MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-v2 Chapter 14 Fanwai 14th lord wants to marry (4)--the wicked first complained

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The capital of these days has started to be lively again. It was only recently that the Prince of the Prince, the North Prince, and the Three Sons, the King of the Kings, have a confidant. I was also excited about the lucky lady, but I didn’t want to. Two days ago, there were two scorpions in the streets and alleys, because they provoked the confidants of the North Kings brothers, both of whom were interrupted. The rumors of the abolition of the life roots, the people have no discussion after the meal, the idiots know that the two nephews of the faithful Houfu were abolished, and the prestige accumulated by the princes in the past few years is not blown out. The reputation of Shang Zhongxin Houfu from top to bottom is not good. The people not only did not sympathize with them, but they cursed them. Even the imperial court’s censorship was rare and there was no murderer.

At the same time, compared with the rumors of this loyal letter to Houfu and the Prince’s Palace, there is still one thing that has gradually become ruined. In the middle of the night before the night, the grandfather of the Lu’s government did not know whether it was a ghost or not. Actually, a young lady who came to Beijing to vote for her is strong. When a woman encounters such a thing, the Metropolis chooses to commit suicide to be a famous festival, but this lady is a strong one, but she is holding a jade with the big master who accidentally falls. Go to the government and directly tell people.

It is said that Lao Guogong rushed to chase the eldest son several streets with a big knife. Finally, under the mediation of the government, the two choices of the government office were given. The grandfather either carried the lady back with a noble ceremony, or According to the law, the emperor’s crimes are the same as the unlawful crimes. The crime of **** is not too small. When the grandfather himself suffers from suffering, he has to squander the country’s government and follow him. The government has smashed people, and his days are even more Don't think too much. In the absence of a choice, the Grand Master had to carry the lady back that day.

Of course, the wife of his tigress is certainly not happy. She has not been allowed to carry him into the door for decades. This is a good thing. At that time, the National Government fell out of the sky, but this time, the old Guogong did not help him again, Yuan Shaoqi is a cold-blooded onlooker, and other houses have faintly realized what, plus outside the faithful Houfu It is rumored that all the shackles that have been oppressed by the big lady for many years have united and ridiculed.

The Grand Master, although this noble is unwilling, but one thing is undeniable, the new diverticulum does not know how many times the younger and beautifuler than the wife, and secondly, in the past they have become more powerful. In addition to the time when Shaoqi’s mother came to the door, his wife would give him a face, mostly in their own yard, but this time he was in front of his father’s son and brothers. A big man, can you swallow this breath? In addition, the attitude of father and Shaoqi also explains everything, and finally, the most important point, the faithful Houfu offended the Prince’s House, although he has lived a good life in this life, It doesn't mean that he is really stupid and hopeless. The loyalty to Houfu is undoubtedly a stone hitting stone on the Shangyu Prince's House. After a few days of tossing, the Grand Master can't bear to ask for a good wife and a wife in the name of nothing!

"My emperor is long lived!"

In the hall, after the arrival of Yan Xiaoming, the hundred officials greeted, and the mountain was long lived. Yan Xiaoming, wearing a bright yellow robes, stepped forward to the dragon chair. One-handedly domineering: "Zhong Aiqing is flat!"

“Thank you for your longevity!”

The hundred officials stood up in turn, and Zhao An Zhao Gonggong went to the front stop: "There is a purpose for the majesty, something to start, nothing to retreat!"

Today’s early dynasty is very strange. For a long time, the regent prince Yan Ruirui, who had not been in the DPRK, appeared in the class of the imperial family. In addition to him, there is another person who should not appear, that is, Zhongxin Hou Hu Guochang, who is present. I don't know the rumors that these days have been in the capital? Both sides of the hostile party are here today. It seems that it is necessary to solve the incident. For a time, the atmosphere on the court can not help but be subtle and dull. There is no one standing out to play the book.

"Your Majesty, you have to be the Lord."

Sure enough, not long after, the faithful Hou, standing in the honor of the class, cried out and fell on the hall, screaming at him with a tear in his nose. The person who didn’t know might think that he had died. It’s too bad to cry.

"Zhong Xin Hou has something to say, so crying and crying into what system?"

On the high chair, Yan Xiaoming’s unrecognizable frowning, I don’t know if it was influenced by the time when the emperor was in power. The most annoying thing about him was that he was crying and mourning, trying to force him to be led by them. People who have gone

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to sue the eldest son of the Prince, the North County King and the three sons of Wujun. Not so long ago, he actually interrupted the legs of the two scorpions of the minister, and also abolished their life, breaking my faith. The blood of the government, the means of cruelty and viciousness, makes people arrogant, and asks the emperor to be the old minister and severely punish the king of the county.

Zhongxin Hou crying and crying pointed to Yan Ruirui and Yan Xiaobei’s complaints. It’s not that they are not afraid of the power of the prince, but they are doing too much this time, to destroy his loyalty to Houfu.

"Oh? Xiaobei, what do you say?"

Yan Xiaoming’s unclear and light-browed eyebrows, Yan Xiaobei, who stood in the ranks of the civil servants, went out without squinting: "Your Majesty, since the letter of loyalty, the words of the minister and the disciple interrupted the two. The legs of the son, the minister only wants to know, he can have conclusive evidence, the most important thing about the official case is the evidence of the person, which is indispensable!"

