MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 232

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"It's nothing special, it's just that I was lucky and got this ability by chance."

"So, what's the matter with you and me communicating at this time?"

"I want to borrow money, please put the money in my account." Li Ergou's voice entered Louis XIV's ears.

"Borrowing money? My brother, if I remember correctly, the international column that is making a lot of noise in Sri Lanka is yours, right? You should know that Sri Lanka produces gold, and that I am bound to gain land in Sri Lanka, but you Still ordering your army to make trouble there, aren't you and your international column my enemy? Why should I lend money to my enemy?"

"We are not enemies, at least not for the time being." Li Ergou said calmly.

"Temporary? My dear brother, what do you mean by temporary? Do you want to declare war on me in the near future?"

"The purpose of the International Brigade is to give Sri Lankans independence and dignity, they should not be exploited by you, that's all."

"Why shouldn't they be exploited? Just because they have cute cat ears, can they escape the laws of this world? Even if I don't exploit them, someone will still exploit them. Respecting the old and loving the young is never a virtue, and sympathy for the weak is even more important. The hypocrisy of the strong." Louis XIV said in a high-pitched voice, "Their only value is the value created by the Kingdom of Shengluer."

"We really aren't the same kind of people."

"No, Brother Li, I think we are a kind of people. I'm just more real than you and can face the laws of this world. In fact, you subconsciously know that this world is inherently bullying."

Li Ergou was silent for about half a minute:

"I want to build a relatively fair world. Absolute fairness does not exist. I know this very well."

"So I'm going to sacrifice my own interests and let you fulfill your dream of being a saint? I tell you that the land and gold mines of Sri Lanka will definitely belong to the Kingdom of Shengluer. If I guess correctly, the ammunition of the international column has been Not much, that type of bullet can only be developed by the scientific research team under my command, and the international column is just a short-lived clown after all."

"You are right, my army is indeed short of ammunition, but Louis XIV, I am not trying to sacrifice your interests to help me fulfill my wish."


"Equivalent exchange, this is what your businessmen like to do most, right?"

Li Ergou's confident voice came from his ears.

He seemed to come prepared.

"Hahaha, as expected of you, brother, you really pinch me to the death, yes, if you can give enough benefits, then it's okay to lend you money, as long as you can satisfy me and let me retire and leave Sri Lanka, It's not impossible to hand over that country to you, so let's talk about your conditions now, Brother Wolf, I hope you don't let me down."

"I think you won't be disappointed, fox."

Chapter 191 Conditions given by Li Ergou

"Before this, I want to get up and trade with you in deep sleep. I am afraid that my brain will make a wrong judgment, and I also need to confirm whether this is a dream that is very close to reality." Louis XIV After a pause, "So can you get me up first now?"

"Of course you can, but I don't recommend that you do this. Deep sleep can relieve the fatigue of the day and be of great help in promoting metabolism."

"Although I don't know what metabolism is, I want to stay awake first. How can I get in touch with you when I wake up?"

"Just close your eyes and meditate."

"it is good."

At three o'clock in the morning, Louis XIV suddenly woke up from his sleep. According to common sense, after waking up, he should have forgotten everything that happened in the dream.

But Louis XIV clearly remembered the conversation with Li Ergou just now.

"Your Majesty, why are you awake?"

Seeing that Louis XIV sat up, Lotte asked worriedly.

"It's all right, Lotte, it doesn't matter to me, you can continue to sleep."

Louis XIV gently soothed the girl beside the pillow, then changed into a nightgown, poured a glass of wine and walked towards the balcony.

Seeing this, Lotte immediately changed into her maid's clothes and hurried to Louis XIV's side.

"I'm going to the balcony to blow the evening breeze, you can sleep on yours, don't worry about me."

"No, Your Majesty, you are the King of Shengluer Kingdom. I must always be by your side to protect your safety. Although Machiavelli has been executed, his henchmen are still not cleaned up. If people want to harm you, I can protect your safety, and I can die for you no matter how bad it is..."

Looking at the girl who had been adopted in the village destroyed by the military chaos, Louis XIV's eyes rarely became gentle.

She is like a cute puppy, and regards Louis XIV as her only support, especially this loyalty makes Louis XIV happy.

At that time, in order to show weakness in front of Machiavelli, Lotte used the identity of the **** as a cover to help Louis XIV complete many impossible tasks.

What moved Louis XIV the most was that Lotte even expressed her willingness to sacrifice the virginity of a young girl for Louis XIV's ambition.

However, apart from Louis XIV himself, he never let Lotte serve any man, which was the only selfishness of Louis XIV.

"Then go to the balcony with me, Lotte, but even if there are assassins, I should protect you. One day I will make you the queen of this country." Louis XIV caressed the girl hair, and then took her hand to the balcony of the bedroom.

