MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 80 : Lord of Quicksand (more than 4,000 characters)

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The incident where Ryuzaki Shinji once again challenged the blood alliance single-handedly once again caused a sensation in the entire desert. What is even more shocking is that the place that Ryuzaki Shinji destroyed this time was actually the real base camp of the blood alliance.

According to relevant sources, the method used by Ryuzaki Shinji to single out the Blood Alliance this time is to use two powerful elves to create a poisonous rain, but the blood alliance executives did not even send a fart, and then they could only watch He floated away.

As soon as the news came out, the power of the Blood Alliance was hit by an unprecedented huge blow. Some powerhouses who had originally intended to be attached to the Blood Alliance also gave up this idea. Many of the members of the Blood Alliance who had just joined even fled overnight and fought with the Blood Alliance. Clear boundaries.

After all, people with discerning eyes can see that now a big blood alliance can't help Ryuzaki Shinji, but Ryuzaki Shinji is very hostile to the blood alliance, and can't wait to kill the entire blood alliance, although it can't be turned into a shrinking head for a while. How about the turtle's blood alliance high-level, but it's still easy to deal with these little minions.

The opponent's group killing ability can be said to be the number one among all the trainers in the desert today.

In addition, on the contrary, Ryuzaki Shinji's reputation has once again been raised to a new height. With the illustrious record accumulated recently, most people have acquiesced to the title of the strongest trainer in the desert. Ryuzaki Shinji.


Now, this person who was dubbed "the strongest trainer in the desert" is very busy.

In the southwestern part of the desert, in an area covered by a giant quicksand vortex, a fierce battle is going on.

I saw that in the center of the giant quicksand vortex flowing at high speed, a large steel snake with a body shape like an eighteen-story high-rise building was firmly entrenched in it. At this time, he stared at the tiny brother in the sky. Duck.

With a loud noise of "roar~", the big steel snake exuding the breath of a high-level heavenly king made a loud roar that was comparable to noise, and then, within a kilometer radius, the surrounding magnetic field suddenly underwent a serious mutation.

The next moment, spikes composed of black sand particles flew out of the quicksand flowing around him at a high speed, and then, like a sidewinder missile, they chased the Gotha duck in mid-air.

However, this Gotha duck is obviously not an easy person. At this time, the breath exuding from his body is not weaker than that of the big steel snake. With an advanced three-meter-long purple-blue ice trident, and a constant purple energy shield protects him.

This fully-armed Gotha duck faced a large number of black spikes attacking from all directions, one-eyed purple light flashed, and the trident in his hand suddenly lit up with a burst of purple-blue light, and in an instant, a purple-blue superpower The fluctuations surged from the trident in a circular fashion to the surroundings like lightning.

The next moment, all the black spikes touched by the energy fluctuations were immediately covered with a layer of purple-blue superpowers, and then they were all imprisoned in mid-air, unable to move forward any longer.

"Give it back to you, big guy." Suddenly, a telepathy with two different voices appeared in Big Steel Snake's heart.

At this time, I saw the trident in Gotha duck pointing at the big steel snake below, and all the black spikes imprisoned by super powers were quickly combined. In just a few seconds, a large number of black spikes were combined into a A giant black thorn, and then under the control of Godduck's powerful superpower, it came down and fell on the big steel snake at a high speed.

When the Gotha Duck created the giant black spikes, the big steel snake in the quicksand vortex was not idle, and an amazing khaki ground energy burst out from its body. It spewed out, and then under the control of the giant steel snake's superb ground-based energy, the five giant sand pillars turned into five sand snakes based on him, aiming at the Gotha duck who was temporarily unable to move. .

In the next second, the two hit each other at almost the same time, and the black spikes that turned at high speed hit the big steel snake's forehead, and the five giant sand snakes also devoured the Gotha duck.

The sound of "Zizzizi~~" sounded, and the high-speed rotating black thorns turned around the big steel snake's eyebrows like an electrified electric drill, and a rain of sparks suddenly sputtered from the big steel snake's head to the surroundings.

