MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 969 sleepy dragon ascends to heaven

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The three generals of the Qi Army have to wait until they want to fight the Xiaoqi Army and the Habayashi Army head-on, their first mission has not yet been completed.

Annihilate the Azure Dragon Army in Huapot Mountain.

The Azure Dragon Army is the reason for everything, if they don't come to Cangde City, if they don't leave a soldier as bait, if it's not for this bait, they won't be willing to be eaten...

Everything is to blame for this **** Azure Dragon Army!

They should all be chopped up and quartered.

If the Qi army around Cangde City were to choose the army and generals they hated the most, the Qinglong army and Cao Meng would undoubtedly top the list.

The second on the list is Zhao Bo.

Now Ma Teng, the Xiaoqi Army and the Habayashi Army have a tendency to catch up.

Gao Fei also has a tendency to catch up quickly, because he led the Habayashi Army to blow up the west wall of Chongcheng and capture Chongcheng.

The capture of the city has already touched the bottom line of the people of Qi, and the Habayashi army ruthlessly and violently blew up the residential buildings and farms that were close to the city wall of Chongcheng.

Gao Fei actually felt a little wronged.

"Who would have known that the residential buildings and farms in your heavy city are so close to the city wall, didn't you know that the city wall was the most dangerous place after the war started?

The government of Chongcheng also has a problem. Why do so many people close to such an important place on the city wall? What if spies from other countries deliberately sabotage it? "

Damn, don't even think about it except they say they're thinking about war every day?

Building a house close to the city wall can save one wall!

Not to mention larger breeding farms, besides, insects like dark environments, and it is best to build them under the city wall, which can save money and create an environment suitable for the growth of insects, killing two birds with one stone!

Eight out of ten rich people in Chongcheng made their fortunes from worms. They wanted to raise worms under the city walls, how could the officials of Chongcheng stop them.

The heavy city was built with the strong support of the people in the heavy city. It is very taboo to build a city by an individual, even if it is a dangerous thing for a city to build a city together. Only the government can decide where to build the city. What kind of city to build!

However, the situation in the heavy city is somewhat different, and we have to analyze the specific issues in detail.

Before the establishment of Chongcheng, it was almost built by the people of Chongcheng, and even the city wall was built on two sides.

Of course, the people in Chongcheng would not say that these are two city walls at the time, "We need to use them to block the sun when we build them. Adults should know that those bugs like to grow in a dark and humid environment. Trouble, we might as well build a long one together, and it will be usable.”

Li Jun, who was not the lord of the heavy city at that time, looked at the sunshade wall as high as one foot, with an uncertain expression on his face.

How to do?

Do you want to report?

For sure.

This kind of thing cannot be concealed, you have to report it yourself, and it will be too late after others report it.

Li Jun mobilized all the connections behind him, and finally persuaded the court to build a city in Chongcheng, and he became the first city lord of Chongcheng as he wished.

Now Li Jun has been promoted to the south as the county guard, only Chongcheng is still standing on the land of Cangde County, and has suffered a catastrophe!

Before the Qinglong Army brought the war to Huapen Mountain, the people of Chongcheng were very angry with the people of Qianguo. Now the Habayashi Army has blown up the city wall and destroyed their houses. In the breeding farm, the people of Chongcheng can't wait to chop off the heads of all these hateful Chinese people!

Gao Fei clearly felt the hostility of the people in Chongcheng towards them.

Although he doesn't know why this hostility is so great?

It's not that he hasn't occupied other cities of Qi, but those Qi people don't seem to have such great hostility.

Is it because I blow up your city walls and houses?

Gao Fei said that he was wronged a little bit.

The city wall was indeed blown up on my order, because the commander-in-chief had ordered that the city must be captured as quickly as possible.

He can only use this method of blasting.

The city wall was blown down by the engineer battalion with dynamite.

The explosives were provided by domestic gunpowder workshops, who knew that the power of the gunpowder had actually increased.

The scientific research capabilities of the domestic workshops are really changing with each passing day. I have only left Cangyang City for a few days, and the power of gunpowder has increased a lot.

Even the people in the engineering battalion almost made a joke.

Fortunately, the most important thing to pay attention to during the training of the engineer battalion is safety. As long as the power of the gunpowder is not doubled, it will not be able to hurt the engineers who buried the gunpowder.

After seeing how powerful the engineers are, Gao Fei realized that Ma Teng must bring a battalion of engineers before crossing the river.

Really useful!


Let’s just say that firing artillery to blow up the city wall, if it weren’t for the presence of engineers, his Habayashi Army really couldn’t do it well.

It's easy to blow yourself up if you are not careful!

The engineer battalion did a good job, and Gao Fei wrote down the name of the engineer battalion in the credit book.

As much as Gao Fei admired the engineer battalion, the people of Chongcheng hated them.

It's just that they don't know which ones are engineers and which ones are cavalry. They are all Gan Chinese anyway, so it's right to vent their anger on them.

It's just that Chongcheng is still under the control of the Habayashi Army. They dare not speak out, and can only look at all the soldiers in the army with eyes full of hatred and hatred.

Seeing Gao Fei in their eyes, he knew that he wouldn't stay in Chongcheng long, and he couldn't kill all the people in Chongcheng.

In order to reduce the conflict with the people of Chongcheng, Gao Fei ordered the Habayashi Army to station outside the city of Chongcheng.

Not a single soldier remained in the city.

The people in the city can eat people with their eyes looking at the soldiers of the Habayashi Army. Although they may not really hurt the soldiers, Gao Fei still prevents such things from happening from the root cause.

"My soldiers won't enter the city, but you can't leave the city either. If you leave this city, life or death is up to you!"

Before leaving the city, Gao Fei gathered people with status, status, and strength in the city together, and told them his rules.

Staying in the city honestly, I have done nothing wrong with Chongcheng Qiu, but whoever dares to go out of the city and want to cause trouble, then don't blame him for killing.

Now tell them in advance that there is only one meaning, don't say that it is unpredictable.

The people in Chongcheng listened to Gao Fei's speech in silence, and after he finished speaking, he didn't say anything, and remained silent.

They should be thankful, that is, Gao Fei, other generals would have to chop off a few heads to suppress the anger in their hearts just to see this scene.

Ma Teng: If you dare to target Lao Tzu like this, your ancestors' graves will be dug up for you!

The people from Chongcheng who were present were counted as one, and they were all **** and dragged on the ground with imperial horses to run around Chongcheng three times, to see who else in the city would dare not cooperate?

What non-violent non-cooperation is still playing, you can go on a hunger strike for 40 days first!

It's Gao Fei's good temper that makes people in Chongcheng have an illusion that he won't kill people.

It wasn't until the second day that people in Chongcheng knew that it wasn't that the General Qianguo didn't know **** people, he just didn't want to.

The people from Chongcheng who left the city last night are all hanging on the top of the city today.

No matter what they want to do when they go out of the city, UU Reading Even if it's just getting up to go to the bathroom at night, as long as they go out of the city gate, they will die!

"The people of Qianguo are indeed beasts and evil spirits. Yesterday's performance during the day was just their disguise, and at night they showed their true colors!"

At this time, the people in Chongcheng forgot Gao Fei's warning to them yesterday, and they only saw their subordinates, neighbors, friends, and relatives hanging on the city wall.

The reputation of the brutality of the Qian people is likely to be spread in the heavy city for a long time!

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