Once, his father Louis XIII also stood here overlooking the night view of Fenglu City. Now, Louis XIII is buried in the royal cemetery of the Invalides. Thinking of this, Louis XIV is quite emotional.

Taking a sip of red wine, Louis XIV closed his golden eyes:

"Is Brother Li still there?"

"It's been a long wait."

Louis XIV felt the mellowness brought by the red wine, the residual warmth brought by Lotte's palm, and the coldness brought by the evening wind in the early morning, and realized that the conversation between Li Ergou and him just now was not a dream, but a reality.

He really had the means to communicate over long distances.

"So tell me about your conditions, if you can satisfy me, then I can give up the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, but if you can't convince me, then the Kingdom of Sri Lanka will serve as the back garden of the Kingdom of Shengluer, for the Kingdom of Shengluer to march in the future. Eastern Continent Empire as a pedal."

In the face of Li Ergou, Louis XIV did not hide anything.

He wants to attack the Dongzhou Empire and make the Shengluer Kingdom great again. He has never been a benevolent monarch who asked for orders for the people, but a rebellious ambition.

Hearing that Louis XIV said that the Kingdom of Sri Lanka should be used as a stepping stone to enter the Eastern Continent, Li Ergou suddenly laughed, and the laughter sounded a little teasing.

"Let me tell you about my current situation first."

"That's right, we've talked for so long, and I still don't know your current situation. Tell me, what feats have you achieved as a servant at Stigma Academy?"

"Feat?" Li Ergou sighed helplessly, "I am no longer in Stigma Academy, and now I have become the captive of Princess Yayinyue. Not long ago, I was arrested by Yayin on Saint Prince's Island. Princess Yue was successfully captured, and now she is being held in custody and boarded a ship back to the Dongzhou Empire, and I have lost all my strength, so the only thing I can do is to communicate over a long distance like now."

"You were kidnapped? By a woman?"


"I guess you will be served by them every day?"


"Don't worry, I don't usually laugh unless I endure..."

Lotte, who was standing with her on the balcony, looked nervously at Louis XIV, his expression twitched, and then he burst into laughter.

"Your Majesty, why are you laughing suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something happy."

Opening his eyes, the communication between Louis XIV and Li Ergou was temporarily cut off.

Closing his eyes again, Li Ergou's voice came again in his mind.

"Your uncle."

"Well, I sympathize with you. I said why you suddenly thought of borrowing money from me. Otherwise, with your ability, it should be easy to get money, so the doubt in my heart was finally confirmed." Louis XIV gloated, "How is it? Isn't it cool?"

"You know what's going on in my head right now?"


"I was thinking, how am I going to give you a solid beating, and after knocking you out, I'll handcuff you against a bedpost and smear you with honey, and if there's any What kind of small animals want to taste the taste of honey? It's really good, flies, bees, ants, even stray dogs can go up and squeeze and find their own place, then you will know what it is like to be cool. ."

"Interesting, I think what you just said can be written into the code of the Kingdom of Shengluer." Louis XIV leaned elegantly beside the railing of the balcony with a goblet, "so now the woman is caught by the woman and ravaged madly. What qualifications does 'Lollipop' have to negotiate with me?"

"You want to make the Kingdom of Shengluer great again, right?"

"Of course, although I am a villain with a bad personality, I have the blood of the Elba family flowing in my body. Even if it is hopeless, I still have ambitions inherited from my ancestors."

"But the path of your ambition is full of obstacles, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's full of obstacles. Even when I'm shitting, I'm thinking about how to make the Shengluer Kingdom defeat the world's powers, but the Beihai Parliamentary Kingdom, the Azure Empire, and the Dongzhou Empire always give me a headache. , The happiest time in one's life is going to bed and pooping, if you can't even **** happily, what's the point of life?"

"Louis XIV, I am a prisoner of Ya Yinyue, but I can't be your eyes. As far as I know, the information in your hands can never penetrate into the Dongzhou Empire, right? In that case, I can be yours. Eyes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

Chapter 192 Excellent Lobbyist

"I understand what you mean, you are such a clever little ghost, hahahaha."

Louis XIV laughed again, and Lotte, who was beside him, saw that Louis XIV was in a very happy mood, and happily snuggled up beside Louis XIV.

In the eyes of others, Louis XIV suddenly laughed when he closed his eyes and pondered, which inevitably gave people the feeling that there was some mental problem.

But Lotte didn't think so. She always believed that genius and madness were only one step apart, and Louis XIV was the real genius in the world today.

"Lotte, did you frighten you again?"

Louis XIV opened his eyes again and looked at the girl beside him.

"It's all right, Your Majesty, I'm not afraid at all."

"I'm relieved, after all, I don't want the girl I like to think I'm a weirdo."

Louis XIV closed his eyes.

