MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 455 Future generations

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After the war, the Xuehe Dang in the battlefield was later renamed "Blood in the Blood", which also represents the severity of the war ...

Starting from the first day of the war, the Quartet battle drums, Jin Guangwandao, the 100,000 coalition forces that came together were confident, thinking that the strength of many monks in the world can certainly defeat this monster.

Unexpectedly, in the first round, the coalition forces could not even prevent the monster from moving forward.

The 100,000 coalition forces are indeed powerful, but in the real battle, the courage of the monks melted like ice and snow after they discovered that the magic weapon, flying sword, and magic circle could not resist the red spiral beam.

The first red beam of light swept around, and nearly 10,000 people were evaporated. Godzilla roared, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye radiated away.

It once again opened a red flame, opening its mouth, terrifyingly, the heat energy released by the stars penetrated the earth, blasting through the earth's crust all the way, cracking the rocky underground rock formations.

The surface of the earth is under the pressure of the earth's crust, and it looks like waves. A dust is flying like a sand storm. Godzilla seems to have hit a crater on the ground. The hot lava from the moxibustion is also ejected. I do n’t know how much The monks closer to the ground were either engulfed in lava or blown apart by the shock wave.

This thousand-meter-high super monster can cause a calamity just by lameness. With all the effort now, the scene is even more exaggerated.

The third burning spiral hotline turned into a crimson beam of light, and the entire army collapsed. The courage accumulated also disappeared in the shortest time. The 100,000 army was not destroyed by the atomic energy rays, but the army's heart collapsed, losing thousands of monks. Later, the Chinese army began to panic. This panic then spread outwards, causing the formed military force to collapse.

Fortunately, the masculine lords of the Western Regions and the three faction masters stabilized the situation, but the general trend of the coalition has gone, Godzilla easily broke through, and the solid body of the King is not bad, all things are not damaged, resisting the destruction and destruction released by the army. The immortal magic of the earth, smashed through the remaining tens of thousands of monks to form a life-and-death disillusionment of the two instruments, and finally rushed out in an undamaged posture.


In the depths of the large array, it was entangled with endless clouds of mist, and as the cloud of mist and mist rolled violently, layers of red light shot out from it, which was a Godzilla spitting burning spiral hotline.

The cloud of life and death disillusioned by the two flags of the dust of the two instruments shrouded in cloud and mist, with a little red light ahead, and then thousands of rays penetrated like sharp swords. The ultra-high temperature caused the material to fall apart and nothing could be blocked. Such power.

"It's over!"

"It's completely over ..."

After the coalition collapsed, the master camp led by the three factions launched a full-scale siege against Godzilla. This was the strongest peak matchup in history. Among the masters who besieged Godzilla, the most powerful It is the three masters who promoted Xiu Kunkun as the nine factions of Yuanshen.

In addition, the three Zhenjun-level heads each passed down an invincible magic weapon from Yuan Tianzun.

"Extreme Order!"

"The blue sea rolls!"

"Daily Transpiration Mirror!"

The three Nine-turned Yuan gods each threw three magic weapons, and the sky was full of light, and the purple glow was pervasive.

The Supreme Order of the Supreme Court, suspended high above the sky, shatters the void, stretching the space and time, forming a warped space;

The turbulent waves of the blue sea pushed the currents to flood, flooded the earth, and carried the weight of 10 million tons of seawater that was far more heavy than the mountains;

The big day transpiration mirror, imitating the majesty of the sun, the radiance of the sky is like the flame of melting stars.

The monks at the Ninth Zhunyuan Divine Realm are only one step away from the avenue, and the three magic weapons held by the three of them are considered to be the treasures of Siyuan Tianzun's pioneering practice.

Only by the supreme power of the three of them can they maintain the operation of these magic weapons. Compared with the 100,000 army, their high combat power is the pinnacle of power in this world.

However, no matter how many masters of monasticism were gathered or all the magical powers were exhausted, the final outcome did not change.

The Supreme Order was crushed with a slap;

Bihai Jingtao volume was swallowed;

Even the Daylight Transpiration Mirror was ablated and penetrated by a beam of light that was more terrifying than the flames of smelting stars.

The three treasures were destroyed one after another, and the masters of the three great gods also slammed one after another. The old demons roared, and rushed towards the beast whose height was measured by kilometers, sacrificing the demon to disintegrate, and hit the monster's body with the **** Without a splash of Mars, he died.

All the elders of the magic gate blew themselves up, and did not stop Godzilla from slap, and destroyed with three or four generations of disciples.

Mixed holes, Taiheng, Tianyin, and the Central Plains factions have been turned into history from now on. You can be a world-class powerhouse, a peerless master, and a fierce monster in the past.

The Central Plains Taoist community was removed from the Siyuan continent, and only two or three kittens escaped their lives.

There are also some unwilling martial artists who fled the station.

The practice land of the Central Plains was destroyed one after another, and the resources were plundered by Godzilla. Then ... it went to other areas of the Siyuan continent.

Xiange, towers, famous mountains, and holy places were destroyed one by one, and the giant monsters standing from them became like gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

For hundreds of years, Godzilla began to move the world to destroy the world, and it began to move to the ocean. It could smell the breath of more wonderful food there.

"Zhuwei Zhidezhenzhulongwu great god, bless me to wait for the sea to be safe and not be invaded by the sea beast demon tribe."

For people along the coast ~ ~ Since Godzilla went out to sea, the sea tribe has rarely attacked the land again, and occasionally only encountered a small group.

Since the collapse of the practice world, those thousand-year-old factions have also lost all their spiritual gates. Moreover, the world ’s spiritual resources have also been consumed by Godzilla. The path of spiritual practice is becoming increasingly difficult. The so-called end-of-law world.

In such an era, the magical powers mastered by monks have no resources to supply, and it is difficult to even practice to the realm of Yuanshen.

We must know that the life of monks can only be improved after the Yuanshen Realm. There is no spiritual stone and heavenly treasures to improve the efficiency. There is no century-old accumulation. Ordinary monks cannot break through this level.

Coupled with the original war, the high-levels of all factions were completely destroyed, and there were not many Taoist immortals that could be passed on, and the monks no longer controlled the power of the world.

After losing the shackles of the practice world, the Siyuan mainland also began to develop new civilizations.

Firearms also appeared on the battlefield for the first time, and steam engines began to be manufactured.

This was originally the sprout that was born in ancient times, but it will only gradually disappear because of the repression and targeting of the practice world.