MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 767 fiancé

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"Still not sleeping well."

Hayakawa Naomi yawned, opened her eyes, rubbed her temples with her hands, relieved her headache, and inadvertently looked at her knees. Suddenly, she stayed still.

A bruise and bruise are still there, which shows that what happened shortly at night is true? Not dreaming on your own?

As soon as I thought about it, Naomi Hayakawa's heart burst into fear.

"What's wrong? Naomi?"

"His face is so ugly, and he has a nightmare again?" Hayakawa Tatsuko went to the bedroom, looked at his daughter, and revealed a little worry in his eyes, and asked.

"Oh no!"

"Nothing, mom, don't worry, I'm fine."

"It was only last night, because I slept too late to play with my mobile phone, I got up this morning, and it was a bit uncomfortable." Naokawa Naomi avoided her mother's eyes and replied.

During this period, Naomi Hayakawa always had trouble sleeping, and Tatsuko Hayakawa asked many times.

He was afraid of his mother's worry, and Naokawa Naomi tried to obscure such problems as much as possible, and this time was no exception.

Naruto Hayakawa is surprised that Hayakawa Tatsuko usually asks this question earlier.

I just got up now, and Hayakawa Tatsuko came to ask, Hayakawa Naomi was a little strange.

嗯 "Well, ah, I'm going to wash first!" Hayakawa hurriedly ran away, and at the same time, he was puzzled by the rise, and he forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

When Naomi Hayakawa rushed by, she didn't find Tatsuko Hayakawa, stretched out her hands, and struggled with her eyes, but wanted to say something, but she couldn't do it. Then she looked stiff and continued to become the original.

Early on, Hayakawa Naomi was surprised again, because Hayakawa Tatsuko didn't take a bite and just looked straight, her eyebrows frowned, and she was a little worried: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Isahayagawa Tatsuko shook his head and said, "It's nothing. It's a little uncomfortable today, but it's not a big problem. Right, Naomi."

"There is one very important thing to tell you." Takiko Hayakawa smiled.

Isahaya Nao asked wonderfully, "What's wrong, mom?"

"Let ’s do this, so that you can see how many people see." Hayakawa Tatsuko's smile was even brighter. Three of Hayakawa Naomi didn't know strangers and suddenly entered the living room.

One person had narrow eyes and long stork bone, and his body was thin. Naomi Hayakawa saw this person at first glance, but for some reason, she was disgusted.

There is another very young, and the whole humane is kind and gentle, Hayakawa Naomi sees this person, and there is also a faint conflict in her heart.

The last one is a middle-aged woman with fair skin, beautiful facial features, and a gentle look.

Seeing these people who didn't know suddenly entered his home, Naokawa Naomi's frown deepened, pouting and wanting to talk, and Tatsuko Hayakawa pointed with her finger and smiled, "Naomi, you don't know ?"

"Is this your friend with your childhood friend Zhuma, his brother, and the true sage who loves you and hurts you, still not going to say hello?"

"Ah, what are you talking about? Mom?" Nahagawa Naomi opened her mouth a little, wondering what her mother was saying. Are these people strangers?

Not to mention childhood sweethearts-I have never seen this family at all.

Hey, and I hate it when I look at it.

At this time, the middle-aged woman smiled and talked to Naomi Hayakawa: "Naomi, I haven't seen you for a long time, is it really strange?"

"But it doesn't matter. Your friendship is so good, you will be familiar in a few days."

"After all, you are unmarried couples."

The middle-aged woman stood up, walked in front of Naomi Hayakawa, looked up and down, and said, "Naomi, you are grown up, and you are 13 years old this year, shall we get married?"

"This is the combination of the Oda family and the Hayakawa family, and it will definitely be blessed by God." Oda Shinsuke light waves circulated, and smiled in front of Tatsuko Hayakawa.

"Well, that's right." Takiko Hayakawa didn't feel anything strange, nodded solemnly, and promised seriously: "This is a marriage that has been set a long time ago. Don't violate it."

Hayakawa Naomi was fainted by this scene. She opened her eyes wide and looked at her mother Takako Hayakawa and three strange people with a panic expression.

At the same time, he also said angrily: "Mom, what's wrong with you? I don't know these people at all!"

Isahaya Naomi pointed her fingers at the first three.

还有 "Also, getting married at the age of thirteen is not in compliance with the law at all!" Naokawa Naomi shouted angrily, her voice hoarse, and at the same time there was a little grievance in the corner of her eyes.

Despite Naokawa Naomi's own voice, neither Hayakawa Tatsuko nor the three seemed to hear, but just talked, nodded to each other, and smiled with satisfaction.

I looked at their expressions, Naokawa Naomi was terrified, and an inexplicable fear burst into her heart.

"No, this is not my home, and you are not my mother!" Nahagawa cried out in her heart, suddenly opened the chair, and rushed out the door.

Hiroshi Nagawa had only taken two steps and was held down. She raised her eyes and saw that her mother Takiko Tatsuko held her down, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't escape.

"Oh, Naomi seems a bit shy!"

"It's Yuya's fault. Obviously it's an unmarried couple. How can I go to study abroad? It's been three years since I went, and I naturally want to show anger."

"Yes, although it is too early to marry at ten, it is normal at thirteen."

喂 "Hello, don't talk to yourself, I don't know you." Nahagawa Naomi made an unwilling voice: "Only three hundred years ago, would a 13-year-old get married?"

"Are you guys who came through three hundred years ago?"

He said this, and the three of them suddenly looked stiff, and Oda Makoko showed a terrible expression: "Naomi seems a little bad!"

