MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 580 Hot day, friend to

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The Yan’s convenience store is also in the four cities of southern Xinjiang. On the same day, almost everyone in the city’s four cities knows the existence of the convenience store. Some people from towns and villages outside the city have also come to the city to leak. The Kang family grocery store has been squeezed to a little bit of living space. Seeing this situation, the major families have to admire the abilities of the prince husband husband. Philip, because they all know that their grocery store is absolutely impossible to make money. Kangjia is the richest family among the four big families. Instead of retreating, they are welcoming their strengths. This courage and courage Financial resources, looking at the whole world, can not find a second.

The next day, Kang’s grocery store also sold a gimmick of all the goods, and even announced it publicly. However, if you buy anything at the Kangjia grocery store, no matter how much, even a pound of soy sauce, you will get two free gifts. Eggs, propaganda slogans intentionally or unintentionally said that they will not engage in unrealistic gimmicks like some people, and truly give benefits to the people. This kind of person, of course, refers to the prince husband.

Kang Jia openly fights, Ling Jingxuan can not be polite, but he did not make any new tricks, just added a cooked vegetable area in the grocery store, specializing in all kinds of lo mei, some braised meat, halogen hare or even more than fresh It is also cheap, because the brine is personally prepared by Song Shuiling, and a small amount of crescent spring water is added. The taste is naturally needless to say. Many people specialize in buying lo mei every day, so even if it is a run of Kangjia, the business of the grocery store is good. It makes people fangs.

Afterwards, Kangjia also introduced a lo-mei food. Although the price is the same as the people, the taste is worse than several grades. The convenience store not only did not let them catch their breath, but also announced it in a few days. There are one or two products in the shop every day. The price is as low as freezing point, which is equal to the white delivery. In the face of a series of blows by the convenience groceries, the Kang family has been ruined, and a new model of the ups and downs of the sky is trying to push them down. The time is between them. It slowly passed away.


"What are you doing on the ground during the day?"

When the time went to the end of June, the summer in the south was much hotter in the north. The small group that had not experienced this kind of weather was screaming every day. No, when Ling Jingxuan took the account book and walked into the hall, he saw the small group licking his ass. Learning the wolf, they squatted on the floor, a flash of smile on the bottom of the eye, Ling Jingxuan did not think about it, just slap a slap on his butt.

"The ground is cool, hey, is it hot?"

Not only did the small group not stand up, but the whole group went down. Only the small head was lifted up. Ling Jingxuan, who was kneeling in front of him, looked at his red face and smiled. "The heat can't lie on the ground, get up, today. Someone will give you a good meal, let Dragon Aunt take you to change to clean clothes."

It was only at the end of June that he had become like this. To the hottest July and August, he could not stun directly in the heat stroke? I have to think of a way to let my children take a summer break.

"I do not want to eat."

The small group that has never had any immunity to eating actually squats and screams, and the problem is big. Ling Jingxuan reaches out and picks him up.

"It's so hot, don't hug, small dumplings?"

When the two bodies touched each other, the heat wave was a wave of waves. The small group was struggling with excitement in his arms. The mouth was always hot. Ling Jingxuan was distressed and distressed, but he did not let him go. He held him directly. Sitting at the table next to you: "Well, who made you so fat?" I received a letter from Uncle Yuan, who will come over from Nanzhou today and will bring you a lot of ice. When the ice is up, will I let Shui Linger make you a jam and smoothie?"

A lot of things happened this month. The first thing was their business. They did not discuss the Kang family. They came back to the Yao family. They not only announced that they would cooperate with them to build the first Hanling Branch of the Hanling College in Shanyang City, but also ordered all The farmers who rented their land cooperated with the agricultural reform of the government. In the recent season, the rice has been harvested. Ling Wen Zhou Changsheng and Long Dashan all gathered in Shanyang City. How do the farmers teach the farmland? Now they also go down to the farm and work with the farmers. Interplanting the second season rice seedlings, while Yan Xiaobei also sent a letter to Nanzhou, so that Nanzhou Zhizhou fully cooperated with the acquisition of fry, and the seedlings were inserted, the fry will be put into the rice fields, I don’t know if it is Ling Wen or Zhou Changsheng. Or Long Dashan wants to come out, when they do these, they also pay money to ask the mayor of other places to organize representatives of farmers to come onlookers. At present, this incident is one of the most popular events in the four cities of southern Xinjiang.

For the Yao family, which is the same as the act of rebellion, the other three families all have different expressions. The Jiang family personally sent people to ask about the situation, but let Kang’s father say that we only sent it back from the interests of the people. He expressed his hatred of the Yao family and privately cut off all the business dealings with the Yao family. What they didn't think was that the Yao family had not been damaged, but instead cooperated with Lingjia. Ling Jingxuan represented Lingjia. The total distribution rights in brewing in southern Xinjiang were granted to the Yao family. The Yao and Xi Fan Changle couples were responsible for promoting all the products of Ling's brewing. The most fortified wines in the southern Xinjiang market were not big, but the sorghum wines were because of the grocery store. The pre-publicity propaganda, coupled with the price and close to the people, quickly gained the recognition and admiration of the people. The Yao family can be described as a wind and water, more powerful than ever.

