MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-v2 Chapter 28 Fan Wai twenty-eight

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The Wudi’s post-determination was settled. Compared with the folks, the emperor was not the same. The marriage was scheduled for the seventh day of July next year. Time, for this thing, a small buns, but a good resentment, originally thought that the marriage was fixed, and you can immediately go with his dear Yan Geqing, I know, this marriage is so long, it is simply non-human for him. Torture, but unfortunately, no matter how resentful he is, Yan Ruirui and others are no longer taking care of him. In his old words, the wedding period is fixed. What do you want? Really want to force those ministers to die in the Golden Temple one by one?

Relatively, the marriages of Yan Xiaowen and Yan Shangqing are much simpler. With the precedent of the emperor’s ancestral brothers, it’s not so difficult for Yan Xiaowen’s cousin to be married, and Sikongting has long taken Yan Xiaowen as a half. After reading it, Yan Xiaohua was a soft-hearted one. He listened to the daughter-in-law. Rao was a prince who was not guilty. He could only listen to it. This made Yan Xiaowen a latecomer, and the wedding was directly scheduled for October this year.

The calendar entered July, one of the hottest months of the year. Ling Jingxuan came back about a month or so. Yan Ruirui took over the position of the royal patriarch. According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, the royal patriarch could not control the political power or military power. However, because his family’s little buns control most of the Qing’s military power, he wants to establish a navy. Others dare not say anything. Therefore, this month he and Sikong are basically staying in the Golden State Camp. The two combined the experience of overseas for several years, formed the navy, improved the naval system, and saw some results. However, on the first day of July, they had to come back from the Golden State Camp.

At the same time, together with them, Zhao Dalongfu, who handled the business outside, and Zhang Qing, who was married to the South China in the early years, all of them returned.

"My parents have already set this marriage for many years, and asked the father to complete the marriage."

Ling Jingxuan’s family, Wan Lijun’s prince from the Western countries, was very straight in front of Sikongfufu. In addition to Ling Jingxuan’s family, there were three family members of Yan Xiaohua. All others avoided it, including the iron doll. Ling Jingxuan, who learned what Sikongqi was going to do, gave it away.

Sikong no expression, the dark blue scorpion looked straight at his prince, no one knows what he is thinking, next to Xue Wuyang, looking at their father and son, it’s hard to say, it’s hard to say It’s not simple. What kind of children are the iron children? They know better than anyone else. If he becomes the queen of the future of the Western countries, they will have no opinions. However, from the youngest to the big, Si Kongqi is a replica of Sikong, everything is with him. The same is true, including the only love for one person in a lifetime. This is the place where Sikong is embarrassed. In the past, he was not willing to be wronged by Xue Wuyang. At least there are brothers who can count the calculations. Who is he going to design? What about the inheritance of the Western Kingdoms?

Although this matter is related to the iron baby, it is also the chores of the Western royal family. Yan Yirui Ling Jingxuan is not too good to say too much. In fact, in their view, everything is simple, isn’t there a kind of stallion prince in their family? It is enough to pass a child directly from him. Anyway, their three brothers are so good that they are not the same as you and me. They are all born with the same aunt. Who is not the emperor? Doesn't it have to be a descendant of Sikong Qi?

However, the smarter person will also be eager to get a sneak peek, but it will also be a blind eye. This thing has to be empty and he wants to understand, or someone wants him to understand, but that person must not be them.

"You can promise that you will be a prince, but you must stay."

I don't know how long it took, and Sikong sighed and said coldly.

It is said that some people can't help but frown at the place. For two people who love each other, what is the difference between them and their betrayal? Don't say that Ling Jingxuan is not happy, that is, Xue Wuyang has revealed obvious unhappiness. Sikong Qi even raised his head when he thought about it. "If you don't want to give it to others, what the father is not willing to do, why? Imposing on the children?"

Is this the father and the son on the front side?

