MTL - Pivot of the Sky-Chapter 15 Whose trap is this

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Chapter 015: Whose Trap Is This?

Xiao Gu was very weak for a while, and he didn't go to the doctor, because there was only one doctor in Duke Town, the priest himself. Xiao Gu is qualified to learn divine magic, and as a temple priest practicing divine magic is one of the daily affairs, but not every priest is an outstanding divine magician, it depends on his qualifications and cultivation.

Xiao Gu only spent a few years just getting started to awaken the power, and it was finally completed under the ceremony hosted by the great magician Ge Lie in the Suiya Temple, but so far it has barely reached the standard of a second-level wizard, and will use it. There are not many low-order magic, including blessing magic, the most important of which is healing magic.

Healing in blessings is the most important practice of a priest in a rural temple. This is not only a guarantee of his respect for the residents, but also a symbol of miracles.

It's been almost a month since he vomited blood and fainted, and Master Xiao Gu has not healed himself with the treatment. After slowing down, his body has been fine for a long time. He just feels sluggish, and his heart is always blocked. He had a heartache that had to be removed, and finally waited for the right time. After running out of breakfast that day, he called the servant Ma Qi in the temple.

Xiao Gu is the only priest and clerk in the town, but he cannot be alone in the temple. Many of the tasks are performed by servants and assistants. Master Xiao Gu is respected and superior. The work that he usually handles in person is just registration. Ma Qi is his most effective assistant, helping to manage the daily affairs in the temple and manage other servants, and this person already has the achievement of the third-level physical skill.

Xiao Xiao is very amiable today. When he saw Ma Qi, he smiled and greeted, "Come, sit down."

Ma Qi is somewhat flattered: "Sir, is it too impolite for me to sit with you?"

Xiao Xiao pretended to be displeased, "What is this? You are my most powerful assistant and most trusted partner. Is there anything wrong with sitting at a table? Sit down or I will get angry!" "

Ma Qi sat down at the table owing to his body, and Xiao Gu pushed a plate of snacks on the table in front of him. It was a fresh wild fruit picked by the servants in the forest east of the town, sweet and sour. Ma Qi took one and ate it carefully. Xiao Gu asked with a smile: "Your physical skills have reached the third level, is only one step away from the achievements of intermediate warriors."

Ma Qi quickly replied: "I was originally just an ordinary miner in the town. You told me that the miner's skills have similar physical skills, and I read the books on practicing physical skills to me. I can only have this kind of achievement. Rest assured, as you told me, I didn't tell anyone else. "

Xiao Gu smiled happily: "What's uneasy about this, the person I trust the most is you. If you can become a mid-level samurai, I can go to the city-state's adults for you, if you are lucky, you can Find a chance to make you a noble, or at least make you a samurai in your town's temple, a deputy with a clergy. "

Ma Qi quickly got up, pushed back the chair and walked back, saying, "Thank you Lord Xiao Gu, I don't know how to repay you."

Xiao Gu waved his hand: "Sit down, sit down and talk .... Ma Qi, have I asked you to investigate the other day, have you figured it out?"

Ma Qi re-entered the seat and replied earnestly: "According to your instructions, I have been paying attention to Amon for the past ten days. In addition to often going to the old lunatic's house, he also went to the black fire jungle alone in the middle of the night. Hidden trail. "

Xiao Gu frowned: "His courage is really big, a child enters the black fire jungle in the middle of the night? What is he going to do?"

Ma Qi shook his head and said, "I don't know." After saying this, I seemed to think that the answer was not appropriate. After thinking about it, I said, "Is he going to find the mine core again? I found it in the black fire jungle last time. Multi-core, still want to try your luck? "

Going to look for nuclear in the middle of the night? Xiao Gu was a little puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "What else do I want you to do?"

Ma Qi also whispered, "When Amon went out in the middle of the night, I went to his house three times, and the drunkard didn't notice it at all. His family's things were very few and simple. I didn't need to look at them at a glance. I found dozens of them. There are also two gold coins. Do not move anything if you haven't found it, as you ordered. Those stones should be carried by Amon all the time. I remember they were wrapped in a sheepskin. "

Xiao Gu put his body together: "Ma Qi, tonight, I hope you do something ...."

