MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1 : Recessive Awakening Plane Teleportation

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"Master Wu Yan, the awakened person is divided into two types: dominant and recessive. The so-called dominant is the ability to know what his ability is after awakening. You can know your own abilities after awakening, but implicit awakening must meet certain conditions to trigger your own abilities. "

"The leader Wu Zhen has died under the mouth of the zombie beast Huang Quanmang. Master Wu Yan, your ability to awaken has not yet known what it is. I am the temporary leader of this big dragon mountain base, waiting for you to awaken yourself Ability, and improved to the third level, how can I return this position to you? ".

"Hahaha, Wu Yan, do you still think you are the young master of the base? Let me tell you, this time the task of searching for supplies, the leader also gave me another hidden task, that is, do not let you go back alive."

Uh ...

Dark, stuffy, hungry ...

Xu Wuyan curled up, her eyes slowly opening.

睡眠 When sleep is light, many pictures, or memories, may be dreaming.

Opened his eyes slowly, the light was very dim, but Wu Yan knew that it was already dawn, otherwise, the old, disused mall would be dark.

After all, the eschatology has been out for three years. These electrical equipment have long been paralyzed, and there is no lighting. This mall is definitely out of reach at night.

Get up carefully, look out through the glass, there is nothing outside.

But if you look closely, you can find that occasionally there are one or two staggering figures, wandering in the dim shopping mall, and it looks very sultry.

This is a mall in a large shopping center. Inside this mall, there is a movie theater, a home appliance city, a clothing store, and so on.

If it was placed before the end of the last days, it must be very lively here, but now, Wu Yan ca n’t wait for there to be no living things in this mall except himself. It should be said that there are no other things that can move.

He touched his stomach, and had not eaten for two days. His empty stomach seemed to be able to burn through his stomach.

I looked outside, although there were still figures moving, but after two days of excitement, these zombies seemed to be calm.

Twenty days ago, I followed the team of the base to search for supplies, and went into the mall under no circumstances. No accident, I encountered a zombie.

In the fight, Wu Yan, an ordinary person who does not know what the ability to awaken, was abandoned by the team. From the captain's mouth, Wu Yan also knew that he was intentionally abandoned.

However, to a certain extent, Wu Yan's luck is not bad, because he abandoned the team of Wu Yan, did not go far, but encountered a second-order speed-type phantom zombie.

In this dim environment, the speed-type Phantom Zombie is like a nightmare. The entire team, except Wu Yan who had hid early, was completely wiped out.

It's ironic that a person abandoned by the squad survived.

However, now is not the time to think about these things, Wu Yan shook his head slightly, throwing these messy thoughts out.

I've been hungry for two days. It's nothing to survive. If I can't find food, I'll just stay alive for a few days.

Twenty days passed, Wu Yan estimated that the terrible phantom zombie might have traveled far away. He stood up and decided to go out to find food.

Although it is very dangerous, I can still bet while I still have a little energy.

The cat walked cautiously, and at the same time, staring at the surroundings with wide eyes, Wu Yan did not dare to make any sound.

He is very clear that compared to vision, zombies are more prominent in hearing.

I walked all the way, although I was nervous, but fortunately everything went well. Soon, a supermarket sign appeared in front of Wu Yan.

This made him feel happy. Having a supermarket means having food?

Although many foods should be out of date, some canned food should still be edible ...

Just, Wu Yan looked at the supermarket's signboard. When he was happy, his mind was a little relaxed. Suddenly, at the corner of a turn next to him, a staggering zombie came to Wu Yan.

Tatars and zombies suddenly met face to face on this corner.

Startled, Wu Yan took a two-step reflexive step, but stumbled but fell to the ground.

The palm of his palm was stinging slightly, and he fell on the ground without knowing that something sharp on the ground made a cut.

Alas, at this time Wu Yan's mind was on the zombies in front of him, naturally he did not notice.

Despite how bad the vision of the zombies is, how can they not be seen face to face?

Squinting at Wu Yan, who fell to the ground, this zombie action suddenly accelerated a lot and rushed towards Wu Yan.

A lazy donkey rolling at Wuwuyan ~ ~ I didn't know where the strength came from. I got up and hurried forward, and the sound of heavy footsteps became clearer in this dead mall.

He seems to have heard Wu Yan's footsteps, and several zombies around him have turned around this side.

I didn't run long, and these mad zombies even knocked over a few hangers outside when chasing, causing greater movement.

Occasionally, Wu Yan can still see a dark shadow flashing in the dim mall ...

In a panic, Wu Yan was quickly surrounded by seven or eight zombies. Without a choice, Wu Yan went straight into a nearby electrical shop.

Only, the house leak happened to rain in the night, and after entering the appliance store, Wu Yan could see a zombie suddenly appear, blocking himself.

It turned out that there was already one in it.

Wu Shun grabbed a notebook in the electronics store, and Wu Yan smashed into the head of the zombie.

But Wu Yan didn't notice that the computer in his hand was contaminated with blood on his palm and then disappeared suddenly.

At the same time, his hands were hot, and a vortex suddenly appeared on the palm.

Immediately afterwards, the moment Wu Yan didn't respond, the body was suddenly sucked into the vortex in his palm.

Twenty-eight zombies rushed into this appliance store together, and even a dark shadow flashed, and a phantom of a particularly slender shape appeared.

However, in this appliance store, Wu Yan can no longer be found ...

Some feelings of turning in circles, like a coma, but this feeling passed away, and when Wu Yan woke up, she was a little dumbfounded.

I was sitting in a bar, and there were still several figures in the bar. At this time, I was staring at myself.