MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 499 Dog bites a dog's mouth

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"No, the emperor, not the courtier, the courtier?"

After returning to God's virtue, he jumped up excitedly, and then rushed to Jiang Yan and pointed at him and asked him: "What are you? Why are you filthy and princes climbing the palace and the money house? Killing us. What good are you? Oh, this palace knows, you must be a white man, right? As long as the Prince and the Six Emperors are gone, the Nine Emperors and the Ten Princes are still young, and the Second Emperor becomes the only person who can inherit the throne. It’s really a poisonous trick, your majesty, the courtiers, everything is made by Jiang Yi out of thin air.” Ling Jingxuan said long ago that the last thing that can survive in the palace fight is not the fuel-efficient lamp. I started to bite people. It seems that the speculation in the panic is reasonable. There is Jiang Yi who is filthy and filthy. He will climb the Germans and his party is also imaginable. This situation is exactly what Ling Jingxuan wants. The dog bites the dog and he wants to see who they are fighting.

"German, things can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Jiang Yan is clearly the person who brought you into the palace. Before coming to the royal study, this palace doesn't even know who is personal. Now you mean everything. It’s all instructed by the palace. Do you think this is appropriate? Yes, this palace admits that if the Prince and the Six Emperors are gone, it’s true that only the second child is more suitable to inherit the throne. This is indeed the biggest beneficiary, but this is It is because the emperor is too few, there is no choice, it does not mean that everything is made by the palace, and why is there such a small number of emperors? Deyi, do you do less to poison the emperor's blood?"

It is naturally impossible for Bai Guifei to let him be filthy. The words have been subtly transferred to her crazy behavior. Yan Zhizhi, who has almost forgotten those things, clearly remembers the son of Desheng who lost his baby, and brutally retaliates against all the harems. Hey, one by one, they are not a slippery or a pregnancy. In the beginning, her father was a book of the Ministry of the Family, and he was in charge of the national land, household registration, taxation, currency, official salaries, financial revenues and expenditures, etc. The bag, plus his time, really liked her. After she made those things, he just dropped her share of meaning, and then punished her for a while and finished it. Is it really her? made? She even wants to kill him together?

Seeing the emperor's face more and more uncertain, seeing her eyes with the meaning of suspicion, Deyi breathed tightly, so calmly facing Bai Guifei: "There was nothing to remind you in this palace, you have already been punished. After passing through the palace, this palace has also profoundly reflected. Bai Guifei said that he has nothing to do with himself. Then why should he deliberately transfer the topic and deliberately guide the emperor's ideas to the mistakes of the palace?"

It seems that the once-declined and forbidden facts have made her city more deep. If she is not afraid of the poisoning, she will be tired of the money family and her own children. I am afraid that she will even threaten her with this. Spread it out directly?

"Is this Palace deliberately shifting the topic, I think there should be a number in my heart. Does the Queen and the Prince of the Kings already know who is poisoning the Emperor? Why don't you listen to the Empress and the Prince?"

In a few words, Bai Guizhen decisively took Ling Jingxuan, who was ready to take advantage of the fisherman’s interests, and the hand that Deyi hides under the sleeve of the cloud could not help but shake, but he tried to calm down, not letting himself reveal a trace of nervous fear. The corner of his eye was inadvertently swept to the elder brother who was lying on the ground. Deyi suddenly walked over to him: "Brother, tell your majesty, what is this? Is it true that you really want Bai Guifei to kill us? Not?"

"German, you are polite, you have no evidence, and you have to go to the palace with blood."

Hearing him deliberately mentioning him, Bai Guifei screamed, but it was already late, and Qian Wei, who was so scared of the soul, was a stunned spirit. The pupils of the smashed eyes immediately condensed the focus, and after seeing their own sisters in a complicated way, they climbed up to the emperor. After a few bangs, he said: "Your Majesty, the confession of the confession is unforgivable, but the sinner is indeed a sneak peek at Chiang Kai-shek. Everything is indeed what Chiang Kai-shek told the sinner. The sinner originally wanted to check Clearly re-reported to the emperor, but today Bai Daren suddenly visited the money home, did not know where he got the news, actually threatened to surrender Jiang Wei, said to bring him to see his majesty, must not let people mix Royal blood, when the sinner was angry, he had been arguing with him very fiercely. Everyone in the money family can testify. Before the white man left, he threatened the criminal, and he had to personally write the book. Everything, the sinner is afraid that he will blame the uninformed minister, so he has not yet found the authenticity and quickly brought Jiang Wei into the palace. Now I want to come, all this is simply someone deliberately designed, sin, sinful Will When their. "

With Qian Wei's remarks, Bai Guifei was even more unable to remove himself. The sights of all people's doubts were moved to him. Ling Jingxuan, who had already learned from Yan Xiaoming about Yang Meiren's death, wanted to understand. Bai Guifei did all the arrangements for the arrangement. It seems that the stupidity of the second emperor seems to have destroyed his plan. If the white family is not exposed, they will find a good time. His plan will be perfect, but now he I thought about getting out easily.

