MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 752 Qilian City shameless requirements

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The conditions proposed by Qilian City are very simple and ironic and shameless. They not only took the initiative to account for their remaining 200,000 soldiers, but also asked Ling Jingxuan to come to a 200,000 people. The battle of 200,000 people, if Ling Jingxuan wins, he will put the remaining land and his own life with his hands. On the contrary, Ling Jingxuan will unconditionally withdraw the troops, including the city they occupied, and it seems that he is in the ranks. The layout is very confident, but in Ling Jingxuan's view, he is shameless in refreshing himself without any lower limit.

"This kind of unreasonable request you will actually promise, Qilian City was also brave and good at the time, you are not afraid to lose to him?"

Sikong is not against him. He simply wonders why he will agree. If they really lose, the time, energy, material and financial resources spent in the past year will all be lost. Even discuss with Yan Ruirui. Didn't agree, is this too heroic?

"Can you lose?"

Ling Jingxuan lightly raised his eyebrows, and after a faint sweep of his eyes, he turned to his family, and Yan Yanrui screamed and snarled: "Wang Hao did not allow, the king dared to lose?"

200,000 people fight for 200,000 people, and the leader is sure to be him. Since his family Jingxuan has fully confidently promised, he will fight for his life and give him back.

"Ha ha……"

The gorgeous smile slowly opened, Ling Jingxuan's eyes all smiled into two crescent moons, Wang Ye is able to speak, as best as he said, it is embarrassing to hurt him.

"No, the prince is leading the army. Are you planning to use only the strength of the Qing Dynasty?"

The voice of Sikong was suddenly inserted between them. Yan Ruirui and Ling Jingxuan turned their heads and took it for granted: "Of course, what is the opinion of the Prince?"

What is his opinion?

Sikong couldn't help but roll his eyes: "What about us?"

The two countries are coalition forces. They have already opened them in this final battle. No matter how they think, he feels various kinds of unhappiness.

"Of course you are preparing to attack the city."

Ling Jingxuan smiled a little and saw that they still didn't understand. He continued to say, "Qian Liancheng played with me a little trick, trying to make a dying struggle. This is the only chance to face a face-to-face duel with him. Can I let it go? You are also among the royals. Naturally, you know the power of the Royal Shadow Guard. Perhaps the Royal Shadow Guard is not enough to save the entire East. It is not difficult to guard the Qilian City. If you miss this opportunity, we are afraid. It’s hard to kill Qilian City again. This is the reason why I promised him. As for why the Qing Guojun only participated in the battle, it would be even simpler. Qilian City must know that I am not only the king of the Qing Dynasty but also the military division of the Western Kingdom. After pondering some small tricks to defeat us, the coalition forces of the two countries can only work hard for a year and prepare to go home. How can I let him do so? So from this moment, I am no longer a Western country. The military sergeant, in case we really got rid of it, the Western Army can directly level the Jialing City. Although, I personally think that the chance is very small, but everything is in case, and there is always no preparation. I say Prince Hao should have no opinion, right? "

He did not plan to open them. On the contrary, he gave them the back of the Qing dynasty, and they recognized and affirmed them.

"This is almost the same."

Sikong whispered two decisive and no comments, but Sikong was puzzled: "I know that he will play tricks and you still fight? But guess what he will do."

Ling Jingxuan should not be the kind of person who will do things that are not sure. Is it that he already has a belly case?

"I am not a locust in his stomach. How can I guess? I want to know with my ass. It is nothing but a small means of not going into the flow. He can use it. We can use it as long as we can ensure our victory. Everything is guaranteed. The intrigues are all in vain."

No one has stipulated that he can only play with them. They can't play. Since Qi Liancheng is good at this, he will accompany him, and it will be the last time anyway.

"When you look at your appearance, you should think of what you did, let's say let's have fun together?"

Every time Ling Jingxuan reveals the expression of self-confidence and sorrow, it means that someone is going to be unlucky. Xue Wuyang is very excited at one time, and he likes Ling Jingxuan to make it worse.

"It doesn't work if you say it."

Ling Jingxuan erected his finger against the lips and made a gesture of forbidding the sound. It was hard to get a naughty blink of an eye. Everyone was so dark, and Xue Wuyang directed the white part directly toward him. No wonder the little scorpion is so boring, mostly like him.

"Then our plan to attack the city is not negotiable for the time being?"

After half a ring, Zeng Xiangrong looked awkward. Since Jingxuan agreed to the shameless demands of Qilian City, it is no good to continue their deliberation before the results come out.

"Well, but you still have something to do. It is not forbidden for someone to play rogue afterwards. The Secretary is empty, and the removal of the position of my Western military officer is spread out as much as possible. General Wei General General Qin, select all the archery that you are good at under the hand. Soldiers, people write down the letters of Qilian City, the more the better, tie the letter to the arrows and shoot in the cities, let all the people know the agreement, I want to block the back road of Qilian City!"

Playing tricks all day long, he is still an emperor, this time he must let him no longer play.


