MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 66 : Continue to grow the team

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The next day, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the daytime in the desert came very fast as always. At this time, the sun was already high in the sky.

In the camp where the Shadow Team is located, all the Shadow Team members have gotten up and started to prepare breakfast.

After nearly 40 minutes of preparation, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others also ate breakfast one after another and completed the work of feeding the elves, and began to get ready to set off in the direction of the Death Basin.

It is worth noting that the ground that was eroded and polluted by the fog of death yesterday, after a whole night, these sandy areas that were dyed black actually turned back to the original khaki color.

Ryuzaki Shinji also specially dug out the sand that had changed back, and then checked it, and found that the color of the sand was not covered by the later sandstorms and changed back, but actually changed back to soil. yellow.

"What the **** is going on? It's actually changed again. What's weird about it? I hope it won't affect the next journey." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the big pit under his feet solemnly, secretly thought.

The depth of the pit is close to 2 meters, but the sand excavated is all khaki yellow, and there is no sign of being dyed black at all.

Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were also puzzled by this strangeness, and finally had to wake up again and maintain a high degree of vigilance to face the death basin shrouded in the fog of death ahead.

However, just as Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were about to enter the Death Basin from the eastern direction of the Death Basin, three uninvited guests approached quickly from behind them and the others.

After a while, they appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

"Daye, Electromagnetic, it turns out that you are all right. It's really great." After seeing the appearance of the person who came, Yan Kai, who was standing in front of him immediately, said with a surprised face, then put away his weapons and strode up. Before, he warmly embraced Daye and Electromagnetic.

That's right, the three people who boldly approached the Shadow Team and the others were Oba, Electromagnetic and Angela who were discussing whether to hug Ryuzaki Shinji's thighs last night.

In the end, because Angela sacrificed the big killer to quit the team, and did not want to give up the exploration of the Death Basin, Daya and Electromagnetic had no choice but to follow Angela's advice and hugged Ryuzaki Shinji with a big face. Thick legs.

"It seems that Big Brother Yan Kai is the same as us, and he is living well. Uh, it's really uncomfortable." Facing Yan Kai's enthusiastic bear hug, Daye and Electromagnetic also gave the same enthusiastic response, but due to their small strength, Now it is facing a crisis of suffocation.

However, compared to Yan Kai's enthusiasm, the rest of the Shadow Team seemed colder, especially Pierce, whose eyes showed coldness, obviously not wanting to see Electromagnetic and Daye, two people who obviously had a good relationship with Yan Kai, and them. What's the matter.

"Daye, Electromagnetic, it's been a long time since I saw you here. Are you also going to explore the Death Basin?" A few seconds later, Ryuzaki Shinji, the leader of the team, also spoke, squinting purple. Mang's eyes, in a flat tone, asked the two teenagers who suddenly came to visit.

At this time, Yan Kai also loosened the shackles of the two, and then stood on the left of Ryuzaki Shinji again, looking forward to Ryuzaki Shinji's horse head.

The other members of the Shadow Team, except Pierce and Christina, spread out unknowingly, forming a vague siege of Oye, Electromagnetic and Angela.

From that look, as long as the three of them move, they will be immediately besieged by members of the shadow team.

For a time, the originally warm atmosphere suddenly became a little cold.

"Gulu~, wow, from the perspective of breath, these people are not weak, especially the two men standing on both sides of the adult, both have strengths that are not weaker than me, Daye, Electromagnetic, speak up , if we don't talk about it, we will all be finished." Feeling the increasingly cold eyes around, Angela's face began to sweat, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then winked at Daye and Electromagnetic. .

Fortunately, at this moment when the atmosphere was a little stiff, a teenager gritted his teeth and bravely stood up.

"Brother Ryuzaki, long time no see, we are indeed going to enter the death basin this time, but our ability is limited and it is difficult to go deep into it, so we want to act with you, please rest assured, we will not become a burden Yes, the three of us all have the strength of the quasi-Tianwang peak level, and my Daye and Electromagnetic can be the pioneers of this expedition, I hope Brother Ryuzaki can agree to us." Seeing the shadow team's posture, Daye is still the big leaf before, still so bold and carefree, and he directly said what they and others meant.

When Daye said it so simply and clearly, Ryuzaki Shinji was also a little bit, the coldness in his eyes slightly weakened, and purple light flashed in his eyes, and the other members of the Shadow Team who were instructed also slowly took a few steps back. Let the stiff atmosphere ease a little.

"I'm sorry, Daye, my shadow team doesn't need you as pioneers, and I don't believe in people outside the organization. Unless you join us, it's impossible for me to take you in. I'm not a nursery. , if you want to get shelter, you have to pay the corresponding price," Ryuzaki Shinji also said to Oye after the team followed the instructions and took a few steps back to ease the atmosphere.

Surprisingly, as soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, someone happily squeezed up from behind Uncle and Electromagnetic.

"I, I, I will join, sire, let me join Angela, I am very willing to join your team, sire." Angela said happily to Ryuzaki Shinji.

For the conditions given by Ryuzaki Shinji now, Angela is desperate. As an old fritter who has lived in the desert for a long time, she is quite familiar with the current situation in the desert.

Due to the unexpected appearance of the secret realm of trials, a large number of lone strongmen who want to make a difference have begun to consciously join some powerful forces.

After all, it is difficult for a lone powerhouse to go far in the secret realm of trials, and they must rely on the strength of the team to go further in the secret realm of trials.

Therefore, in the recent period of time, the overall strength of Desert Fang, Desert Rose and a new organization called Blood Alliance has grown the fastest.

Especially Desert Fang, because it holds the largest number of ancient tokens in its hands, a large number of lone powerhouses who cannot compete for tokens have joined. From the information she has recently obtained, several founders of the Free Alliance Desert Fang has been secretly added.

Angela actually wanted to join Desert Fang from the beginning, but unfortunately, over the years, she has repeatedly grabbed resources from Desert Fang several times, and it has been recorded in their blacklist early, and it is impossible to join.

Secondly, she also asked to join the Desert Rose, but unfortunately, because she also robbed the Desert Rose many times for the resource points mastered by the Desert Rose, she was also on the Desert Rose's blacklist and was almost killed. Lost.

As for the new organization blood alliance, Angela is not very clear, so before she can figure out the situation, she is still choosing to wait and And for the invitations of other small organizations that do not have the protection of heavenly king-level powerhouses, Angela didn't look down on her, until yesterday she saw Ryuzaki Shinji, a heavenly king-level trainer with an intermediate-level heavenly king-level elf, was born, and she had the idea of ​​joining Ryuzaki Shinji's team.

But due to the lack of recommendation, and the situation on Ryuzaki Shinji's side, Angela learned that two of her younger brothers, Oye and Electromagnetic, knew Ryuzaki Shinji, and got some information from the two of them. After the information about Ryuzaki Shinji, it was immediately clear that Ryuzaki Shinji was a strong potential stock, and finally he made up his mind to join, and only finally did he force the two to introduce Ryuzaki Shinji to him.

However, I never expected that Ryuzaki Shinji is also short of manpower now, and it seems that he is open to talent.

Therefore, as soon as Angela heard Ryuzaki Shinji put forward the conditions that they would be able to walk together, she immediately volunteered to announce her participation.

"Hey~~" Seeing Angela, he immediately agreed to the conditions proposed by Ryuzaki Shinji. Daye and Electromagnetic looked at each other, and they both clearly saw the helplessness in their eyes, and not only sighed in unison .

To be continued...