"Whether the brothers have done those things or not, even if they have done it, some people may deliberately disclose to their brothers that the brothers will be rushed to the money house to find money, and the money adults will push everything home. On the body of the brother, how does the palace think that the money adults are deliberately climbing, in order to cooperate with the Germans, and then, Jiang Wei himself said that he is an accomplice with you, everything is yours, can you still have a fake?"

In the eyes of everyone's suspicion, Bai Guizhen said without hesitation, Jiang Wei, who was still looking at the sights and set in the hall, tried to transfer their attention and the chin was removed. Jiang Wei also cooperated in a timely manner: "You are going to save me, money, I don't want to die. You didn't promise me. When you pulled down the Prince, I pushed everything to Bai and Bai Guizhen and gave me a Does the money make me go so far? I don’t want money now, I just want to live?? Money giant??"

Yes, this has become the instructor of the money family and Deyi. If at this time, Chu Yunhan or Ling Jingxuan will come out and point out that Deyi is the person who poisoned the emperor. Even if Qian and Deyi are all in the mouth It is not clear.

"No, the emperor, this matter really has nothing to do with the courtiers. If the brothers plan such a big thing, they will definitely say to the courtiers, but they don’t know anything. Only know that the brothers will enter the palace today, the emperor will believe you. Hey, the courtiers and the money house are all awkward."

When Deyi slammed down, Jiang’s testimony was undoubtedly a dead end, unless they could let Jiang Yan change his mouth. Otherwise, they would not be able to escape today.

"Your Majesty, Jiang Yan's testimony is not credible, he is clearly cooperating with Bai Guizhen, and the offender is pleased to observe."

Qian Wei actually said that he also went down. The other six emperors and the Princess of the Love Princess saw each other and glanced at each other. After exchanging their eyes, they also went to the center of the main hall: "The father, Jiang Yan’s rhetoric is full of loopholes, and it is simply not enough to win the trust. It is an indisputable fact that the Bai family’s people have been to the money house. If this matter is successful, Bai Guifei and Erhuangxiong will become the biggest beneficiaries and it is beyond doubt. Bai Guizhen said that someone deliberately leaked news to Bai Daren. The rhetoric is even more unreasonable. The children and the princes have always been in love with the brothers. Will they be the kind of filthy princes? Please ask the father to see."

For some reasons, the Six Emperors are a few years older than Yan Xiaoming, who is ranked in the old seven. He has already grown up and married his wife and children. It is natural that it will not be childish and stubborn.

"Yes, the father, the real **** mouth is Bai Guizhen is right, he would say that someone deliberately revealed the news to Bai Daren, how could Jiang Wei cooperate with him?"

The Princess of the Pearl is famous for being arrogant and arrogant. It is not necessary to say that at this time, they are not afraid to offend Bai Guizhen on weekdays. Who cares so much now?

"you guys."

Upon seeing it, the second emperor couldn’t sit still, but he was stopped by Bai Guifei just as soon as he opened his mouth. Bai Guifei still didn’t get up, just sitting there and looking up at the emperor: “Your Majesty, what is the truth, squatting in my heart. There should be a number, the courtiers live in the harem, never fight with people, even if it was the Shaw of the harem in the past, the courtiers also treated each other with courtesy, never had a squabble with her, and Deyi, what is her temperament? It is also clear that she can’t do anything with this kind of thing, please let me know and be innocent!”

The two sides have their own words. In this case, there is no result in further debate. Bai Guifei’s strategy of decisive change has started from the other side. They are all people who have accompanied the emperor for many years. They have a deep understanding of the emperor. The behavior is not good at all. When this happens, she has undoubtedly already taken the disadvantage. In contrast, he has been forbearing in the dark for a long time, and he has no doubt accumulated a good reputation. The emperor will certainly look a bit higher. .

"No, your majesty, you can't take the sins of the past, you haven't done it."

Wen Yan, Deyi shed tears and looked at the man who had been patriotic and deeply hated in this life. Qian Wei and others also gave the emperor a slap in the face, saying that it was indeed not what they did. They were only used, but the emperor's face did not have any loose traces. It can be seen that he has already favored Bai Guifei. However, Ling Jingxuan will let Bai Guizhen wish? "Your Majesty, have you forgotten the death of Xiaomei’s mother Yang Meiren?"

After watching the good-looking dog biting the dog for a long time, Ling Jingxuan finally stood up: "The timing of Yang Meiren's death is too coincidental. Doesn't it feel strange to kneel down? It seems that someone deliberately wants to use the death of Yang Meiren to lead the Queen's attention and make money. Adults can successfully bring down the Prince. The Emperor is the only one who loves the Queen. This is something that is known to both inside and outside the ruling. If the Queen knew this for the first time, I am afraid they would not have the opportunity to smear the prince. This shows that Yang Meiren The death of someone is deliberately arranged. Here, Bai Guifei and Deyi are already deadlocked. Why don’t you cut in from the death of Yang Meiren? Just find out who ruined the Queen’s wish to raise Xiaojiu’s knees to Yang Meiren. It made her have to use her death to change her son's future, and basically can determine who is leading the series."

One thing he has to admit is that Bai Guifei is indeed a well-planned plan. It can be done in such a short period of time. It can be considered a bit of a brain, but he has forgotten that there are more people who are prepared to have a brain. It is impossible for others to stand in the same place every time to let him calculate.