On the other side, Gotha Duck, who was hit by five sand snakes, was imprisoned by a giant sand ball emitting a khaki-yellow light.

Soon, the rotation speed of the high-speed black spikes slowed down, and the rain of sparks gradually disappeared.

The big steel snake of the high-level king level, his body that has been subjected to underground pressure and high temperature quenching of the earth's core is countless times harder than diamonds, although the black spikes that rotate at high speed leave a shallow hole between his eyebrows, but It is also weak in succession, and the sharpest part has been forcibly smoothed, and it is no longer difficult to cause the slightest damage to the body of the big steel snake.

At this time, the main force of the big steel snake is not on the black spike that has stopped rotating on the top of the head, but is staring at the giant sand ball wrapped in a layer of khaki ground energy in the mid-air ahead. , Suddenly, as if sensing something, his sharp eyes flashed.

With a "roar~", the big steel snake made a loud roar at the giant sand ball in mid-air.

The next moment, like a dragon coming out of the abyss, the huge body of the big steel snake coiled in the quicksand vortex slammed into the giant sand dunes in the sky like lightning. The white light on the skull is like the brightest laser.

For a time, the big steel snake made a heavy impact and an iron head at the same time against the Gotha Duck trapped in the sand ball, forming his most proud combination: the shining steel dragon.

If Goda Duck was hit by a steel-type combination skill like the Big Steel Snake, just by virtue of the speciality of the steel-type skill of Heavy Impact, Goda Duck would definitely be directly packed into a pile of minced meat by the Big Steel Snake.


In the mid-air, a thousand meters away from the battlefield of the Big Steel Snake and the Godard Duck, a huge double-bomb gas was suspended in mid-air. Man in black mask.

"It's an extremely powerful steel snake, not only has the ability to control the magnetic field, but also has the ability to control sand with one hand. It's still your biggest weakness." Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly opened his purple eyes and muttered to himself.

At the same moment, when Ryusaki Shinji suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself, when the big steel snake was close to crashing into the sand ball supported by five giant sand pillars in mid-air, the surface of the sand ball suddenly appeared. A huge purple-blue light lit up, and the purple-blue light appeared on the surface of the sand ball one after another at a 30-degree angle from top to bottom.

Immediately afterwards, the giant sand ball was cut in half by the purple-blue light like a real iron ball. Then, the earth-yellow ground energy covering the giant sand ball disappeared instantly, and a large amount of sand obeyed this freedom. The physical rules of falling objects come down from mid-air.

In an instant, a huge sand wave hit the big steel snake coming from the ground below, and brought him back to the ground, who was a little shocked.

Not only that, "Keng~" A loud bang of the collision of gold and stone sounded, and the purple-blue light finally turned a corner, slicing through the huge sand waves like cutting tofu from top to bottom, hitting the head of the big steel snake.

With a loud noise of "Boom~", the giant sand wave carrying the big steel snake fell heavily into the quicksand vortex below, and suddenly a huge sand wave was aroused.

At the very center of the original giant sand ball, the Gotha duck holding a trident was panting and suspended in mid-air. The gorgeous ice armor that originally covered him had been shattered, revealing that it was covered with a large amount of purple Striped blue body.

At the critical moment, Godard Duck also instantly injected a large amount of spiritual power into the trident in his hand, and then used the most powerful and widest range of spiritual blades to successfully trap the big steel snake in the sand cage controlled by it. After breaking out, he finally used his sand to dissolve his attack invisible, and hit the big steel snake with the last power of the spiritual blade.

But it is clear that the big steel snake, which was pressed down from a high altitude by hundreds of millions of sand and attacked by the Gotha Duck spiritual blade, did not lose its fighting ability, and even with its amazing physical defense, the damage it suffered was not very serious.

With a sound of "Bang~", the sand waves splashed everywhere, and the huge head of the big steel snake reappeared on Gotha Duck's body. At this time, in addition to a shallow drill mark on his huge steel head, there was also a There is a huge knife mark across the entire head.

