MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 976 Visiting Old Ezhou

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  Chapter 976 Visiting the old in Ezhou

  On the tenth day of September, after nearly ten days of sailing, the fleet finally arrived in Jiayu County, Ezhou. The fleet rested overnight in Jiayu County, and then continued eastward.

   After many years, Li Yanqing once again came to the hometown where he was the county magistrate. He had just got married back then, and now his son is six years old.

  On the side of the boat, Li Yanqing pointed to the county seat in the distance and said to his son Li Pu with a smile: "Dad just married your mother, and then he came here to serve as the county magistrate, and stayed here for almost two years."

  Li Pu is of medium height. He looks a lot like his mother Cao Yun, except that his eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Li Yanqing.

  Li Pu showed a smile on his face, "Mother told me about Jiayu County, and said that when Dad left, the people were reluctant to leave, and hoped that Dad would stay in office."

   "Your mother told you this?"

  Li Yanqing was a little strange, "Didn't she tell you the story of destroying the Black Hearted Dragon King?"

   "Mother didn't say it, but Si Niang told me."

   "Puer, what are you talking about me?"

  Hu Qing'er came up with a smile, and rubbed his hair with a smile, "Are you talking about the Black Hearted Dragon King? Let me tell you, Si Niang almost died that time."

  Li Yanqing smiled slightly, "Qing'er, there are many things that almost killed you, so don't mention this matter to your children."

  Hu Qinger gave her husband a blank look, "What does this matter, Pu'er, does it? Si Niang will find time to tell you the story of the Black Hearted Dragon King."

  Li Pu whispered: "Si Niang, I still have to study, maybe I don't have time to listen to stories."

   "Stinky boy, you are so afraid of your father!" Hu Qing'er scratched his hair again and laughed.

  At this time, the boatman at the bow shouted: "It's docked!"

Li Yanqing walked to the side of the ship and looked towards the pier. The pier has basically remained the same as it was when he left. At this time, there are still a group of officials standing on the pier. They probably got the news from him and knew about it. I will berth in Jiayu County, so I have come here.

Li Yanqing stepped off the big boat, and the first to greet him was Zhou Ping, the magistrate of Jiayu County. He was the old county magistrate who advised Li Yanqing to sell the land. Couldn't come over.

  Zhou Ping was extremely excited, and he bowed down when he stepped forward, "My subordinate Zhou Ping, pay homage to His Royal Highness King Jin!"

  Li Yanqing quickly helped him up, and said with a smile: "It's right to call your subordinates, but it's unnecessary to give a big salute."

   Li Yanqing saw that his head was covered with white hair, and said again: "There are a lot more gray hairs than back then."

   Zhou Ping smiled wryly, "Being a county magistrate used to be more carefree. After becoming a county magistrate, there are too many trivial matters. I am busy all day without touching the ground. It takes energy and energy. Naturally, I grow old quickly."

   "But it's a good thing, isn't it?"

  Zhou Ping nodded silently. He didn't come from a major, but started as a county magistrate step by step. It is not easy to become a county magistrate, and he cherishes this official position very much.

  At this moment, Zhang Yan, governor of Yuezhou, Luo Dan, prefect of Jiangling, and other officials stepped forward to greet each other, and Li Yanqing appeased everyone one by one.

  He looked around, but he didn't see Yang Ju, the former magistrate of Jiayu County, so he asked with a smile, "Where is Yang Tongju? Why didn't you come?"

   "Humble job here!"

The voice came from behind, Li Yanqing turned his head and saw a small boat had just stopped, and two officials jumped ashore from the boat, one was the former county magistrate Yang Ju, now in Ezhou Tongpan, and the other was his own Liu Fang, an old subordinate, is currently the governor of Ezhou.

  Li Yanqing is overjoyed, all the old people from the past have come. If Mo Jun can come from Pingjiang Mansion, it will really be complete.

  Reunited after a long absence, everyone was very happy to see each other, Li Yanqing asked his son Li Pu to salute everyone, and then, surrounded by everyone, went to Jiayu County.

  At this time, Jiayu County was already crowded with people. When people heard that Li Yanqing was visiting his hometown again, they went out of the city to welcome the old county magistrate back.

When Li Yanqing appeared in front of the crowd, the cheers were like a mountain and a tsunami. Tens of thousands of people shouted excitedly to Li Yanqing. Li Yanqing smiled and shook hands with everyone one by one. My heart was also full of emotion, I only stayed in Jiayu County for two years, and the people still remembered me.

Li Yanqing brought everyone to the county government office after a long absence. Nothing had changed, and they were still so familiar. Pu also had a small seat, and sat next to him.

  Li Yanqing glanced at the crowd, and said calmly: "I feel a little strange today. Whether you welcome me or the people welcome me, there is a kind of expectation. I just want to know, what are your expectations of me?"

  Everyone looked at each other, with embarrassment on their faces, Li Yanqing looked at everyone again, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Fang, "Liu Fang, tell me!"

