MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 508 Confusion

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When Zijinshi came with powerful energy, Tang Yun knew why he needed to do that kind of thing with the magic bell. m ..

This amethyst stone was originally in it, but there is a strong energy bred in this stone. Although Tang Yuan has a body of billions of laws in the world, there is something missing to balance the energy in it, that is the woman's Xuanyin True spirit.

It is not only comfortable to absorb powerful energy with the magic bell. Although the magic bell absorbs only one-tenth of the energy, at this moment it has broken through the state of cultivation, and it is more than the six revolutions Tang is compressing. Yuanli Avenue has a higher energy level, but no matter whether it is a head-to-head battle or a close-to-fight battle, Tang Ling's combat power will also surprise the magic bell.

The two cried and hugged each other and continued to be entangled. There was no cultivation but normal joy, and the two seemed more engaged and happy.

After a few days, Tang Yan returned to the cave holding the magic bell and rested for a while before he whispered:

"Now we have broken through with the power of Zijinshi, but I still have to go to Zihuo Canyon, Jinrui Mountain and the gravity death zone. You retreat to the holy mountain city, one is to explore the whereabouts of my suspension base, and the other is to hide there to observe , I feel that if the robbery really takes place, the Nether Temple is the end point.

Based on your cultivation, there are very few threats that Hongmen can pose to you. If there is a crisis to hide, you will not have to worry about it when we break through. "

The magic bell lay in Tang Yang's arms. A 200 million years of crackling made her break through a situation that she could not break through for trillions of years. As a master who would rather be a prisoner than a parent swallowed up, she must be Not only is the appearance so simple, but she is very simple to Tang Yan, that is, her husband and wife can follow the path, and she can understand many feelings when she becomes a state;

Tang Yan's arrival here is also related to the stele, to meet her brother and the key here, and to make her break through the situation with her for 200 million years. All this seems to her to be the arrangement of fate, in her mind. It is very firm to decide to follow Tang Yan, which is ten million times stronger than the ordinary marriage contract.

The magic bell nodded and said:

"The husband needs to be careful, not only the two great valley masters of the Magic Valley, but the elders three, four, and five should have found the skills of my parents. As for my parents who are still there, I do n’t know, and the elders of the magic valley also disappear. For billions of years, only those six or seven elders have little threat;

I was watching nothing but the movement of the Magic Valley. According to what they said, the Holy Gate of the Nether Temple and the Golden Sword of the City of Light, these forces were not so stable. "

Tang Yan rubbed his fingers, he thought for a moment and said:

"My purpose is to be comfortable, not to dominate the hegemony. The prophecy of the stele seems to be incompatible with my eight poles, but these people either want to catch me or kill me. What's the reason behind this also needs to be explored. .

But before that, I had to find what I needed, and then I would study these boring things, holy mountain city ... what is the secret of the Nether Temple ... "

From being inexplicably pursued and even arrested here, Tang Ye was not waiting for someone to find trouble. The last time he took Ren Liqi's Lichun Pavilion completely, but he still did not dispel the magic valley's calculations and even intensified, he has not To deal with these people, you need to wait for the opportunity to completely choke these guys.

The moment Tang Yun decided to kill those who were in trouble, the whole Hongmeng world sky became blood red, and the blood red was full of endless killing, even those masters of the state couldn't help feeling a chill.

"What's going on?" Oku Lord in the Magic Devil's rebirth eyes screamed and looked at the sky with astonishment.

Erguzhu desperately calculated his fingers continuously, but he became more and more confused. After a while, he shook his head and said:

"Hongmeng ’s natural confusion is completely chaotic. This should be the beginning of killing and robbing, but that person has been locked in our eternal space by us. Is there anyone else who should be robbing?"

Rebirth nodded and said:

"It seems that this is the case. The elders and elders have disappeared for many years. The elders three, four, and five said that they were looking for them without any trace. The elders six and seven controlled the group of masters who joined the magic valley in Leiguang City. Only those defenders can be investigated. "

"Well, if we find the person who should be robbed earlier, we can destroy him. By then, the entire Hongmeng is ours." Said the desperate cold voice.

At the same time, on the top of the Jinshen Tower in the city of Jinguang, a smiley majestic man is holding his hand to look at the sky. He is the owner of Jinshen Tower, Jin Yidao, and escaped the Jinguangzhi in the last round of robbery. Masters and wealthy men who were chased and killed by the Shinto Emperor of CityU. After returning to the city of golden light, he experienced his own state for more than a billion years, and now guards the city.

"The second round of robbery is coming. Well, very good, very good. Those who are acting secretly should also bubbling ~ ~ I'll continue to wait, everything will be clear."

Jin Yidao looked for a while, and when the blood on the sky subsided, he stepped down the Jinshenlou and murmured back to the hall. He didn't seem to worry about the coming of the robbery, but looked a little looking forward. If it was seen by others To the absolute surprise.

In other places, those with ghosts in their hearts seemed a bit depressed. The second round of rumored killings of Hongmeng was unknown, but the slang words of the Phantom of the Demon Valley were spread among the strong. Jie is related to a strong man with Long Lin, so many people are now searching for the whereabouts of Long Lin.

The eternal space is just a space that can't even get out of the realm. Tang Yan took the magic bell and walked to the center of the spherical space to take out the key disc. With the flash of golden light, dozens of pictures appeared in this space.

"Alas, mysterious forest, frozen abyss, magic valley, sacred mountain city ... The area where the fire is supposed to be is the entrance to the Purple Fire Canyon, and the golden mountains are the Jinrui Mountain, this eternal space It ’s actually a fast-track entrance, a powerful force for space transfer. "

Tang Yan looked surprised at all the passageways opened by the key. At this time, the entire eternal space was locked on the disc. This disc was not just a key but a Hongmeng positioning shuttle. Tang took his tongue at once. A ring containing a large number of spirit stones was handed to the magic bell and said:

"From here, you go directly to the holy mountain city and live near the first grocery store in Hongmeng. Please find out more about the grocery store. If you leave first, I will go to the disorderly city near the Zihuo Canyon. Remember to be careful some."

The magic bell repair is extremely high, but Tang Yan is still willing to go out on his own to take risks. Many people in Hongmeng are looking for his whereabouts now, but there is more crisis if there is more people around.