MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 906 flee in haste

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  Chapter 906 Abandoned in a hurry

  The next day, Wanyan Zongbi officially became the Marshal of Zhengnan Deputy Capital, replacing Wanyan Zongwang as the commander of the Central Route Army. Wanyan Zongbi immediately led an army of 100,000 to Huazhou on the other side of the Yellow River.

Han Ru, the defense envoy of Huazhou, was Du Chong's son-in-law. When he just took office, he encountered Jin soldiers marching southward. Han Ru was so frightened that he was at a loss and rushed to Bianliang to ask Du Chong for help. Huazhou retreated south with 8,000 troops.

Du Chong was shocked when he received the distress letter, and urgently ordered Yue Fei to lead his army to Huazhou for rescue. The broken soldiers fled south.

Yue Fei caught a fleeing general and asked him carefully, the general said angrily: "Han Ru took his concubine and a few carts of belongings and retreated south. He walked too slowly. Last night, he was overtaken by five thousand Jurchen cavalry. Brothers couldn't resist. The Golden Cavalry was defeated."

   "What about General Han?"

   "I don't know, I should have died in the chaos."

  At this moment, the ground suddenly shook, and the rout soldiers shouted: "The golden soldiers and iron cavalry are here!"

  Yue Fei also saw the battle flag of the Jin soldiers in the distance. He knew that if he retreated at this time, the Song army would be overtaken and defeated by the Jin soldiers.

Yue Fei has been training soldiers for the past two months. In order to deal with the cavalry, Yue Fei has studied several formations. The iron barrel formation is one of them. The iron barrel formation is a circular formation. The army forms a large circular formation. There are four to five layers inside and outside. Among them, the outermost layer is the crossbowmen, who shoot the enemy from a long distance first. When the enemy cavalry is approaching, the crossbowmen retreat into the inner layer, and the pikemen on the second and third layers meet the cavalry, and the fourth layer is spear throwers. , Throwing and killing the enemy cavalry on the periphery with short spears.

The biggest advantage of this kind of iron bucket formation is that the soldiers will not face the enemy from the front and back, and will always face the enemy head-on. However, the weakness is also obvious. On the one hand, the action is relatively slow, far from keeping up with the high-speed maneuvering cavalry, and the other weakness is the soldiers. Too dense, if the Jin soldiers carry firearms such as Zhentianlei, it will cause a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Song Army.

  So Yue Fei also deployed troops in a targeted manner. This kind of iron barrel formation is only suitable for cavalry combat. Once the main force of the enemy infantry comes, the large formation will be changed into a flying geese formation.

  Twenty thousand soldiers quickly formed two large formations of iron barrels, lined up on both sides of the official road, waiting for the arrival of the enemy cavalry.

The vanguard army of 5,000 cavalry was gradually approaching. This Jurchen cavalry was led by Chief Wan Bali. They defeated 8,000 Song troops last night. Going south, chasing and killing the Song army who was defeated and fleeing all the way, but did not expect to meet another Song army.

   Pulling out the speed and reining in the horse, he looked curiously at the large formation of the Song Army in front of him. This was the first time he saw an army arrayed in a circle, which was really interesting.

   "Which general is going to fight?" Ba Lisu turned around and asked the five commanders.

  A commander leaned over on the horse and said, "I am willing to give it a try!"

   "Okay! Defeating the Song army is a great achievement."

  The commander shouted loudly: "Fourth Battalion, follow me and kill!"

  He brandished a mace and galloped on his horse, followed by a thousand cavalrymen. Like a sharp spear, they galloped towards the Song army three miles away.

The Song army was already waiting for the sword. When the enemy cavalry came, the formation of the two large formations changed immediately, just like the shell of an egg peeled off. The enemy army, 3000 crossbowmen squatted halfway, raised their god-armed crossbows and aimed at the cavalrymen who had killed them.

   After a moment, the cavalry rushed within 150 steps, and Yue Fei shouted, "Shoot!"

The sound of clappers sounded quickly, and a thousand soldiers in the first row fired. The powerful and dense crossbow arrows shot at the cavalry group in the distance. It is strong, and can withstand the crossbow bolts of the God Arm Crossbow in about 150 steps.

But if you enter within a hundred steps, the shield will not be able to stop it. This is also the reason why the Song Army's **** arm crossbow has become the most troublesome weapon for Liao, Xia and Jin soldiers in history. The soldiers' shields and armors cannot stop the powerful shooting of the **** arm crossbow. .

  The dense arrows shot on the shield, and many horses were hit by arrows and fell to the ground, and the cavalry immediately fell to the ground. Many cavalry were trampled to death by horseshoes behind them.

After the first platoon shot, the soldiers in the second and third platoons fired one after another, and thousands of dense crossbows shot into the cavalry group. At this time, the golden soldiers had already rushed within a hundred steps. , the shields couldn't stop the powerful crossbow arrows, and they were pierced by the crossbow arrows one after another. The cavalry screamed and fell off their horses. The first round of archery cavalry only suffered forty or fifty casualties, but at the beginning of the second round, the number of casualties increased sharply. After the arrows were shot, the cavalry had suffered more than 350 casualties.

  Yue Fei saw that the enemy cavalry was approaching too fast and could not shoot a second time. He immediately ordered: "Crossbowmen retreat, pikemen are ready to fight!"

  The battle drums sounded in the big formation, and the crossbowmen retreated quickly, and retreated into the center of the iron barrel formation.

