MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Newcomer

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(For the extra chapter, the relevant one is "The King of the Plane", if you want to see a very clear plot, you can take a look at the troublemaker Wang Fan, and please support my new book "The Ultimate Target of the Plane", thank you all.)


"Hahaha ..."

A crisp sound and a loud laughter appeared in a room without doors and windows, but there was no dullness. The entire room was unlit but as clear as daylight outdoors, and there was a group of weird people in the room.

This group of people is really weird, a skinny little monkey-like, a solid rhino, a long face with a pair of long arms, a Danfeng-eyed monk, a burly but timid brawny man, and a little girly Tall man.

Waking from a coma, Tang Yan looked at the group of people a bit dizzy. He patted his brain and shook it hard and asked:

"Where is this? Who are you?"

The sissy man smiled with a disgusting smile:

"Well, this fat brother, can you say who you are first? By the way, have you added a communication group named Dian Niang, what's your screen name?"

Tang Yan is a fat man, but he almost stunned when he listened to the name of his fat brother. He stared hard at the sissy man, and when he looked at it, he felt that the person in front of him was familiar, and then he looked a little familiar. Road:

"Added it, my name in the group is Buzhi pineapple skin. Look at you like the elder curly smelly curry. This Malaysian face looks like the most beautiful and terrifying step."

Sissy giggled:

"Giggle ... Bingo, you guessed it, pineapple, I didn't expect you to enter here too, I'm curry, come here, since all the brothers in the group have arrived, I'll tell you well what's going on."

Tang Yan nodded and said:

"Um, you are really curry. I just remember seeing a picture on my phone. I thought it was sent by someone else to play and went wrong. Then I got here."

Curry nodded and said:

"Well, we all come here like this, but we have been here a long time before you, because this is the world of the Lord God, yes, you are also writing a web article, you should know the infinite God, here is his world.

We have counted three missions here, deadly violets, smiles and extreme cold, and we will return to reality every time we finish the mission. The reason why you will see us in the group, in fact, we It's all a fortune, who writes a broken web life? "

Tang Yan was not frightened by the words of curry. Instead, a few hopes appeared in his eyes. He hurriedly said:

"Are there any designated tasks to enter other planes? What are some establishments and redemptions? What are the requirements?"

Curry laughed:

"Everyone comes in with ten complimentary experience points. As a novice, you can buy weapons, ammunition and supplies. As long as you promise to enter the world of the Lord God to participate in the mission, a one-cubic team crest space will appear on your arm. You will need to increase the space in the future. Have to spend experience to buy.

Doing a mission is inevitable. This is our fourth mission, and it is also the first in the world of TV series. The other party is a task team called the Mushroom Ranger. We are required to kill three other members and guard the sky gate. To ensure that Emperor Shitian destroys the entire martial arts world. Once our main task fails to guard the Tianmen and we lose more than three players, we can take the initiative to acknowledge the failure to withdraw from the mission world.

You think about it, we have about a few minutes to wait before going to Fengyun TV series. If you participate, as a group friend, I can sponsor something for you, bloodthirsty virus, star-stuck mystery, and Zixia magical secret, plus one Piles of guns and ammunition, which can be exchanged for a lot of experience. "

Tang Yan touched his oily belly, he thought for a while and said:

"It can return to reality after completing the task. It should look good, um, I join ... what is this team called?"

"Crazy Commando," Curry laughed.

Tang Yan nodded and said:

"I'm willing to join the Mad Monster Commando for the Lord God World mission."

When he agreed to join, there was a cold feeling on his arm. He looked at the arm under the short sleeve, and the print on a crazy devil's head was very clear on it.

Curry handed a bunch of things to Tang Yan and said:

"Okay, pineapple. As long as we can work hard in the team, we will share the benefits. Come, this is for you. The coat of arms is too small for you now, and temporarily give you some necessary equipment and sufficient ammunition. "

Tang Mao tried it and understood the use of heraldic space. He put away two pistols, an assault rifle, and dozens of magazines. After reading the secret badge, he could only put it away first. Now he even has acupoints. I do n’t know much, do n’t talk about deep inner strength.

"Thank you Curry, isn't that guy windless?" Tang Yan said, pointing to his long face ~ ~ He said proudly without waiting for the introduction of curry:

"I'm the handsome boy Bu Jingfeng, when the world of Fengyun, I must take Bu Jingyun as a younger brother, quack ..."

"I'm under the mountain, pineapple has been a long absence." The honest man laughed.

The skinny man nodded to Tang Yan:

"I am the shadow."

"Emi tofu, cottage cottage, I am the master of the unruly young master Ye." Dan Fengyan monk laughed.

The timid man said with a laugh:

"I'm Taurus, they all call me Taurus."

Curry glanced at the people in the team and said to Tang Wei:

"In the future, everyone will only call you pineapple, so you can remember it well. You also remember that the nickname is the name. In the mission world, remember to forget everything in reality, otherwise it will be very sad."

Do n’t be embarrassed by pineapple skin, now you can only call it pineapple, because this can temporarily forget the reality. Pineapple took a look at this group of players, and he suddenly found that everyone seemed to have a strange look, which is very different from normal people, especially Curry, he has watched this guy ’s video before. Although he is not a handsome guy, he has a bit of manliness. Now he looks at the girl, and even speaks with a touch of Venus.

Confused, Curry said suddenly:

"There are still thirty seconds to enter. Remember to be careful after entering. Since the Lord God task is to let us guard the heavenly gate and kill the mushroom team, we must have arrangements, and we must not expose the existence of the Lord God world."

After talking about the curry, he looked at the pineapple and said:

"Pineapple, although I am the nominal captain of this team, in fact everyone has the same rights. Remember, looking for benefits is the first. You must be prepared for the rest, and everything depends on yourself." RwMore Wonderful novel, welcome to visit everyone's reading school