MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 527 Request a return, cooperation!

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I know she is thinking, Yan Ruirui Ling Jingxuan did not bother her, the night is long, they have patience and wait slowly. "My name is Fan Changle, E Nancheng Fanjia Hey girl."

I don't know how long it took, Fan Changle suddenly raised his head, and the entanglement at the bottom of the bottom disappeared, and replaced with an abnormal firmness. ? The decision to go out, the Fan family's power in South Xinjiang is not lost to any of the four families, but because they do not have deeper roots, they are short of four families.

"Hey, the eldest daughter of Fan's family, is the woman who will marry Yao's eldest son tomorrow? Just how is the bride appearing here?"

Wen Yanxuan, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but whistle again. Their luck was really good enough. They just picked up the new wife who was going to pass the Yao family. Don't say Ling Jingxuan, that is, Yan Ruirui couldn't help but look at it. This luck is also no one. It is.

"Because I am not the daughter of the Fan family."

Ling Jingxuan’s attitude undoubtedly made her very uncomfortable, but she also knew that if she let the other party feel uncomfortable, then her little life would be finished, and those people would dare to sneak her off, even if she died, she would have to climb from hell. Going back to find their revenge, no one can provoke her Fan Changle to be safe, she will let them know how horrible it is to provoke her.

Strong hatred erupted from her body. Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and exchanged a look with Yan Ruirui. He bent over and took out a paper bag from the bag and threw it to her: "The inside is dried meat, fill the stomach and say slowly, I Interested in your business."

Reflective to catch the oil paper bag, Fan Changle looked at him with a complicated look, after all, it was not able to resist the temptation of food, self-deprecating snoring, Fan Changle tied the belt, opened the oil paper bag and grabbed the meat inside and sent it to his mouth. Ling Jingxuan timely sent the water bladder, she did not refuse, gorging all the dried meat to clean.

"Thank you."

Filling up the stomach, Fan Changle also talked a little more effort. If Ling Jingxuan had a decapitated dagger, the husband and the husband found a big tree and leaned on it, knowing that they were ready to listen to her and Yao’s affairs. Fan Changle closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He sat down on the ground and bowed his head. "My mother is the father's original match. I passed away ten years ago. For my brother, my father didn't swear again. He just mentioned that there is no son from the nobles. My mother came up, my father trusted her, but I didn't believe anyone except his brother Changyu. In the second year after my mother died, I started asking my father to teach me to do business. After nine years, Fan’s basic Business is in my hands, my stepmother's daughter wants to participate in three times and four times, and I have refused it for different reasons, and I am with Yao Xixi, our marriage contract is set when my mother is carrying me. Next, because the mother and Yao Xixi’s mother are handkerchiefs, my father has a lot of business dealings with Yao’s family. Last year, considering that my brother is already 16 years old, Yao’s family sent people to talk about getting married, and finally decided to This year, getting married, During this time, I also handed over the business to my brother as much as possible, and repeatedly said that he could not believe the stepmother and the second sister. I didn’t expect it? I’m counting all the money, but I’m missing the Yao family. When I was married, I actually bought the people around me and sneaked in my tea. When I found out, it was too late. Even if I died, I didn’t want to fall into those people. In my hand, I jumped into the river outside the city of southern Hubei, and you will know almost the next thing."

Fan Changle said that he had to gnash his teeth. Until now, the second sister said that she would replace her as the mother of Yao’s future, and she clearly came to her mind. She blamed her for putting all her mental strength into business, but she did not find it. The second sister didn't know when she fell in love with her fiancé. She also killed her in such a way, and intended to replace her in the Yao family.

"What do you mean is that the person who harms you is your stepmother and her daughter. Their purpose is to marry you in the Yao family? Your father? He will let you intervene in the family business, it should also value you. When a daughter marries, when the father can't deliver it, if he finds that the married person is not you, but your second sister, your stepmother and second sister should not be able to get it? You do so much for your brother. He must have respected you, the bride is married, the brothers are married, and even if he is careless, he will find that the bride is not you. So, how can they dare to do that? And Yao, even if men and women can’t meet before, you In charge of family business, I must always show up outside. They should also know you. If they find that the bride is different, they should not be willing to give up. Or do they all have the participation of your fiancé Yao Xixi? As long as he has no opinion on this bridegroom officer. Others naturally do not have any opinions. The left and right are only family marriages, and they are all prostitutes. It seems that there is no difference between the eldest daughter and the second woman."

After listening to her rhetoric, Ling Jingxuan made a different contemplation and put forward different views. Fan Changle said helplessly: "As you said, my father wants to marry Yao family. As for which daughter is married, it doesn't matter to him. Yu is always the eldest son, not the fan family. If the father is the default, he will be powerless if he finds out, and if the stepmothers arrange for me to run away with others or lie, they will be less likely to care, daughter. In any big family, it is nothing but money loss. As for the Yao family, Yao Xixi and theirs should not be accomplices. I am different from the Central Plains in South Xinjiang. The men and women are not so strong. I can’t say that I meet Yao Yaoxi often, but I am also familiar with it. And I love each other and roll on the mall for many years. I still have this kind of eye-catching look. Hehe is not the kind of person."

