MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 17

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"That's right! Indulgence of desire is the ladder of human progress!"

As if he still didn't feel it was enough, Prince Louis poured another glass of spirits and took a tablet of the illegal drug-Xiaoyao Pill, and had more fun.

He screamed and laughed wildly, and the men and women in the tavern beat their heads and blood, bringing Prince Louis a wonderful performance.

"Okay, good fight. Kick his life and put his eyeballs in!"

After drinking the nectar and jade liquid, it was spit out from the stomach.

"Fuck, this thing is made out of horse urine!"

The bartender was accidentally injured by the villains on the side, and a gentleman man on the side was thrown into a wooden barrel full of beer by the gangsters because of his decent clothes. The glass was broken, and his fist was cut out by the glass ballast. Wounds, Prince Louis lost more banknotes.

It was about early morning when Prince Louis walked out of the Starlight Bar staggeringly and vomited almost an entire street.

A knight in silver armor knelt down on one knee, and he had an extremely upright face:

"Your Highness, you can't go on like this anymore."

"Wow," Prince Louis took another sip of whiskey after he threw up, "I feel like, I feel like someone's urinating on my eyes and nostrils... hiccup!"

"Prince Louis, you are doing this to yourself, and you will die!" cried the loyal knight.

"Everyone has to die, just like everyone has to **** and pee. Hiccup."

"However, you were not such a person in the past! You said in the past that you wanted to make the Kingdom of Shengluer glorious again, and you also said..."

"Did I also say that I want to have **** with your mother?" Prince Louis kicked him, "What kind of bird are you with chicken feathers on the bat? I really thought you spent a few days practicing swordsmanship with me when I was a kid. , are you qualified to make irresponsible remarks to the next king? Are you still a virgin? Get out of here, a virgin is not qualified to talk to me!"

"Your Highness..."

"Go away!"

Prince Louis scowled.

The silver knight sighed deeply, people will change after all.

The prince of the past can never come back,

Today's prince is no longer the ambitious genius of the past.

He was greedy for beauty, and acted despicably, and even used disgraceful means to force the eldest lady of the Lianqing family, who had elven blood, to marry him.

He has really changed completely.

Since when did the change begin, the knights do not know.

Sometimes people change in an instant, and sometimes they are gradual.

He only regretted that he did not lead His Royal Highness on the right path.

Prince Louis looked at the guard beside him:

"By the way, have you done what you asked you to do before?"

"It's done, Your Highness." The guard lowered his head and said, "I've already bought the slave arena, and tomorrow there will be a death fight for the slave in Dongzhou. It is said to be against a barking tiger."

"Barking Tiger? I think that Dongzhou man should have no trouble dealing with kittens of that level." Prince Louis said.

"Your Highness, you seem to be very interested in that slave."

"Yes, I'm not denying that." Prince Louis seemed to be sober now, or maybe he's never been drunk, he said with a grin, "I'm going to find the limit of that man from Dongzhou, where his life hangs by a thread. I ordered someone to rescue him at the right time, so that he would be grateful to me and become my most loyal subordinate."

"Do you still have ambitions?"

"Ambition?" Prince Louis seemed to have heard the funniest joke ever. "I just want to find a man from Dongzhou and let him introduce me to the wine, spices and women that are rich in Dongzhou."

Chapter 35 Winning Money

Although Prince Louis usually gives people a feeling of overindulgence and frailty, once he carefully dresses up, he really has a bit of ancestral style, especially the golden hair inherited from his ancestors in the sun , can't help but remind people of the most famous king of the Elba family, the Sun King. It was the king who unified the major regions and united countless territories to establish today's Shengluer Kingdom.

But when they thought of that great king and saw the descendants of the current king, the people couldn't help but feel pity.

Prince Louis' evil deeds are known to everyone from Ireland to Zidan.

He is amused and cynical, and he is deeply involved in almost everything that degenerates people, while the political power of the country, the appointment and dismissal of the court, and the happiness of the people, he turns a deaf ear.

On weekdays, he has no sympathy at all. When the woman who almost died of starvation knelt in front of Prince Louis begging for bread, Prince Louis was worried about whether the woman had soiled his newly bought boots. .

At this moment, sitting in the venue of the Slave Arena, the audience is waiting for the game while pointing and pointing behind their backs.

He didn't care, but instead loudly greeted the elf girl.