"Whoever knows in Beijing, because the dog accidentally offended your confidante, you will kill the killer and break my loyalty to Houfu!"

Without waiting for Yan Xiaoming to speak, Zhongxin Hou jumped up and pointed at his angry martyrdom.

"Red powder confidant? When did the king have a red confidant?"

Yan Xiaobei turned to face him without hesitation, and Zhongxin Hou was so angry that he trembled: "You, you, all the streets and alleys are now spread, you are just to avenge the red powder confidant before the black hand, North County King Do you still want to deny that? When the dogs were beaten on the same day, the people in the family did hear what they said should not provoke a certain girl, saying that they are the confidants of your brothers, the evidence is conclusive, and you are not allowed to argue. ”

Without certain certainty, how dare he stand on this golden temple to sue?

"All the world knows, I don't care about the Prince's House. The king and the third brother have already reached the age of marriage. If there is any confidante, I have already gone home, can I stay outside and be indecent? In the early period, the Japanese girl was not inferior to her grandmother in Jingyun Mountain Villa. The grandmother Yun Taiyu slightly reprimanded two sentences. When the sister left, she also let go of the saying that we want to look good. It’s only a few days after this, the capital is rumored. The king and the third brother inexplicably came up with a red confidant, and even said that we rushed to the crown and became angry. The original king was still wondering, and today suddenly Maosuo opened, is not Zhongxin Hou in order to give the sister a vent, deliberately set Why do you climb my prince's house like this? Otherwise why is the timing so clever?"

Yan Xiaobei swept the previous calm, and the tone became more and more fierce.



"There is no reason for this! Even the Prince’s Mansion is willing to climb, a big dog!"

Zhongxin Hou immediately slammed his mouth, and Yan Xiao’s slap in the arm of the dragon chair, the emperor’s domineering came out, many officials felt that the chrysanthemum was tight, and the atmosphere did not dare to produce one, let alone pondering Doubt.

"Yu Xia, ah, the minister and the sister have not been in contact for a long time, how can they unite with him? Even if we are really united, Weichen can not sin the poison of the two nephews. If you don't believe, you can send someone to investigate the minister. With the recent whereabouts of the sister, please kneel down!"

Zhongxin Hou scared and slammed down, next to Yan Xiaobei's cool and long road: "Some things, you don't need to come out personally, just let the next person be able to communicate with each other, Zhongxin Hou and Lingmei can set up Under such a big conspiracy, it is impossible to imagine that the Majesty will send people to investigate?"

"You shut up, yellow mouth children, rest to be filthy!"

He was also discouraged, and actually uttered madness in the hall. Many people in the room quietly spit out a sigh of gas. It seems that after today, Beijing is afraid that there will be no more loyalty.

"Faithful Hou Hou is a big tone!"

Sure enough, the next second, Yan Yirui, who had never spoken, stood out. Zhongxin Hou finally noticed that he was out of his state. For a time, his old face was full of bruises, and the attack was not, and his apology was not.

Yan Ruirui’s rare entanglement with him, not as much as before, directly killed him, but turned and found a fold from the cuffs slightly: "Yes, black and white, please take a look at this play."

Yan Xiaoming heard the words and gave Zhao An a look, and Zhao An’s policeman took the record.

"According to the knowledge of the court, the loyalty to Houfu in the upper and lower weekdays in the capital is a good fortune, more arrogant than my royal prince, bullying male tyrants and no evil, not long ago, the two youngsters who were loyal to Zhongxin Hou at the same time also grabbed The court has already made Yan Yi investigate clearly. Both women were born outside the village. On the same day, Zhongxin Hou unconsciously took a glance and grabbed people to take home. The ordinary people would like to see their hard work. What did the daughter do to the people? On the same day, the people of Houfu did not hesitate to grab it, so that the women’s family still had people lying in bed, so it’s really horrible, it’s really ruining me. Honorable reputation, please sternly punish!"

"Please kneel down and severely punish!"

When I heard this, the loyalists who had sympathy and loyalty to the loyalty were all brushed down. They had to let his Majesty know that not all honours were the same as Zhongxin Hou, although they were not all good people.

"Please kneel down and severely punish!"

"Chen and so on!"

Under the leadership of the prince Zeng Shaorong and others, the emperor and the military commander also reconsidered. Later, Sun Liangling and Han Han also took the civil servant’s position, and Zhongxin Hou was completely dumbfounded. He couldn’t respond for a long time. Why did he come to complain? Instead, it has become the target of public criticism!

"There is no reason for this! The purpose of the confession is to abolish the loyalty of the Marquis, and the Hu family in the DPRK are all dismissed and investigated. The three divisions immediately started investigations, dare to destroy my reputation, and never give up!"

"My emperor is long lived!"

After reading the memorial, Yan Xiaoming has already been dark-faced. This time, he is not pretending to be a man, and the martial arts officer once again sat down on the ground. The only thing that fell in his mind was sitting on the ground. The only thing in his mind was only two words. Not to mention that it is a honour, even the ordinary civil and military ministers can not afford to check, even if nothing is found, the Hu family without the title is only dead, not to mention, they are not clean!

[End of this chapter]