MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 913 Battle in Taiyuan (Part 2)

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  Chapter 913 The Decisive Battle in Taiyuan (Part 2)

Three hundred small trebuchets have been prepared, and each trebuchet is in charge of eight people, six of whom are responsible for driving the winch, and the other two are responsible for loading bombs. Large-scale blasting city and thunder.

Li Yanqing also used super-large city blasting mines in the last war because of the lack of ordinary blasting mines. He accidentally discovered that this kind of city blasting mines are more lethal, especially when they explode in dense crowds. The huge shock wave made it impossible for anyone within fifty steps to escape, even if they were lying on the ground, they couldn't avoid it.

   For this reason, more than half of the gunpowder in the newly manufactured Thunderbolt was used to make the Thunderbolt.

But the super-large trebuchet also has a flaw, that is, the throw is not far away. After all, a heavy-duty trebuchet can only be thrown two hundred steps away for an eighty-pound iron lump, while a small trebuchet can only throw it up to fifty or sixty steps. outside.

  Following Niu Gao's order, the three small trebuchets creaked and pulled apart, and the 80-jin super-shocking thunder was placed in the bomb pocket, and the throwing rod was immediately bent by the heavy bomb pocket.

Li Yanqing was still watching the Jurchen soldiers running under the city. At this time, the Jin soldiers attacking the city were still dominated by Xi tribe soldiers, and the Khitan soldiers were deployed within a range of about 30 steps from the city wall. Gathered by the Jurchen soldiers, they gathered within the range of 50 to 70 steps. There were more and more soldiers, and they were almost in place. At this time, they were nervously re-arranging, and they did not realize that the crisis had come.

   "It's ready to fire!" Li Yanqing coldly gave the firing order.


  The heavy drum sounded slowly, and then the three-color flag was waved, and Niu Gao roared, "Light it up!"

  The soldiers lit the matchsticks of the Thunderbolt one after another, and when the matchstick reached the mouth of the pot, three hundred trebuchets were launched almost simultaneously, and three hundred huge black Thunderbolts flew towards the heads of the Jurchen soldiers outside the city.

  Wan Yanxie also suddenly noticed countless small black dots flying from the top of the city and flying towards the outside of the city. He was suddenly shocked and terrified, and blurted out, "No!"

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, three hundred super-large city-shattering thunders exploded in the dense crowd of 20,000 Jurchen soldiers, and almost all the Song soldiers on the top of the city covered their ears and squatted on the ground, including those who were fighting with the enemy. The soldiers of the Song Army who were fighting with each other also gave up fighting and covered their ears and lay on the ground.

Many soldiers of the Xi nationality who were fighting on the top of the city looked back unexpectedly, and the 10,000 Khitan soldiers shooting arrows below the city were the first to discover the dense thunderbolts thrown down, except for a few soldiers who were quick to respond and covered their ears in horror. Squatting on the ground, the other soldiers didn't react, and most of the Jurchen soldiers didn't know what happened until they died.

  First there was an earth-shattering explosion, which drowned out the screams of the soldiers. The ground shook violently, thick smoke rose into the sky, quickly filled the ground, and the entire battlefield fell silent.

After a full cup of tea, the soldiers of the Song Army on the top of the city slowly raised their heads. Most of the hundreds of siege ladders erected on the top of the city disappeared. The soldiers of the Xi nationality were gone, the explosion and shaking made them unable to stand upright, and they fell down the city one after another. Dye the dirt red.

  Most of the soldiers were shattered to death by the shock wave. Even the soldiers who did not die were stunned.

  At this moment, Li Yanqing yelled loudly: "All crossbowmen are ready!"

  'Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom' The dense battle drums sounded, and eight thousand crossbow soldiers raised their bows and crossbows to aim at the city. The soldiers who were stunned began to get up. The soldiers who exploded with thunder and thunder could not escape the intensive shooting of soldiers and arrows.

  Wanyan Xie woke up like a dream in the distance, and shouted: "Ming Jin retreats!"

'when! when! when! when! ’ The bell rang in a hurry, and thousands of soldiers fled in terror. Thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city, and the soldiers fell down screaming one by one.

This is a battle that can be recorded in the annals of history. The Song Army used 300 of the most advanced super-large blasting mines to kill more than 30,000 Jin soldiers at one time, including the soldiers who died in the siege. Wanyan Xie also participated in the battle. Out of 40,000 soldiers, only more than 2,000 fled back, and the remaining 38,000 died in battle under the city of Taiyuan.

After this great battle, nearly 80,000 Jin soldiers have been killed under the Taiyuan city. Wan Yanxie has no intention of attacking Taiyuan city anymore, and he has no further plans. The Jin soldiers are stationed in the east of Taiyuan city. Thirty miles away, the camp stretched for twenty miles, just like this confronting Taiyuan Song Army, patiently waiting for the arrival of spring.

   Time gradually arrived at the beginning of February. The ice and snow on Hedong Road and Shaanxi Road began to melt, and the Yellow River also began to thaw.