As for the Tuojia family, they have not responded as always. What to do and what to do, Yan Ruirui Ling Jingxuan can not see their attitude, just wait for a temporary release, wait for Yuan Shaoqi to come and say.

At the same time, more than a month passed, Yan Xiaobei personally took charge, Yan Yi supervised the work, the small road Bao Lingwu participated in the road repair project in full cooperation with the South State, the official road was also officially built, the people want to go out, or It’s no longer a hard thing for outsiders to come in. Although, because of the rumors in southern Xinjiang over the years, not many people dare to enter.

"Really? Are you sure?"

As soon as I heard ice cubes, the small group suddenly put their eyes on the light, and he was quickly hot-fried with fried dumplings.

"Of course it is true, can you still lie to you? Didn't you see that the father has taken people to pick them up?" Yuan Shaoqi brought a lot of things, including the pen and ink needed for the opening of the Hanling Academy. , Niang Niang asked him to bring food to them, Ling's brewed wine, etc. It is said that a whole team, ice cubes originally did not have, this is not his letter to the Jingdeng who is currently sitting in Nanzhou said small dumplings Not heat-resistant, Jingpeng, who was distressed and stunned, went to Xinyuan, Nanzhou, and got a car ice cube to pack them for Yuan Shaoqi.

"Hey?? Uncle Yuan is good, or he is the most painful little."

I got the exact answer. The small group didn't shout hot anymore. Lai smiled in Ling Jingxuan's arms and smiled. After a while, he could eat the ice-cold jam smoothie, so happy!

"You are a dog. Whoever gives you some benefits will wag his tail. Doesn't it hurt you on weekdays?"

Ling Jingxuan didn't poke his head, and the small group quickly climbed up and grabbed his neck: "Hey, the most painful little troupe, people like it."

There is no such thing as a small group. The skill of the monk is first-class. Ling Jingxuan, who was pretending to be angry, let him amused. After patting his **** and letting him go down, Ling Jingxuan helplessly smiled: "Go, change the clean clothes." Go, Uncle Yuan is coming soon. To see your dirty, I will definitely not give you ice. You will wait to become a hot scorpion."


This time, there was no opinion on the small group. I nodded and turned and flew out. Ling Jingxuan’s slow point has not come and said, and the little figure disappeared into his sight.

"Master, this hot day, do you want to let the sons and the kings of Wu County come back first? If you have a good heat, do you want to do it?"

Lingyun, who was next to him, got together. They didn’t know how to say it several times in the dark. The master didn’t let go. If they didn’t know the feelings between their father and son, they really couldn’t hurt them for him.

"No, they will naturally come back when they can't stand the heat."

Ling Jingxuan said that while opening the account book, the study room was so hot that it was not good, or the hall was cool. After crossing the area for a few years, most of the time was spent in the north, not to mention the small group, that is, he was also a little hot. No, I don't want to go out easily.

"But" Lingyun still has some disappointment, the world is still less than ten years old, is this really appropriate? You don't have to be eager to exercise them.


Deep sigh, Ling Jingxuan simply turned to look at her: "Ling Yun, I know that you are distressed, I am also distressed, I did not stipulate that they can not come back, but you also saw, until now, they have not come back once, This shows that he is still working hard, even enjoying it. If we force them to come back, it is equivalent to reversing their wishes. Do you think they will be happy? To be honest, I am very happy to see the children working so hard. It is also very distressing. This is contrary to the idea that I want to work hard to make them live a good life, but I can't deprive them of their dreams and wishes because they are their fathers. Lingyun, I said that you should understand? If you still don't understand, I suggest that you let Yan Si quietly take you to see them. I believe that at this moment, they should have sweat and smile on their faces."

Lingyun is very grateful to his son. Why don’t he feel bad about himself? In fact, he had already discussed with the Ruirui to let the children come back, but when he and Rui Rui went to Shanyang City through the planning and construction of Hanling College, they accidentally saw the big laughter with the villagers. When buns, he decisively dismissed the idea of ​​letting the children come back. They were really happy and they could not ignore their wishes.

"Sorry for the master, me"

"Don't be sorry, Lingyun, they can also say that you are growing up. I know that you really love them, but when children grow up, we must learn to let go, let them go and do it themselves, even if they want to let go. The head is bleeding, is that an experience on their way to life?"

Raising his hand to stop Lingyun’s apology, Ling Jingxuan’s one-handedly holding his head on the table, his eyes almost staring at the outside, whether it’s agricultural promotion or road repairing, it’s all hard work and perseverance. As a result, they are elders, can they deprive them of their labor in the name of distress at this time?

"Master, Master"

Song Shuiling, who was carrying a vegetable basket on her wrist, suddenly ran in from the outside. Ling Jingxuan returned to God. Song Shuiling ran to him in front of him and panted: "The master, Liu Ye and Mr. Chu came with Master Yuan."


Ling Jingxuan stood up fiercely, how did Xiaoliu and Yunhan come together? I did not mention this in the letter I received this morning.