MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1023 Massive Siege (Part 2)

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  Chapter 1023 Massive Siege (Part 2)

  After Jin Bing continued to advance, the effect of the bed crossbow's second round of shooting damage was obviously weakened, and the ladders raised by Jin Bing's head effectively blocked the powerful bed crossbow arrows.

  Yan Qing saw that the effect of the bed crossbow was not good, so she ordered: "Remove the bed crossbow, prepare to shake the sky!"

  Since the effect of the bed crossbow is not good, the effect of the **** arm crossbow will not be very good either. Yan Qing simply revealed their trump card, the giant thunderbolt.

  There were no dense arrows on the top of the city, so Jin Bing ran at a faster speed, three hundred steps...two hundred hundred and fifty steps.

   After a hundred steps, Jin Bing finally entered the range of the artillery, and the red flag in Zhong Lie's hand finally waved down, "Shoot!" Several Song Army commanders hissed almost simultaneously.

The heavy artillery was launched, and there were sixty consecutive impacts, and sixty black and giant thunderbolts were thrown into the golden soldier formation. The ball rolled in the air and appeared above Jin Bing's head swiftly. Jin Bing yelled and lay down on the ground one after another. This was their experience in avoiding the thunder.

  'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, a thunderbolt that had not yet exploded fell, and the dust flew up. A golden soldier was unable to dodge, and his head was smashed into meat paste. The powerful impact made the thunderbolt continue to roll and rushed straight Entering the group of Jin Guo soldiers, there was a bang and an explosion.

  Suddenly there was a burst of screams, and hundreds of soldiers within a radius of 20 feet were killed on the spot.

   There was another earth-shattering bang, a giant thunderbolt exploded among the crowd not far away, a large crater was blown up underground, and dozens of soldiers were blown up.

  The first round of 60 thunderbolts caused nearly 3,000 casualties. At this time, the second round of artillery was fired again, and 60 giant thunderbolts rolled in the air, roaring towards them.

  This time, most of the explosions were on top of Jin Bing's head. The Jin cavalry turned their backs, soldiers were flying with flesh and blood, corpses were shattered, ladders were broken, and then the third round shot again. . . . . Each round of catapults resulted in two or three thousand casualties.

Three rounds of thunderstorms caused more than 6,000 casualties to the Jin soldiers. Although the thunderbolts were powerful, they were small in number and could not cause a huge lethality. Nine thousand Jin soldiers had already rushed to the city. All together, the arrows were like hail and rain, and shot at the golden soldiers overwhelmingly.

  The golden soldiers held up their shields to meet them, and people continued to be killed by arrows. In the rain of arrows, the golden soldiers lined up the several-foot-long ladder to ‘boom! ’ The land was placed on the moat, forming more than 20 temporary tree bridges, and then a wide row of ladders several feet high was built on the top of the city, and groups of fierce golden soldiers rushed up the ladders and began to climb up.

A rain of arrows from the Song army came obliquely, and the rolling wood and rocks fell head-on. A string of Jin soldiers screamed and fell down the stairs. They were shot by arrows and their heads were smashed. Another Jinbing soldier frantically climbed up the stairs, charging upwards desperately.

At this time, the drums in the Jinbing camp were loud again, and another 10,000 Jurchen cavalry came galloping, and the dust was flying. They crossed the bed crossbow range of 200 to 300 steps at the fastest speed, but they But he couldn't escape the shooting from the **** arm crossbow at the top of the city.

Tens of thousands of **** arm crossbow arrows whizzed over, knocking down pieces of cavalry. The arrows of the **** arm crossbow were so strong and fast that a single arrow could pierce the enemy's leather armor. Below, there are horrific corpses everywhere.

  At this moment, Jin Bing has invested 25,000 siege soldiers, and the battle of attacking and defending the city has entered the most intense stage.

At this moment, Yan Qing took out the most vicious move of the Song army. He gave an order, and a thousand mine throwers quietly pressed on. Zhen Tianlei dropped ten feet away from the top of the city, just in time to fall into the dense crowd of golden soldiers.

  A series of earth-shattering explosions sounded below the city, thick smoke filled the air, the siege ladder was blown off, golden soldiers fell from the sky one after another, and the screams under the city were drowned out by the explosions.

  Wanyan Zongfu in the distance was stunned. When the thick smoke gradually disappeared, his intuition told him that at least 30% of the golden soldiers in the city had been lost.

