MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 10 sowing

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After confirming the time, Lu Qi talked to himself routinely.

"It's okay. For the next transformation, you must be prepared. If you sleep for too long, it will inevitably cause trouble ..."

It seems that the sleeping time of metamorphosis cannot be scheduled, and the next time metamorphosis is carried out, we must be prepared.

利用 He scanned the entire building with the power of fiction, and checked the movement of everyone inside and out.

It's three-thirty in the morning and everyone is sleeping, which is just fine for him.

"I'm going to implant the seeds of fiction into everyone's brains, but this process will take a lot of time. With my current power, even ordinary people will break their mental protection and put the power of fiction. It takes two hours for the condensed fictional seed to be implanted. "

This is quite time-consuming and energy-intensive. For a normal person with a mature mind, it takes about two hours to implant a fictional seed into his mind.

However, now that everyone in this apartment is sleeping, while people are in a dream, normal brain activity is relaxed and a rest mode is performed.

It is also because of this undefended state that it is convenient for Lu Qi to invade their "fantasy seeds" into their hearts.

And this process is actually easier than he imagined.

People in their sleep are almost unguarded, and Lu Qi ’s power of fiction is far-reaching, easily pouring into their brains, while they are dreaming, grinding teeth, snoring, and sleeping, little by little " "Fake Seeds" are fed into their brains.

整个 And the whole process did not take him too much time, unlike what he had originally guessed. In the state of sleep, the process of implanting fictional seeds into the human brain is much faster, about 30 minutes.

Moreover, since Lu Qi changed his mind and body, he has the ability to focus on one's heart. He basically does several things at the same time, and implants fictional seeds for the residents of a small apartment building. He started at 3:30 in the morning. It's all done by five or six in the morning.

After doing it, Lu Qi finally stretched his waist and moved his huge body. His body surface was like an active sea floor, and a large number of tentacles danced like seaweed.

"Basically there is nothing wrong. The residents are implanted with the seeds of fiction. Next, they will be imaged by the power of my fiction. I can easily hint, hypnotize, transmit unreal images, and even My ability goes a step further. I can weave false memories, make fakes, pretend to be ghosts ... "

Qi Luqi was so proud of himself that he even raised his tentacles. This ability he acquired was really good.

However, he thought carefully, how could this power of fiction not shake off the style of an evil villain.

Is the kind of villain who manipulates people's consciousness and hypnosis. If this is a plot, the next step is the tentacles.

But Lu Qi suspected that this might be the great power of God or the existence of X, a funny show led by him, and he was the hatred of blood mold in this stage.

Protagonist I also think! Why is it that I have become a tentacle monster character that was defeated by a magical girl? This is really ridiculous.

Using this power to manipulate the mind of others, I always feel a bit awkward.

Fortunately, Lu Qi is a very adaptable person who can find fun in boredom.

"Forget it, I just want to protect myself, not to use this ability to do evil and bad things, as long as no one provokes me, it will be safe and sound."

In essence, Lu Qi's heart is still an ordinary wage earner. For ordinary people like him who have experienced ordinary life, his way of thinking is also quite simple.

He has to protect himself at present so as not to be taken care of by the masses as a monster in the movie.

As long as no one is willing to provoke him, he is also willing to remain indifferent to others.

After everything was done, Lu Qi felt that he was hungry again, and he resolved a bag of rice, which was considered as a stomach sacrifice.


奇 There was a slight sound in the bathroom next door, Lu Qi remembered something.

He got a mutant mouse, and he is now stocking in the bathroom. He doesn't know what the little guy is doing.

Lu Qi let a tentacle move like a snake, and instantly got into the bathroom. The next scene made him look dumbfounded.

Hey guy, the mutant gray-haired mouse he raised is holding a black-haired fierce relative.

"The mouse is getting affectionate ?! No ... what's wrong with this style of painting?"

He got closer, and suddenly found that the mutant mouse was not catching a fierce relative of the same kind, but was holding the head of the black-haired mouse, and almost half of the head shell was chopped off.

Lu Qi was messy in a gust of wind, totally did not expect such a scene.

一 As soon as the tentacle approached, the mutant mouse awakened. It found that behind it was a thick tentacle, and immediately pleased him and pushed his "food" over.


Lu Qi couldn't help bursting out such a sentence ~ ~ The mutant mouse retracted the little paw with some grievances and made a scream.

"This mutant mouse should have infected my talent, that is, the touch of chaos, and turned into a fierce creature. The abyss race can use this ability of touch of chaos to make ordinary creatures become their dependents, chaos. Touch can agglomerate mutant spores, infect common organisms, and become a species assimilated with the 'Abyss ...'

The ferocious creature is the lowest-ranked subordinate race of the abyss race. The abyss race has the ability to change the structure of the creature and create various dependent legions. The adult abyss in Lu Qi's memory has an overwhelming amount, equivalent to the Tyrannosaurus, Hong Mo, Regiment-like legions.

Those abyss races can be regarded as the existence of evil gods. To destroy a certain Xinghe-level force, there is no need for them to act at all. As long as they have an idea, there will naturally be an endless army of dependents who will rush to the major sectors of the universe to eliminate hostile forces.

However, these legions, dependents, and vassals are not a help to a true abyss evil god, but they are better than nothing. This kind of war that issued a command to destroy a galaxy is only sent when the abyss itself is bored. Game of time.

的 The power of the abyss race is unimaginable, and the powerful dependents are just small pets created by them.

However, among its powerful dependent races, the individual possessed enough power to rival the deities in human mythology.

Actually, some of them have been regarded as sub-gods and demigods by some cosmic races, and belong to the extraordinary existence in the legend.

However, even so, these sub-gods created by the abyss evil gods, the most powerful creatures, the beast of great fierceness, or the Xinghe Legion that has a cantilever system of billions of trillions are just abyss who can stretch their fingers at will Off.