After a whisper, Ma Qi's face turned pale and a little stiff, and he didn't speak for a while. Xiao Gu stood up and walked behind him, reached out and patted his shoulder gently, "These 20 **** stones are yours. As for a blue **** stone, please enshrine it at the Temple of Mu Yun. "Don't be discovered by anyone, it is dedicated to the goddess. I won't be there, and you didn't give it to me, remember?"

Seeing that Ma Qi hadn't answered yet, Xiao Gu put his hand on his shoulder and said, "If you can become an intermediate samurai, I must apply for the position of a temple warrior for you, so you can do it without paying taxes. Get Lulu. As for that money, if it is given as a gift to the city lord, you may have the opportunity to become the third nobleman in this town. How you choose your life, but do n’t forget now, I am treating you Be your most trusted assistant. "

Ma Qi bit his teeth, twitched his cheeks, and finally nodded, "Master, I understand, everything is yours!"

Xiao Gu went to the corner and poured two glasses of wine. He sat down again and gave the horse a glass, and then shook his head seriously. It is said that you have to follow Amon yourself in an attempt to find the place where he picked the nucleus, and I did not know. "


In the dark forest of no one in the middle of the night, Amon sat by the spring to practice the summoning of water elements. On this day, he did not practice the theology of the old lunatic. After all, children's nature likes to play, and Amon treats water elemental magic as a game. The water in the environment is controlled and condensed into tiny crystallites, like a layer of mist, floating on the water surface and changing into various shapes, which is very interesting!

Sometimes it is tiny water droplets, sometimes finely divided ice crystals, and sometimes it dissipates in the air.

Amon was very happy, and suddenly felt a bit wrong. The muscles behind her were a little tight, just like being stared at. He stopped, quietly took out the blue water heart in his left hand, and held a stick beside him in his right hand. Midway through the dark forest of dark fire, of course, Amon did not empty his hands, he brought a very special stick, is the most valuable thing in his family except the **** stone.

Amon's father was an alcoholic. He was particularly addicted to alcohol after Amon's mother died, but he was also the best blacksmith in Duketown when he was young. The stick is a souvenir left by the alcoholic father many years ago. It looks like a branch that is not very straight, with mottled marks on the surface, yellow is rust, and black is gray. It is almost unrecognizable that this is the best Fine iron embryo.

The miners in Duke Town were banned from turning the processed iron into armored weapons, and no one taught them how to build them. All they produced were iron germs and fine iron germs. The finest fine iron ore is not mined in the mine, but it is very rare to be extracted from the feces of an iron beast living in the iron-rich mountains.

When Amon's father was young, in order to test his skills, he quietly collected the finest fine iron ore and smelted to create such an embryo. Later, he did not change the "stick" for wine, and placed it in the fire room as a burning stick for playing with coal. Every time Amon walked through the black fire jungle at night, he took this stick as a walking stick, and at the same time he was able to defend himself.

The gloomy black fire jungle is not as dangerous as it seems. If you don't get lost, this place is actually a very quiet place. But occasionally there are hares and wild dogs, and they fled far away when they heard human voices. However, when the hungry is the most, wild dogs may attack people or herds. Be careful.

Amon held the stick in his hand, and looked around quietly. The moonlight was silent and found nothing. Surrounded by black strange rocks and bushes, it is the best place to hide, even if there is something to hide, it is difficult to see. For some reason, Amon always felt uneasy. He suddenly closed his eyes and clenched the blue water heart in his left hand.

Youlan Shuixin emits a blue faint light, but it is held by Amon and does not shine out. Unconsciously, a faint mist rises from the spring water and floats in the surrounding jungle. With the help of the blue water heart, Amon brought the simplest water element summoning magic that he would know to the fullest ability, and she found something wrong!

Within the range of divine magic, the water mist in the air was quietly summoned by him, and Amon closed his eyes and could feel the shape of the stones and trees between the water mist. There was a man about dozens of steps behind him. !! The man hid behind a strange rock, exposed half of his head and looked at him through the bushes. He also held something in his hand and was familiar in shape, the most common miner's sledgehammer in Duke Town.