  At this time, a cavalryman rushed up, "General Zongfu, Marshal Du ordered you to withdraw immediately!"


  Wan Yan Zongfu helplessly raised the horn and blew it. The Jin soldiers in the city were defeated like a mountain. Thousands of arrows from the top of the city were fired at the Jin soldiers who were fleeing in panic, and pieces of Jin soldiers were shot down.

  In this battle of less than an hour, 60% of the 25,000 gold soldiers were lost, and only 10,000 soldiers escaped. Many soldiers who were still alive on the battlefield were all shot and killed by the Song army on the top of the city.

  . . . . . . .

The battlefield in the Central Plains was also fought in full swing. In the battle for Luoyang, the three armies surrounding Luoyang seemed to be competing. Wu Jie blew up the west gate with a thunderbolt, but Yue Fei's was the first to climb to the top of the city. army.

  The 500 death squads sent by Yue Fei rushed to the top of the city and opened the south gate. Yue Fei and Wu Jie's troops entered the city almost at the same time, and Zhang Jun also attacked the north city.

Liu Lin led an army of 20,000 to fight fierce street battles with the Song army in the city, but his strength was too weak, and he was defeated by the Song army after only holding on for less than half an hour. Liu Lin was also captured by the Song army in the Town God's Temple. Song Jun successfully recovered Luoyang.

Li Yanqing immediately ordered the troops of Wu Jie and Zhang Jun to return to Hedong Road, and prepared to cooperate with Liu Qi's 100,000 troops to attack Hebei. .

Liu Yu's Qi army was defeated repeatedly, leaving only a big city of Bianliang in the entire Central Plains, and only 25,000 troops left in his hands. Liu Yu immediately ordered the recruitment of 50,000 troops in the city, but was met with Bianliang. Liang people strongly resisted, and only a thousand people signed up in three days.

  The attitude of the people in Bianliang aroused Liu Yu's anger. He ordered the forcible arrest of civilian husbands in the city, but was dissuaded by Fan Qiong. If these resentful recruits surrendered to the Song army in Kaicheng, the consequences would be disastrous.

  Liu Yu also realized that something was wrong, and finally canceled the order to arrest the civilian husband, but even so, it still aroused strong anger among the people in the city, and news of the killing of single soldiers continued to spread in the city.

At this time, the 100,000 troops of Han Shizhong and Liu Guangshi had arrived at the south city of Bianliang, the 100,000 troops led by Li Yanqing had also arrived at the east city of Bianliang, and the 70,000 troops led by Yue Fei were rushing towards Bianliang. The Wan Song army will hunt Bianliang, which is ten times larger than the Qi army, which makes Liu Yu panic all day long.

   Now Liu Yu's only hope is to wait for Wan Yan Xieye's golden soldiers to kill the Yellow River to save himself.

  Liu Yu stood on the top of the city and looked north almost every day. He hoped that the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin would suddenly overwhelm the sky, but unfortunately he watched day after day, but there was still nothing in the north, and there was no shadow of Jin soldiers.

   "Your Highness, go back! The sun is too poisonous."

   Now it has entered the hot summer, the scorching sun seems to be on fire, and I am sweating after only standing for a while.

Liu Yu sighed, turned around and walked down the city. At this moment, the sound of war drums under the city suddenly rumbled. It kept going, but there was no sign of attacking. Although the soldiers were sweating profusely from the sun and were in great pain, they did not dare to go to the city.

   At this moment, a large army came from the west, with the word "Yue" written on the banner, it was Yue Fei's army who came to kill.

  But Yue Fei's army did not launch an attack, and it was very likely to merge into the camp and merge with the main force of the Song army.

   "Your Highness, the Song army probably only exhausted the energy and physical strength of the soldiers, and has no plan to attack the city."

  Liu Yu shook his head, but even so, he did not dare to take the defense of the city lightly. At this time, Fan Qiong came to suggest: "Your Highness, it is better to let the soldiers go to the city in three shifts to defend, so that most of the soldiers can rest."

  Liu Yu thought for a while, "Then let's decide like this!"

  Under Fan Qiong's order, groups of troops began to withdraw from the city, leaving only 6,000 people at the top of the city.

  Liu Yu observed for a while and saw that the Song army did not show signs of attacking the city, so he also went down to the city.

  Because of Yue Fei's arrival, Li Yanqing convened a temporary military consultation, which was attended by Wang Gui, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and Liu Guangshi.

  (end of this chapter)