MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 230

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For some reason, Li Ergou was somewhat relieved.

Aishwana still feels pain after seeing the misfortune of her compatriots, which means that even if she becomes a succubus, she still has the same heart.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, I want to ask you one thing..."

Aishwana said suddenly.

"What's the matter, Sister Aishwana?"

"That's what I wish I could buy Sri Lankans enslaved by Westerners, they shouldn't be treated like this..."

"Does Sister Aishwana wish to restore her country?"

"No, Your Highness Yinyue, please don't misunderstand, I just... It's a little uncomfortable to see the country that my father once ruled has become what it is now..."

Biting her lip lightly, Aishwana said in pain.

Her eyelashes fluttered, and her tears filled her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

Mingming said that she no longer cared about her motherland and wanted to live a carefree life with Li Ergou, but when the scene in front of her appeared in front of her, she could not deceive her heart.

Li Ergou suddenly found that he actually fell in love with Aishwana again.

I remember that the reason why I had a good impression of Aishwana in the first place was that when she faced the lions in the slave gladiatorial arena, Aishwana hoped that Li Ergou could save the slave gladiators who fell into the lion's mouth.

When walking with Li Ergou, Aishwana will also give away some gold coins when she encounters homeless people.

Although she disappoints Li Ergou again and again, her essence is still a kind and good child...

"His Royal Highness Silvermoon, I also hope that you can buy those Sri Lankans. I don't want Aishwana to be sad. Although she betrayed me, she is still my lover."

Li Ergou gently took Aishwana into his arms and stroked the slightly trembling cat ears.

In the distance, the Western Continent merchants who enslaved the Sri Lankans with chains were about to leave. Ya Yinyue nodded and agreed to Aishwana's request.

Chapter 186 Advising Aishwana to be Queen

The port of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is anchored by the fleet of the Eastern Continent Empire's labor expedition.

At first, when the military executives of the North Sea Parliamentary State heard that the Dongzhou Imperial Navy needed to rest in the port, they once alerted Lieutenant General Hope, who had a tug-of-war with Admiral Leclerc on the front line, and the colonial governor of the North Sea Parliamentary State even more. He didn't dare to act rashly, and he didn't even dare to put on a defensive posture, so he directly opened the door to welcome the navy of the Eastern Continent Empire.

"Hello, Your Highness Ya Yinyue."

The governor of the Beihai Parliamentary State bowed to the extreme, and personally welcomed the guests of the Dongzhou Empire.

"This is the land of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and King Zhangxi was the best partner of our empire. Sometimes it's a pity to think about it."

Chen Shaokuan, an old admiral of the navy, said intentionally or unintentionally.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. This sentence immediately made the governor of the North Sea Parliamentary State sweat so hard that he didn't even dare to lift his head.

In today's world, no country can compete head-on with the Eastern Continent Empire. If the Eastern Continent Empire wants them to go back to the Western Continent and leave Sri Lanka, they may have to do so.

Once this happens, their large military expenditures will be wasted. The key point is that the cabinet of the North Sea Parliamentary State is likely to face the danger of impeachment as a result.

If you do not retreat, then with the current military strength of the Eastern Continent Empire, you can drive the Beihai Parliamentary State within one month, and send an ocean-going fleet to attack the North Sea Parliamentary State in the mainland of the Western Continent within five months. The North Sea Parliamentary State has disappeared from the world map.

"His Royal Highness Ya Yinyue, please make good repairs here. If you have any orders, please feel free to mention them. Our Beihai Parliamentary Kingdom will always be the most loyal friend of the Dongzhou Empire."

"Well, I have no doubts about this, but Your Excellency the Governor of the North Sea Parliament, I have a very bad impression of your country's Prince Langton. He offended my most important person."


"I'm just talking casually, you don't have to care."

Afterwards, Ya Yinyue came to a local guest house surrounded by the naval officers of the Dongzhou Empire.

Behind him are a large number of Sri Lankan slaves who have just bought, but now the collars around their necks have been removed and replaced with the naval uniforms of the Dongzhou Empire, their eyes are full of hatred for the soldiers of the North Sea Parliament. If they are equipped with the latest rifle of the Eastern Continent Empire at this moment, there is almost no doubt that they will pull the trigger at this moment.

"What's up with these Sri Lankans?"

"Oh, these people are now citizens of the Eastern Continent Empire. By the way, I hope your country can control the various behaviors of slave traders. I don't want to see you mistreating Sri Lankans in any way, although This country is not under the protection of our country, but after all, Sri Lanka was a friend of the Eastern Continent Empire, and the most important thing is that my brother’s lover happened to be the exiled princess from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka to me.”

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, we understand, next we will introduce a strict system to restrict the behavior of those unscrupulous businessmen, and our country does not want to enslave Sri Lanka, we just want to have friendly exchanges with them, but with the in-depth understanding After this country, we found that the local rulers were corrupt and backward, causing a large-scale famine in the local area. Our king sent troops to Sri Lanka out of humanitarianism. The method may be a bit inappropriate, but the original intention is indeed out of kindness."