Ling Jingxuan lightly raised his eyebrows and finally saw Sikong Qishun’s eyes. If he could really hold on to the end, he wouldn’t mind giving him the iron doll. Don’t doubt, don’t look at all the dominance seems to be on Sikong’s body. I still haven't agreed yet. I really thought that their iron dolls are so good? Beautiful them!

"Hey at least left you."

Sikong said the facts coldly, but he seems to have forgotten that Sikong Qi has grown up.

"Is the parent of the family really a father's birth?"

This problem is not warm, but it is an instant shock to the people in the place, including Sikong Yu Xueyang. When he designed his own brother, only the husband and the husband knew it. Even the company did not know, he was knew?

Seems to see through their doubts, Sikong Qi looked up and looked at them slowly: "The father and the two emperors are very similar, but your descendants may not be similar, perhaps the children Since I was a child, I admire the reason why you adore you. My temperament is basically the same as yours. I want to say that I am your son, and others will not doubt it. However, have you forgotten the two emperors and other children? Waiting for you to see After their appearance, they will know why the children will make this guess, and not only me, the second emperor also doubts, and also found the grandfather and they verified the truth of the matter, although neither the grandfather nor the second emperor Tell me about this, but I have been in charge of the Western Kingdom imperial power and the ghost hall for many years. Can such a big thing be able to pass through my eyes and ears? The father, the child’s favorite heart, is the same as your favorite father. To ensure that there will be people inherited in the future of the West, please ask the father to become a child."

After the speech, Si Kongqi deeply gave them a head, although when he first learned about it, he was really shocked and confused, and even had some resentment, but then he slowly figured it out, the father After Huang Shen loved his father, he did not want to betray him. It was also excusable. Moreover, after the father’s father, he really loved him. Especially after the father, what about him? In their minds, only the father of the father is his parents, he believes that the second emperor is not noisy, it should be the idea.

In addition to Sikongfufu, no one was expected to attend the scene. There was such a turning point in Si Kongqi’s life. Ling Jingxuan couldn’t help but think of the scene of Xue Wuyang at the beginning of the year. Later, he was strange, how Xue Xueyang agreed so easily with Sikong. When I returned to China, I really married him. Now it seems that Sikong has already told Xue Wuyang about it. The obstacles that lie between them disappeared, and Xue Wuyang would go with him and marry him, which seems to be taken for granted. Sikong’s rare eyes widened. To say anger, basically can’t talk about it. If you want to say it, it should be the shame after being poked. Looking at their son, the stinky boy, when so many people said this, they had a sly face, and he still wants to smash the iron baby? He didn't know how to help him.

Seeing here, Ling Jingxuan seems to realize what he is doing. He raises his hand and hooks his fingers. Yan Xiaowen is puzzled by the past. Ling Jingxuan whispered a few words in his ear. The big bun eyes brightened and turned to the second floor. Yan Yurui’s doubts stretched out to grab the shoulders of the wife. The latter gave him a helpless look. Sikong’s father and son needed a step to see the sake of Sikongqi’s daring for their iron-clad children. Just create a step for them.

The confrontation between the father and the son did not know how long it lasted. I don’t know why Yan Xiaowen came back on the second floor. No one knows what he wants to do. He saw that he took a piece of black palm with a palm and handed it to Xue Wuyang: "Yang Shu, this thing. Still valid?"

Ghost Hall St.

Anyone who knows that thing can't help but shrink, and then many people have smiled at the bottom of their eyes. Xue Wuyang has no choice but to take the token, and with the eyes of the singer: "Of course effective, Xiaowen wants what?"

This question is basically nonsense, and Yan Xiaowen did not answer him, but only a sneak peek at the father and son.

I know that is the case.

Xue Wuyang sighed weakly and turned to look at Sikong, who was about to catch fire. After giving a little evaluation, he gave up the idea of ​​persuading him. He said to Si Kongqi: "This palace promises you to ask for it, but Qier, the Western kingdom If the inheritance can't come to you, it will be over. If you use it to steal or use it, you must get back to the emperor and grandson before the big marriage, and it must be the blood of the emperor. This requirement is not excessive?"

