispered, "Your student ..." When he said that, he kept talking and didn't know what to ask.

The old lunatic seemed to be talking to himself: "His name is Bell. If he hadn't become a god, he would have died long ago. The last time I received his news was that Schrödinger brought it about thirty years ago. At that time he turned away The virgin on the temple of Isis was hunted down by a large number of wizards and warriors. He wanted to come to me, but he couldn't get away, and then there was no news. "

Amon was like being divinely treated, and could no longer speak. The old lunatic had just a few words, but contained too much shocking information. First of all, if the magician hadn't become a god, he might have died long ago, obviously suggesting that mortals can become gods. And among all the gods, it is impossible for humans to live like gods, let alone magicians cursed by gods?

The second is the news brought by Schrödinger 30 years ago. Then this cat has lived for at least 30 years and can also pass messages between magicians. What a magic cat it is! Amon recalled his childhood experience. The stubborn and dirty fat cat had been in the old lunatic's house since he remembered it. But Schrödinger was too lazy to sleep in the corner all day long, and almost no one noticed it.

The most shocking thing was that the magician named Bell had abducted the maiden of the Temple of Isis thirty years ago. At this time, Amon still didn't fully understand who the maiden was, but he knew that a magician could not be swaggered, and the great magician Bell actually caused trouble in the temple, as if he didn't care about identity at all.

Amon stopped talking, but the old lunatic turned back and looked at him and said, "Can't you believe it? He entered the Temple of Monfius and accepted the invitation to become the Honorary High Priest, in fact to fulfill my wish. But I didn't even expect that he abducted with the tears of the saint and the gods. He was so bold and maddened that he was crazy than my old lunatic! "

Amon, who had been in the state of petrification, finally heard something wrong, "No, no, how is this possible, isn't the magician rejected by the gods and chased down by the temple? How did he become the honorary high priest of the temple of Memphis? "

The old lunatic smiled, his most common expression, with a playful sneer: "The content of divine and physical skills I just introduced to you are all from ancient times on the continent of Tianshu. The **** looks It is also true, but it may contain a lot of errors and lies. I taught Bell to learn everything, and only hoped that he fulfilled one of my wishes, that is, to find out the true secret of the gods. "

Amon's mind was a bit difficult to use at the moment. He couldn't think about so many complicated questions for a while. He chased after him and asked, "You haven't told me how a magician who is disgusted by the gods can become a big part of the Temple of Monfius. priest?"

The sneer on the old lunatic's face was even more obvious: "The so-called aristocracy is qualified to learn divine magic and to obtain the permission of the temple. These statements, I think, are just lies of the priests and priests trying to monopolize the divine magic. Those who learn private magic As a magician, it cannot be tolerated. If you are only a low-level or intermediate-level magician, this is indeed the case and you will be punished or even hunted by the temple. But if you are already lucky to become a great magician The situation has changed and become very dramatic. "

"What is it?" Amon became increasingly puzzled. From childhood to old age, he had only seen God-singing dramas in the town's annual festivals.

The old lunatic asked: "Amon, would you lose a flock of sheep for hunting a beast? If that beast did not provoke you at all, would you even help you?"

Amon: "Of course not, I'm not a fool!"

The old lunatic hummed coldly: "The priests in the temple are not fools! It is too expensive to eliminate a great magician. It must be a terrible loss to encircle a great magician. It is not necessary, who will do it. This kind of loss trading? If a great magician appears in the territory of a temple, the priests are happy to pretend to be ignorant as long as they do not reveal their identity and are not hostile to the temple. Usually the other way is used first. "

Amon gradually understood a little, but still asked, "In what way?"

The old lunatic turned his head to look at the wall again, his gaze seemed to look across the room and look into the distance, telling Amon about Bell's past—

A clever magician appears in the territories, and the smartest way is to "destroy" him without losing or even strengthening his own power, then you can negotiate. Persuade and buy him to join the temple, accept the blessing of the gods, give him a noble status, and become an honorary priest. So all the troubles are solved, you don't have to lose a lot to fight for your life.

The great magician exists aloof anywhere in the continent of Tianshu. Of course, each temple hopes to have more great wizards sitting in town, which is also a symbol of strength and status. Things like this, even the king applauded secretly, who doesn't want more great magicians to work for themselves?