The governor of the North Sea Parliamentary State said earnestly, which reminded Li Ergou of a movie called "Tokyo Trial".

"Don't set up the archway when you are a bitch. Don't you just want gold, food and cheap labor? As for what it sounds like?"

The naval officer Hirao Kenpachi scoffed at the statement made by the governor of the North Sea Parliament just now.

As far as the eye can see, there is decay. This town ruled by the governor who speaks of "humanism" has no trace of humanitarianism. Sri Lankans are all skinny, and even the upper class with cat ears has been brutally exploited. , the children could only sit on the loess and cry loudly. The numb man was lying on the mat with flies all over his body, and he didn't know whether he was dead or asleep.

The two soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State drunkenly stopped a Sri Lankan girl with a vegetable basket in her hand. The girl was a very traditional beauty with a veil covering her face. But it is lewd, and the intention is very obvious.

The poor girl's legs went limp with fright at the realization of the soldier's plans.

"I'm sorry, please let me go."

She spoke in a rusty West Asian language.

"Beauty, we are not hooligans, we are gentlemen of the North Sea Parliamentary Nation, and we promise to pay."

A soldier blocked the girl's retreat.

"I already have a lover, please don't..."

"We are noble Xizhou people, little girl, you should feel honored."

Another soldier was burping.

But suddenly, the two soldiers of the Beihai Parliamentary State froze, and then Qiqiao died of blood.

The electricity pierced into the brains of the two soldiers, and the cat-eared girl standing behind her looked very cold.

Li Ergou was surprised when he saw it.

This is the magic that Li Ergou lost.

And it's so neat, it's obviously not the first time Aishwana has killed someone.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, I'm sorry, I can't bear it any longer when I see this scene..."

The Governor of the North Sea Parliamentary State, who was standing aside, was dumbfounded. He thought she was a harmless girl, but suddenly used such a terrifying magic.

This made the Governor realize that he must not be an enemy of the Eastern Continent Empire, otherwise the collapse of the colonial army would only be fleeting.

"Your Excellency the Governor, is it okay to kill two soldiers of your army?"

"It doesn't matter, it should be killed. Kill it well. Even if you don't kill people, we will do it with military law!"

Ya Yinyue's smile was full of contempt for the colonial governor, and after the governor's whole process of flattery, everyone finally came to the guest house of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

The guest house is a huge blue palace. According to legend, it is the private residence of the local princes. Now, in order to please the colonists of the North Sea Parliamentary State, the palace has been transferred to the military of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

The exotic decoration style made Aishwana sluggish, and she caressed the walls and floors:

"Er Gou, this land used to be my home, I..."

"If Sister Aishwana wants to become the Queen of Sri Lanka, I will help." Ya Yinyue said gently beside her.

"Becoming a queen, no, I may not want to be a queen, I want to be with Ergou forever, but I don't want my compatriots to be enslaved..."

"Aishwana, I also support you, even though I have been drained of all my strength by you." Li Ergou smiled bitterly, "but your persistent love for your homeland is still what I like."

Chapter 187 The Contradiction of Aishwana

Tonight's Aishwana is like a completely different person compared to before. Li Ergou is obviously by her side, but she doesn't have the sweet and sticky time she had with Li Ergou a few days ago. The satisfaction was replaced by a sad expression.

She threw Li Ergou down as if seeking comfort, and licked Li Ergou's cheek like a kitten.

The scene of the last time she met her father was reappeared in front of Aishwana's eyes. The palace was ignited by fire, and the loyal guards were brutally killed by the invaders of the Western Continent one by one.

She escaped because she had no power at the time.

But the queen mother, who also had no power, danced in the flames, as if expressing her dissatisfaction with the invaders with her own life.

"Er dog, why do I become unhappy? Why when I see the aggressors of the North Sea Parliamentary State whipping my compatriots with whips, it's like the whips are whipping myself, why has my heart been incessant until now trembling?"

"I think you love your country after all."

"No, Ergou, I used to be very selfish and wanted to fly away with Ergou and live a carefree and happy life, but today I set foot on my homeland again, but I'm very scared. The scene made me feel like someone was strangling my neck."

"You are kind, Aishwana."

"I'm not kind at all, I learned the power of Ergou, I want to keep Ergou by my side forever, I even feel that my love for Ergou is more like a desire for **** now, I'm a bad girl, even now I’m also shamelessly praying for comfort…”

Aishwana bit her lip and murmured softly.

Now Li Ergou is pressed down on the bed by Aishwana's **** body of wheat-colored **** body. Her skin brings a hot touch like a flame. When they are attached to each other, Li Ergou can even hear her voice. heartbeat.

"I am already very happy, but I am not satisfied. Why do I care about Sri Lankans who have nothing to do with me? What the **** happened to me?"