Elemental magic is usually not used for detection, because its sensing range is much smaller than the detection of magic, and so the casting speed is slow. If the opponent is a smart wizard, you may be aware of it instantly. Detective magic is a medium-level magic, the most typical of which is squinting. It can detect a large range and a long distance.

Amon currently does not know what is the detection of magic, not even squinting. But when he did this, he inadvertently used the simplest elemental water magic to detect the magic, and it also met the most basic principle of detecting magic. A horse company lurking in the shadows that followed, did not know at this time that it had been exposed.

Amon didn't move, still sitting there quietly. The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the cold air around him seemed to be getting heavier. Finally, Ma Qi couldn't help it. He almost thought that Amon was sitting there asleep, so he walked out of the bush with a sledgehammer.

The first-level warrior has extraordinary explosive power. The second-level warrior usually needs agility beyond strength, and to reach the third level of physical skill, it needs to master the coordination of power, speed, and endurance. The third-level warrior in the Rhodes-Dick Pro-Guards can shoot through several cows in one shot. Although the horse enterprise has not undergone such training, the heavy sledgehammer action is like a lightweight raccoon cat. A little sound.

There was a small open area beside the spring. The horse enterprise stepped out of the bush and came to the position where Amon could turn back to see, only twenty steps away. At this moment, he saw the fierce light, suddenly rushed forward, and waved the hammer with his right hand. For a third-level warrior, this distance came in a blink of an eye, making Amon too late to respond, and Amon seemed to have no response.

However, Ma Qi made an accident just two steps away, and his body slipped suddenly when he stepped on his foot. He tried hard to stabilize his body, but the other foot fell on the ground and slipped. Due to the inertia of the forward force, he could no longer stand still, fluttered and fell to the ground, and the mine hammer slipped into the spring water. When he thought about it, he suddenly took a heavy blow on his shoulder and almost passed out.

Ma Qi reluctantly raised his head, and saw Amon already standing in front of him, holding a branch in his hand and pointing at his face door, the other foot was stepping on his shoulder. The child's strength was so great that he couldn't step on him, and the cold ground was biting, making him want to shiver, only to hear Amon asked in surprise: "Ma Qi, how could it be you? You followed at night What am I doing here? "

It's a bad day for the horse enterprise. Normally, if a third-level warrior has some precautions and preparations, he should not have to fear the first-level magician who just started in melee. But Ma Qi never dreamed of Amun Atheism. Although it is only the simplest first-order water element aura, the effect of control and application is so abnormal!

After Amon found the horse, he quietly condensed a layer of slippery ice on his way, and covered the reflection with mist. It is not easy to detect. If the horse is walking slowly, the situation may be better, and he will rush. There must be no slipping. This is the power of divine magic. It doesn't need to be very powerful but it is a master of another power. Amon also uses the blue water heart.

Ma Qi was very angry. He stretched out a hand to grab Amon's ankle and shouted, "Amon, let me go! If you can come here, can't I come? How can you, my child? But so rude? "

"Of course you can come to the Black Fire Jungle, but why exactly follow me in the middle of the night?" Amon didn't let go, and the "tree branch" in his hand gently clicked the back of Ma Qi's hand. Ma Qi had a painful tooth decay, and his bones were so unbroken that he discovered that the stick in Amon's hand was not a tree branch, harder and heavier than pig iron.

Ma Qi panicked, and suddenly realized that in this place, as long as the stick in Amon's hand fell, he could kill him, and no one would find it. His original idea was to quietly end up with Amon in a quiet place, but he did not expect the situation to turn around and quickly explained: "Amon, I follow you just want to see, where did you pick those cores? Yes? I want to try my luck too! "

Amon narrowed his eyes: "Do you think I'm here to look for the nucleus, this night?"

Ma Qi: "Isn't it? Otherwise, why do you come to the Black Forest every day?"

Of course, Amon couldn't tell Ma Qi that he was learning divine magic privately, and suddenly realized that something had happened. The magic had just been performed to make Ma Qi fall. This person must have noticed it. This is a secret that cannot be revealed. The iron rod in his hand was lifted, but did not fall. He asked coldly, "Every day? Have you followed me many times? Why did you rush with a sledgehammer?"