Sikong and others all nodded in the same way. Those who deal with shameless people must constantly add insurance. They have already hit here. They have sacrificed so many soldiers and spent most or all of their national strength. They will be shameless because of Qilian City. Give up on the request? In less than a month, there is no more country in the world.

Then everyone chatted for a while, because the army is still in the process of integration, except for Ling Jingxuan, everyone is busy. After the break, Ling Jingxuan went to the military hospital alone. His plan requires the support of Zhaoshan. Li Lao was only half-day old. When Ling Jingxuan left, it was almost afternoon. Even lunch was eaten in the military hospital. No one knows what they did or said. Everyone only knows that Ling Jingxuan left. The injuries of General Zhaoshan Hospital were all handed over to the medics who assisted them, and all the medical children were brought into retreat.

According to Ling Jingxuan’s instructions, the Western emperor seized the things of his Western military sergeant and the prince’s confession with the 祁 城 城 city’s agreement was spread to various cities in two days, because the letter also sold the suspects of winning Zhanpeng and others. Qiliancheng’s position suddenly became very embarrassing. Many courtiers could not help but feel chilling, including his own queen prince and princes, but he was an emperor after all, and everyone was too angry to speak.

"Damn, Ling Jingxuan, do you want the whole East country?"

In the Eastern Palace, Qilian City has a sullen face and teeth. The muscles on his face are beating because of anger. He never dreamed that Ling Jingxuan would come with him. Even if he finally won, he would be rebellious, **** it. He just wants to get him, Yan Ruirui can give him, he can also give, why is he just to be against him?

"Your Majesty, let the subordinates send you to evacuate? It is good to give the war to the subordinates."

A tall and straight man came out from the darkness. He was the shadow guard of Qilian City, but it was not a royal shadow guard. He grew up with Qilian City, fought together, and competed for the defenders of Jiangshan. He watched that he was already thin. Only the shape of a bone is left, and the indifferent eyes can't help but feel uncomfortable. What kind of Fengshen is the majesty? All of this is because Ling Jingxuan, without him, his body will not go down, the East will not fall apart, everything is harmed by him.

"When is the turn of the matter, is it your turn to intervene? Go back!"

Qilian City has a sharp look. The man has a squat and has to retreat. He couldn’t help but look at him before he was in the dark. In fact, his heart has always been envious and envied the four major shadows of Yan Ruirui. Wei, also the leader of the film and defense, Yan Ruirui can take them as brothers and friends, but he and his majesty can't, but he doesn't want to, he is unwilling to kneel, he has never been open to people.

"Ling Jingxuan, you said that you want to see the Dongguo City ruined and killed, and you see it, but you want to be buried with me for the East!"

I don't know how long it took, the sound of the sinister and obsessive voices in the Yushu room, and the shadow guards who were invisible in the dark couldn't help but shudder. Their majesty seemed to be getting more and more. The more mad.

Outside the Jialing City, the East Zhengjun station.

"Hey, do you think I paint well?"

In the handsome account, after returning from the military hospital in the afternoon, the small group had been waiting for him inside, and it was very rare that he actually wrote and painted on the table. Even when he entered, he did not find it. Ling Jingxuan could not help but have some doubts. Isn't he the most hateful wording? When I got close, I found out that he was not writing at all, using his charcoal pen to draw characters on paper.

On the whim, he drew a small version of the Q version. I didn't expect him to be interested. After he taught him, he buried his head and painted.

"Oh, let me see, hey, is this my father and my father?"

Put down the books he is reading, Ling Jingxuan took a picture of the paper, and the above is a few people holding the hand, all Q version, two of the high points should be him and Rui Rui, although the small group The style of painting is still very magical and basically cannot be recognized.

"Well, this is the father, this is awkward, and the big brother, the second brother, the third brother, and the older brother, the brother, is our family. Oh, people still want to draw the wolf and the tiger, but they won’t paint. Hey, how are you teaching me? You painted more beautiful than their older brothers."

The small group fluttered over and climbed onto his lap, pointing fingers one by one to the characters that looked very magical. After finishing the matter, they did not forget to look at him with a pair of shiny eyes. Ling Jingxuan didn't take the charcoal to hold him, and his big hand wrapped his little hand. The father and son together painted a pair of heroes and wolves, a naughty cute black and black, and a full-bodied circle. Round, the first family portrait of the small group has been completed.

"Wow, wow... it’s well painted, I want to take it to the father and see them."

Looking at the finished product, the small group is happy to be like what, pick up the paper and slide it down. Just ran a few steps and returned to run to the side of the wolf and tiger, and rolling, like showing off what treasures baby The same explanation with them, because they are all Q version, rolling is okay, the wolf and the tiger brother are uncomfortable, Ling Jingxuan will be cute, and both of them have a look at someone, but for the small group, they are sticking out The tongue rewarded him with enthusiasm, and the flesh of the small group was shaking.

In the face of their obvious unfair treatment, Ling Jingxuan can only turn his eyes in addition to turning his eyes. Anyway, they are all hurting small groups. All of them are abandoning him. However, it seems that they are really happy. He is also satisfied, and he can't help but wonder if he should teach him some painting techniques of alternative styles. Although he only knows a little fur, it is enough in this era.