And the magician turned into a magician, not only no longer need to worry about his identity, but also enjoy honorable status. The temples that can attract great magicians all enjoy huge wealth and resources. It is much better to practice magic and enjoy the admiration of people than to be a magician who cannot see light. Why not?

So this kind of negotiation is often easy and happy, and both parties are very happy. However, there are exceptions. Those who can learn divine magic personally and possess high-level accomplishments are all rare geniuses in the world. Many of them are not proud to accept such invitations. But as long as he is not openly hostile to the temple, the temple will promise benefits or give gifts in private, as long as they are comfortable with each other.

Only in a blatantly hostile relationship, the great magician is enemies with the kingdom and the temple, and then it must be destroyed. It will be an extremely fierce battle of annihilation, and even various forces will be mobilized to participate.

Bell is a student of the old lunatic Nietzsche. When he entered the city of Memphis thirty-six years ago, he was already an eighth-level magician. He did things very simply, went directly to the Temple of Isis to show his identity, and demonstrated the magical achievements, which surprised the then maiden and the three principal high priests. The next thing happened logically, Bell became the honorable high priest of the Temple of Isis, a respected great wizard.

The temple of Monfis claimed that Bell had been practicing divine magic for many years, never paying attention to his fame, and becoming an eight-level great magician before accepting the status of honorary high priest. How devout, humble, and resolute he was, People stand in reverence!

In the beginning, Bell only had the symbolic status of an honorary high priest and did not have real power. But three years later, the situation changed again. During his time as the Honorary High Priest of the Temple of Isis, the divine skill advanced to the ninth level, and he became a demigod. You should know that the virgin onion, who represented the highest authority of the Temple of Isis at that time, had only eight levels of her magical achievement.

Bell's status not only became extremely honorable in the Temple of Isis, but also became one of the veterans of the Aju Empire Divinity Council. He is qualified to participate in the discussion of the supreme mysteries of divine art, and directs the noble and priests in the cultivation of divine art. He can also refer to the records of the ancient classics of the Temple of Isis and the Archives of the Iju Divine Council. -Bell's original purpose of entering the Temple of Isis was this.

It was the old lunatic Nietzsche who taught him everything, and only hoped that he fulfilled one wish: to figure out why the gods became gods? If this secret is known, then perhaps two questions can be answered-can mortals also become gods? If so, how do you become a god?

The difficulty of fulfilling this wish was almost beyond imagination, and the old lunatic did not ask Bell to succeed, as long as he did his best. According to the old lunatic, Bell may have been close to success. Even if he did not answer all the questions, he had at least the key to understanding the mystery, otherwise he would not have been able to abduct the maiden of the Temple of Isis.

It was the abduction of the maiden that completely changed Bell's later fate. If it doesn't happen, Bell will continue to enjoy honorable status, maybe one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Empire of Egypt, or he may still fulfill the old maniac's wish completely. But world events cannot be re-assumed. Thirty years ago, Bell left the Temple of Isis, taking away not only the virgin onion, but also the tears of the gods under its control.

Speaking of which, the old lunatic suddenly said with emotion: "The insider said privately that Bell had hijacked the maiden, but I think that the maiden was probably voluntarily hijacked by him. She has gods Tears, even if Bell is n’t the enemy, if you are determined to die, you wo n’t be robbed .... Thirty years later, you are here to mine the tears of the gods yourself, and that Mary will become Isis The temple has a new guardian maiden, and they finally have the maiden again! "

Amon was taken aback again and asked a question he cared most about: "Maria! She will be a maiden! Who is this maiden?"

The old lunatic poured a full glass of wine, but did not rush to drink it. He replied with a shake in his hand: "Don't interrupt in a hurry, I just want to say this ..."

The main **** believed in the Aegean Empire was the **** of Horus, and Pharaoh Aegean claimed to be the world's spokesperson for the **** of Horus. The kings of Eju are all located in the city of Bez in Upper Egu. The temple of Horus in Bez is the main temple of the entire Eju, which is equivalent to the highest center of theology in the country. The chief priest of the Sri Lankan temple was, of course, Pharaoh Eju.

