MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 987 outbreak of civil war

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  Chapter 987 Civil War Breaks Out

  Thanks to Li Yanqing's **** Mo Jun, Li Yanqing immediately got Pingjiang Mansion, the stronghold against Zhao Ji, and the army was also increasing rapidly.

   On the first day, with 3,000 heavy armored infantry as the core, Li Yanqing incorporated the 5,000-armed army of Pingjiang Mansion, and received 300,000 shi tax grains and one million guan tax money from Pingjiang Mansion.

Soon, Pan Yue led 8,000 recruits from Changzhou to Pingjiang Mansion for military training, and Li Yanqing's army quickly increased to 16,000. The army joined forces and quickly rushed to Pingjiang Mansion. In just four days, Li Yanqing's army will exceed 60,000.

At the same time, Cao Meng and Gao Chong led 30,000 cavalrymen to enter Dengzhou from Wuguan and forcibly broke into the Central Plains. Liu Yu, the puppet king of Qi, knew that the Song Dynasty had changed, so he did not order to stop the Song Army cavalry and let them pass through the southern Central Plains. Hurry to Huainan.

Li Yanqing's military camp was set up in the south of Pingjiang City, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres. He brought thousands of large tents from Chengdu Mansion, and all of them were used at this time. Thousands of tents were set up one after another. Soon, Cao Sheng Leading a large army to the south from Jiangning Mansion will also bring thousands of large tents, which basically solves the problem of the barracks.

  This afternoon, Li Yanqing set out to set up a 5,000 sailors. These 5,000 sailors came from various places in the south of the Yangtze River.

  It would be a pity if the sixty thousand-stone warships he led were left unused in Taihu Lake. Having a powerful navy would greatly facilitate the operations in the Jiangnan region.

  In fact, Li Yanqing still has another worry, that is, Liu Guangshi, the governor of Chuzhou in Huaibei, has never responded to his call for "the side of the Qing Dynasty".

The 50,000 troops in Liu Guangshi's hands were Zongze's troops in the past. When Zongze died, the emperor Zhao Gou and the Supreme Emperor competed for the 80,000 troops left by Zongze, and they were finally divided into two. The 40,000 troops obtained by Zhao Gou were handed over to Yue Fei, and the 40,000 troops obtained by the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji were handed over to Liu Guangshi.

  Liu Guangshi's father, Liu Yanqing, was Gao Qiu's confidant, and he was loyal to Zhao Ji. If Liu Guangshi hadn't expressed his loyalty to Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji would never hand over the 40,000 troops to him.

  It is precisely because of this understanding that Li Yanqing must guard against Liu Guangshi's army going south and attacking him from behind, so it is necessary to build a navy to block the Yangtze River.

  However, Li Yanqing is still patiently waiting for the three heroes of the Ruan family to return to the team. It should be two days since they came from Lin'an Mansion.

   "Report to Dutong, General Ruan has arrived!" A soldier reported at the door.

  Li Yanqing hurriedly said: "Let them in!"

   After a while, Ruan Xiaoer quickly walked into the big tent, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Dutong for humble posts!"

   "Thank you for your hard work, please get up!"

  Li Yanqing asked him to get up, looked back again, and asked with a smile, "Where are your two brothers?"

   "They are still at the gate of the camp!"

   "Why?" Li Yanqing asked puzzled.

   "We rescued one person on the road, most likely His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

  Li Yanqing was taken aback, "Is that a two-year-old child?"

Ruan Xiaoer nodded, "We were drinking tea in the tea shed, and we heard a few secret whistles saying that we had spotted the prince, so we followed up and rescued a court lady. She held a child in her arms and said it was the prince. We didn't dare to confirm, so we escorted her and the child to Pingjiang Mansion."

  Li Yanqing was overjoyed, "Take a look!"

  He took Ruan Xiaoer and walked quickly to the gate of the barracks. From a distance, Li Yanqing saw Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu standing at the gate with a young woman holding a small child in her arms.

  Li Yanqing asked again: "Is this the only maid?"

   "Originally there was an old nun who was the head of the Baiyun nunnery. She was injured and went back after confirming our identities. This little lady refused to enter the barracks. She must see Dutong."

  Li Yanqing strode out of the barracks. The court lady Li Cai'e recognized Li Yanqing, and immediately knelt down and burst into tears. The child in her arms was frightened and also cried.

