MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 1 Crossing, the wall of the family

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"Kill him, **** monster, kill him..."

"Don't hit me, you stop, don't beat me..."

"Wow... oh..."

"Ha ha..."

On the open space of the rural weeds, a group of half-sized teenagers punched and kicked around a run-down figure. The two sides were black and small. About three or four-year-old children cried and pulled those people, but only one waved. Their small body was launched half a meter away, and it was the arm of the car. The teenagers yelled at the same time, and they slammed their fists on the thin body of gray.


The painful cockroaches were almost drowned in the screams of the teenagers. Ling Jingxuan had not had time to open his eyes, and the pain of the heart was heard from the body. The whole body seemed to be falling apart, and the memory that was not his own was crazy. In the middle of it, I’m going to explode.

"My mother said that he is a monster, killing him..."

"kill him……"

"I am not a monster, you are going away, don't hit me..."

The two little boys were constantly pushed down, and they continued to climb up and rushed over. One of the little boys’ mouths continued to scream and argue, and the teenagers who could fall into madness were his dry and thin body. Can you resist? The more painful they are, the more violent they are, and the more they are going to die.

No one noticed that the besieged Ling Jingxuan was sinking, and his right hand was as fast as lightning to catch one of the teenager's ankles.


"Oh my mother..."

The sound of the heavy objects slammed, accompanied by the sharp screams of the juveniles. Others were scared to retreat, and the little boys who pulled them also stopped crying and looked at the teenagers who fell to the ground. The teenager's left foot was tightly grasped by a black lacquered hand and looked down at his hand. Its owner was the man who was previously beaten by them.

"You **** demon..."

"Do not move, or cut your neck!"

The fallen teenager reacted slowly and half-beat, and the other foot was about to smash the thin and thin body of Ling Jingxuan. No one noticed how he acted. Everyone only felt a flower in front of him, the next second, Ling Jingxuan’s hand Holding a sharp rubble, it was tightly pressed against the boy's neck, and the meat that was deeply trapped showed naked. As long as he tried a little more, the juvenile's aorta was broken.

"You, you, what are you doing?"

The pair of slender and sturdy Danfeng eyes swept away the turbidity of the usual day, reflecting the horrible murderous murder. After all, it was a half-year-old boy. Seeing this situation, he was so scared that he couldn’t speak, and he did not see the previous crazy violence. Look like it.


Ling Jingxuan really wants to answer him, but his head hurts like he will explode at any time. The rubble on the neck of the teenager is gradually relaxed. The messy memories in his mind tell him that he should encounter the legendary crossing. As for In the end, which generation is going to be, what is the current situation, he said that there is no way to sort out.


The black and small boy glared at a child about the size of him. The only bright-eyed eyes stared at him. Ling Jingxuan frowned and looked at him. A little fragment slipped through his mind. It looked like the two looked at it. Malnourished, dry and thin buns are his son Ling Wen Lingwu? Do you want to be so boring? Is this body less than twenty years old?


It’s even more painful to have a head, and Ling Jingxuan had to let go of the juvenile boy and the messy spit in his heart, holding his head in pain.

"You **** monsters waiting for me, I am going to call my mother to clean up, you wait..."

The free-spirited teenager slammed him open and escaped with others while not forgetting to leave a swearing. After a while, there was only Ling Jingxuan and two cognac buns holding his head in pain. It is.

"Hey, are you not stupid?"

Holding his brother close to two steps, Ling Wen asked tentatively, and it was difficult to conceal the excitement and fear in his tone. The Lingwudi, who was in his arms, had a touch of hope, and the two brothers paid attention to their embarrassment.




Ling Jingxuan had not come to open his mouth, and his eyes fainted. When he fell down, he seemed to see two small buns rushing toward him, and his scarred cheeks could not help but raise an ugly smile.

In the dimly lit thatched cottage, Ling Jingxuan’s head was covered with a layer of gray rags, and the paper was lying on a wooden bed like a paper. The cracked wall was filled with cool breeze from time to time, facing the soil of the wooden bed. On the wall, a square window was opened. Two old windows were slanted on top of it. It could fall at any time. There was a big wooden box at the end of the house. Basically nothing, one word, poor, not Generally poor!

"Brother, you have been sleeping for a few days, when can you wake up?"

"The doctor said that he will wake up soon and I will go see it first."

"Well, my brother, I want to be with you."

The cloaked wooden door was pushed away from the outside. The two little buns took their hands and walked in and out. One of the little buns reached out and touched Ling Jingxuan’s forehead and touched himself. Channel: "It's not hot anymore. You are here to guard me. I am going to burn the hot black noodles made by the noon milk. I will be hungry when I wake up."

"My brother, I am also hungry..."

Ling Wu’s nodded, chicken-clawed little hand sprouted and touched his little belly, Ling Wen smiled and nodded: “Well, Xiao Wujun, will soon be able to eat.”

After all, the little boy went out, Ling Wu looked back at the squat in bed, ran over to help him pull the broken quilt on his waist and turned back to pick up a small bench with missing legs. Squat down.

Ling Jingxuan on the bed slowly opened his eyes. He woke up as soon as the two little buns opened. Compared with the confusion a few days ago, he has almost sorted out the basic condition of the body. The two little buns are indeed It is his son, a pair of twins, who are five years old at the end of the year. Although they are thin and small, they look like they are three or four years old.

Thinking of this, Ling Jingxuan turned around and looked around. The bottom of my heart was a sigh of sighs. The family was surrounded by four walls, plus two cognac buns. Do you dare to hang on to this life? What's more **** is that the two little buns seem to be born to him. Therefore, people in the village say that he is a monster, otherwise a man will have a baby?

On weekdays, the adults are better. The big deal is to point at him. Those half-size children often bully him in groups of three, just like he just smashed him in the same day that he just passed through, and he lost his fight. Actually, after five years, he was killed by alive. Is this also an alternative kind of arrogance?