However, Pharaoh himself usually lives in the palace to handle government affairs, and he will only board the temple altar as the principal priest during major ceremonies. So there is a chief priest in the temple, who usually sacrifices to King Horus and other gods on behalf of Pharaoh. In addition to the chief priest, there are three high priests in charge of daily affairs in the main temple of Horus, and their status is far higher than that of the high priests in ordinary local temples.

There is also a group of high priests in the main temple of Horus. They are the most honored group in the empire. The divine council and the academy representing the highest authority of empire magic are also set here.

Upper Ecuador is located in the fertile valley of the upper reaches of the Roni River. The Ecuador Empire also has an important territory in the lower Ecuador, located in the lower Delta of the Roni River. In history, Ecuador was divided into two countries. The capital of Ecuador was Monfis. Later, Pharaoh completed reunification.

The main temple of Memphis is the Temple of Isis. It is also the most important temple in the lower Xiejue. The nominal main priest is also the Pharaoh of Eju, which symbolizes the rule of the lower Eju, but represents the person who sacrifices to the **** It is a maiden.

The main **** enshrined in the Temple of Isis is, of course, the goddess of Isis. She is the mother of Horus in myths and legends, the **** of abundance worshipped by the Iju people, and the patron saint of Memphis since ancient times. It is not only the goddess Isis who enjoys the sacrifice in the Temple of Isis, but also the various gods of Eju. In the middle of the main hall is the statue of the goddess Isis holding the young Horus.

Isis is regarded as the Virgin in Eju. There is a tradition since ancient times. Those who sacrifice to the goddess on behalf of their people in the world are called saints, and their full name is "the goddess of the goddess of Isis". The tears of the gods on her scepter are symbols of the sage status, representing the loyalty, love, and pity of the goddess Isis.

The maiden was pure and devout and dedicated everything she had to the goddess Isis. Therefore, no adult man can touch her, only to kiss the soil beneath her feet as a sign of reverence.

According to records, thirty years ago, the virgin of the Temple of Isis relied on the power given by the goddess to destroy an evil nine-level great magician. She herself fell unfortunately, and the tears of the gods on the scepter were here. Destroyed in a fierce battle. ——This is the official statement of Eju, whose authority is beyond doubt.

Of course, that evil great magician is Bell, and this incident has been called "the disaster of the magician" in the history of Eju. According to the old lunatics, the actual situation was that the honorary high priest of the Temple of Isis and the nine-level great magician Bell, abducted the virgin onion, and took away the tears of the gods. This is absolutely intolerable. It has violated and shaken the authority of the gods who rule the empire.

Pharaoh ordered a secret order to destroy him. Wherever Bell went, all the forces in the temples of Egypt were involved in the siege. Bell evaded everywhere, eventually unable to hide in the Egyre Empire, escaping across the desert to escape the border, and came to the deep mountains on the border between Assyria, Barron, Hati and Ege.

Pharaoh Eju sent a large number of wizards and warriors across the border to kill, these people did not return at all, and Bell and the virgin was no news.

After the incident, all records of Bell as the honorary high priest of the Temple of Isis and the veteran of the Eju Divine Council were destroyed, and no one was allowed to bring it up again. In the official records, he is a great evil magician, and was destroyed by the saint prince at all sacrifices.

Having said that, the old lunatic was silent again. There was no sound in the room for a long time. All the old and young were thinking about their own minds.

Amon finally knew the identity of the maiden, and knew who Mary was going to be. Although he understood that nothing could happen between him and Maria, there was always an indescribable regret in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking about her in silence and let out a deep sigh. Hearing this sigh, he was nothing like a fourteen year old.

In the end, it was Amun who broke the silence first: "You said that your student, the great magician Bell, is close to successfully cracking the secrets of the gods. Is there any exact evidence?"

The old maniac replied astutely: "This is the last message he sent thirty years ago, which confirms many of my guesses over the years, but I don't know how many mysteries he has solved? What I just introduced about the magic A lot of people's cognition may be wrong with the situation of body art! ... Divine art and body art are intentionally separated, and the key content is missing.-That should be the secret of the gods! "

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