At this time, Hu Qing'er rushed out with several female soldiers. She quickly helped Li Cai'e and comforted her for a long time. Then Li Cai'e gradually stopped crying, took out the blood edict and gold medal from the official from her bosom, and handed it to Li Cai'e Yanqing.

   After reading the Blood Edict, Li Yanqing felt joy in his heart, but also very heavy. He quickly asked a female soldier to pick up the child and led everyone into the camp.

In the big tent, Li Yanqing stared at the blood edict on the table. In the edict, Zhao Gou said that if something unexpected happened to him, he could establish the crown prince as the successor, and begged Li Yanqing to protect his son sooner or later. This is actually a will. Emperor, and entrusted the orphan Li Yanqing, but it was written in blood, which is even more shocking.

   After a long time, Li Yanqing sighed lowly, put away the blood edict, and asked Hu Qing'er who had been standing behind him for a while, "Are they all settled?"

   "It's settled, the child can't do without the maid for the time being, so I will arrange them in a big tent and let two female soldiers protect them."

"Thanks a lot!"

  Hu Qing'er walked forward slowly, and asked in a low voice: "My husband plans to establish a young prince?"

  Li Yanqing nodded, "This is God's arrangement, I must obey God's will."

   "Then in the future, we will move back to Lin'an Mansion?"


  Li Yanqing smiled and said: "It's too early to talk about this matter now, go and find me the three heroes of the Ruan family."

  Hu Qinger smiled and said: "They are more impatient than my husband, and they have already gone to train the navy."

  Li Yanqing laughed, "These three guys are self-conscious, let's go! Let's take a look."

  Li Yanqing left the big tent and rode towards the navy barracks.

Since the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji became regent, there are not many state capitals that responded and supported him. There are only ten state capitals near Lin'an Prefecture, including Jiaxing Prefecture, Huzhou, Ningguo Prefecture, Guangde Army, Yanzhou, Huizhou, Wuzhou, Kuaiji Mansion, Qingyuan Mansion, Taizhou, etc., and the far-distance state capitals all kept silent without exception, neither expressing their support for him as the regent, nor expressing their support for Li Yanqing's side of the Qing Dynasty.

This pattern annoyed Zhao Ji very much. Although currently only Jiangning Mansion, Pingzhou Mansion, Yangzhou, Runzhou, Changzhou and Ezhou prefectures and four prefectures openly supported Li Yanqing, Zhao Ji knew very well that Northwest Fifth Road, Bashu Third Road and Hedong Road They must all support Li Yanqing. After all, Li Yanqing has already received the support of most states and counties.

   Now they have no other choice but to wipe out Li Yanqing quickly.

  In the Zhizheng Hall, Zhao Ji presided over a Zhizheng Hall discussion. Just yesterday, Zhao Ji dismissed the deputy prime minister, Zheng Wangzhi. Just because Zheng Wangzhi was promoted by Li Yanqing, Zhao Ji doubted his loyalty to him.

  The new deputy prime minister who replaced Zheng Wangzhi was Xu Churen, who had been dismissed because he offended Li Yanqing.

   "Everyone knows the current situation. Cao Sheng publicly supported Li Yanqing, and Pan Yue also betrayed the imperial court. The reason why Li Yanqing dared to rebel is because he got the army of the two. Let's talk about it, how to deal with the current situation?"

  At this moment, Wang Boyan leaned forward and said, "Your Majesty, I would like to say a few words!"

  Wang Boyan is a privy envoy, and he has a better understanding of military intelligence in various places, so Zhao Ji nodded, "Please tell me, Mr. Wang!"

"Your Majesty, although Li Yanqing's Northwest Army is strong, the journey is long after all. It will take at least one and a half months to come from the Northwest, and it will be very difficult to replenish food and grass along the way. The troops on both Jingxiang and Xiangyang roads are busy suppressing bandits. It is neutral, so Li Yanqing only has 50,000 troops at most, while we have 180,000 troops!"


  Zhao Ji suddenly heard something wrong, "Where did the 50,000 troops come from?"

  They only had 100,000 recruited new troops, plus 30,000 city defenders, for a total of 130,000 troops. Where did they get another 50,000 troops?

   But Zhao Ji was just stunned, and then understood, "You mean Liu Guangshi's 50,000 troops?"

  Wang Boyan nodded, "Your Majesty spent a lot of effort to win Liu Guangshi's army. In any case, he should obey His Majesty's command."

Zhao Ji suddenly felt a little relieved. Calculated in this way, they have 180,000 troops in their hands, nearly four times that of Li Yanqing. Keep lifting.

  (end of this chapter)