"That's right, you must punish it." Hayakawa Tatsuko echoed, pulling Naokawa Naomi, moved from the living room to the room, and closed the door heavily.

Dominate the nation

After a period of time, the two rooms were opened and there were no signs of decoration.

A room has a sofa, a desk, and bookshelves. There are not many books, but the books are all books that you are interested in. There are also kitchens with small corners, water dispensers, coffee machines, and microwave ovens.

There is even a separate toilet that provides simple flushing and hygiene.

房间 The room opposite becomes an activity room where you can exercise Kendo.

Unconsciously, it seemed to become the second home for young girls.

Ayaka Sakami is also here, and many people have forgotten that she is actually a member of the high school (high school) department. You can go to the middle of the country through a wall.

She brought Japanese-style Chinese food, with enough portions and great taste: "Please use it, it tastes bad, please forgive me."

Fukuoka Maya smiled respectfully: "I don't have the habit of picky eaters, and Sakakami's cuisine is awesome!"

"Yeah, only a little bit worse than Naomi."

Seiichiro Nakamura felt rude, and rushed to wink. Sakakami's smile was a little subtle: "In fact, I also think that compared to Naomi sauce, it is a lot worse, really envious!"

"So here, why did Naomi not go to school today?" Pei Ziyun asked with a frown.

Today, there is also an event for the Domination of the National Agency, but Hayakawa Naomi did not participate. In the past, she was very punctual, so Pei Ziyun was a bit strange.

Seiichiro Takamura is the person who recorded the evaluation. He just finished the activity just now and was a little hungry. He ate a lot: "I went to Naomi's class and asked. My classmate said Naokawa Naomi didn't go to school today."

"I continued to ask the teacher what was happening to Naomi Hayakawa. As a result, her mother Tatsuko Hayakawa had personally called the teacher and asked Naomi to take time off, saying that she was uncomfortable and had a bad cold. She had to rest for a few days at home. . "

"Is that so, is your health a bit bad? Naomi, I really don't know how to take care of myself!" Said Koyama Toyama.

Pei Ziyun could not help but smile, and soon, after finishing the activity, went home and got in the car.

As soon as I got on the train, Sakakami Sanchi immediately resumed his earnestness, bowing slightly and saying, "Yamada, congratulations, your sixth and seventh volumes of The Seven Samurai have been launched!"

"This has been jointly recommended by eleven media, and the response is very good!" Sakakami's eyes narrowed, and her smile turned into a crescent.

"Not only are your Seven Samurai reports in various newspapers, but also many comments on TV!"

He said, Sakakami Sanko turned on the TV, and experts on the TV praised him.

"Yamada Shinichi is a literary genius from the millennium!" Senior film critic Yuzaki Yuzaki praised it.

"Yamada Shinichi's" The Seven Samurai "is a masterpiece handed down!" On the TV screen, the writer Toshigi Tomi showed an incredible look in praise.

"Yamada Shinichi, is it really God's greatest gift to us in the history of Japanese literature?" Yuji Geyama said so seriously.

Ayaka Sakami's three thousand sons even changed three radio stations, all the same.

At this time, the latest speech delivered by director Miyairi Hongtong on Radio Tokyo attracted widespread attention.

Hiromiya Irumi is the most famous genius director in Japan in recent years. The first movie "Humble Advance" won the newcomer award of Japanese films at that time, and the two films have received praise from countless Japanese audiences.

At the same time, the fourth "Very Evil" and the fifth "The Country of the Akaba" made Miyairi Hongtong step into the ranks of top directors.

现在 "Now, we are ready to prepare for the production of the movie and TV Shinichi Yamada's" The Seven Samurai ". We have received multiple investments this time and have a strong lineup. Please stay tuned for the latest news."

听 Just listen to the "drop", the mobile phone has information, it turned out to be 120 million 円 The copyright tax has been hit on the card, all this is so fast, Pei Ziyun smiled, and understood in his heart: "This is the shogunate!"

At this moment, the UU reading book mobile phone made a "didi" sound. When a call came in, Pei Ziyun picked it up casually. He didn't want the next moment, and came the voice of Hayakawa Naomi's panic: "Minister, save me!"

As soon as Pei Ziyun heard it, there was a voice on the opposite side of the phone, and then the call was broken. He was shocked at the moment, and said to Sakakami Sanko: "Now, turn to Naokawa Naomi's house!"

"Hi!" Sakakami Sanchi watched Pei Ziyun's dignified expression and asked the driver to turn around. At 18:00 when he left school, he rushed all the way and hurried to Zhimei's house. It was already night. The moon was blocked by half the clouds and the stars were dim. Only the street lights are on.

Pei Ziyun got out of the car and said to Sakakami Michiko: "You are waiting here, let me check it out!"

"Yes, you have to be careful yourself!" The biggest advantage of Sakakami Mikako is that she knows how to score, she is not a samurai, and will not ask for admission together to burden others.

Pei Ziyun nodded with satisfaction and looked at the door. Nothing was found. The door opened as soon as he pushed it, and he didn't hesitate to go in right now.

Isahaya Naomi has a small family and has no courtyard. When she enters, there is a corridor, and when she enters, Pei Ziyun can't help frowning, looking around.

"There are street lights and starlight obviously, but it feels extremely dark." And there is a sickening smell in the air, and I don't know where it comes from.

When I turned around the corridor, suddenly, there was a "ha ha" soft laughter, and the voice came from behind Pei Ziyun. Looking back, there was nothing.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Pei Ziyun sneered and ignored, and went directly to Hayakawa Naomi's bedroom, opened the door and saw that it was empty.