"Aishwana, this is your hometown, you are the daughter of King Zhangsi, your love of dancing stems from Sri Lankan customs, your good character depends on your parents' teaching to you, you are sad for the misfortune of the Sri Lankan kingdom , that's because the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is the epitome of your life, the reason why you feel insecure is because you have witnessed the tragic situation, you want to dominate me, imprison me, just because you are afraid of becoming a person again." Li Ergou gently He hugged Aishwana's soft and trembling body, "Actually, even if you don't use this method, I will always be with you. To be honest, I am really disappointed in you, but I don't hate you for it. You, because I understand you, I am your lover."

"I'm sorry, Ergou, I did something unforgivable to you."

Under the gentleness of Li Ergou, the green eyes suddenly became wet.

"It's clear that Ergou is the person who loves me the most and accommodates me the most, but for my own selfish desires, Ergou loses all his power and hurts Ergou deeply..."

"Okay, Aishwana, I said I don't hate you, so don't cry so sad." Li Ergou gently wiped Aishwana's tears with his fingers, and said gently, "Yes Do you want to go to the top floor of the Blue Palace to see the scenery? After all, this is your homeland and the kingdom that your father managed. Even if it has been invaded now, you can still find the shadow of your past, and I also want to go deeper. Get to know the girl Aishwana."

"Well, let's go, Ergou."

After being squeezed by the succubus, Li Ergou felt that it was very difficult to even walk.

He limped, and was gently supported by Aishwana holding her arms.

The blue palace is very luxurious. After all, it used to be the residence of the princes. The pure blue stones are shining brightly. The floor is also covered with stained glass and agate jade. A sharp contrast was formed.

Now, this is the temporary guest house of the Dongzhou Empire. In addition to Ya Yinyue and Xinchuan Fenghuazi, the admirals of the Dongzhou Empire also stayed here.

If the high-level military of the Beihai Parliamentary State launches an attack on this place, it will definitely cause a fatal blow to the Dongzhou Empire, and Li Ergou can also take this opportunity to find an opportunity to escape.

But it is a pity that the colonial army of the Beihai parliamentary country does not have such strength. Ya Yinyue is an ice magician with a level of more than 70. If she is really angry, she can make all the troops stationed in the Beihai parliamentary country evaporate within an hour. Lose.

"Second dog, this is Calcutta, located at the southeastern end of our country. In fact, when I was young, I didn't even know that there were slums in my country. Many things did not come to light until I grew up."

"What else do you know?"

"For example, my father is not a good king in the traditional sense. After absorbing Ergou's knowledge, I have the same views as Ergou on many things. My country is extremely backward and poor. And the demi-humans with cat ears are a symbol of authority in the kingdom of Sri Lanka, discriminating against other races who don't have cat ears."

"Aishwana, do you want to be the queen to change the status quo?"

"Er dog, I don't want to be the queen, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I'm not satisfied with it, I don't want my country to be occupied by bad people, and I don't want Sri Lankans to be bullied by bad people, I want my country to be ruled by someone who really thinks about Sri Lanka and build a happy and equal country..."

"Actually, the suffering of this country can be seen as the scars of your past. I will definitely try to make you completely heal the wounds you once left in your heart, so that you can show a real smile again."

Aishwana's waist suddenly grew black wings, and her wheat-colored arms wrapped around Li Ergou's waist from behind.

"Er Gou, let's fly in the air while watching the scenery."

Before Li Ergou could react, Aishwana carried Li Ergou into the air and kissed him in the moonlight.

Below, are the dilapidated streets of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka.

The two flew while looking down at the ground.

Seeing the current situation of this country so closely, Li Ergou's heart to completely restore Sri Lanka is even more determined.

"Can you give me the power back, Aishwana?"

"I'm sorry, Ergou, I will never give you back only the power, because I prefer to protect Ergou than to be protected by you."

"You don't have to apologize, and if you feel it is necessary to do so, then I am willing to trust your judgment."

"Having said that, Ergou will still run away if given the chance, right?"

"Guess what?"

"I guess Ergou will still run away. Actually, I'm a little bit conflicted. I don't know whether it's better for us to live in the cage carefully prepared by His Royal Highness Yinyue like crippled people, or it's better to be free, but in any case, I I really don't want to see Ergou hurt again..."

Chapter 188 Weapon Factory Project

In the past few days, Li Ergou, in addition to working with Pu Xiaoxiao in Blue Star World, will also take time to get in touch with Tom to prepare the next action plan.

Under Li Ergou's battle plan, the international column has now turned all the way into the wind, and has formed an alliance in the Punjab and Gujarant regions. In addition to the international column, this alliance has also absorbed resistance forces from all over Sri Lanka. , brought together the Sri Lankans of the whole country with the belief of driving away the invaders, and took control of ten cities.

By the way, the person who has been providing financial support to the international column is a lord named Tiga Chandrabos, who is one of the few princes and nobles who support the armed struggle among the many neutral and surrender princes. One, and he is also the biological father of Kutak Chandra Bose, who is a man of righteousness.

When sleeping at night, Li Ergou took the time to get in touch with Tom through the mobile phone in the spiritual world.