"Oh, isn't this my dearest fiancee, Miss Ivy Sylph Lianqing? I remember that you have no interest in the slave arena, why are you here? Does Miss Ivy also like vulgarity? entertainment program?"

Prince Louis looked at his fiancée's incomparably delicate and beautiful face, with an evil smile full of desire at the corners of his mouth. He wished to take off the clothes of this arrogant elf **** the spot, and his hand even turned towards Ivy. The plentiful fruit stretched out, his fingers swayed back and forth, and the halal seeds flowed all over the ground.

However, he did not touch the rich fruit he wanted to touch, and in front of Prince Louis, it was a dazzling sword.

The maid named Charlene glared at Prince Louis and said:

"Insult my master, and you will pay with your life."

"It's incredible, this beautiful poodle is also there." Looking at the sharply sharpened sword, Prince Louis smiled even more unscrupulously, "Let's talk about it first, I'm the prince of Shengluer Kingdom, I'm hurt. I, your Lianqing family, and the people of your territory will all be buried for this low life of mine, if you think it's worth it, cut it down."

"Don't be presumptuous."

Ivy, the eldest lady of the elf clan, said coldly.


Helpless, Charlene had to stare at Prince Louis, and then retracted the sword into the scabbard.

"Okay, let's focus on watching the game. I spent 100,000 gold coins to arrange this game. Originally, the slave named 'Li' could rest for 15 days, but because I spent 100,000 gold coins, he After seven days of rest, you can step into the arena again, and a good slave like him should keep fighting until he dies."

Ivy didn't talk to her, because she didn't want to pay attention to the man who would become her husband sooner or later. She just wanted to see the slave from the East as much as possible.

I remember the last time that the Dongzhou slave with his own powerful strength had always protected a skinny slave, which impressed Ivy deeply, and even made Ivy think of buying Li Ergou for a time.

In terms of strength, there are not a few people who are better than him under Ivy, but Ivy appreciates the act of protecting his companions.

But in the end, Ivy didn't buy the slave, because after the battle, he actually walked to the audience and raised his **** at the audience, and the person facing the **** was Ivy, which made Ivy feel I was offended myself.

But afterward, she thought about it carefully, and felt that she couldn't give up a person who had the courage to protect her companions, and he was indeed qualified to be her subordinate.

So Ivy had the idea of ​​wanting to come back to the arena again.

This is how today's encounter with Prince Louis came.

At this time, the cage on the left side of the slave arena was opened, and a winged saber-toothed tiger let out a deafening roar. It was a victorious general in the arena. Now, there are thousands of people under its mouth.

"Miss Ivy, don't you make a bet?" Prince Louis asked.

"Not interested in."

"Then I don't care about you." Then, Prince Louis said to the attendant behind him, "Press three million gold coins."

"Three million gold coins?" The attendant wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Your Highness, who do you want to crush?"

"That Dongzhou man, his name is Li, is my half-brother."

"Okay, but His Royal Highness, the strength he showed last time doesn't seem to be enough to deal with Baiyahu. Baiyahu is a beast that can kill 500 lions at one time..." The attendant swallowed and said.

"That man can kill a thousand lions," Prince Louis smiled, "I believe in my vision, he is an ancient beast!"

"Heh, your vision?" The maid on the side responded with a sneer, "I hope that man won't be eaten by Barbarian Tiger in one bite."

"Then wait and see, Miss Poodle."

Basically, most sensible people choose to bet their victory on Fei Yahu, that kind of monster in the forest has always been regarded as a kind of king creature, they can even take out a team of adventurers or a team of adventurers on their own. A company, countless humans died under its mouth.

Because of this, Li Ergou is not favored by others. After all, he has only played once. Although his performance last time was acceptable, he is afraid that he will be less fierce in the face of Bark Yahu.

When Li Ergou stepped into the slave colosseum with a spear in his hand, Prince Louis immediately stood up and threw a bottle of whiskey at Li Ergou:

"Hey, Your Excellency, I'm here to see your performance again. Use your wonderful oriental marksmanship to tell the children in the audience what it means to be strong!"

Li Ergou smiled and waved his hand. Of course, he still remembered the man who laughed in the audience last time. He was deeply impressed by that man.

"Thank you for the wine!"

After taking a mouthful of wine, the winged tiger also appeared in front of Li Ergou. The huge size, the texture of the skin, and the dense thorns on the wings gave Li Ergou a kind of likeness. Where have you seen it.

"Isn't this a tiger skin mattress?"