For so many years, since he successfully evolved into a giant steel snake through countless years of ground pressure and fire, and then became the master of this sea of ​​quicksand, he has never suffered such serious scars today. Simply a huge shame.

At this moment, the big steel snake's rock heart, which has been honed through countless years, is not only a little angry.


"It's really a tough one. Sure enough, even the power that I have displayed after the spiritual fusion of Goda Duck and I is still not enough to completely defeat him. In this desert, another force in Goda Duck's body is limited. It's too serious, and the super power-type attack is not very effective against the big steel snake with the steel attribute, it's really difficult." With the help of the synchronized vision brought by the spiritual connection with the Godduck at this time, see After the big steel snake still looked alive, Ryuzaki Shinji not only frowned and thought.

After regaining the three main elves of Gotha Duck, Smelly Mud and Double Bomb Gas, Ryuzaki Shinji's natural strength increased greatly. As a result, many places in the desert that he thought were dangerous places changed in an instant. became a blessing.

Therefore, in this recent period of time, in addition to selling and dealing with the blood alliance, Ryuzaki Shinji also took care of making a lot of money in these blessed places.

And these blessed places that Ryuzaki Shinji thinks are naturally powerful elves that are entrenched in various areas of the desert, such as the Bangira that "gives" Ryuzaki Shinji a rock-based origin a long time ago.

That's right, Ryuzaki Shinji is eyeing these powerful elves who occupy the desert side, the treasures in their hands.

At present, Ryuzaki Shinji has visited Bangira, who first "sent" his treasure, and his two neighbors, Liebite Land Shark and Fire Lion, and obtained a rock-based origin from their hands. A ground-based origin object and a fire-based origin object.

Of course, the most valuable thing is naturally these heavenly king-level elves themselves, but unfortunately, so far, none of Ryuzaki Shinji has been able to capture them.

Bangira and Bite Land Shark can dig holes, and the Fire Lion has a huge group of lions that are not afraid of toxins (wheel warfare). In addition, these heavenly king-level elves are highly intelligent, and they will leave a retreat in their own territory, so once He fled immediately when he knew he was invincible. As a result, Ryuzaki Shinji could barely repel them, but it was difficult to subdue them.

Now, the big steel snake that Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck are facing is the overlord-level elf in this quicksand terrain, and it is also the hard scum that they have been unable to conquer for a long time recently.

The reason why Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to use a big steel snake that is difficult to handle is very simple, because there are a lot of ground-based origins that make Kira coveted.

Before she evolved into used by Kira with the attributes of the ground type, so Ryuzaki Shinji is also trying to take the ground type origin from the fierce bite land shark. The thing is used by Kira.

The result is of course effective. The ground-based source similar to sand was eaten by Kira with nothing left. In the end, something similar to the double-bomb gas happened. An incomplete ground-based source The seal appeared on Yukira's body.

The appearance of this incomplete ground-based Origin Seal greatly enhanced the sand control power of Kira, and even before he evolved into Bangira, he had already awakened the Yangsha nature, and as long as Wei Wei thought about it With a single movement, a small sandstorm can be created immediately with little effort.

In addition, Yukira seems to have memorized the "taste" and "smell" of the ground-based origin, and can actually smell (perceive) the "smell" of the ground-based origin within a certain range.

After seeing the benefits that the ground-based source objects brought to Yukira, Ryuzaki Shinji, the master, was naturally overjoyed. In order to make the ground-based source seal on Yukira's body completely formed, Ryuzaki Shinji was also Trying very hard to find the ground-based origin in the desert.

But the original things are so precious, and they all rely on chance and coincidence to meet them. After Ryuzaki Shinji robbed the bite land shark, he never obtained the ground-type origin from other ground-type heavenly elves. thing.

Finally, with the accidental help of Kira, Ryuzaki Shinji came to this sea of ​​quicksand.

To be continued......

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