It’s not too much, it’s just too much for his mind. When Sikong thought about it, he nodded. “It’s a pleasure to follow the father and son. It’s just a bitter, and it’s been counted once again in the West. Blood, isn't it only his descendants?

"Wait, I am one by one"

"shut up!"

When they saw them, they decided to settle down. For the first time, Sikong had experienced what it was called anger. It was a pity that Xue Wuyang didn’t even think about it and gave him a go back. The people’s holy order came out. What did he want?

"Dancing Yang..."

"There is no such thing as screaming. This is the case."

Sikong’s grievances, only the ones did not sell and sprouted, but Xue Wuyang did not eat his set at all, and he made a decision on his own. Although he said that he was regardless of the matter, the size of the matter was decided by Sikong. This does not mean that he is not discouraged. This is not, Xue Wuyang's eyebrows are horizontal, and Sikong has only to be defeated, unless he wants to follow the world to trace the wife.

"Children thank you the father and grandfather."

It was inevitable that his father and the emperor said something again. Si Kongqi seized the opportunity to hurry and thank him. Sikongyi once again turned his attention to him. He suddenly felt that he was not pleasing to the eye. He took him for a while and said: "Since your father has promised, you don't say anything, but you are ready to go to the throne on your wedding day."

The annoyed Sikong was decisive and very arrogant. He gave him the throne.

"Children obey!"

Knowing that the father was deliberate, Sikong Qi did not refuse, he was very happy to be able to smash the iron baby, the throne, anyway, it is his sooner or later, the early inheritance and late inheritance are not the same? Besides, although he has supervised the country in the name of the prince in recent years, what he actually does is basically what the emperor should do.

"It seems that you have settled down, Qier, is it time for you to come to your door to raise your family?"

Ling Jingxuan’s cool voice suddenly inserted into them, and the father and son were all stunned. Sikong’s eyes swayed with a smile. He was a little gloating to look at his son. Sikong Qi was helpless and turned to Ling Jingxuan: “Ling Shu... ”

They won't be embarrassed, he will pass it? He doesn't just want to marry a wife, why is it so difficult?

A few people in the Yan Xiaobei brother couldn’t help but snicker. How are their iron dolls so good?

"Oh, Ben does not eat that set, Si Kong Qi, I don't say the origin of the iron baby, you are more clear than me, but he is the son of me and Rui Rui, the grandfather of Daqingguo, but also The youngest celebrity in the world, he should have a better choice. If you have a deep feeling for him, Benedict is not difficult for you. As long as the iron doll is willing to marry you, you can guarantee He was alone in the West and was not bullied. Benedict replaced Zhao Ge and Han Ge to promise this marriage."

Dan Feng’s eyes stared at him for a moment, and Ling Jingxuan said very seriously. In fact, he had already known about Sikong Qi and the iron baby. When he received the news that he had already come to Qingguo, he just followed Zhao Hanfu, who just came back from the field, said that they must have been unwilling at first. It is not dissatisfied with the son’s marriage, but he is so distressed that he is so far married. If there is something, they will not be able to save the fire. However, in the end, their fears were lost to their son’s love. Today, the reason why he took the family to watch the confrontation between Sikong and his father and son was to make a final confirmation. There is no doubt that Si Kongqi’s firm adoption His test, he is willing to complete two children.

"Our company is willing to use its own life as a guarantee. If a child is married to me, in my lifetime, I will never let him suffer a slight grievance."

Facing his sight, Sikong swears his fingers and swears.

"Your life is not enough, Sikong Qi, if he let Ben know that the iron baby has been wronged, he will smash the Qingguo iron ride to break through your western country!"

Slowly stood up, Ling Jingxuan was full of murderousness, for the sake of his son, nothing could be done.

"You don't have that chance!"

Si Kongqi also stood up. He was very tall and he did not fear to look at him. The iron baby was the one he wanted in his life. The only person who wanted to cherish, he would not let him be wronged. It won't give people a chance to give him a gas.

[End of this chapter]