  The outermost layer is actually a spear. The spear is hard, but the spear is more resilient and more flexible. Therefore, it is an ideal weapon to use the spear to meet the hard collision of the cavalry.

  Yellow dust billowed, and the remaining 650 cavalry chose the large formation to the west, shouting to kill the large formation of the Song Army.

The headed commander had already seen the murderous intent of the Song army's dense array of spears, and when he was twenty steps away from the formation, he suddenly made a gesture backwards, and the hundreds of golden soldiers seemed to be split in half by a knife. , quickly bifurcated to both sides, they did not rush into the Song army head-on, but circled to both sides, looking for a breakthrough.

  At this time, Yue Fei shouted, "Short spear throw!"

Nearly a thousand soldiers of the Song army near the outer circle suddenly threw their short spears at the Jurchen cavalry more than 20 steps away. This kind of short spear is only five feet long and weighs only three or four catties. Thirty or forty steps, it is extremely lethal at close range. Except for heavy armored infantry, no armor or shield can resist it. It is a sharp weapon against cavalry.

Thousands of short spears formed a dense rain of spears, stabbing at the rushing Jurchen cavalry. The rain of spears was so fierce that the Jurchen cavalry were unable to dodge and were stabbed by the spears one after another. A group of people turned their backs, and the soldiers fell off their horses screaming. In an instant, the Jin soldiers suffered more than a hundred casualties.

  In fact, shooting with a crossbow is equally effective, or even better, but Yue Fei has never used it in actual combat since rehearsing spear shooting. He wants to see the effect of spear shooting with his own eyes.

  At this moment, the commander in the distance, Ba Lisu, saw that the Song army had a strong formation and the cavalry would suffer a lot, so he immediately ordered: "Quickly order them to withdraw!"

'when! when! when! ’ The bell rang, and the remaining hundreds of cavalry turned their horses and retreated to the main formation.

  The commander-in-chief stepped forward and clasped his fists, saying: "The humble position is incompetent, and I failed to break through the enemy's formation!"

   Pulling out quickly, he waved his hands and said, "This kind of large formation is left to the infantry behind to deal with, and we will continue to chase and kill the defeated soldiers!"

  He shouted an order, and more than 4,000 Jurchen cavalry bypassed Yue Fei's barrel formation and continued to kill Bianliang City in Tokyo.

  Yue Fei yelled that something was wrong, and immediately ordered: "Leave a small phalanx and go back to the city!"

  He led 20,000 troops out of the city to rescue the Huazhou army. There were only more than 5,000 troops in the city. If Du Chong did not deploy properly, he might be attacked by Jin soldiers, and he had to retreat back to the city immediately.

  But Yue Fei couldn't make the soldiers line up and run back to the city, because he couldn't resist the powerful impact of the Jurchen cavalry. He had to keep fighting at all times. In this case, the small phalanx is the best choice.

  The 20,000 Song Army infantry quickly changed their formation and turned into a square formation. The soldiers rushed towards Bianliang in a row of ten

Not long after Yue Fei was ordered to rush to Huazhou for rescue, Du Chong received a pigeon letter from Puyang, Huazhou. It was a pigeon letter sent by his son-in-law Han Ru before retreating. The main general, Wanyan Zongbi led an army of 100,000 to kill Kaifeng Mansion. This time, Kaifeng Mansion was in danger and could not be saved. He suggested that Du Chong abandon Bianliang and lead the army to retreat southward to preserve its vitality.

This pigeon letter immediately made Du Chong panic. Even though Wanyan Xie had promised him that he would not attack Bianliang City as long as he was around, how could Du Chong really believe in this so-called promise? It was clear that the other party just wanted to transfer Zongze away, and the ultimate goal was to capture Bianliang in Tokyo. Now that the Jin Kingdom's 100,000 troops were overwhelming the border, he couldn't believe Wanyan Xieye's promise.

   On the one hand, Du Chong sent people to chase Yue Fei back, and on the other hand, he assembled the army. If Yue Fei's army could not come back, he could only choose to withdraw.

As the retreating soldiers continued to rush towards Bianliang City, Du Chong's pressure was increasing. At this time, he got the news that a cavalry force of nearly 5,000 appeared 20 miles north of the city. Du Chong was dumbfounded. He didn't know what happened. What happened? Why didn't Yue Fei's army rush back, or they were wiped out by the Jin soldiers, or the people he sent couldn't find Yue Fei at all.

   But these are not important anymore. The news of Jin Bing's arrival is like the last straw that overwhelms the camel, and Du Chong finally collapses.

He didn't dare to resist, so he opened the south gate with five thousand soldiers and fled to the south. At the same moment when he led his army to leave Tokyo Bianliang, he had already figured out how to explain to the court the reason why he gave up Tokyo Bianliang It was the defense that caused Yue Fei to lead his army to attack without authorization, which left Bianliang City empty of troops and unable to resist the attack of the Jin soldiers.

As for the fact that he forced Yue Fei to go to Huazhou to pick up his son-in-law, which made Yue Fei unable to return to Bianliang in time, this is no longer important. In the unspoken rules of officialdom, subordinates are used to take the blame. It just so happens that Du Chong is a proficient in officialdom Unspoken rules of people.

   Ba Lisu never imagined in his dreams that he would be able to win the great achievement of capturing Bianliang in Tokyo. When he led the cavalry to Bianliang in Tokyo, the city gate was wide open, and there were no defenders in Bianliang city.

  (end of this chapter)