At the end of the day, Fan Changle’s pale face climbed a little red, and for the two elders, their marriage was only a family marriage, but she and Yao Xixi said that they liked each other because they liked each other. She believed that he did not Will lose her.

"is it?"

Ling Jingxuan touched his chin and fell into meditation. If Yao Xixi really didn't know, then the plan for the mother and daughter would be clear at a glance. As long as the sedan chair entered the Yao family gate, the woman's name would be fixed, regardless of whether Yao Xixi had found him on the wedding night. When the bride was dropped, the woman’s name was destroyed. He didn’t recognize it and he had to recognize it. It’s a good calculation. Unfortunately, they are countless, I’m afraid that dreaming is not enough. Fan Changle is not dead?

"What are you going to do now?"

The lips evoke a touch of evil charm, Ling Jingxuan blinks to the end of a series of calculations, he has to look again, this woman is worth noting his help.

"Of course, take back everything that belongs to me!"

Fan Changle thought that he would not talk about it, but then his face was difficult to cover up. He said that the wedding will be held tomorrow. Fan Jia will definitely not go back. If it is a big wedding, it will be broken. In the woman's festival, I am afraid that she will become a sister and a husband, and she will share her husband with the woman. She can't do it.

"Oh... Actually it’s not that hard to get everything back, but I don’t like to be a white worker. Miss Fan is a smart person. Should I know what I want?”

At first glance, she saw her thoughts. Ling Jingxuan leaned back on Yan Ruirui’s chest. The slight eyes were staring at Fan Changle for a moment. If the operation is good, maybe they will attack the four families in the future. It will do more with less.

"Do you want Yao family?"

I have to say that the woman who has been shopping in the mall for a long time is not vegetarian. However, Ling Jingxuan laughed ridiculously: "I don't care about the Yao family. I only want you to promise me, one day in the future, when I need help. Even if you are overturning Yao, you will do your best to help me!"

Yao’s money may be very attractive to others, but for him, it’s just a bunch of numbers. He wants a complete conquest!

"What the **** are you?"

Fan Changle's gaze is locked in him. He feels very strange to her. Sometimes he is kind, sometimes dangerous, and sometimes people can't touch the direction. In memory, whether it is Fan or Yao, they should have never touched such talents. .

"Who am I, you will know someday, now you just have to tell me if you like it or not."

This woman is indeed very smart when she is not revealing her identity, but the value is not worth trusting. It is still not stupid until now.

"Well, I promise you, but you have to promise me. If one day you really want to destroy the Yao family, you have to spare your life anyway."

After a little evaluation, the strong hatred and the desire for revenge dominated her. Fan Changle made a decisive decision. If it was at that time, she and Yao Xixi might not be able to, but she hoped that he would live, even if he No longer belongs to her.

"No problem, you don't have to be too pessimistic. If Yao family knows each other, I won't kill it. After you get married in Yao, you can work hard in this area. Maybe when I leave, Yao is still Yao. There is no damage at all."

What he wants is conquest, not massacres. Killing people can never really solve the problem.

"You don't say that I will work hard. Can you say your way now?"

She really can't raise too much affection for him. Such a dangerous person, if not necessary, she really does not want to involve him too much. "The method is very simple. It is enough to go to the wedding tomorrow."

Facing her expectations, Ling Jingxuan’s shrug shrug, Fan Changle immediately changed her face, and did not wait for her anger, Yan Yirui, who never spoke, said: “If you want to get back everything, listen to him, he will do it.”

Although he doesn't know what the daughter-in-law is going to do, but looking at his confident face, he basically doesn't have to worry about "I need a clean dress."

A glance at the same unpredictable Yan Ruirui, Fan Changle closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he blinked again, the uncomfortable feeling had disappeared. She said that the other party is a very dangerous man, not only for her, but also for others. The same is true, for which she is willing to choose to believe in him.

"Only menswear."

Ling Jingxuan grabbed the clothes in the bag and threw it to her. Fan Changle did not say much, holding the clothes and getting up into the woods, sure that she could not hear them, Yan Ruirui looked down at the wife in her arms. Child: "Don't make a word for anything? You are not afraid of her future account?"

When he was respected by Xuan Xuan, did he believe in others?

"Do you think it is possible? The word is definitely to be established. Minger goes to the city and says, I write with charcoal. Many people in Beijing know that, just in case, let's use the brush to make a contract."

Stretching and standing up, Ling Jingxuan looked deep into the night sky, and tomorrow, he began to fight again.