  The ice and snow on Shaanxi Road also began to melt, and the Luoshui Channel, which had been blocked by ice and snow for nearly two months, was finally opened due to the melting of snow.

  This morning, a group of ragged soldiers walked out from the depths of the Luoshui Channel. The team was about a hundred people, supporting each other, and stumbled towards the intersection. It could be seen that their physique was extremely weak.

The Song army had already built a military city at the north entrance of Luoshui Road, with 2,000 troops stationed there, and blocked the Luoshui Road. At this moment, a soldier on the sentry tower suddenly saw the team coming from a distance, and he immediately rang the bell. alarm bell.

'when! when! when! ’ The alarm bell echoed in the wilderness, alarming the soldiers of the Song army in the military city.

Groups of fully armed soldiers of the Song Army headed towards the entrance of the valley. The leader, He Ning, also came galloping on horseback. He Ning was a general of Wu Jie, the deputy capital commander, and was ordered to guard the north entrance of Luoshui Road. What's in the waterway? Originally, when the snow melted a little more, he led his army into the Luoshuidao. Unexpectedly, someone from the golden soldiers trapped in the Luoshuidao came out.

  He Ning, like all Song Army soldiers, was surprised to see this ghostly army, with less than two hundred people, staggering towards this side.

   "General, they have passed the cordon!" A soldier reminded in a low voice.

  He Ning suddenly came to his senses, and shouted sharply: "Stop, or you will shoot an arrow!"

  The golden soldiers who were a hundred paces away waved the white flag feebly to this side, and they all stopped. He Ning shouted again: "Put the weapon on the ground and retreat!"

The golden soldiers put down their weapons one after another and retreated slowly. He Ning gave a wink. Hundreds of soldiers of the Song army rushed forward, disarmed their weapons, and surrounded the two hundred or so golden soldiers. He Ning urged them to step forward and asked: "Who is the leader?"

  In the stretcher, a middle-aged man with sunken cheeks slowly raised his hand, and said in an unusually weak voice, "I am Wanyan Loushi!"

The army of more than 20,000 people was trapped for two months, with no food and grass, and they all depended on killing horses to survive. However, even the horses could not meet the survival needs of the soldiers. After the first month of siege, there were no more horses left. Two thousand horses, the desire to survive forced Wanyan Loushi to kill his own people. He sent his men to artificially create an avalanche at night, completely cutting off his 1000 confidants from the main force, and most of the horses were with him. On the one hand, all the isolated Jin soldiers died of cold and starvation, but his thousand soldiers got all the horses as food.

   Even so, disease and cold still took the lives of most people, leaving less than two hundred people to persevere to the end.

He Ning was overjoyed. On the one hand, he hurriedly sent people to Yan'an Mansion to report to Wu Jie, and on the other hand, he asked a military doctor to treat Wan Yanlou. It is invaluable to Song Jun.

  When Wu Jie got the news, he did not hesitate, and immediately reported the matter to Li Yanqing in Taiyuan City with an eagle letter.

   In the Jinglue Mansion of Taiyuan City, Li Yanqing forwarded the eagle letter he had just received to everyone, and the generals were in an uproar. No one thought that the Jin soldiers who had been trapped for two months could survive, it was unbelievable.

   "It should be said that it is still possible."

Li Yanqing said with a smile: "After all, there is a cavalry in this army. Just as I guessed, they survived by killing horses. After two months of hard work, they finally made it out. It is a good thing for us that Yan Loushi survived, we have a basis to bargain with Jin Bing."

  Wang Gui frowned and asked, "Dutong, are we going to negotiate peace with Jin Bing?"

Li Yanqing shook his head, "It's not that we want to make peace with Jin Bing, but that Jin Bing wants to make peace with us, but it's not with us, but with the imperial court. I have received clear news that there was a snowstorm in the Kingdom of Jin from last year to this year. More than half of the sheep were frozen to death, and the same is true for the Xixia side. The national strength of the Jin Dynasty can no longer support the war with the Song Dynasty, and I believe that the voice of peace within the Jin Dynasty has gained the upper hand."

  Liu Kai also said: "In fact, we can continue to fight with Jin Bing, and negotiating a peace may not be beneficial to us."

Li Yanqing smiled and said: "We rely on the strong city and powerful firearms to barely confront the Jin soldiers. If we fight the Jin soldiers in the wilderness, we have almost no chance of winning, so we also need training and We need a strong army, and there is a poisonous snake on top of our heads, which will attack us at any time, and there is no rush to regain the rivers and mountains. At this moment, I calm down and patiently fight a protracted battle with the golden soldiers."

   Both Liu Qi and Wang Gui nodded silently, they understood what Dutong meant.

  At this moment, Li Yanqing smiled at Bo Tangkai, the host next to him, "Maybe I would like to ask Mr. Tang to go back to Lin'an!"

   Jin Bing has given up the siege of Taiyuan, and changed from siege to confrontation. In fact, Taiyuan City has opened up a communication channel with Jingzhao Mansion.

  (end of this chapter)