Liu Fang didn't dare to disobey Li Yanqing's order, so he had to smile wryly: "Actually, it's about Dongting Lake. After the Black Heart Dragon King was wiped out, he was quiet for a few years, but since last year, another gang of thieves occupied Junshan and started to stir up trouble. Nearby states and counties have been affected, and at the beginning of the year, this gang of thieves even killed Ezhou, and everyone suffered terribly."

  Li Yanqing pondered for a moment, then asked: "But Yang Yao, Zhong Xiang?"

   Liu Fang nodded, "It's them!"

  It turned out that these two people still appeared, Li Yanqing thought to himself: "These two people should be Yue Fei's favorite."

  Thinking of Yue Fei, Li Yanqing asked Liu Fangdao again: "Yue Fei's army is stationed in Jingxiang. Didn't he lead his army down to suppress the bandits?"

   Liu Fang hurriedly said: "A few days ago, I discussed with Yue Dutong about suppressing the bandits. It is no problem for him to lead the army to suppress the bandits. The key is that the imperial court did not give him an order to suppress the bandits. He cannot lead the army south without authorization."

  Li Yanqing was surprised and delighted, "Yue Fei is in Jiangxia?"

   "He came to Jiangxia to visit his mother a few days ago, but unfortunately, he left Jiangxia for the capital yesterday morning.

Yue Fei had already left, which made Li Yanqing a little disappointed, he thought for a while and said to everyone: "I know about the bandits in Dongting Lake, I will tell the officials about it later, please pay attention to it , arrange to suppress the bandits as soon as possible."

  Everyone was overjoyed, bowed together and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern!"

  Li Yanqing waved his hand with a smile, "You're welcome, we finally wiped out the Black Hearted Dragon King, and gave the people a few years of stable life. We will never allow other bandits to disturb the Yangtze River again."

After resting overnight in Jiayu County, Li Yanqing's fleet departed again early the next morning. Tens of thousands of people rushed to the riverside to bid farewell. Amidst the shouts of farewell, the fleet slowly started and went downstream to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. drive away.

The fleet entered the Jiangnan Canal from Runzhou and turned south. Seven days later, the fleet arrived at Lin'an Mansion and stopped at Chi'ankou Town in Renhe County, which is about 30 miles away from Qiantang County. According to regulations, Li Yanqing brought The army can only be stationed thirty miles away from the capital, and this is the fringe area.

The fleet arrived at night, and when the big ship had just stopped, Li Yanqing immediately sent two hundred soldiers to guard around the big ship. At this time, Zhang Shun also rushed to Chi'ankou Town with a few of his men. Zhang Shun arrived in Lin'an Mansion five days ago. His 300 subordinates have been distributed to every corner of Lin'an City. Zhang Shun has also collected a lot of information in the past few days, and rushed to report to Li Yanqing.

  Zhang Shun came under the big ship with an intelligence officer, and the soldiers went up to report. After a while, the soldiers came down and said, "General Zhang, please go up."

  Zhang Shun turned his head and gave Yu Hou a wink, and the two walked quickly to the boat.

  At this moment, Li Yanqing was reading a book in the cabin, when a soldier reported outside the door: "Reporting to Dutong, General Zhang is here."

  Li Yanqing nodded, "Please come in!"

   After a while, Zhang Shun walked in like a gust of wind, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Du Tong for humble posts!"

   "It's been a hard few days."

   "Thank you for your praise."

  Li Yanqing asked again: "How is the situation in Lin'an City now?"

   "Reporting to Dutong, everyone in Lin'an City is preparing for the grand ceremony for the appointment of the crown prince, but I still found some abnormalities."

   "What anomaly?"

  Zhang Shun hesitated for a while and said: "Can you let the intelligence officer Yuhou report to Dutong personally, he knows the situation better than the humble officer."

   "Where is he now?"

   "Just waiting outside the cabin to be summoned."

  Li Yanqing nodded, "Then let him in!"

   After a while, the soldiers led in a man, a man in his thirties, not tall, and looked shrewd.

  The man came in and knelt down to salute, "You can refer to Dutong for the lowly-ranked Yang Qu."

   "I seem to have seen you before?" Li Yanqing thought he looked familiar.

   "Reporting to Dutong, Humble Job was once the steward of Bao Yanzhai, and Du Tong did see Humble Job in Bianliang a few years ago."

"I see!"

  Li Yanqing laughed, "No wonder it looks familiar. When did Guanshi Yang become the Marquis of Intelligence?"

"Just two years ago, when the governor was still in Taiyuan, General Zhang Hu developed the humble position into the Marquis of Intelligence, but now the humble position is no longer in Baoyanzhai, but the West Lake Shipping Superintendent, responsible for managing the ships on the West Lake , because of the convenience of my position, I have been secretly observing the situation of Yinlong Villa, and found many clues."

   “Talk about a valuable lead.”

  Yang Qu presented a booklet, "This is a detailed report of the humble official, please read it all."

  (end of this chapter)