The winged saber-toothed tiger let out a terrifying low roar.

It obviously felt that it had a great advantage, so it made A decisively.

However, three seconds later, Li Ergou jumped up with the spear and stood on top of its head in a blink of an eye. The winged saber-toothed tiger hadn't figured out what happened, and its head was shot by the spear. Smashed.


The audience thought it would be a one-sided showdown, and they thought that the poor oriental man would be bitten off by a barking tiger in the end.

But no one expected the end result to be like this.

The laments came one after another, the shock resounded through the clouds, and the ensuing applause overshadowed the boos.

Some people went bankrupt in the bet just now, but some gamblers made a lot of money in the bet just now. This kind of thing happens every day, and a game is just a new reincarnation.

Prince Louis was the one who made the most money on this bet.

Chapter 36 Slaves Become Uncles

The hour when Li Ergou left the cell was like a year for Aishwana. She fiddled with her tail and lay on Li Ergou's bed quietly in a daze.

"Why haven't you come back... Could it be..."

Aishwana's uneasy premonition became stronger and stronger, and the picture of Li Ergou being bitten to death by a beast appeared in her mind. She gently stroked her recurve knife with her little hand. With the news of Ergou's death, he will definitely choose to kill himself at the first time, and never live alone.

What if it was just a bite? Bitten all over the body, beyond recognition, lost the ability to live?

In that case, Aishwana will be very distressed, but she will never lose her love for Li Ergou because he lost his elegant and handsome face. She will never forget the time when Li Ergou came forward to protect her. At that time, Aishwana's affection for Li Ergou had already made her believe that in this life, he would not marry, no matter poverty, appearance, or knowledge, she would always only love Li Ergou.

But, will Ergou be the same as him?

Sometimes, Aishwana will think about one thing, that is, if Li Ergou is really free, will Li Ergou still be with her.

In the colorful world outside, there are countless beautiful girls. They all have fair skin, but they have a sad wheat-colored skin. The cat's ears are also brown instead of noble black. She has more than once told herself Her skin felt inferior. Aishwana didn't object to Li Ergou chatting with other girls outside, but at least Li Ergou's heart had to leave a place for herself.

If Li Ergou does not have a place for her in her heart after she is really free, and even part ways with her, then Aishwana would rather not have this freedom.

Those emerald green eyes gradually lost their brilliance.

"Er Gou, we will be together no matter what, I will obey you obediently, but only you have to love me, otherwise, I will turn into a ghost and be by your side forever."

Aishwana thought so, and suddenly felt relieved.

She danced again, and for her, dancing was the easiest entertainment to pass the time.

As time passed by, Aishwana's expression became more and more sad, because she knew that the longer she waited, the more likely Li Ergou would die.

With a pale smile, she looked at her dagger. She didn't expect that the knife did not end the life of the aggressor, but the life of the owner of the knife.

"Er Gou, I'm coming to accompany you. Even in the world of death, we will always be together and never separate."

Just when she was about to end her life, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, and when she heard the footsteps, Aishwana's cat ears perked up.

Can't be wrong, it's Ergou, he's back.

This vigorous and powerful pace cannot be someone else's, only the man he loves can have such footsteps, Ergou is the king who will rule the world in the end!

The door was pushed open, and the first person to enter was the bald jailer, which made Aishwana feel a little disappointed, because the first person she saw was not Li Ergou.

But then, Li Ergou also walked into the cell, Aishiva immediately leaned over, carefully inspected Li Ergou, and found that Li Ergou was unscathed, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"You fought so beautifully today, Brother Li, your marksmanship is superb!" the jailer said when he came up.

"Have you won a lot?" Li Ergou asked with a sneer.

"Which word?"

The bald jailer smiled awkwardly, trying to cover up the fact that he was indeed making money with Li Ergou.

In fact, even he did not expect that Li Ergou would win, and winning so easily, which would mean that soon, he would face more powerful monsters, even gladiators as powerful as him. It will be a wonderful battle, and the flow of water in the entire venue must be unbelievable.

Moreover, Li Ergou was still a slave favored by Prince Louis. Prince Louis was the legendary master of spending money without blinking an eye.

Just after the battle just now, Prince Louis's attendant found the jailer in private and informed him that he would see Li Ergou fight again in five days.

"Five days later, there will be another performance. I'll ask you to please."

"Why are Ergou still playing in five days?" Aishwana interjected, "Didn't Ergou just finish playing today?"