"It's really interesting to talk to you. You want to be my mouthpiece and monitor the movements of Ya Yinyue and the Dongzhou Empire."

"Yes, for this, I need you to provide money to my international column. Right now, only I can get close to Yayinyue. Besides, you don't know anything about Yayinyue. This is a very good deal. , anyway, money is just a string of numbers to you, but the information about Ya Yinyue is priceless to you."

"Interesting, you are right, I have sent many spies to the Dongzhou Empire, and they all died at the hands of the Dongzhou Empire's intelligence department, Feng Mojin. When I think of those carefully cultivated spies who died one after another in Dongzhou, I I just want to scold my mother, but dear brother Li, can I ask you a question?"


"How can I make sure that the information you give me is accurate? Maybe you are not captured by Ya Yinyue at all, or after you are captured by Ya Yinyue, you will provide me with wrong information. The country will cause a fatal blow." Louis XIV said coldly, "A spy without a handle can become a multi-faceted spy at any time, and you may even sell my information to someone else at a higher price. I How can I trust you?"

Now it was Li Ergou's turn to be silent.

"I said good brother, the laws of this world are not as simple as you think. Don't take personality as a guarantee. In my opinion, personality is worse than boots stained with dog **** in front of interests."

"Before being caught by Ya Yinyue, Ivy was pregnant with my flesh and blood." Li Ergou said heavily.

"Pregnant with your flesh? Ivy?"


Later, Li Ergou told everything that happened on Saint-Prince Island.

But in Li Ergou's narration, there is a little discrepancy with reality.

That is, the character who was pushed down was not Li Ergou, but Ivy.

It was a dark and windy night for a month. Li Ergou grabbed Ivy's two hands with one hand. Under the girl's expectation and horror, the two finally achieved a positive result.

"I accepted Ivy's feelings. In the future, she will become my Li Ergou's woman, and she is the daughter of the Marshal of Shengluer Kingdom, which means..."

"She and the baby in her womb are your concerns, right?"

"Yes, my family will not betray the Kingdom of Shengluer. In other words, Ivy and the child in her womb will become your hostages. I can't make fun of Ivy. Sooner or later, I will be free to return to By her side, she becomes the father of the unborn child, so I will definitely give you the most accurate information."

"It turns out that this is your handle, well, I accept it! After confirming that the news is true, I will provide funds for your international column, but I will not withdraw troops in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, I have to settle for a high-quality gold mine in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka! "

"Louis XIV, how long do you think the gold standard will last?"

"How long? It's an idiot question, won't it go on forever?"

"It may not last forever. In the future, the financial crisis will inevitably lead to the complete collapse of the gold standard, and the credit standard will be the future country's monetary outlet."

"Gold will be replaced by credit?"

"Isn't gold itself a kind of credit currency? It can neither be eaten nor worn, and it has no practical value. It only exists as a medium of a trade chain. In ancient times, humans would use shells to barter. Things, gold is used now, and credit is used in the future. The two principles of the money system are that everything can be exchanged and everyone believes that gold is not as great as you think. The reason why it symbolizes wealth is because human beings trust gold. valued."

What Li Ergou said just now coincides with Louis XIV's understanding of money.

"But now gold is still the mainstream currency in the world..."

"If you occupy Sri Lanka, then in the future you must calculate whether the cost of maintaining your rule will be greater than the benefits of organizing production. Do you think my international column is just going to the kingdom of Sri Lanka to fight and kill? To tell you the truth, I will let the international The purpose of the column to the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is to make the Sri Lankans arouse their national consciousness. If you occupy Sri Lanka, then I will make your military spending to maintain your rule increase year by year until you can’t afford it.”

"Even if Ivy is a hostage, can't it stop your determination to restore the kingdom of Sri Lanka?"

"Yes, the Kingdom of Sri Lanka will surely gain independence and dignity. I can provide you with information on Yayinyue for the safety of Ivy, but I can't sit idly by the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. Besides, there is another benefit for you and me to join forces, that is, we You can deal a heavy blow to the North Sea Parliamentary State. Don't you want to become the hegemon of the Western Continent? The best solution right now is to defeat the North Sea Parliamentary State. Besides, you can help us restore Sri Lanka. great prestige and a Sri Lankan ally who will never betray."

Occupation means increasing military expenditures for maintaining stability year by year.

Help means gaining a reliable ally.

Louis XIV fell into contemplation and began to weigh the benefits between the pros and cons.

If it is occupied by military and a satellite country is established, then Sri Lanka will provide huge profits in the short term, but if the time is long, Sri Lanka will be exploited into wasteland sooner or later.

If you help Sri Lanka to successfully restore its country, if Sri Lanka becomes a country with its own sovereignty by virtue of its own potential in the future, then a reliable covenant will be concluded, because the Kingdom of Shengluer will be their savior.